78 resultados para Rotated lattices


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Aluminium thin films were deposited by a laser ablation technique from solid cylindrical targets rotated on a lead screw. Both smooth-surfaced targets and targets with screw threads cut into the area to he irradiated were used. The targets were irradiated with a focused circular spot size of 2.5 mm in diameter, at a power density equal to 5.4 +/- 0.2 x 10(8) W cm(-2). The polar distribution of the ablated atomic material was found to vary as a function of the target screw thread pitch, with the exponent n, in the polar distribution f(theta) = cos(n) theta, varying from 13.5 +/- 1.3 for no pitch to a minimum of 5 +/- 0.7 for a screw thread pitch of 0.2 mm. The use of such novel target geometries forms a possible basis for increasing thickness uniformity during the pulsed laser deposition of thin films.


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We discuss the quantum-circuit realization of the state of a nucleon in the scope of simple simmetry groups. Explicit algorithms are presented for the preparation of the state of a neutron or a proton as resulting from the composition of their quark constituents. We estimate the computational resources required for such a simulation and design a photonic network for its implementation. Moreover, we highlight that current work on three-body interactions in lattices of interacting qubits, combined with the measurement-based paradigm for quantum information processing, may also be suitable for the implementation of these nucleonic spin states.


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The results of two-dimensional micromagnetic modeling of magnetization patterns in Permalloy ellipses under the influence of rotating constant-amplitude magnetic fields are discussed. Ellipses of two different lateral sizes have been studied, 0.5m x 1.5m and 1m x 3m. The amplitude of the rotating magnetic field was varied between simulations with the condition that it must be large enough to saturate or nearly saturate the ellipse with the field applied along the long axis of the ellipse. For the smaller ellipse size it is found that the magnetization pattern forms an S state and the direction of the net magnetization lags behind the direction of the applied field. At a critical angle of the rotating magnetic field the direction of the magnetization switches by a large angle to a new S state. Both the critical angle and the angle interval of the switch depend on field amplitude. For this new state, it is instead the applied field direction that lags behind the magnetization direction. The transient magnetization patterns correspond to multi-domain patterns including two vortices, but this state never exists for the equilibrated magnetization patterns. The behavior of the larger ellipse in rotating field is different. With the field applied along the long-axis of the ellipse, the magnetization of the ellipse is nearly saturated with a vortex close to each apex of the ellipse. As the field is rotated, this magnetization pattern remains and the net-magnetization direction lags behind the direction of the field until for a certain angle of the applied field an equilibrium multi-domain state is created. Comparisons are made with corresponding experimental results obtained by performing in-field magnetic force microscopy on Permalloy ellipses.


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A new ternary Ir-Mn-Si phase with stoichiometry Mn3IrSi has been synthesized and found to crystallize in the cubic AlAu4-type structure, space group P213 with Z=4, which is an ordered form of the beta-Mn structure. The unit cell dimension was determined by x-ray powder diffraction to a=6.4973(3) Angstrom. In addition to the crystal structure, we have determined the magnetic structure and properties using superconducting quantum interference device magnetometry and Rietveld refinements of neutron powder diffraction data. A complex noncollinear magnetic structure is found, with magnetic moments of 2.97(4)u(B) at 10 K only on the Mn atoms. The crystal structure consists of a triangular network built up by Mn atoms, on which the moments are rotated 120degrees around the triangle axes. The magnetic unit cell is the same as the crystallographic and carries no net magnetic moment. The Neel temperature was determined to be 210 K. A first-principles study, based on density functional theory in a general noncollinear formulation, reproduces the experimental results with good agreement. The observed magnetic structure is argued to be the result of frustration of antiferromagnetic couplings by the triangular geometry.


