279 resultados para Octopamine-like Immunoreactivity


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Energy levels and oscillator strengths (transition probabilities) have been calculated for transitions among 46 fine-structure levels of the (1s(2)) 2s(2) 2p(2), 2s2p(3),2p(4), 2s(2)2p3s, 2s(2) 2p3p and 2s(2)2p3d configurations of C-like K XIV, Sc XVI, Ti XVII, V XVIII, Cr XIX and Mn XX using the GRASP code. Configuration interaction and relativistic effects have been included while generating the wavefunctions. Calculated values of energy levels agree within 3% with the experimentally compiled results, and the length and velocity forms of oscillator strengths agree within 20% for a majority of allowed transitions.


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Energy levels and oscillator strengths (transition probabilities) have been calculated for the fine-structure transitions among the levels of the (1s(2)) 2s(2)2p(2), 2s2p(3), 2p(4), 2s(2)2p3s, 2s(2)2p3p, and 2s(2)2p3d configurations of C-like F IV, Na VI, Al VIII, P X, Cl XII, and Ar XIII using the CIV3 program. The extensive configuration interaction and relativistic effects have been included while generating the wavefunctions. Calculated values of energy levels generally agree within 5% with the experimentally compiled results, and the length and velocity forms of oscillator strengths agree within 20% for a majority of allowed transitions.


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Energy levels and radiative rates for transitions among the 107 finestructure levels belonging to the (1s(2)2s(2)2p(6)) 3s(2)3p(6)3d(10), 3s(2)3p(6)3d(9)4l, 3s(2)3p(5)3d(10)4l, and 3s3p(6)3d(10)4l configurations of Ni-like ions with 60 less than or equal to Z less than or equal to 90 have been calculated using the GRASP code. The collision strengths (Omega) have also been computed for transitions in Gd XXXVII at energies below 800 Ryd, using the DARC code. Resonances have been resolved in a fine energy mesh in the threshold region, and excitation rate coefficients have been calculated for transitions from the ground level to excited levels at temperatures below 2500 eV. These have been compared with those available in the literature, and enhancement in the values of rates, due to resonances, has been observed up to an order of magnitude for some of the transitions.


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Energies of the 700 lowest levels in Fe XX have been obtained using the multiconfiguration Dirac-Fock method. Configuration interaction method on the basis set of transformed radial orbitals with variable parameters taking into account relativistic corrections in the Breit-Pauli approximation was used to crosscheck our presented results. Transition probabilities, oscillator and line strengths are presented for electric dipole (E1), electric quadrupole (E2) and magnetic dipole (M1) transitions among these levels. The total radiative transition probabilities from each level are also provided. Results are compared with data compiled by NIST and with other theoretical work.


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Energy levels and the corresponding transition probabilities for allowed and forbidden transitions among the levels of the ground configuration and first 23 excited configurations of fluorine-like Fe XVIII have been calculated using the multiconfigurational Dirac-Fock GRASP code. A total of 379 lowest bound levels of Fe XVIII is presented, and the energy levels are identified in spectroscopic notations. Transition probabilities, oscillator strengths and line strengths for electric dipole (E1), electric quadrupole (E2) and magnetic dipole (M1) transitions among these 379 levels are also presented. The calculated energy levels and transition probabilities are compared with experimental data.


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Multiconfigurational Dirac-Fock calculations are reported for 656 energy levels and the 214 840 electric dipole (E I), electric quadrupole (E2) and magnetic dipole (M1) transition probabilities in oxygen-like Fe xix. The spectroscopic notations as well as the total transition probabilities from each energy level are provided. Good agreement is found with data compiled by NIST.


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Theoretical emission-line ratios involving transitions in the 236-412 Angstrom wavelength range are presented for the Na-like ions Ar viii, Cr xiv, Mn xv, Fe xvi, Co xvii, Ni xviii and Zn xx. A comparison of these with an extensive data set of the solar active region, quiet-Sun, subflare and off-limb observations, obtained during rocket flights by the Solar EUV Research Telescope and Spectrograph (SERTS), reveals generally very good agreement between theory and experiment. This indicates that most of the Na-like ion lines are reliably detected in the SERTS observations, and hence may be employed with confidence in solar spectral analyses. However, the features in the SERTS spectra at 236.34 and 300.25 Angstrom, originally identified as the Ni xviii 3p (2) P-3/2 -3d (2) D- 3/2 and Cr xiv 3p (2) P-3/2 -3d (2) D-5/2 transitions, respectively, are found to be due to emission lines of Ar xiii (236.34 Angstrom) and possibly S v or Ni vi (300.25 Angstrom). The Co xvii 3s (2) S-3p (2) P-3/2 line at 312.55 Angstrom is always badly blended with an Fe xv feature at the same wavelength, but Mn xv 3s (2) S-3p (2) P-1/2 at 384.75 Angstrom may not always be as affected by second-order emission from Fe xii 192.37 Angstrom as previously thought. On the other hand, we find that the Zn xx 3s (2) S-3p (2) P-3/2 transition can sometimes make a significant contribution to the Zn xx/Fe xiii 256.43- Angstrom blend, and hence care must be taken when using this feature as an Fe xiii electron density diagnostic. A line in the SERTS-89 active region spectrum at 265.00 Angstrom has been re-assessed, and we confirm its identification as the Fe xvi 3p (2) P-3/2 -3d (2) D-3/2 transition.


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The effect of differing the datasets used in the modelling of the Ni-like Gd x-ray laser (XRL) is examined through the 1.50 hydro-atomic code, EHYBRID. Two atomic datasets, including energy levels and radiative and collisional excitation rates, are used as input data for the code. It is found that the behaviour of the XRL is somewhat different than might be expected from superficial examination of the atomic data. The similarities in the gain profiles at low densities are found to have encouraging implications. in our attempts to model XRLs.


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Energy levels for transitions among the lowest 24 fine- structure levels belonging to the 1s(2)nl(n greater than or equal to 5) configurations of Li-like Ar XVI and Fe XXIV have been calculated using the fully relativistic GRASP code. Oscillator strengths, radiative rates and line strengths have also been generated among these levels for the four types of transitions: electric dipole (E1), magnetic dipole (M1), electric quadrupole (E2) and magnetic quadrupole (M2). Comparisons are made for the electric dipole transitions with other available results, and the accuracy of the present data is assessed.


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Photoionization cross-sections out of the fine-structure levels (2S(2)2p(4) P-3(2,0,1)) of the O-like Fe ion Fe XIX have been reinvestigated. Data for photoionization out of each of these finestructure levels have been obtained, where the calculations have been performed with and without the inclusion of radiation damping on the resonance structure in order to assess the importance of this process. Recombination rate coefficients are determined using the Milne relation, for the case of an electron recombining with N-like Fe ions (Fe XX) in the ground state to form O-like Fe (Fe XIX) existing in each of the fine- structure ground-state levels. Recombination rates are presented over a temperature range similar to 4.0 less than or equal to log T-e less than or equal to 7.0, of importance to the modelling of X-ray emission plasmas.


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Photon yields for the 1s(2)-1s2p (He-alpha) transition of He- like ions have been measured for laser irradiated, thin foils of Ti, V and Fe. The laser pulses were of 0.527 mum wavelength and of either 80 or 300 ps duration. The data shows significant shot-to-shot variation but the Ti data is broadly consistent with previous results. In this work, we extend the previous results to include, new elements, longer pulse lengths and yields measured for emission from both surfaces of the foils. We compare our data to simulations using a hydrodynamic code and a collisional radiative model.