77 resultados para Terrestrial ecosystem


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Carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) stable isotope analysis (SIA) has been used to identify the terrestrial subsidy of freshwater food webs. However, SIA fails to differentiate between the contributions of old and recently fixed terrestrial C and consequently cannot fully determine the source, age, and biochemical quality of terrestrial carbon. Natural abundance radiocarbon (∆14C) was used to examine the age and origin of carbon in Lower Lough Erne, Northern Ireland. 14C and stable isotope values were obtained from invertebrate, algae, and fish samples, and the results indicate that terrestrial organic C is evident at all trophic levels. High winter δ15N values in calanoid zooplankton (δ15N = 24‰) relative to phytoplankton and particulate organic matter (δ15N = 6‰ and 12‰, respectively) may reflect several microbial trophic levels between terrestrial C and calanoid invertebrates. Winter and summer calanoid ∆14C values show a seasonal switch between autochthonous and terrestrial carbon sources. Fish ∆14C values indicate terrestrial support at the highest trophic levels in littoral and pelagic food webs. 14C therefore is useful in attributing the source of carbon in freshwater in addition to tracing the pathway of terrestrial carbon through the food web.


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We describe the career of John Birks as a pioneering scientist who has, over a career spanning five decades, transformed palaeoecology from a largely descriptive to a rigorous quantitative science relevant to contemporary questions in ecology and environmental change. We review his influence on students and colleagues not only at Cambridge and Bergen Universities, his places of primary employment, but also on individuals and research groups in Europe and North America. We also introduce the collection of papers that we have assembled in his honour. The papers are written by his former students and close colleagues and span many of the areas of palaeoecology to which John himself has made major contributions. These include the relationship between ecology and palaeoecology, late-glacial and Holocene palaeoecology, ecological succession, climate change and vegetation history, the role of palaeoecological techniques in reconstructing and understanding the impact of human activity on terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems and numerical analysis of multivariate palaeoecological data.


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A sediment record from a small lake in the north-eastern part of the Kamchatka Peninsula has been investigated in a multi-proxy study to gain knowledge of Holocene climatic and environmental change. Pollen, diatoms, chironomids and selected geochemical parameters were analysed and the sediment record was dated with radiocarbon. The study shows Holocene changes in the terrestrial vegetation as well as responses of the lake ecosystem to catchment maturity and multiple stressors, such as climate change and volcanic eruptions. Climate change is the major driving force resulting in the recorded environmental changes in the lake, although recurrent tephra deposition events also contributed. The sediment record has an age at the base of about 10,000 cal yrs BP, and during the first 400 years the climate was cold and the lake exhibited extensive ice-cover during winter and relatively low primary production. Soils in the catchment were poor with shrub alder and birches dominating the vegetation surrounding the lake. At about 9600–8900 cal yrs BP the climate was cold and moist, and strong seasonal wind stress resulted in reduced ice-cover and increased primary production. After ca. 8900 cal yrs BP the forest density increased around the lake, runoff decreased in a generally drier climate resulting in decreased primary production in the lake until ca. 7000 cal yrs BP. This generally dry climate was interrupted by a brief climatic perturbation, possibly attributed to the 8.2 ka event, indicating increasingly windy conditions with thick snow cover, reduced ice-cover and slightly elevated primary production in the lake. The diatom record shows maximum thermal stratification at ca. 6300–5800 cal yrs BP and indicates together with the geochemical proxies a dry and slightly warmer climate resulting in a high productive lake. The most remarkably change in the catchment vegetation occurred at ca. 4200 cal yrs BP in the form of a conspicuous increase in Siberian dwarf pine (Pinus pumila), indicating a shift to a cooler climate with a thicker and more long-lasting snow cover. This vegetational change was accompanied by marked shifts in the diatom and chironomid stratigraphies, which are also indicative of colder climate and more extensive ice-cover.


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Carbon and nitrogen stable isotope analysis (SIA) has identified the terrestrial subsidy of freshwater food-webs but relies on different 13C fractionation in aquatic and terrestrial primary producers. However dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) is partly comprised of 13C depleted respiration of terrestrial C and ‘old’ C derived from weathering of catchment geology. SIA thus fails to differentiate between the contribution of old and recently fixed terrestrial C. DIC in alkaline lakes is partially derived from weathering of 14C-free carbonaceous bedrock This
yields an artificial age offset leading samples to appear significantly older than their actual age. As such, 14C can be used as a biomarker to identify the proportion of autochthonous C in the food-web. With terrestrial C inputs likely to increase, the origin and utilisation of ‘old’ or ‘recent’ allochthonous C in the food-web can also be determined. Stable isotopes and 14C were measured for biota, particulate organic matter (POM), DIC and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) from Lough Erne, Northern Ireland, a humic but alkaline lake. High winter δ15N values in calanoid zooplankton (δ15N =24‰) relative to phytoplankton and POM (δ15N =6‰ and 12‰ respectively) may reflect several microbial trophic levels between terrestrial C and calanoids. Furthermore winter calanoid 14C ages are consistent with DOC from inflowing rivers (87 and 75 years BP respectively) but not phytoplankton (355 years BP). Summer calanoid δ13N, δ15N and 14C (312 years BP) indicate greater reliance on phytoplankton. There is also temporal and spatial variation in DIC, DOC and POM C isotopes.


