75 resultados para Rule-of-thumb behavior


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A robust finite element scheme for the micro-mechanical modeling of the behavior of fiber reinforced polymeric composites under external loads is developed. The developed model is used to simulate stress distribution throughout the composite domain and to identify the locations where maximum stress concentrations occur. This information is used as a guide to predict dominant failure and crack growth mechanisms in fiber reinforced composites. The differences between continuous fibers, which are susceptible to unidirectional transverse fracture, and short fibers have been demonstrated. To assess the validity and range of applicability of the developed scheme, numerical results obtained by the model are compared with the available experimental data and also with the values found using other methods reported in the literature. These comparisons show that the present finite element scheme can generate meaningful results in the analysis of fiber reinforced composites.


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This is a survey of the applicable international human rights standards concerning the right which alleged terrorists have to access a lawyer.


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In this article, we aim to consider equity’s responses to gifts in a new way. We begin by setting out an account of human values that are associated with donative practices and that lend value to gifts themselves. With this map of the values associated with gifts in view, we then turn to consider some equitable responses to gifts, arranged roughly on a spectrum in accordance with the measure of scepticism towards gifts that they might, at first glance, seem to entail. We discuss, in turn: (a) equity’s treatment of imperfect gifts; (b) equity’s treatment of promises to give; (c) the position in equity of donee recipients of misapplied trust assets; (d) the presumptions of resulting trust and (e) advancement; and (f) equity’s treatment of mistaken gifts. With respect to each type of case, we evaluate equity’s response to gifts in light of the range of human values associated with gifts. We conclude by examining some broad themes that emerge from this analysis, and in particular the extent to which equity might achieve a greater accommodation of donative values consistent with the demands of the rule of law.


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We argue that the partition of ethnic groups following the Scramble for Africa does not itself matter for development in Africa. It matters only when the partitioned groups are relatively small because small groups lack political representation which may promote ethnic mobilization and foster support for informal (rather than formal) institutions which then may a ect development. Furthermore, the analysis of data from the Afrobarometer shows that the persistence of informal/tribal institutions related to property rights and the rule of law is one of the possible channels through which the size of the partitioned group a ects development.


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Background: Combination drug products can display thermal behaviour that is more complex than for the corresponding single drug products. For example, the contraceptive vaginal ring (VR) Nuvaring contains a eutectic (lowest melting) composition of etonogestrel (ETN) and ethinyl estradiol. Here we report the predisposition of dapivirine (DPV) to form reduced melting/eutectic mixtures when combined with other contraceptive hormones and antiretrovirals, and discuss the implications for development of combination microbicide and multipurpose prevention technology (MPT) products.
Methods: Binary mixtures of DPV with darunavir (DRV), levonorgestrel (LNG), ETN or maraviroc (MVC) were prepared either by physical mixing or by solvent evaporation. Selected binary mixtures were also incorporated into silicone elastomer (SE) VR devices. Thermal behavior of the mixtures was analyzed using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) operating in standard heating ramp mode (10 °C/min). DSC data were used to construct two component phase diagrams for each binary system.
Results: Drug mixtures typically showed reduced melting transitions for both drug components, with clear evidence for a eutectic mixture at a well-defined intermediate composition. Eutectic temperatures and compositions for the various mixtures were: 40% DPV / 60% ETN - 170°C; 25% DPV / 75% MVC - 172°C; 65% DPV / 35% LNG - 192°C. In each case, the eutectic composition was also detected when the drug mixtures were incorporated into SE VRs. For the DPV/DRV system, the thermal behaviour is complicated by desolvation from the darunavir ethanolate polymorph.
Conclusions: When DPV is combined with small molecular weight hydrophobic drugs, the melting temperature for both drugs is typically reduced to a degree dependent on the composition of the mixture. At specified compositions, a low melting eutectic system results. The formation of eutectic behavior in binary drug systems needs to be carefully characterised in order to define product performance and drug release.


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Recent advances in hardware development coupled with the rapid adoption and broad applicability of cloud computing have introduced widespread heterogeneity in data centers, significantly complicating the management of cloud applications and data center resources. This paper presents the CACTOS approach to cloud infrastructure automation and optimization, which addresses heterogeneity through a combination of in-depth analysis of application behavior with insights from commercial cloud providers. The aim of the approach is threefold: to model applications and data center resources, to simulate applications and resources for planning and operation, and to optimize application deployment and resource use in an autonomic manner. The approach is based on case studies from the areas of business analytics, enterprise applications, and scientific computing.


