72 resultados para Married-couples


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The transmembrane proton gradient (ΔpH) is the primary source of energy exploited by secondary active substrate/H+ antiporters to drive the electroneutral transport of substrates across the Escherichia coli (E. coli) inner membrane. Such electroneutral transport results in no net movement of charges across the membrane. The charge on the transported substrate and the stoichiometry of the exchange reaction, however, can result in an electrogenic reaction which is driven by both the ΔpH and the electrical (∆Ψ) components of the proton electrochemical gradient, resulting in a net movement of electrical charges across the membrane. We have shown that the major facilitator superfamily transporter MdtM - a multidrug efflux protein from E. coli that functions physiologically in protection of bacterial cells against bile salts - imparts bile salt resistance to the bacterial cell by coupling the exchange of external protons (H+) to the efflux of bile salts from the cell interior via an electrogenic antiport reaction (Paul et al., 2014). This protocol describes, using fluorometry, how to detect electrogenic antiport activity of MdtM in inverted membrane vesicles of an antiporter-deficient strain of E. coli TO114 cells by measuring transmembrane ∆Ψ. The method exploits changes that occur in the intensity of the fluorescence signal (quenching and dequenching) of the probe Oxonol V in response to changes in membrane potential due to the MdtM-catalysed sodium cholate/H+ exchange reaction. The protocol can be adapted to detect activity of any secondary active antiporter that couples the electrogenic translocation of H+ across a biological membrane to that of its counter-substrate, and may be used to unmask otherwise camouflaged transport activities and physiological roles.


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We study properties of intensity fluctuations in NOAA Active Region 11250 observed on 13 July 2011 starting at UT 13:32. Included are data obtained in the EUV bands of the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly on board the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO/AIA) as well as nearly simultaneous observations of the chromosphere made, at much higher spatial and temporal resolution, with the Rapid Oscillations in the Solar Atmosphere (ROSA) and Hydrogen-Alpha Rapid Dynamics camera (HARDcam) systems at the Dunn Solar Telescope. A complex structure seen in both the ROSA/HARDcam and SDO data sets comprises a system of loops extending outward from near the boundary of the leading sunspot umbra. It is visible in the ROSA Ca II K and HARDcam Hα images, as well as the SDO 304 Å, 171 Å and 193 Å channels, and it thus couples the chromosphere, transition region and corona. In the ground-based images the loop structure is 4.1 Mm long. Some 17.5 Mm, can be traced in the SDO/AIA data. The chromospheric emissions observed by ROSA and HARDcam appear to occupy the inner, and apparently cooler and lower, quarter of the loop. We compare the intensity fluctuations of two points within the structure. From alignment with SDO/HMI images we identify a point "A" near the loop structure, which sits directly above a bipolar magnetic feature in the photosphere. Point "B" is characteristic of locations within the loops that are visible in both the ROSA/HARDcam and the SDO/AIA data. The intensity traces for point A are quiet during the first part of the data string. At time ~ 19 min they suddenly begin a series of impulsive brightenings. In the 171 Å and 193 Å coronal lines the brightenings are localized impulses in time, but in the transition region line at 304 Å they are more extended in time. The intensity traces in the 304 Å line for point B shows a quasi-periodic signal that changes properties at about 19 min. The wavelet power spectra are characterized by two periodicities. A 6.7 min period extends from the beginning of the series until about 25 minutes, and another signal with period ~3 min starts at about 20 min. The 193 Å power spectrum has a characteristic period of 5 min, before the 20 min transition and a 2.5 min periodicity afterward. In the case of HARDcam Hα data a localized 4 min periodicity can be found until about 7 min, followed by a quiet regime. After ~20 min a 2.3 min periodicity appears. Interestingly a coronal loop visible in the 94 Å line that is centrally located in the AR, running from the leading umbra to the following polarity, at about time 20 min undergoes a strong brightening beginning at the same moment all along 15 Mm of its length. The fact that these different signals all experience a clear-cut change at time about 20 min suggests an underlying organizing mechanism. Given that point A has a direct connection to the photospheric magnetic bipole, we conjecture that the whole extended structure is connected in a complex manner to the underlying magnetic field. The periodicities in these features may favor the wave nature rather than upflows and interpretations will be discussed.


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Objective: Many forms of contraception are available on prescription only for example, the oral contraceptive pill (OCP) and long-acting reversible contraceptives (LARCs). In this analysis we aim to identify key determinants of prescription contraceptive use.

Design: Cross-sectional population survey. Data on sociodemographic indices, concerns about the OCP and perceived barriers to access were collected.

Setting: Data set constructed from a representative population-based telephone survey of community dwelling adults in the Republic of Ireland (RoI)

Participants: 1515 women aged between 18 and 45 years

Main outcome measure: Self-reported user of the OCP or LARCs (intrauterine contraception, contraceptive injections or subdermal contraceptive implants) in the previous 12 months.