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We have analyzed the ferroelastic and ferroelectric domain structure of high crystalline quality (001) BiFeO3 films on orthorhombic (110) TbScO3 substrates. Two domains were present in stripes separated by (010) vertical boundaries, with spontaneous polarizations in adjacent domains rotated by 109 degrees. The striped morphology was caused by nucleation of only two ferroelastic domains on the low symmetry GdFeO3-type substrate. Domain engineering through substrate symmetry is an important finding for rhombohedral ferroelectric epitaxial thin films. The stripe pattern with vertical walls may be useful for extracting domain wall contributions to magnetism and electrical transport properties of BiFeO3 materials.


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A flexible body image is required by animals if they are to adapt to body changes and move effectively within a structurally complex environment. Here, we show that terrestrial hermit crabs, Coenobita rugosus, which frequently change shells, can modify walking behaviour, dependent on the shape of the shell. Hermit crabs walked along a corridor that had alternating left and right corners; if it was narrow at the corner, crabs rotated their bodies to avoid the wall, indicating an awareness of environmental obstacles. This rotation increased when a plastic plate was attached to the shell. We suggest that the shell, when extended by the plate, becomes assimilated to the hermit crab's own body. While there are cases of a tool being assimilated with the body, our result is the first example of the habitat where an animal lives and/or carries being part of a virtual body. This journal is © 2012 The Royal Society.


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Frustration – the inability to simultaneously satisfy all interactions – occurs in a wide range of systems including neural networks, water ice and magnetic systems. An example of the latter is the so called spin-ice in pyrochlore materials [1] which have attracted a lot of interest not least due to the emergence of magnetic monopole defects when the ‘ice rules’ governing the local ordering breaks down [2]. However it is not possible to directly measure the frustrated property – the direction of the magnetic moments – in such spin ice systems with current experimental techniques. This problem can be solved by instead studying artificial spin-ice systems where the molecular magnetic moments are replaced by nanoscale ferromagnetic islands [3-8]. Two different arrangements of the ferromagnetic islands have been shown to exhibit spin ice behaviour: a square lattice maintaining four moments at each vertex [3,8] and the Kagome lattice which has only three moments per vertex but equivalent interactions between them [4-7]. Magnetic monopole defects have been observed in both types of lattices [7-8]. One of the challenges when studying these artificial spin-ice systems is that it is difficult to arrive at the fully demagnetised ground-state [6-8].
Here we present a study of the switching behaviour of building blocks of the Kagome lattice influenced by the termination of the lattice. Ferromagnetic islands of nominal size 1000 nm by 100 nm were fabricated in five island blocks using electron-beam lithography and lift-off techniques of evaporated 18 nm Permalloy (Ni80Fe20) films. Each block consists of a central island with four arms terminated by a different number and placement of ‘injection pads’, see Figure 1. The islands are single domain and magnetised along their long axis. The structures were grown on a 50 nm thick electron transparent silicon nitride membrane to allow TEM observation, which was back-coated with a 5 nm film of Au to prevent charge build-up during the TEM experiments.
To study the switching behaviour the sample was subjected to a magnetic field strong enough to magnetise all the blocks in one direction, see Figure 1. Each block obeys the Kagome lattice ‘ice-rules’ of “2-in, 1-out” or “1-in, 2-out” in this fully magnetised state. Fresnel mode Lorentz TEM images of the sample were then recorded as a magnetic field of increasing magnitude was applied in the opposite direction. While the Fresnel mode is normally used to image magnetic domain structures [9] for these types of samples it is possible to deduce the direction of the magnetisation from the Lorentz contrast [5]. All images were recorded at the same over-focus judged to give good Lorentz contrast.
The magnetisation was found to switch at different magnitudes of the applied field for nominally identical blocks. However, trends could still be identified: all the blocks with any injection pads, regardless of placement and number, switched the direction of the magnetisation of their central island at significantly smaller magnitudes of the applied magnetic field than the blocks without injection pads. It can therefore be concluded that the addition of an injection pad lowers the energy barrier to switching the connected island, acting as a nucleation site for monopole defects. In these five island blocks the defects immediately propagate through to the other side, but in a larger lattice the monopoles could potentially become trapped at a vertex and observed [10].

