100 resultados para Pollard, Madeline Valeria.


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Annually, ovarian cancer (OC) affects 240,000 women worldwide and is the most lethal gynecological malignancy. High-grade serous OC (HGSOC) is the most common and aggressive OC subtype, characterized by widespread genome changes and chromosomal instability and is consequently poorly responsive to chemotherapy treatment. The objective of this study was to investigate the role of the microRNA miR-433 in the cellular response of OC cells to paclitaxel treatment. We show that stable miR-433 expression in A2780 OC cells results in the induction of cellular senescence demonstrated by morphological changes, downregulation of phosphorylated retinoblastoma (p-Rb), and an increase in β-galactosidase activity. Furthermore, in silico analysis identified four possible miR-433 target genes associated with cellular senescence: cyclin-dependent kinase 6 (CDK6), MAPK14, E2F3, and CDKN2A. Mechanistically, we demonstrate that downregulation of p-Rb is attributable to a miR-433-dependent downregulation of CDK6, establishing it as a novel miR-433 associated gene. Interestingly, we show that high miR-433 expressing cells release miR-433 into the growth media via exosomes which in turn can induce a senescence bystander effect. Furthermore, in relation to a chemotherapeutic response, quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) analysis revealed that only PEO1 and PEO4 OC cells with the highest miR-433 expression survive paclitaxel treatment. Our data highlight how the aberrant expression of miR-433 can adversely affect intracellular signaling to mediate chemoresistance in OC cells by driving cellular senescence.


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Annually, ovarian cancer (OC) affects 240,000 women worldwide and is the most lethal gynaecological malignancy. Such mortality is predominantly associated with the development of an intrinsic and acquired resistance to chemotherapy, the lack of targeted therapies and the lack of biomarkers predicting therapeutic response.

Our clinical data demonstrates that increased miR-433 expression in primary high grade serous OC (HGSOCs) is significantly associated with poor PFS (n=46, p=0.024). Interestingly, the IHC analysis of two miR-433 targets: MAD2 [Furlong et al., 2012 PMID:22069160] and HDAC6 shows that low IHC levels of both proteins is also significantly associated with worse outcome (p=0.002 and 0.002 respectively; n=43). Additionally, the analysis of miR 433 in the publicly available TCGA dataset corroborates that high miR-433 is significantly correlated with worse OS for patients presenting with OC (n=558 and p=0.027). In vitro, in a panel of OC cell lines, higher miR-433 and lower MAD2 and HDAC6 levels were associated with resistance to paclitaxel.

To further investigate the role of miR-433 in the cellular response to chemotherapy, we generated an OC cell line stably expressing miR-433, or miR-control. MTT viability assays and Western Blot analyses established that miR-433 cells were more resistant to paclitaxel treatment (50nM) compared to miR-controls. Importantly, we have shown for the first time that miR 433 induced senescence, exemplified by a flattened morphology and down-regulation of phosphorylated Retinoblastoma (p-Rb), a molecular marker of senescence. Surprisingly, miR 433 induced senescence was independent from two well recognised senescent drivers: namely p53/p21 and p16. To explore this further we performed an in silico analysis of seven microRNA platforms which indicated that miR 433 potentially targets Cyclin-dependent kinase CDK6, which promotes sustained phosphorylation of Rb and thus cell cycle progression. In vitro, the overexpression of pre-miR-433 resulted in diminished CDK6 expression demonstrating a novel interaction between miR-433 and CDK6.

In conclusion, this study demonstrates that high miR-433 expression predicts poor outcome in OC patients by putatively rendering OC cells resistant to paclitaxel treatment through the induction of cellular senescence identifying this microRNA as a potential marker of chemoresponse.


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An understanding of the mechanisms underlying the development of resistance to chemotherapy treatment is a gateway to the introduction of novel therapies and improved outcomes for women presenting with ovarian cancer (OC). The desired apoptotic death post-chemotherapy depends on an intact and fully functioning cell cycle machinery.

In this study we demonstrate that stable expression of miR-433 renders OC cells more resistant to paclitaxel treatment. Interestingly, only cells with the highest miR-433 survived paclitaxel suggesting the possible role of miR-433 in cancer recurrence. Importantly, for the first time we demonstrate that miR 433 induces cellular senescence, exemplified by a flattened morphology, the downregulation of phosphorylated Retinoblastoma (p Rb) and increased β galactosidase activity. Surprisingly, miR 433 induced senescence was independent of two well recognised senescent drivers: p21 and p16. Further in silico analysis followed by in vitro experiments identified CKD6 as a novel miR-433 target gene possibly explaining the observed p21 and p16-independent induction of cellular senescence. Another in silico identified miR-433 target gene was CDC27, a protein involved in the regulation of the cell cycle during mitosis. We demonstrate that the overexpression of pre-miR-433 leads to the downregulation of CDC27 in vitro revealing a novel interaction between miR-433 and CDC27, an integral cell cycle regulating protein.