Results: For at least some of the previous year, 35% had used the OCP and 14% had used LARCs, while 3% had used two or more of these methods. OCP users were significantly younger, more likely to be unmarried and had higher income than non-users. Overall, 68% agreed with the statement ‘that taking a break from long-term use of the contraceptive pill is a good idea’ and 37% agreed with the statement that ‘the OCP has dangerous side effects’ and this was the strongest predictor variable of non-use of the OCP. Intrauterine contraception users were significantly older, more likely to be married and had lower income than non-users. Injections or subdermal contraceptive implant users were significantly younger, less likely to be married, had lower income and were less likely to agree that taking a break from long-term use of the pill is a good idea than non-users.

Conclusions: Prescription contraceptive use is sociodemographically patterned, with LARCs in particular being associated with lower incomes in the RoI. Concerns about the safety of the OCP remain prevalent and are important and modifiable determinants of contraceptive-related behaviour.


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Background: Little is known about why people with a long-standing illness/disability are less likely to participate in sport than others. This study aimed to identify for the first time sport participation levels and their correlates among Northern Ireland (NI) adults who report a long-standing illness/disability. Method Using data collected in the Continuous Household Survey, an annual survey of a random sample of the NI population, during 2007–2011, we examined responses for the total sample, those with a long-term illness/disability and those with no long-term health issues. We conducted univariate binary regression analysis for the whole sample and for those with a long-standing illness or disability, using sport participation as the dependent variable, and then carried significant variables into a multivariate analysis. Results: The sample included 13 683 adults; 3550 (26%) reported a long-term illness or disability. Multivariate analysis showed that, for the total sample and for those with a long-standing illness or disability, sport participation correlated positively with being male, aged <56 years, having a household car/van, health being ‘fairly good’/‘good’ in the previous year, doing work and living in an urban location. Also, for those with a long-standing illness or disability, being single and less socioeconomically deprived correlated positively with sport participation. Conclusions: The findings suggest that more focused efforts may promote sport participation for people with a long-standing illness or disability who are female, older, not working, living rurally, married/cohabiting, socioeconomically deprived and report having had poor health in the past year. Our findings should inform public health policy and help in developing initiatives to support sport participation and reduce health inequalities.


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Purpose:Physical activity is recommended for optimal prevention of cardiovascular disease(CVD) and participation in sport is associated with improved well-being. However, people with long-standing illness/disability are less likely to participate in sport than others. Evidence of factors associated with their participation is limited and the best approach to encourage participation is unknown. This study aimed to identify sport participation levels and their correlates, among adults with long standing illness/disability in Northern Ireland, where CVD prevalence is high. Method:Using routinely collected data in annual surveys of population samples from 2007 to 2011, descriptive statistics were derived. Chi-squared tests were used to compare characteristics of those with a long-term illness/disability and those without long-term health problems. Uni-variate binary regression analysis for the whole sample and those with a long-standing illness/disability, using sport participation as the dependent variable, was performed and variables with a p-value of 0.1 or less were taken into a multi-variate analysis. Results:The sample included 13,683 adults; 3550(26%) reported having long-term illness/disability. Fewer of those with, than without, long-term illness/disability reported sport participation in the previous year (868/3550(24.5%) v 5615/10133(55.6%)). Multi-variate analysis showed that, for those with long-standing illness/disability, being single and less socio-economically deprived correlated positively with sport participation. For both those with long-standing illness/disability and the full sample, sport participation correlated positively with being male, aged <56 years, access to a household car/van, sports club membership, health ‘fairly good’ or ‘good’ in the previous year, doing paid/unpaid work, and living in an urban location. For the full sample but not those with long-standing illness/disability, sport participation correlated positively with being a non-smoker, higher educational status and personal internet access. Of note, personal internet access was less for those with, than without, long-term illness/disability (41% v 70%). Conclusions:Efforts to promote physical activity in sport for those with long-standing illness/disability should target older people, married females, those who live rurally, and those who are socio-economically deprived and report their health as ‘not good’. Implementation of initiatives should not rely on the internet, to which these people may not have ready access, to help support their sport participation and physical activity in optimal CVD prevention.


