368 resultados para Systematics


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The reconstruction and structure of the European Holocene “wildwood” has been the focus of considerable academic debate. The ability of palaeoecological data and particularly pollen analysis to accurately reflect the density of wildwood canopy has also been widely discussed. Fossil insects, as a proxy for vegetation and landscape structure, provide a potential approach to address this argument. Here, we present a review and re-analysis of 36 early and mid-Holocene (9500-2000 cal BC) sub-fossil beetle assemblages from Britain, examining percentage values of tree, open ground and dung beetles as well as tree host data to gain an insight into vegetation structure, the role of grazing animals in driving such structure and establish independently the importance of different types of trees and associated shading in the early Holocene “wildwood”. Open indicator beetle species are persistently present over the entire review period, although they fluctuate in importance. During the early Holocene (9500-6000 cal BC), these indicators are initially high, at levels which are not dissimilar to modern data from pasture woodland. However, during the latter stages of this and the next period, 6000-4000 cal BC, open ground and pasture indicators decline and are generally low compared with previously. Alongside this pattern, we see woodland indicators generally increase in importance, although there are significant local fluctuations. Levels of dung beetles are mostly low over these periods, with some exceptions to this pattern, especially towards the end of the Mesolithic and in floodplain areas. Host data associated with the fossil beetles indicate that trees associated with lighter canopy conditions such as oak, pine, hazel and birch are indeed important components of the tree canopy during the earlier Holocene (c. 9500-6000 cal BC), in accordance with much of the current pollen literature. Beetles associated with more shade-tolerant trees (such as lime and elm) become more frequent in the middle Holocene (6000-4000 cal BC) suggesting that at this stage the woodland canopy was less open than previously, although open ground and pasture areas appear to have persisted in some locations. The onset of agriculture (4000-2000 cal BC) coincides with significant fluctuations in woodland composition and taxa. This is presumably as a result of human impact, although here there are significant regional variations. There are also increases in the amounts of open ground represented and especially in the levels of dung beetles present in faunas, suggesting there is a direct relationship between the activities of grazing animals and the development of more open areas. One of the most striking aspects of this review is the variable nature of the landscape suggested by the palaeoecological data, particularly but not exclusively with the onset of agriculture: some earlier sites indicate high variability between levels of tree-associated species on the one hand and the open ground beetle fauna on the other, indicating that in some locations, open areas were of local significance and can be regarded as important features of the Holocene landscape. The role of grazing animals in creating these areas of openness was apparently minimal until the onset of the Neolithic.


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Mid-to-late Holocene high-resolution testate amoebae-derived water table reconstructions from two peatlands in the North of Ireland are presented. The proxy climate records are dated and correlated using a combination of AMS 14C dating, spheroidal carbonaceous particles and tephrochronology. The reconstructions start prior to the Hekla 4 tephra isochron (2395–2279 BC) and thus span the last ~4500 years. The records are compiled by the process of tuning within chronological errors, standardisation and stacking. Comparisons are made to existing palaeoclimate records from peatlands in Northern Britain and Ireland and the compiled lake-level record for mid-latitude Europe. Four coherent dry phases are identified in the records at ca 1150–800 BC, 320 BC–AD 150, AD 250–470 and AD 1850–2000. Recent research has shown that peat-derived water table reconstructions reflect summer water deficit and therefore the dry phases are interpreted as periods with a higher frequency and/or greater magnitudes of summer drought. These ‘drought phases’ occur during periods of relatively low 14C production, which may add support to the hypothesis of persistent solar forcing of climate change during the Holocene. Any relationship with the North Atlantic stacked drift ice record is less clear. © 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Phosphonates are organic compounds that contain a C-P bond and are a poorly characterized component of the marine phosphorus cycle. They may represent a potential source of bioavailable phosphorus, particularly in oligotrophic conditions. This study has investigated the distribution of the phnA gene which encodes phosphonoacetate hydrolase, the enzyme that mineralizes phosphonoacetate. Using newly designed degenerate primers targeting the phnA gene we analysed the potential for phosphonoacetate utilization in DNA and cDNA libraries constructed from a phytoplankton bloom in the Western English Channel during July 2006. Total RNA was isolated and reverse transcribed and phosphonoacetate hydrolase (phnA) transcripts were PCR amplified from the cDNA with the degenerate primers, cloned and sequenced. Phylogenetic analysis demonstrated considerable diversity with 14 sequence types yielding five unique phnA protein groups. We also identified 28 phnA homologues in a 454-pyrosequencing metagenomic and metatranscriptomic study from a coastal marine mesocosm, indicating that > 3% of marine bacteria in this study contained phnA. phnA homologues were also present in a metagenomic fosmid library from this experiment. Finally, cultures of four isolates of potential coral pathogens belonging to the Vibrionaceae contained the phnA gene. In the laboratory, these isolates were able to grow with phosphonoacetate as sole P and C source. The fact that the capacity to utilize phosphonoacetate was evident in each of the three coastal environments suggests the potential for widespread utilization of this bioavailable P source.