Interestingly, miR-433 expressing cells also demonstrated an ability to impact their tumour microenvironment. We show that miR-433 is present in exosomes released from miR-433 overexpressing and high miR-433 naïve cells. Moreover, growth condition media (GCM) harvested from cells with high miR-433 have higher levels of IL-6 and IL-8, two key cytokines involved in the senescence associated secretory phenotype (SASP). Importantly, GCM from miR-433-enriched cells repressed the growth of co-cultured cells with initial studies showing a GCM-dependent induction of chemoresistance.

In conclusion, data in this study highlights how the aberrant expression miR-433 contributes to chemoresistance in OC cells. We postulate that standard chemotherapy, particularly paclitaxel, used to treat women with OC may have an attenuated ability to kill cells harbouring increased levels of miR-433, allowing for a subsequent chemoresistant phenotype post-therapy.


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This paper presents a novel hand-held instrument capable of real-time in situ detection and identification of heavy metals. The proposed system provides the facilities found in a traditional lab-based instrument in a hand held a design. In contrast to existing commercial systems, it can stand alone without the need of an associated computer. The electrochemical instrument uses anodic stripping voltammetry which is a precise and sensitive analytical method with excellent limits of detection. The sensors comprise disposable screen-printed (solid working) electrodes rather than the more common hanging mercury drop electrodes. The system is reliable, easy to use, safe, avoids expensive and time-consuming procedures and may be used in a variety of situations to help in the fields of environmental assessment and control.


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The use of TiO 2 photocatalysis for the destruction of dyes such as methylene blue has been extensively reported. One of the challenges faced in both the laboratory and large scale water treatment plants is the fact that the samples have to be removed from the reactor vessel and the catalyst separated prior to analysis being undertaken. In this paper we report the development of a simple fluorimeter instrument and its use in monitoring the photocatalytic destruction of methylene blue dyes in the presence of catalyst suspensions. The results reported show that the instrument provides an effective method for in situ monitoring of the photocatalytic destruction of fluorescent dyes hence allowing more accurate measurement due to the minimisation of sample loss and cross contamination. Furthermore it also provides a method for real time monitoring of the dye pollutant destruction in large scale photocatalytic reactors.


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The efficacy of TiO 2 photocatalysis for the destruction of pathogenic bacteria has been demonstrated by a number of groups over the past two decades. Pathogenic bacteria represent a significant hazard for the food and drink industry. Current practices in this industry dictate that rigorous sanitizing regimes must be regularly implemented resulting in lost production time. The incorporation of a TiO 2 antibacterial surface coating in this setting would be highly desirable. In this paper we report a preliminary study of the efficacy of a TiO 2 coating, doped with the lanthanide, neodymium, at low temperature conditions such as those utilised in the food and drink sector. The rapid destruction of Staphylococcus aureus, a common foodborne pathogen, was observed using TiO 2 films coated to glass and steel substrates. 


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The water treatment capability of a novel photocatalytic slurry reactor was investigated using methylene blue (MB) as a model pollutant in an aqueous suspension. A pellet TiO 2 catalyst was employed and this freed the system from the need of filtration of catalyst following photocatalysis. This configuration combines the high surface area contact of catalyst with pollutant of the slurry reactor and also offers a high illumination of catalyst by its unique array of weir-like baffles. In this work, the batch adsorption of MB from aqueous solution (10μM) onto the TiO 2 catalyst was studied, adsorption isotherms and kinetics were determined from the experimental data. Complete degradation of MB was achieved within 60 min illumination with various loadings of catalyst (30-200 g L -1). A modest catalyst loading (30 g L -1) achieved 98% degradation within 60 min of irradiation. Experimental results indicate that this novel reactor configuration has a high effective mass transfer rate and UV light penetration characteristics. 


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The current study sought to assess the importance of three common variables on the outcome of TiO2 photocatalysis experiments with bacteria. Factors considered were (a) ability of test species to withstand osmotic pressure, (b) incubation period of agar plates used for colony counts following photocatalysis and (c) chemical nature of suspension medium used for bacteria and TiO2. Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Salmonella ser. Typhimurium and Pseudomonas aeruginosa were found to vary greatly in their ability to withstand osmotic pressure, raising the possibility that osmotic lysis may be contributing to loss of viability in some photocatalytic disinfection studies. Agar plate incubation time was also found to influence results, as bacteria treated with UV light only grew more slowly than those treated with a combination of UV and TiO2. The chemical nature of the suspension medium used was found to have a particularly pronounced effect upon results. Greatest antibacterial activity was detected when aqueous sodium chloride solution was utilised, with ∼1 × 106 CFU mL-1 S. aureus being completely killed after 60 min. Moderate activity was observed when distilled water was employed with bacteria being killed after 2 h and 30 min, and no antibacterial activity at all was detected when aqueous tryptone solution was used. Interestingly, the antibacterial activity of UV light on its own appeared to be very much reduced in experiments where aqueous sodium chloride was employed instead of distilled water. 