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Several neurodevelopmental disorders are associated with preference for routine and challenging behavior following changes to routines. We examine individuals with Prader–Willi syndrome, who show elevated levels of this behavior, to better understand how previous experience of a routine can affect challenging behavior elicited by disruption to that routine. Play based challenges exposed 16 participants to routines, which were either adhered to or changed. Temper outburst behaviors, heart rate and movement were measured. As participants were exposed to routines for longer before a change (between 10 and 80 min; within participants), more temper outburst behaviors were elicited by changes. Increased emotional arousal was also elicited, which was indexed by heart rate increases not driven by movement. Further study will be important to understand whether current intervention approaches that limit exposure to changes, may benefit from the structured integration of flexibility to ensure that the opportunity for routine establishment is also limited.


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The environmental fate of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), a group of flame retardants that are considered to be persistent organic pollutants (POPs), around the Zhuoshui River and Changhua County regions of Taiwan was assessed. An investigation into emissions, partitioning, and fate of selected PBDEs was conducted based on the equilibrium constant (EQC) fugacity model developed at Trent University, Canada. Emissions for congeners PBDE 47, PBDE 99, and PBDE 209 to air (4.9–92 × 10−3 kg/h), soil (0.91–17.4 × 10−3 kg/h), and water (0.21–4.04 × 10−3 kg/h), were estimated by modifying previous models on PBDE emission rates by considering both industrial and domestic rates. It was found that fugacity modeling can give a reasonable estimation of the behavior, partitioning, and concentrations of PBDE congeners in and around Taiwan. Results indicate that PBDE congeners have a high affinity for partitioning into sediments then soils. As congener number decreases, the PBDEs then partition more readily into air. As the degree of bromination increases, congeners more readily partition to sediments. Sediments may then act as a long-term source of PBDEs which can be released back into the water column due to resuspension during storm events.


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Past research has frequently attributed the incidence of bank failures to macroeconomic cycles and/or downturns in the regional economy. More recent analyses have suggested that the incidence and severity of bank failures can be linked to governance failures, which may be preventable through more stringent disclosure and auditing requirements. Using data on bank failures during the years 1991 to 1997, for the US, Canada, the UK and Germany, this study examines the relationship between institutional characteristics of national legal and auditing systems and the incidence of bank failures. In the second part of our analysis we then examined the relationship between the same institutional variables and the severity of bank failures.
The first part of our study notes a significant correlation between the law and order tradition (‘rule of law’) of a national legal system and the incidence of bank failures. Nations which were assigned high 'rule of law’ scores by country risk guides appear to have been less likely to experience bank failures. Another variable which appears to impact on bank failure rates is the ‘risk of contract repudiation’. Countries with a greater ‘risk of contract repudiation’ appear to be more likely to experience bank failures. We suggest that this may be due to a greater ex ante protection of stakeholders in countries where contract enforcement is more stringent.
The results of the second part of our study are less clear cut. However, there appears to be a significant correlation between the amount paid out by national deposit insurers (our proxy for the severity of bank failures) and the macroeconomic variable 'GDP change'. Here our findings follow the conventional wisdom; with greater amounts of deposit insurance funds being paid during economic downturns (i.e. low or negative GDP 'growth' correlates with high amounts of deposit insurance being paid out). A less pronounced relationship with the severity of bank failures can also be established for the institutional variables ' accounting standards' as well as 'risk of contract repudiation'. Countries with more stringent ‘accounting standards’ and a low ‘risk of contract repudiation’ appear to have been less prone to severe bank failures.


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We consider an economy in which agents are embedded in a network of potential value-generating relationships. Agents are assumed to be able to participate in three types of economic interactions: Autarkic self-provision; bilateral interaction; and multilateral collaboration through endogenously provided platforms.
We introduce two stability concepts and provide sufficient and necessary conditions on the network structure that guarantee existence, in cases of the absence of externalities, link-based externalities and crowding externalities. We show that institutional arrangements based on socioeconomic roles and leadership guarantee stability. In particular, the stability of more complex economic outcomes requires more strict and complex institutional rules to govern economic interactions. We investigate strict social hierarchies, tiered leadership structures and global market places.


