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The scale of the Software-Defined Network (SDN) Controller design problem has become apparent with the expansion of SDN deployments. Initial SDN deployments were small-scale, single controller environments for research and usecase testing. Today, enterprise deployments requiring multiple controllers are gathering momentum e.g. Google’s backbone network, Microsoft’s public cloud, and NTT’s edge gateway. Third-party applications are also becoming available e.g. HP SDN App Store. The increase in components and interfaces for the evolved SDN implementation increases the security challenges of the SDN controller design. In this work, the requirements of a secure, robust, and resilient SDN controller are identified, stateof-the-art open-source SDN controllers are analyzed with respect to the security of their design, and recommendations for security improvements are provided. This contribution highlights the gap between the potential security solutions for SDN controllers and the actual security level of current controller designs.


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Most traditional data mining algorithms struggle to cope with the sheer scale of data efficiently. In this paper, we propose a general framework to accelerate existing clustering algorithms to cluster large-scale datasets which contain large numbers of attributes, items, and clusters. Our framework makes use of locality sensitive hashing (LSH) to significantly reduce the cluster search space. We also theoretically prove that our framework has a guaranteed error bound in terms of the clustering quality. This framework can be applied to a set of centroid-based clustering algorithms that assign an object to the most similar cluster, and we adopt the popular K-Modes categorical clustering algorithm to present how the framework can be applied. We validated our framework with five synthetic datasets and a real world Yahoo! Answers dataset. The experimental results demonstrate that our framework is able to speed up the existing clustering algorithm between factors of 2 and 6, while maintaining comparable cluster purity.


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Although interactions between seaweeds and sponges have been studied in detail, general information concerning the whole epibiontic algal assemblage associated with a sponge species is virtually non-existent. We present here the first study in which the macroalgal community associated with a sponge, Haliclona indistincta (Bowerbank), was examined in detail. In the period October 2009-September 2010, the seaweed assemblage epibiontic on H. indistincta at a site of the Irish West coast was composed of 66 algal taxa (48 red algae, 7 green algae, 11 brown algae). The red algae Gelidium spinosum and Rhodothamniella floridula were the only epibionts associated with H. indistincta for the whole annual cycle. Most of the algal epibionts were filamentous species, which colonized the surface of the sponge and did not penetrate deeply into it. The algal assemblage was most abundant and species-diverse in the period late winter-spring; multivariate analyses revealed a significant variation of the community on the temporal scale of season and sampling date (weeks to months). The results indicate that the algal communities associated with sponges may be very diverse, showing that this type of assemblage deserves further detailed studies. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.


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The increasing scale of Multiple-Input Multiple- Output (MIMO) topologies employed in forthcoming wireless communications standards presents a substantial implementation challenge to designers of embedded baseband signal processing architectures for MIMO transceivers. Specifically the increased scale of such systems has a substantial impact on the perfor- mance/cost balance of detection algorithms for these systems. Whilst in small-scale systems Sphere Decoding (SD) algorithms offer the best quasi-ML performance/cost balance, in larger systems heuristic detectors, such Tabu-Search (TS) detectors are superior. This paper addresses a dearth of research in architectures for TS-based MIMO detection, presenting the first known realisations of TS detectors for 4 × 4 and 10 × 10 MIMO systems. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, these are the largest single-chip detectors on record.


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Background The diagnosis of gestational diabetes (GDM) during pregnancy can lead to anxiety. Little research has focused on the education these women receive and how this is best delivered in a busy clinic. Aim This study evaluated the impact of an innovative patient-centred educational DVD on anxiety and glycaemic control and in newly diagnosed women with GDM. Method 150 multi-ethnic women, aged 19-44 years, from three UK hospitals were randomised to either standard care plus DVD (DVD group, n=77) or standard care alone (control group, n=73) at GDM diagnosis. Women were followed up at their next clinic visit at a mean ± SD of 2.5 ± 1.6 weeks later. Primary outcomes were anxiety (State-Trait Anxiety Inventory) and mean 1-hour postprandial capillary self-monitored blood glucose for all meals, on day prior to follow-up. Secondary outcomes included pregnancy specific stress (Pregnancy Distress Questionnaire), emotional adjustment to diabetes (Appraisal of Diabetes Scale), self-efficacy (Diabetes Empowerment Scale) and GDM knowledge (non-validated questionnaire). Other outcomes included mean fasting and 1-hour postprandial blood glucose at each meal, on day prior to follow-up. Women in the DVD group completed a feedback questionnaire on the resource. Results No significant difference between the DVD and control group were reported, for anxiety (37.7 ± 11.7 vs 36.2 ± 10.9; mean difference after adjustment for covariates (95%CI) 2.5 (-0.8, 5.9) or for mean 1-hour postprandial glucose (6.9 ± 0.9 vs 7.0 ± 1.2 mmol/L; -0.2 (-0.5, 0.2). Similarly, no significant differences in the other psychosocial variables were identified between the groups. However, the DVD group had significantly lower postprandial breakfast glucose compared to the control group (6.8 ± 1.2 vs 7.4 ± 1.9 mmol/L; -0.5 (-1.1, -<0.1; p=0.04). Using a scale of 0-10, 84% rated the DVD 7 or above for usefulness (10 being very useful), and 88% rated it 7 or above when asked if they would recommend to a friend (10 being very strongly recommend). Women described the DVD as ‘reassuring’, ‘a fantastic tool’, that ‘provided a lot of information in a quick and easy way’ and ‘helped reinforce all the information from clinic’. Discussion While no significant change was observed in anxiety or mean postprandial glucose, the DVD was rated highly by women with GDM and may be a useful resource to assist with educating newly diagnosed women. This project is supported by BRIDGES, an IDF programme supported by an educational grant from Lilly Diabetes.