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This chapter presents a novel hand-held instrument capable of real-time in situ detection and identification of heavy metals, along with the potential use of novel taggants in environmental forensic investigations. The proposed system provides the facilities found in a traditional laboratory-based instrument but in a hand held design, without the need for an associated computer. The electrochemical instrument uses anodic stripping voltammetry, which is a precise and sensitive analytical method with excellent limits of detection. The sensors comprise a small disposable plastic strip of screen-printed electrodes rather than the more common glassy carbon disc and gold electrodes. The system is designed for use by a surveyor on site, allowing them to locate hotspots, thus avoiding the expense and time delay of prior laboratory analysis. This is particularly important in environmental forensic analysis when a site may have been released back to the owner and samples could be compromised on return visits. The system can be used in a variety of situations in environmental assessments, the data acquired from which provide a metals fingerprint suitable for input to a database. The proposed novel taggant tracers, based on narrow-band atomic fluorescence, are under development for potential deployment as forensic environmental tracers. The use of discrete fluorescent species in an environmentally stable host has been investigated to replace existing toxic, broadband molecular dye tracers. The narrow band emission signals offer the potential for tracing a large number of signals in the same environment. This will give increased data accuracy and allow multiple source environmental monitoring of environmental parameters.


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This paper presents a portable electrochemical instrument capable of detecting and identifying heavy metals in soil, in situ. The instrument has been developed for use in a variety of situations to facilitate contaminated land surveys, avoiding expensive and time-consuming procedures. The system uses differential pulse anodic stripping voltammetry which is a precise and sensitive analytical method with excellent limits of detection. The identification of metals is based on a statistical microprocessor-based method. The instrument is capable of detecting six different toxic metals (lead, cadmium, zinc, nickel, mercury and copper) with good sensitivity


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This paper presents an electrochemical instrumentation system capable of real-time in situ detection of heavy metals. A practical approach to introduce acidity compensation against changes in amplitude of the peak currents is also presented. The compensated amplitudes can then be used to predict the concentration level of heavy metals. The system uses differential pulse anodic stripping voltammetry, which is a precise and sensitive analytical method with excellent limits of detection. The instrument is capable of detecting lead, cadmium, zinc, nickel and copper with good sensitivity and precision. The system avoids expensive and time-consuming procedures and may be used in a variety of situations to help environmental assessment and control. 


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This paper presents a portable electrochemical instrument capable of real-time in situ detection and automatic identification of heavy metals. The instrument is equipped with an embedded Geographical Position System and is capable of storing the geographical position of the sample under test. Software has been developed to combine pollutant results with geographical position, in order to produce a cartographical presentation of the pollution of an area. The electrochemical instrument provides the facilities found in a traditional lab based instrument in a portable design for on-site measurements. The instrument is capable of detecting lead, cadmium, zinc, nickel, mercury, and copper with good sensitivity and precision. The system is reliable, easy to use, safe, and it may be used in a variety of situations to help environmental assessment and control.


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This article presents a low-cost portable electrochemical instrument capable of on-site identification of heavy metals. The instrument acquires metal-specific voltage and current signals by the application of differential pulse anodic stripping voltammetry. This technique enhances the analytical current and rejects the background current, resulting in a higher signal-to-noise ratio for a better detection limit. The identification of heavy metals is based on an intelligent machine-based method using a multilayer perceptron neural network consisting of three layers of neurons. The neural network is implemented using a 16 bit microcontroller. The system is developed for use in the field in order to avoid expensive and time-consuming procedures and can be used in a variety of situations to help environmental assessment and control. 


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As part of any drilling cuttings pile removal process the requirement for monitoring the release of contaminants into the marine environment will be critical. Traditional methods for such monitoring involve taking samples for laboratory analysis. This process is time consuming and only provides data on spot samples taken from a limited number of locations and time frames. Such processes, therefore, offer very restricted information. The need for improved marine sensors for monitoring contaminants is established. We report here the development and application of a multi-capability optical sensor for the real-time in situ monitoring of three key marine environmental and offshore/oil parameters: hydrocarbons, synthetic-based fluids and heavy metal concentrations. The use of these sensors will be a useful tool for real-time in situ environmental monitoring during the process of decommissioning offshore structures. Multi-capability array sensors could also provide information on the dispersion of contamination from drill cuttings piles either while they are in situ or during their removal.


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The use of anodic stripping voltammetry (ASV)has been proven in the past to be a precise and sensitive analytical method with an excellent limit of detection. Electrochemical sensors could help to avoid expensive and time consuming procedures as sample taking and storage and provide a both sensitive and reliable method for the direct monitoring of heavy metals in the aquatic environment. Solid electrodes which have been used in this work, were produced using previously developed methods. Commercially available and newly designed, screen printed carbon and gold plated working electrodes (WE) were compared. Good results were achieved with the screen printed and plated electrodes under conditions optimized for each electrode material. The electrode stability, reproducibility of single measurements and the limit of detection obtained for Pb were satisfactory (3*10-6mol/l on screen printed carbon WEs after 60 s of deposition and 6*10-6 mol/l on gold plated WEs after 5 min of deposition). Complete 3-electrode-sets (counter, reference and working electrode) were screen printed on different substrates (glass, polycarbonate and alumina). Also here, both carbon and gold were used as WE. Using 3-electrode-sets with a gold plated WE on glass was a limit of detection of 7*10-7 mol/l was achieved after only 60 s of deposition.