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Molecular Dynamics Simulations (MDS) are constantly being used to make important contributions to our fundamental understanding of material behaviour, at the atomic scale, for a variety of thermodynamic processes. This chapter shows that molecular dynamics simulation is a robust numerical analysis tool in addressing a range of complex nanofinishing (machining) problems that are otherwise difficult or impossible to understand using other methods. For example the mechanism of nanometric cutting of silicon carbide is influenced by a number of variables such as machine tool performance, machining conditions, material properties, and cutting tool performance (material microstructure and physical geometry of the contact) and all these variables cannot be monitored online through experimental examination. However, these could suitably be studied using an advanced simulation based approach such as MDS. This chapter details how MD simulation can be used as a research and commercial tool to understand key issues of ultra precision manufacturing research problems and a specific case was addressed by studying diamond machining of silicon carbide. While this is appreciable, there are a lot of challenges and opportunities in this fertile area. For example, the world of MD simulations is dependent on present day computers and the accuracy and reliability of potential energy functions [109]. This presents a limitation: Real-world scale simulation models are yet to be developed. The simulated length and timescales are far shorter than the experimental ones which couples further with the fact that contact loading simulations are typically done in the speed range of a few hundreds of m/sec against the experimental speed of typically about 1 m/sec [17]. Consequently, MD simulations suffer from the spurious effects of high cutting speeds and the accuracy of the simulation results has yet to be fully explored. The development of user-friendly software could help facilitate molecular dynamics as an integral part of computer-aided design and manufacturing to tackle a range of machining problems from all perspectives, including materials science (phase of the material formed due to the sub-surface deformation layer), electronics and optics (properties of the finished machined surface due to the metallurgical transformation in comparison to the bulk material), and mechanical engineering (extent of residual stresses in the machined component) [110]. Overall, this chapter provided key information concerning diamond machining of SiC which is classed as hard, brittle material. From the analysis presented in the earlier sections, MD simulation has helped in understanding the effects of crystal anisotropy in nanometric cutting of 3C-SiC by revealing the atomic-level deformation mechanisms for different crystal orientations and cutting directions. In addition to this, the MD simulation revealed that the material removal mechanism on the (111) surface of 3C-SiC (akin to diamond) is dominated by cleavage. These understandings led to the development of a new approach named the “surface defect machining” method which has the potential to be more effective to implement than ductile mode micro laser assisted machining or conventional nanometric cutting.


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The electron dynamics in a planar coil inductively coupled plasma (ICP) system with a capacitively biased electrode is investigated using space and phase resolved optical emission spectroscopy. The two power source frequencies are exact multiple of each other and phase-locked. In this configuration, the system is investigated when the coil is operated in both E-mode and H-mode. The results show that in a phase synchronized RF biased ICP, the electrode bias power couples with the capacitive contribution of the coil, in both E-mode and H-modes, similar to dual-frequency capacitively coupled plasmas (2f-CCPs). It is also demonstrated that in H-mode, the phase between the electrode bias frequency and the ICP coil frequency influences the electron heating, similar to the electrical asymmetry effect in 2f-CCPs.


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Analysis of screening uptake usually dichotomizes women into attenders and non-attenders, though many women respond positively to some but not all invitations. This paper studies these intermittent attenders.


A cohort of 8,571 women invited for consecutive breast screens in the Northern Ireland Breast Screening Programme were followed in a study linking screening and census records. Multivariate logistic analysis was used to analyze the characteristics of those who attended both times (consistent), once (intermittent or 'one-time only'), or not at all (non-attenders).


Overall, 15.5% of women attended once and 13.4% were non-attenders. Non-attenders were characteristically disadvantaged (as measured by social renting, car access, and employment status), less likely to be married, and more likely to be healthy. One-time attenders were younger, and suffering poor health, though there was no association with either social renting or employment status. Privately rented accommodation and city living was associated with both one-time attendance and non-attendance.


One-time attenders are an important and distinct subgroup of screening invitees in this analysis. Their distinct characteristics suggest that transitory factors, such as change in marital status, ill-health, or addressing difficulties through change of residence are important. These distinct characteristics suggest the need for different approaches to increase attendance, among both intermittent attenders and those not attending at all.