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Globally lakes bury and remineralise significant quantities of terrestrial C, and the associated flux of terrestrial C strongly influences their functioning. Changing deposition chemistry, land use and climate induced impacts on hydrology will affect soil biogeochemistry and terrestrial C export1 and hence lake ecology with potential feedbacks for regional and global C cycling. C and nitrogen stable isotope analysis (SIA) has identified the terrestrial subsidy of freshwater food webs. The approach relies on different 13C fractionation in aquatic and terrestrial primary producers, but also that inorganic C demands of aquatic primary producers are partly met by 13C depleted C from respiration of terrestrial C, and ‘old’ C derived from weathering of catchment geology. SIA thus fails to differentiate between the contributions of old and recently fixed terrestrial C. Natural abundance 14C can be used as an additional biomarker to untangle riverine food webs2 where aquatic and terrestrial δ 13C overlap, but may also be valuable for examining the age and origin of C in the lake. Primary production in lakes is based on dissolved inorganic C (DIC). DIC in alkaline lakes is partially derived from weathering of carbonaceous bedrock, a proportion of which is14C-free. The low 14C activity yields an artificial age offset leading samples to appear hundreds to thousands of years older than their actual age. As such, 14C can be used to identify the proportion of autochthonous C in the food-web. With terrestrial C inputs likely to increase, the origin and utilisation of ‘fossil’ or ‘recent’ allochthonous C in the food-web can also be determined. Stable isotopes and 14C were measured for biota, particulate organic matter (POM), DIC and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) from Lough Erne, Northern Ireland, a humic alkaline lake. Temporal and spatial variation was evident in DIC, DOC and POM C isotopes with implications for the fluctuation in terrestrial export processes. Ramped pyrolysis of lake surface sediment indicates the burial of two C components. 14C activity (507 ± 30 BP) of sediment combusted at 400˚C was consistent with algal values and younger than bulk sediment values (1097 ± 30 BP). The sample was subsequently combusted at 850˚C, yielding 14C values (1471 ± 30 BP) older than the bulk sediment age, suggesting that fossil terrestrial carbon is also buried in the sediment. Stable isotopes in the food web indicate that terrestrial organic C is also utilised by lake organisms. High winter δ 15N values in calanoid zooplankton (δ 15N = 24%¸) relative to phytoplankton and POM (δ 15N = 6h and 12h respectively) may reflect several microbial trophic levels between terrestrial C and calanoids. Furthermore winter calanoid 14C ages are consistent with DOC from an inflowing river (75 ± 24 BP), not phytoplankton (367 ± 70 BP). Summer calanoid δ 13C, δ 15N and 14C (345 ± 80 BP) indicate greater reliance on phytoplankton.

1 Monteith, D.T et al., (2007) Dissolved organic carbon trends resulting from changes in atmospheric deposition chemistry. Nature, 450:537-535

2 Caraco, N., et al.,(2010) Millennial-aged organic carbon subsidies to a modern river food web. Ecology,91: 2385-2393.


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Lake food webs were in the past viewed as being fuelled solely by primary production – i.e. by photosynthetic plants and algae. However this has changed as the exports of terrestrial areas into lakes have been taken into account. Previously, terrestrial carbon in lakes was thought to have been buried in sediments or exported to the atmosphere, however recent studies have indicated that terrestrial carbon can supplement primary production in some lakes, or in others be the dominant source of production for the lake food web. In this study radiocarbon has been used in conjunction with stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes to show the utilisation of terrestrial carbon in the food web. The fate of terrestrial carbon in the lake will be discussed as well as the possible mechanisms for the transfer of terrestrial carbon for utilisation in the lake.


