124 resultados para Proto-Oncogene Proteins c-mdm2


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In plasma membranes derived from bovine mesenteric lymphatic smooth muscle cells, guanine nucleotide and forskolin stimulated adenylyl cyclase (AC) activity in a concentration-dependent manner, indicative of the presence of the stimulatory G-protein G(s) linked to AC. There was no significant enzyme inhibition by low concentrations of guanine nucleotide and no effect on basal or guanine nucleotide-stimulated activity following pertussis toxin treatment of cells, suggesting the absence of G(1) linked to inhibition of AC. Furthermore, there was no effect of adrenaline, isoprenaline or clonidine on basal or forskolin-stimulated activities, nor was there any specific binding of the beta-adrenoceptor ligand [I-125]cyanopindolol to membranes, suggesting that cate-cholamine receptors do not modulate AC activity in these membranes. Pertussis toxin-mediated ADP ribosylation of membrane proteins and Western immunoblotting analysis revealed the presence of G-protein subunits G(alpha l2), G(alpha q), G(alpha 11) and G(beta 1). In experiments designed to identify a possible effector enzyme for these G-proteins, membranes were screened with a range of antibodies raised against phospholipase C (PLC) beta, gamma and delta isozymes. Though no evidence was obtained by Western blotting for any of these proteins, PLC activity was concentration-dependently stimulated by Ca2+, but not by AlF4-, GTP[S], or purified G(beta gamma) subunits. Finally, no specific binding to membranes of the alpha(1)-adrenoceptor ligand [H-3]prazosin or the alpha(2)-adrenoceptor ligand [H-3]yohimbine was obtained. In conclusion, this study provides evidence for a G(s)-dependent stimulation of AC, and for the presence of G(2) and G(q11), which do not appear to regulate a PLC activity also identified in lymphatic smooth muscle cell membranes. Furthermore, neither AC nor PLC appear to be associated with catecholamine receptors. Copyright(C) 1996 Elsevier Science Inc.


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C-type lectin-like proteins (CTLPs) isolated from snake venoms are the largest and most complex non-mammalian vertebrate C-type lectin-like domain family. In the present study, we simultaneously amplified four cDNAs encoding different types of CTLP subunits from the venoms of two different species of snakes by RT-PCR with a single sense primer and a nested universal primer - two CTLP subunit-encoding cDNAs were cloned from Deinagkistrodon acutus venom and two from Agkistrodon halys Pallas venom. All four cloned CTLP subunits exhibited typical motifs in their corresponding domain regions but with relatively-low sequence similarities to each other. Compared with previously-published CTLPs, the four cloned CTLPs subunits showed slight variations in the calcium-binding sites and the disulphide bonding patterns. To our knowledge, these data constitute the first example of co-expression of CTLP platelet glycoprotein Ib-binding subunits and coagulation factors in Agkistrodon halys Pallas venom.


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HSP70 chaperones mediate protein folding by ATP-dependent interaction with short linear peptide segments that are exposed on unfolded proteins. The mode of action of the Escherichia coli homolog DnaK is representative of all HSP70 chaperones, including the endoplasmic reticulum variant BiP/GRP78. DnaK has been shown to be effective in assisting refolding of a wide variety of prokaryotic and eukaryotic proteins, including the -helical homodimeric secretory cytokine interferon- (IFN-). We screened solid-phase peptide libraries from human and mouse IFN- to identify DnaK-binding sites. Conserved DnaK-binding sites were identified in the N-terminal half of helix B and in the C-terminal half of helix C, both of which are located at the IFN- dimer interface. Soluble peptides derived from helices B and C bound DnaK with high affinity in competition assays. No DnaK-binding sites were found in the loops connecting the -helices. The helix C DnaK-binding site appears to be conserved in most members of the superfamily of interleukin (IL)-10-related cytokines that comprises, apart from IL-10 and IFN-, a series of recently discovered small secretory proteins, including IL-19, IL-20, IL-22/IL-TIF, IL-24/MDA-7 (melanoma differentiation-associated gene), IL-26/AK155, and a number of viral IL-10 homologs. These cytokines belong to a relatively small group of homodimeric proteins with highly interdigitated interfaces that exhibit the strongly hydrophobic character of the interior core of a single-chain folded domain. We propose that binding of DnaK to helix C in the superfamily of IL-10-related cytokines may constitute the hallmark of a novel conserved regulatory mechanism in which HSP70-like chaperones assist in the formation of a hydrophobic dimeric "folding" interface.