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We present nine newly observed transits of TrES-3, taken as part of a transit timing program using the RISE instrument on the Liverpool Telescope. A Markov-Chain Monte Carlo analysis was used to determine the planet star radius ratio and inclination of the system, which were found to be R-p/R-star = 0.1664(-0.0018)(+0.0011) and i = 81.73(-0.04)(+0.13), respectively, consistent with previous results. The central transit times and uncertainties were also calculated, using a residual-permutation algorithm as an independent check on the errors. A re-analysis of eight previously published TrES-3 light curves was conducted to determine the transit times and uncertainties using consistent techniques. Whilst the transit times were not found to be in agreement with a linear ephemeris, giving chi(2) = 35.07 for 15 degrees of freedom, we interpret this to be the result of systematics in the light curves rather than a real transit timing variation. This is because the light curves that show the largest deviation from a constant period either have relatively little out-of-transit coverage or have clear systematics. A new ephemeris was calculated using the transit times and was found to be T-c(0) = 2454632.62610 +/- 0.00006 HJD and P = 1.3061864 +/- 0.0000005 days. The transit times were then used to place upper mass limits as a function of the period ratio of a potential perturbing planet, showing that our data are sufficiently sensitive to have probed sub-Earth mass planets in both interior and exterior 2:1 resonances, assuming that the additional planet is in an initially circular orbit.


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Survival, growth, above ground biomass accumulation, soil surface elevation dynamics and nitrogen accumulation in accreted sediments were studied in experimental treatments planted with four different densities (6.96, 3.26, 1.93 and 0.95 seedlings m-2) of the mangrove Rhizophora mucronata in Puttalam Lagoon, Sri Lanka. Measurements were taken over a period of 1171 days and were compared with those from unplanted controls. Trees at the lowest density showed significantly reduced survival, whilst measures of individual tree growth did not differ significantly among treatments. Rates of surface sediment accretion (means ± S.E.) were 13.0 (±1.3), 10.5 (±0.9), 8.4 (±0.3), 6.9 (±0.5) and 5.7 (±0.3) mm yr-1 at planting densities of 6.96, 3.26, 1.93, 0.95, and 0 (unplanted control) seedlings m-2, respectively, showing highly significant differences among treatments. Mean (± S.E.) rates of surface elevation change were much lower than rates of accretion at 2.8 (±0.2), 1.6 (±0.1), 1.1 (±0.2), 0.6 (±0.2) and -0.3 (±0.1) mm yr-1 for 6.96, 3.26, 1.93, 0.95, and 0 seedlings m-2, respectively. All planted treatments appeared to accumulate greater nitrogen concentrations in the sediment compared to the unplanted control, and suggests one potential causal mechanism for the facilitatory effects observed; high densities of plants potentially contribute to the accretion of greater amounts of nutrient rich sediment. While this potential process needs further study, this study demonstrated how higher densities of mangroves enhance rates of sediment accretion and surface elevation, processes that may be crucial in mangrove ecosystem adaptation to sea level rise. There was no evidence that increasing plant density evoked a trade-off with growth and survival of the planted trees. Rather facilitatory effects enhanced survival at high densities, suggesting that local land managers may be able to take advantage of plantation densities to help mitigate sea-level rise effects by encouraging positive soil surface elevation increment, and perhaps even greater nutrient retention to promote mangrove growth and ameliorate nearshore eutrophication in tropical island environments.


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Byrne's approach to the semifactual conditional captures the reasoning data. However, we argue that it does not account for the processes or Principles by which people arrive at representations of even-if conditionals, upon which their reasoning is said to be based. Drawing upon recent work on the suppositional conditional we present such an account.


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Understanding how environmental forcing has generated and maintained large-scale patterns of biodiversity is a key goal of evolutionary research and critical to predicting the impacts of global climate change. We suggest that the initiation of the global thermohaline circulation provided a mechanism for the radiation of Southern Ocean fauna into the deep sea. We test this hypothesis using a relaxed phylogenetic approach to coestimate phylogeny and divergence times for a lineage of octopuses with Antarctic and deep-sea representatives. We show that the deep-sea lineage had their evolutionary origins in Antarctica, and estimate that this lineage diverged around 33?million years ago (Ma) and subsequently radiated at 15?Ma. Both of these dates are critical in development of the thermohaline circulation and we suggest that this has acted as an evolutionary driver enabling the Southern Ocean to become a centre of origin for deep-sea fauna. This is the first unequivocal molecular evidence that deep-sea fauna from other ocean basins originated from Southern Ocean taxa and this is the first evidence to be dated.