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Insertion of lux genes, encoding for bioluminescence in naturally bioluminescent marine bacteria, into the genome of Pseudomonas fluorescens resulted in a bioluminescent strain of this terrestrial bacterium. The lux- marked bacterium was used to toxicity test the chlorobenzene series. By correlating chlorobenzenes 50% effective concentration (EC50) values against physiochemical parameters, the physiochemical properties of chlorobenzenes that elicit toxic responses were investigated. The results showed that the more chlorinated the compounds, the more toxic they were to lux-marked P. fluorescens. Furthermore, it was shown that the more symmetrical the compound, the greater its toxicity to P. fluorescens. In general, the toxicity of a chlorobenzene was inversely proportional to its solubility (S) and directly proportional to its lipophilicity (K(ow). By correlating lux- marked P. fluorescens EC50 values, determined for chlorobenzenes, with toxicity values determined using Pimephales promelas (fathead minnow), Cyclotella meneghiniana (diatom), and Vibrio fischeri (marine bacterium), it was apparent that lux-marked P. fluorescens correlated well with freshwater species such as the diatoms and fathead minnow but not with the bioluminescent marine bacterium V. fischeri. The implications of these findings are that a terrestrial bacterium such as P. fluorescens should be used for toxicity testing of soils and freshwaters rather than the marine bacterium V. fischeri.


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Drastic biodiversity declines have raised concerns about the deterioration of ecosystem functions and have motivated much recent research on the relationship between species diversity and ecosystem functioning. A functional trait framework has been proposed to improve the mechanistic understanding of this relationship, but this has rarely been tested for organisms other than plants. We analysed eight datasets, including five animal groups, to examine how well a trait-based approach, compared with a more traditional taxonomic approach, predicts seven ecosystem functions below- and above-ground. Trait-based indices consistently provided greater explanatory power than species richness or abundance. The frequency distributions of single or multiple traits in the community were the best predictors of ecosystem functioning. This implies that the ecosystem functions we investigated were underpinned by the combination of trait identities (i.e. single-trait indices) and trait complementarity (i.e. multi-trait indices) in the communities. Our study provides new insights into the general mechanisms that link biodiversity to ecosystem functioning in natural animal communities and suggests that the observed responses were due to the identity and dominance patterns of the trait composition rather than the number or abundance of species per se.


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The dynamics of predator-prey pursuit appears complex, making the development of a framework explaining predator and prey strategies problematic. We develop a model for terrestrial, cursorial predators to examine how animal mass modulates predator and prey trajectories and affects best strategies for both parties. We incorporated the maximum speed-mass relationship with an explanation of why larger animals should have greater turn radii; the forces needed to turn scale linearly with mass whereas the maximum forces an animal can exert scale to a 2/3 power law. This clarifies why in a meta-analysis, we found a preponderance of predator/prey mass ratios that minimized the turn radii of predators compared to their prey. It also explained why acceleration data from wild cheetahs pursuing different prey showed different cornering behaviour with prey type. The outcome of predator prey pursuits thus depends critically on mass effects and the ability of animals to time turns precisely.


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International policy frameworks such as the Common Fisheries Policy and the European Marine Strategy Framework Directive define high-level strategic goals for marine ecosystems. Strategic goals are addressed via general and operational management objectives. To add credibility and legitimacy to the development of objectives, for this study stakeholders explored intermediate level ecological, economic and social management objectives for Northeast Atlantic pelagic ecosystems. Stakeholder workshops were undertaken with participants being free to identify objectives based on their own insights and needs. Overall 26 objectives were proposed, with 58% agreement in proposed objectives between two workshops. Based on published evidence for pressure-state links, examples of operational objectives and suitable indicators for each of the 26 objectives were then selected. It is argued that given the strong species-specific links of pelagic species with the environment and the large geographic scale of their life cycles, which contrast to demersal systems, pelagic indicators are needed at the level of species (or stocks) independent of legislative region. Pelagic community indicators may be set at regional scale in some cases. In the evidence-based approach used in this study, the selection of species or region specific operational objectives and indicators was based on demonstrated pressure-state links. Hence observed changes in indicators can reliably inform on appropriate management measures


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We consider the problem of regulating the rate of harvesting a natural resource, taking account of the wider system represented by a set of ecological and economic indicators, given differing stakeholder priorities. This requires objective and transparent decision making to show how indicators impinge on the resulting regulation decision. We offer a new scheme for combining indicators, derived from assessing the suitability of lowering versus not lowering the harvest rate based on indicator values relative to their predefined reference levels. Using the practical example of fisheries management under an “ecosystem approach,” we demonstrate how different stakeholder views can be quantitatively represented by weighting sets applied to these comparisons. Using the scheme in an analysis of historical data from the Celtic Sea fisheries, we find great scope for negotiating agreement among disparate stakeholders.