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Using a laboratory experiment, we investigate whether incentive compatibility affects subjective probabilities elicited via the exchangeability method (EM), an elicitation technique consisting of several chained questions. We hypothesize that subjects who are aware of the chaining strategically behave and provide invalid subjective probabilities, while subjects who are not aware of the chaining state their real beliefs and provide valid subjective probabilities. The validity of subjective probabilities is investigated using de Finetti's notion of coherence, under which probability estimates are valid if and only if they obey all axioms of probability theory.
Four experimental treatments are designed and implemented. Subjects are divided into two initial treatment groups: in the first, they are provided with real monetary incentives, and in the second, they are not. Each group is further sub-divided into two treatment groups, in the first, the chained structure of the experimental design is made clear to the subjects, while, in the second, the chained structure is hidden by randomizing the elicitation questions.
Our results suggest that subjects provided with monetary incentives and randomized questions provide valid subjective probabilities because they are not aware of the chaining which undermines the incentive compatibility of the exchangeability method.


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There has been much interest in the belief–desire–intention (BDI) agent-based model for developing scalable intelligent systems, e.g. using the AgentSpeak framework. However, reasoning from sensor information in these large-scale systems remains a significant challenge. For example, agents may be faced with information from heterogeneous sources which is uncertain and incomplete, while the sources themselves may be unreliable or conflicting. In order to derive meaningful conclusions, it is important that such information be correctly modelled and combined. In this paper, we choose to model uncertain sensor information in Dempster–Shafer (DS) theory. Unfortunately, as in other uncertainty theories, simple combination strategies in DS theory are often too restrictive (losing valuable information) or too permissive (resulting in ignorance). For this reason, we investigate how a context-dependent strategy originally defined for possibility theory can be adapted to DS theory. In particular, we use the notion of largely partially maximal consistent subsets (LPMCSes) to characterise the context for when to use Dempster’s original rule of combination and for when to resort to an alternative. To guide this process, we identify existing measures of similarity and conflict for finding LPMCSes along with quality of information heuristics to ensure that LPMCSes are formed around high-quality information. We then propose an intelligent sensor model for integrating this information into the AgentSpeak framework which is responsible for applying evidence propagation to construct compatible information, for performing context-dependent combination and for deriving beliefs for revising an agent’s belief base. Finally, we present a power grid scenario inspired by a real-world case study to demonstrate our work.


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Temperament tests are widely accepted as instruments for profiling behavioral variability in dogs, and they are applied in numerous areas of investigation (e.g. suitability for adoption or for breeding). During testing, to elicit a dog's reaction toward novel stimuli and predict its behavior in everyday life, model devices such as a child-like doll, or a fake dog, are often employed. However, the reliability of these devices to accurately stimulate dogs' reactions to children or dogs, is unknown and perhaps overestimated. This may be a particular concern in the case of aggressive behavior toward humans, a significant public health issue. The aim of this study was to: (1) evaluate the correlation between dogs' reactions to these devices, and owners' reports of their dog's aggression history (using the C-BARQ ??); (2) compare reactions toward the devices of dogs with and without histories of aggression. Subjects were selected among those visiting for behavioral consultation at the Veterinary Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, and previously categorized as aggressive toward unfamiliar children, conspecifics, or as non-aggressive dogs (control). The test consisted of different components: an unfamiliar female tester approaching the dog; the presentation of a child-like doll, an ambiguous object, and a fake plastic dog. All tests were videotaped and durations of behaviors were later analyzed on the basis of a specified ethogram. Dogs' reactions were compared to C-BARQ scores, and interesting correlations emerged for 'dog-directed aggression/fear' (R = 0.48, P = 0.004), and 'stranger-directed aggression' (R = 0.58, P <0.001) factors. Dogs differed in their reactions toward the devices: the child-like doll and the fake dog elicited more social behaviors than the ambiguous object used as a control stimulus. Issues concerning the reliability of these tools to assess canine temperament are discussed. ?? 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Sexuality is an issue of equality, rights, and ethics, especially when it comes to the sexuality of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. This paper offers a discussion of ethics related to the assessment and intervention supports of sexual behavior in people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. A brief history of sexuality and disability is presented. Issues of sexual abuse of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and the laws related to sterilization, pornography, sexual rights, and consent are explored. Finally, specific ethical concerns related to intervention by behavior analysts in the realm of sexual behavior are examined.


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In this paper the temperature and pressure induced paramagnetic switching of cobalt (II) complex in binary mixture of phosphonium based ionic liquid [P6,6,6,14]SCN and [Co(NCS)2], is reported. This arises from a structural change in the coordination of the cobalt (II) center from tetrahedral [Co(NCS)4]2- to octahedral [Co(NCS)6]4- when mobile thiocyanate ions are added. These properties are reflected in the abrupt change of conductivity behavior of the magnetic ionic liquid. Therefore, as demonstrated herein the reversible switching in coordination of cobalt from tetrahedral to octahedral can be easily monitored at ambient as well as elevated pressure by tracking the dc-conductivity changes.