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It is thought that direct personal experience of extreme weather events could result in greater public engagement and policy response to climate change. Based on this premise, we present a set of future climate scenarios for Ireland communicated in the context of recent, observed extremes. Specifically, we examine the changing likelihood of extreme seasonal conditions in the long-term observational record, and explore how frequently such extremes might occur in a changed Irish climate according to the latest model projections. Over the period (1900-2014) records suggest a greater than 50-fold increase in the likelihood of the warmest recorded summer (1995), whilst the likelihood of the wettest winter (1994/95) and driest summer (1995) has respectively doubled since 1850. The most severe end-of-century climate model projections suggest that summers as cool as 1995 may only occur once every ∼7 years, whilst winters as wet as 1994/95 and summers as dry as 1995 may increase by factors of ∼8 and ∼10 respectively. Contrary to previous research, we find no evidence for increased wintertime storminess as the Irish climate warms, but caution that this conclusion may be an artefact of the metric employed. It is hoped that framing future climate scenarios in the context of extremes from living memory will help communicate the scale of the challenge climate change presents, and in so doing bridge the gap between climate scientists and wider society.


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This chapter explores how the Benedictine monks at Holy Cross Monastery in Rostrevor, Northern Ireland, have re-introduced the idea of vocation into the minds of a range of Christians on the island of Ireland. A picture of this new vision of the church in Ireland is painted through sections devoted to 'living ecumenism' and 'creating safe spaces'. The work of the Rostrevor Benedictines may seem limited because of the small scale of the changes among individuals. But Holy Cross is just one of multiple 'extra-institutional' spaces in Ireland's changing religious landscape. From their strategic positions on the margins, extra-institutional expressions of religion may prompt more significant changes in religious practice than initially seem possible.


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Coastal and estuarine landforms provide a physical template that not only accommodates diverse ecosystem functions and human activities, but also mediates flood and erosion risks that are expected to increase with climate change. In this paper, we explore some of the issues associated with the conceptualisation and modelling of coastal morphological change at time and space scales relevant to managers and policy makers. Firstly, we revisit the question of how to define the most appropriate scales at which to seek quantitative predictions of landform change within an age defined by human interference with natural sediment systems and by the prospect of significant changes in climate and ocean forcing. Secondly, we consider the theoretical bases and conceptual frameworks for determining which processes are most important at a given scale of interest and the related problem of how to translate this understanding into models that are computationally feasible, retain a sound physical basis and demonstrate useful predictive skill. In particular, we explore the limitations of a primary scale approach and the extent to which these can be resolved with reference to the concept of the coastal tract and application of systems theory. Thirdly, we consider the importance of different styles of landform change and the need to resolve not only incremental evolution of morphology but also changes in the qualitative dynamics of a system and/or its gross morphological configuration. The extreme complexity and spatially distributed nature of landform systems means that quantitative prediction of future changes must necessarily be approached through mechanistic modelling of some form or another. Geomorphology has increasingly embraced so-called ‘reduced complexity’ models as a means of moving from an essentially reductionist focus on the mechanics of sediment transport towards a more synthesist view of landform evolution. However, there is little consensus on exactly what constitutes a reduced complexity model and the term itself is both misleading and, arguably, unhelpful. Accordingly, we synthesise a set of requirements for what might be termed ‘appropriate complexity modelling’ of quantitative coastal morphological change at scales commensurate with contemporary management and policy-making requirements: 1) The system being studied must be bounded with reference to the time and space scales at which behaviours of interest emerge and/or scientific or management problems arise; 2) model complexity and comprehensiveness must be appropriate to the problem at hand; 3) modellers should seek a priori insights into what kind of behaviours are likely to be evident at the scale of interest and the extent to which the behavioural validity of a model may be constrained by its underlying assumptions and its comprehensiveness; 4) informed by qualitative insights into likely dynamic behaviour, models should then be formulated with a view to resolving critical state changes; and 5) meso-scale modelling of coastal morphological change should reflect critically on the role of modelling and its relation to the observable world.


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Purpose: To investigate how potentially functional genetic variants are coinherited on each of four common complement factor H (CFH) and CFH-related gene haplotypes and to measure expression of these genes in eye and liver tissues.