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The relative sensitivity of neoplastic cells to DNA damaging agents is a key factor in cancer therapy. In this paper, we show that pretreatment of Burkitt's lymphoma cell lines expressing the c-met protooncogene with hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) protects them from death induced by DNA damaging agents commonly used in tumour therapy. This protection was observed in assays based on morphological assessment of apoptotic cells and DNA fragmentation assays. The protection was dose- and time-dependent — maximal protection requiring pre-incubation with 100 ng/ml HGF for 48 h. Western blotting analysis and flow cytometric studies revealed that HGF inhibited doxorubicin- and etoposide-induced decreases in the levels of the anti-apoptotic proteins Bcl-XL, and to a lesser extent Bcl-2, without inducing changes in the pro-apoptotic Bax protein. Overall, these studies suggest that the accumulation of HGF within the microenvironment of neoplastic cells may contribute to the development of a chemoresistant phenotype.


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The quantitative assessment of apoptotic index (AI) and mitotic index (MI) and the immunoreactivity of p53, bcl-2, p21, and mdm2 were examined in tumour and adjacent normal tissue samples from 30 patients with colonic and 22 with rectal adenocarcinoma. Individual features and combined profiles were correlated with clinicopathological parameters and patient survival data to assess their prognostic value. Increased AI was significantly associated with increased bcl-2 expression (p


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Evidence is accumulating to suggest that some of the diverse functions associated with BRCA1 may relate to its ability to transcriptionally regulate key downstream target genes. Here, we identify S100A7 (psoriasin), S100A8, and S100A9, members of the S100A family of calcium-binding proteins, as novel BRCA1-repressed targets. We show that functional BRCA1 is required for repression of these family members and that a BRCA1 disease–associated mutation abrogates BRCA1-mediated repression of psoriasin. Furthermore, we show that BRCA1 and c-Myc form a complex on the psoriasin promoter and that BRCA1-mediated repression of psoriasin is dependent on functional c-Myc. Finally, we show that psoriasin expression is induced by the topoisomerase IIA poison, etoposide, in the absence of functional BRCA1 and increased psoriasin expression enhances cellular sensitivity to this chemotherapeutic agent. Therefore, we identified a novel transcriptional mechanism that is likely to contribute to BRCA1-mediated resistance to etoposide.


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c-FLIP inhibits caspase 8 activation and apoptosis mediated by death receptors such as Fas and DR5. We studied the effect of c-FLIP on the apoptotic response to chemotherapies used in colorectal cancer (CRC) (5-fluorouracil, oxaliplatin and irinotecan). Simultaneous downregulation of both c-FLIP splice forms c-FLIP(L) and c-FLIP(S) with siRNA synergistically enhanced chemotherapy-induced apoptosis in p53 wild-type (HCT116p53(+/+), RKO), null (HCT116p53(-/-)) and mutant (H630) CRC cell lines. Furthermore, overexpression of c-FLIP(L), but not c-FLIP(S), potently inhibited apoptosis induced by chemotherapy in HCT116p53(+/+) cells, suggesting that c-FLIP(L) was the more important splice form in mediating chemoresistance. In support of this, siRNA specifically targeted against c-FLIP(L) synergistically enhanced chemotherapy-induced apoptosis in a manner similar to the siRNA targeted against both splice forms. Inhibition of caspase 8 blocked the enhanced apoptosis induced by c-FLIP-targeted (FT) siRNA and chemotherapy. Furthermore, we found that downregulating cell surface DR5, but not Fas, also inhibited apoptosis induced by FT siRNA and chemotherapy. Interestingly, these effects were not dependent on activation of DR5 by its ligand TRAIL. These results indicate that c-FLIP inhibits TRAIL-independent, DR5- and caspase 8-dependent apoptosis in response to chemotherapy in CRC cells. Moreover, targeting c-FLIP in combination with existing chemotherapies may have therapeutic potential for the treatment of CRC.


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The PITSLRE protein kinases are parts of the large family of p34cdc2-related kinases. During apoptosis induced by some stimuli, specific PITSLRE isoforms are cleaved by caspase to produce a protein that contains the C-terminal kinase domain of the PITSLRE proteins (p110C). The p110C induces apoptosis when it is ectopically expressed in Chinese hamster ovary cells. In our study, similar induction of this p110C was observed during anoikis in NIH3T3 cells. To investigate the molecular mechanism of apoptosis mediated by p110C, we used the yeast two-hybrid system to screen a human fetal liver cDNA library and identified p21-activated kinase 1 (PAK1) as an interacting partner of p110C. The association of p110C with PAK1 was further confirmed by in vitro binding assay, in vivo coimmunoprecipitation, and confocal microscope analysis. The interaction of p110C with PAK1 occurred within the residues 210-332 of PAK1. Neither association between p58PITSLRE or p110PITSLRE and PAK1 nor association between p110C and PAK2 or PAK3 was observed. Anoikis was increased and PAK1 activity was inhibited when NIH3T3 cells were transfected with p110C. Furthermore, the binding of p110C with PAK1 and inhibition of PAK1 activity were also observed during anoikis. Taken together, these data suggested that PAK1 might participate in the apoptotic pathway mediated by p110C.