[1] M J Harris et al, Phys Rev Lett 79 (1997) p.2554.
[2] C Castelnovo, R Moessner and S L Sondhi, Nature 451 (2008) p. 42.
[3] R F Wang et al, Nature 439 (2006) 303.
[4] M Tanaka et al, Phys Rev B 73 (2006) 052411.
[5] Y Qi, T Brintlinger and J Cumings, Phys Rev B 77 (2008) 094418.
[6] E Mengotti et al, Phys Rev B 78 (2008) 144402.
[7] S Ladak et al, Nature Phys 6 (2010) 359.
[8] C Phatak et al, Phys Rev B 83 (2011) 174431.
[9] J N Chapman, J Phys D 17 (1984) 623.
[10] The authors gratefully acknowledge funding from the EPSRC under grant number EP/D063329/1.


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Background: The use of Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) in Pharmacy has been explored; however this is the first attempt in Queen’s University School of Pharmacy, Belfast to assess students via this method in a module where chemistry is the main discipline.

Aims: To devise an OSCE to assess undergraduate ability to check extemporaneously dispensed products for clinical and formulation errors. This activity also aims to consider whether it is a viable method of assessment in such a science-based class, from a staff and student perspective.

Method: Students rotated around a number of stations, performing a check of the product, corresponding prescription and formulation record sheet detailing the theory behind the formulation. They were assessed on their ability to spot intentional mistakes at each one.

Results: Of the 79 students questioned, 95% indicated that OSCE made them aware of the importance of the clinical check carried out by the pharmacist. Nearly all of the undergraduates (72 out of 79) felt that OSCE made them aware of the type of mistakes that students make in class. Most (5 out of 7) of the academic team members strongly agreed that it made students aware of ‘point of dispensing’ checks carried out by pharmacists, in addition to helping them to prepare for their exam.

Conclusion: OSCE assesses both scientific and formulation skills, and has increased the diversity of assessment of this module, bringing with it many additional benefits for the undergraduates since it measures their ability to exercise professional judgement in a time- constrained environment and, in this way, mirrors the conditions many pharmacists work within.


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A frequency selective surface (FSS) which can be utilized as a diplexer for circular polarization (CP) applications is proposed. The structure consists of two dipole-based FSS placed parallel to each other. The dipoles in one array are rotated by 90° with respect to those in the other. For an angle of incidence of 45° at one frequency band the structure allows a CP signal to be transmitted while at a further band it converts a linearly polarized (LP) signal to CP upon reflection. Full-wave simulation results validated the concept.


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This work investigated the differences between multileaf collimator (MLC) positioning accuracy determined using either log files or electronic portal imaging devices (EPID) and then assessed the possibility of reducing patient specific quality control (QC) via phantom-less methodologies. In-house software was developed, and validated, to track MLC positional accuracy with the rotational and static gantry picket fence tests using an integrated electronic portal image. This software was used to monitor MLC daily performance over a 1 year period for two Varian TrueBeam linear accelerators, with the results directly compared with MLC positions determined using leaf trajectory log files. This software was validated by introducing known shifts and collimator errors. Skewness of the MLCs was found to be 0.03 ± 0.06° (mean ±1 standard deviation (SD)) and was dependent on whether the collimator was rotated manually or automatically. Trajectory log files, analysed using in-house software, showed average MLC positioning errors with a magnitude of 0.004 ± 0.003 mm (rotational) and 0.004 ± 0.011 mm (static) across two TrueBeam units over 1 year (mean ±1 SD). These ranges, as indicated by the SD, were lower than the related average MLC positioning errors of 0.000 ± 0.025 mm (rotational) and 0.000 ± 0.039 mm (static) that were obtained using the in-house EPID based software. The range of EPID measured MLC positional errors was larger due to the inherent uncertainties of the procedure. Over the duration of the study, multiple MLC positional errors were detected using the EPID based software but these same errors were not detected using the trajectory log files. This work shows the importance of increasing linac specific QC when phantom-less methodologies, such as the use of log files, are used to reduce patient specific QC. Tolerances of 0.25 mm have been created for the MLC positional errors using the EPID-based automated picket fence test. The software allows diagnosis of any specific leaf that needs repair and gives an indication as to the course of action that is required.