Methods: We sequenced the CFH region in four individuals (one homozygote for each of four common CFH region haplotypes) to identify all genetic variants. We studied associations between the haplotypes and AMD phenotypes in 2157 cases and 1150 controls. We examined RNA-seq profiles in macular and peripheral retina and retinal pigment epithelium/choroid/sclera (RCS) from eight eye donors and three liver samples.

Results: The haplotypic coinheritance of potentially functional variants (including missense variants, novel splice sites, and the CFHR3–CFHR1 deletion) was described for the four common haplotypes. Expression of the short and long CFH transcripts differed markedly between the retina and liver. We found no expression of any of the five CFH-related genes in the retina or RCS, in contrast to the liver, which is the main source of the circulating proteins.

Conclusions: We identified all genetic variants on common CFH region haplotypes and described their coinheritance. Understanding their functional effects will be key to developing and stratifying AMD therapies. The small scale of our expression study prevented us from investigating the relationships between CFH region haplotypes and their expression, and it will take time and collaboration to develop epidemiologic-scale studies. However, the striking difference between systemic and ocular expression of complement regulators shown in this study suggests important implications for the development of intraocular and systemic treatments.


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Online information seeking has become normative practice among both academics and the general population. This study appraised the performance of eight databases to retrieve research pertaining to the influence of social networking sites on the mental health of young people. A total of 43 empirical studies on young people’s use of social networking sites and the mental health implications were retrieved. Scopus and SSCI had the highest sensitivity with PsycINFO having the highest precision. Effective searching requires large
generic databases, supplemented by subject-specific catalogues. The methodology developed here may provide inexperienced searchers, such as undergraduate students, with a framework to define a realistic scale of searching to undertake for a particular literature review or similar project.


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Aims: This paper explores the effects from three similar bookgifting programmes on improving reading outcomes of early years’ children, their parents and teachers.
Methods: The paper draws on research data produced by the Centre for Effective Education during three randomised controlled trial (RCT) evaluations of bookgifting programmes (N=1694 participant families in total). The three studies used pre and post test measures to identify effects across a total of 15 social, cognitive and behavioural reading outcomes.
Results: The overall average effect across the 15 outcomes from data provided by 1694 participant families, was d=0.07. This is a relatively small overall effect and there was an overall pattern of small positive effects of this scale across the wide range of the reading outcomes assessed. However, only one significant effect was identified in the 15 outcomes assessed across all three studies.
Conclusions: The review of these three studies suggests that the RCTs struggle to identify significant effects in these low exposure and low cost bookgifting interventions. Furthermore, it is recommended that future RCT studies of this type of programme require very large sample sizes in the scale of 1000’s rather than 100’s to generate enough study power. Or alternatively, these programmes could be evaluated as a component part of more intensive reading interventions.


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Objective: Research indicates that parents of twins have poorer psychosocial outcomes than parents of singletons. Parents who have conceived using assisted reproductive technology (ART) have been found to be at higher risk of negative psychosocial outcomes compared to parents who have conceived spontaneously. The current study aimed to model the factors associated with parenting stress of newly-born twins, using the Transactional Model of Stress.

Methods: Data were collected using a cross-sectional survey design with participants identified from delivery records across Northern Ireland. Mothers and fathers (n = 104) of twins aged between 1 and 12 months old returned a questionnaire pack containing the Parenting Stress Index, Impact on the Family Scale-Financial Burden, Coping Orientation to Problems Experienced – Brief Version, Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support, General Health Questionnaire and a demographic questionnaire.

Results: There were no differences on psychological outcomes between parents who had conceived via ART and those who conceived spontaneously. Regression analyses found that social interaction and support is an important variable in terms of the psychological outcomes experienced by parents of twins.

Conclusion: Parents of newly-born twins regardless of the mode of conception should be considered an at risk group for parental distress. Support groups such as the Twins and Multiple Births Association could be important in providing that crucial social interaction and support that seems to be important in the emotional well-being of parents of twins.


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Successive substance misuse strategies in Northern Ireland and elsewhere have
been underpinned by the goal of minimising the harm accruing from the use of alcohol and other drugs. However, what it means for a person’s alcohol use to cause harm is an evolving concept. As the understanding of harm changes, the type of evidence needed to estimate the scale of harm and to evaluate the success of a given initiative changes also.
This paper does three things. We first highlight a recent model by Laslett and
colleagues for estimating the harm of one individual’s alcohol use to other individuals, the centrepiece of a report to the Alcohol Education and Research Foundation (AERF) in 2010. This model has been hugely influential in identifying areas where harms from alcohol use accrue and in attempting to quantify those harms (e.g. the cost of injuries inflicted during intoxication). We suggest three ways in which this model could be improved by accounting for: (a) the influence of one individual’s drinking on the drinking behaviour of their peers; (b) the level of use which triggers a given harm; and (c) the degree of time-lag in each of
the domains of harm.
Secondly, we explore specific challenges to developing effective policy on
adolescents’ drinking behaviours, drawing on research which specifically elicits the perspectives of young people on why they drink.
Thirdly, we examine the relative harms of allowing moderate levels of drinking
among mid-adolescents versus promoting zero use up until late adolescence.