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Contemporary genetic structure of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in the River Moy in Ireland is shown here to be strongly related to landscape features and population demographics, with populations being defined largely by their degree of physical isolation and their size. Samples of juvenile salmon were collected from the 17 major spawning areas on the river Moy and from one spawning area in each of five smaller nearby rivers. No temporal allele frequency differences were observed within locations for 12 microsatellite loci, whereas nearly all spatial samples differed significantly, suggesting that each was a separate population. Bayesian clustering and landscape genetic analyses suggest that these populations can be combined hierarchically into five genetically informative larger groupings. Lakes were found to be the single most important determinant of the observed population structure. Spawning area size was also an important factor. The salmon population of the closest nearby river resembled genetically the largest Moy population grouping. In addition, we showed that anthropogenic influences on spawning habitats, in this case arterial drainage, can affect relationships between populations. Our results show that Atlantic salmon biodiversity can be largely defined by geography, and thus, knowledge of landscape features (for example, as characterized within Geographical Information Systems) has the potential to predict population structure in other rivers without an intensive genetic survey, or at least to help direct sampling. This approach of combining genetics and geography, for sampling and in subsequent statistical analyses, has wider application to the investigation of population structure in other freshwater/anadromous fish species and possibly in marine fish and other organisms.


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A north/south discontinuity along the northeastern coast of North America in the genetic structure of the American lobster (Homarus americanus) was detected using a suite of 13 microsatellite loci assessed using spatial analyses. Population genetic data laid over existing data on physiographic changes and sea-surface temperatures were used to reconstruct the Pleistocene distribution of this species. A postglacial northern-edge colonization model best explains the relative genetic homogeneity of the northern region compared to the southern region centred in the Gulf of Maine. Population genetic analyses identified significant structure (range of standardized theta 0-0.02) but no significant evidence for isolation by distance. The novel application of spatial genetic analyses to a marine species allowed us to interpret these results by providing a greater insight into the evolutionary factors responsible for shaping the genetic structure of this species throughout is natural range.


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Eleven polymorphic microsatellite marker loci were developed from a Leisler's bat (Nyctalus leisleri) genomic enriched library. Assessment of the usefulness of these markers for population genetics studies of Leisler's bats was carried out by screening 100 specimens sampled from eight locations in Ireland and two in Northeastern France. Both moderately and highly polymorphic marker loci were identified. Five to 28 alleles were found to be segregating per locus with observed heterozygosities values ranging from 28.4 to 94%. Initial evaluation indicates that these microsatellites will be useful for genetic based studies aiming, for instance, at parentage and population structure of Leisler's bats.


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Eight polymorphic microsatellite loci are described for Littorina littorea (Linnaeus, 1758). Data on allelic variation in Irish and Celtic Sea samples are reported. The average number of alleles per locus was 11 (range 4-29), and observed and expected heterozygosities ranged from 6.9 to 84.3% and from 9.4 to 95.2%, respectively. Loci did not deviate from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium and no linkage disequilibrium between loci pairs was detected. Microsatellites were not highly conserved in the congeners, L. fabalis, L. saxatilis, L. compressa and L. obtusata as evidenced by a low rate of cross-amplification. These microsatellites should prove useful in population genetic studies.


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We examined the genetic structure of natural populations of the European wood mouse Apodemus sylvaticus at the microgeographic ( 30 km) scales. Ecological and behavioural studies indicate that this species exhibits considerable dispersal relative to its home-range size. Thus, there is potential for high gene flow over larger geographic areas. As levels of population genetic structure are related to gene flow, we hypothesized that population genetic structuring at the microgeographic level should be negligible, increasing only with geographic distance. To test this, four sites were sampled within a microgeographic scale with two additional samples at the macrogeographic level. Individuals (n=415) were screened and analysed for seven polymorphic microsatellite loci. Contrary to our hypothesis, significant levels of population structuring were detected at both scales. Comparing genetic differentiation with geographic distance suggests increasing genetic isolation with distance. However, this distance effect was non-significant being confounded by surprisingly high levels of differentiation among microgeographic samples. We attribute this pattern of genetic differentiation to the effect of habitat fragmentation, splitting large populations into components with small effective population sizes resulting in enhanced genetic drift. Our results indicate that it is incorrect to assume genetic homogeneity among populations even where there is no evidence of physical barriers and dispersal can occur freely. In the case of A. sylvaticus, it is not clear whether dispersal does not occur across habitat barriers or behavioural dispersal occurs without consequent gene flow.


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A conservation priority in the marine environment is the establishment of ecologically coherent reserve networks. Since these networks will integrate existent reserves, an understanding of spatial genetic diversity and genetic connectivities between areas is necessary. Using Strangford Lough marine nature reserve (MNR) as a model, spatial genetic analyses were employed to evaluate the function of the lough. Samples of the marine gastropod Nucella lapillus (L.) from 7 locations in the reserve and adjacent areas were screened at 6 microsatellites. Genetic variation was temporally stable. Significant genetic structuring (F-ST = 0.133) was observed among samples. Genetic divergence and isolation by distance indicated reduced gene flow between the marine reserve and coastal samples relative to that between adjacent coastal samples. Partitioning of genetic variation between the reserve and coast was significant (AMOVA, 7.45%, p