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In this paper, the results of radio channel measurements between two hypothetical cellular handsets in an outdoor urban environment are reported. The device-to-device channel measurements were made at 868 MHz and investigated a number of different everyday usage scenarios such as the devices being held at the user's heads, placed in a pocket while one of the users rotated or both moved randomly. It was found that shadowing of the main signal path caused by the human body will be an important factor in future device-to-device communications at this frequency. The recently proposed shadowed κ-μ fading model was used to characterize these channels and shown to provide a good description of the measured data.


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Several animals and microbes have been shown to be sensitive to magnetic fields, though the exact mechanisms of this ability remain unclear in many animals. Chitons are marine molluscs which have high levels of biomineralised magnetite coating their radulae. This discovery led to persistent anecdotal suggestions that they too may be able to navigationally respond to magnetic fields. Several researchers have attempted to test this, but to date there have been no large-scale controlled empirical trials. In the current study, four chiton species (Katharina tunicata, Mopalia kennerleyi, Mopalia muscosa and Leptochiton rugatus, n=24 in each) were subjected to natural and artificially rotated magnetic fields while their movement through an arena was recorded over four hours. Field orientation did not influence the position of the chitons at the end of trials, possibly as a result of the primacy of other sensory cues (i.e. thigmotaxis). Under non-rotated magnetic field conditions, the orientation of subjects when they first reached the edge of an arena was clustered around 309-345 degrees (north-north-west) in all four species. However, orientations were random under the rotated magnetic field, which may indicate a disruptive effect of field rotation. This pattern suggests that chitons can detect and respond to magnetism.


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In this work, density functional theory calculations have been performed to study the geometric, electronic, and energetic properties of two-phase TiO2 composites built by joining two single-phase TiO2 slabs, aiming at verifying possible improvement of the photo-activities of the composites through phase separation of excitons. We find that such desired electronic properties can be determined by several factors. When both the HOMO and LUMO levels of one of the two single-phase TiO2 slabs are higher than the corresponding ones of the other, the composite may have native electronic structures with phase-separated HOMO-LUMO states, especially when the two slabs exhibit highly matched surface lattices. For those pairs of TiO2 slabs with the HOMO and LUMO levels of one phase being within the range of those of the other, though the energetically favored composite give HOMO-LUMO states within one phase, one may still be able to separate them and move the HOMO state to the interface region by destabilizing the interactions between the two slabs.


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We show that if E is an atomic Banach lattice with an ordercontinuous norm, A, B ∈ Lr(E) and MA,B is the operator on Lr(E) defined by MA,B(T) = AT B then ||MA,B||r = ||A||r||B||r but that there is no real α > 0 such that ||MA,B || ≥ α ||A||r||B ||r.


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In a recent study, Greif et al. (2014) demonstrated a functional role of polarized light for a bat species confronted with a homing task. These non-migratory bats appeared to calibrate their magnetic compass by using polarized skylight at dusk, yet it is unknown if migratory bats also use these cues for calibration. During autumn migration, we equipped Nathusius' bats, Pipistrellus nathusii, with radio transmitters and tested if experimental animals exposed to a 90° rotated band of polarized light during dusk, would head in a different direction compared with control animals. After release, bats of both groups continued their journey in the same direction. This observation argues against the use of a polarization-calibrated magnetic compass by this migratory bat and questions that the ability of using polarized light for navigation is a consistent feature in bats. This finding matches with observations in some passerine birds that used polarized light for calibration of their magnetic compass before but not during migration.