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Introduction: Neutrophil elastase (NE) is a serine protease implicated in the pathogenesis of several respiratory diseases including cystic fibrosis (CF). The presence of free NE in BAL is a predictor of subsequent bronchiectasis in children with CF (Sly et al, 2013, NEJM 368: 1963-1970). Furthermore, children with higher levels of sputum NE activity (NEa) tend to experience a more rapid decline in FEV1 over time even after adjusting for age, gender and baseline FEV1 (Sagel et al, 2012, AJRCCM 186: 857-865). Its detection and quantification in biological samples is however confounded by a lack of robust methodologies. Standard assays using chromogenic or fluorogenic substrates are not specific when added to complex samples containing multiple proteolytic and hydrolytic enzymes. ELISA systems measure total protein levels which can be a mixture of latent, active and protease-inhibitor complexes. We have therefore developed a novel assay (ProteaseTag™ Active NE Immunoassay), which couples an activity dependent NE-Tag with a specific antibody step, resulting in an assay which is both selective and specific for NEa. Aims: To clinically validate ProteaseTag™ Active NE for the detection of free NEa in BAL from children with CF. Methods: A total of 95 paediatric BAL samples [CF (n=76; 44M, 32F) non-CF (n=19; 12M, 7F)] collected through the Study of Host Immunity and Early Lung Disease in CF (SHIELD CF) were analysed for NEa using ProteaseTag™ Active NE (ProAxsis Ltd) and a fluorogenic substrate-based assay utilising Suc-AAPV-AMC (Sigma). IL-8 was measured by ELISA (R&D Systems). Results were analysed to show comparisons in free NEa between CF and non-CF samples alongside correlations with a range of clinical parameters. Results: NEa measured by ProteaseTag™ Active NE correlated significantly with age (r=0.3, p=0.01) and highly significantly with both IL-8 (r=0.4, p=<0.0001) and the absolute neutrophil count (ANC) (r=0.4, p=<0.0001). These correlations were not observed when NEa was measured by the substrate assay even though a significant correlation was found between the two assays (r=0.8, p<0.0001). A trend towards significance was found between NEa in the CF and non-CF groups when measured by ProteaseTag™ Active NE (p=0.07). Highly significant differences were found with the other inflammatory parameters between the 2 groups (IL-8: p=0.0002 and ANC: p=0.006). Conclusion: NEa as a primary efficacy endpoint in clinical trials or as a marker of inflammation within the clinic has been hampered by the lack of a robust and simple to use assay. ProteaseTag™ Active NE has been shown to be a specific and superior tool in the measurement of NEa in paediatric CF BAL samples (supporting data from previous studies using adult CF expectorated samples). The technology is currently being transferred to a lateral flow device for use at Point of Care. Acknowledgements: This work was supported by the National Children’s Research Centre, Dublin (SHIELD CF) and grants from the Medical Research Council and Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Therapeutics.


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During extreme sea states so called impact events can be observed on the wave energy converter Oyster. In small scale experimental tests these impact events cause high frequency signals in the measured load which decrease confidence in the data obtained. These loads depend on the structural dynamics of the model. Amplification of the loads can occur and is transferred through the structure from the point of impact to the load cell located in the foundation. Since the determination of design data and load cases for Wave Energy Converters originate from scale experiments, this lack of confidence has a direct effect on the development.

Numerical vibration analysis is a valuable tool in the research of the structural load response of Oyster to impact events, but must take into account the effect of the surrounding water. This can be done efficiently by adding an added mass distribution, computed with a linearised potential boundary element method. This paper presents the development and validation of a numerical procedure, which couples the OpenSource boundary element code NEMOH with the Finite Element Analysis tool CodeAster. Numerical results of the natural frequencies and mode shapes of the structure under the influence of added mass due to specific structural modes are compared with experimental results.


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Migration and gender studies have focused on economically active heterogeneous couples and traditionally highlight a dominant male role in migration decision-making. The female partner is commonly portrayed as a 'trailing wife' or 'trailing mother' with the move found to have a negative effect on her employment prospects. Much less is known about if or how the balance of power shifts between husbands and wives when employment or career-motivated moves are removed from the decision-making process. This is analysed with reference to retirement migration to rural areas of the UK and involved interviews with both partners present. For this cohort of retired couples, and in common with the literature, migration during economically active life course stages demonstrates strong 'trailing wife' and 'trailing mother' tendencies. The male's decision to retire signalled the commencement of a retirement life course stage for the couple. However, in contrast to the earlier male dominated decision-making, retirement migration saw the emergence of a 'trailing husband' phenomenon. Wives appear to adapt most successfully to the new rural environment while many husbands found it difficult to adjust (at least initially) to the multiple life changes: moving from largely urban areas to a rural setting alongside exiting the workforce. The findings suggest that the role of leader/ follower changed during the course of these couples' lives together and in relation to their reasons for moving.


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A cancer diagnosis may lead to significant psychological distress in up to 75% of cases. There is a lack of clarity about the most effective ways to address this psychological distress.
To assess the effects of psychosocial interventions to improve quality of life (QoL) and general psychological distress in the 12-month phase following an initial cancer diagnosis.
We searched the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) (The Cochrane Library 2010, Issue 4), MEDLINE, EMBASE, and PsycINFO up to January 2011. We also searched registers of clinical trials, abstracts of scientific meetings and reference lists of included studies. Electronic searches were carried out across all primary sources of peer-reviewed publications using detailed criteria. No language restrictions were imposed.
Randomised controlled trials of psychosocial interventions involving interpersonal dialogue between a 'trained helper' and individual newly diagnosed cancer patients were selected. Only trials measuring QoL and general psychological distress were included. Trials involving a combination of pharmacological therapy and interpersonal dialogue were excluded, as were trials involving couples, family members or group formats.
Trial data were examined and selected by two authors in pairs with mediation from a third author where required. Where possible, outcome data were extracted for combining in a meta-analyses. Continuous outcomes were compared using standardised mean differences and 95% confidence intervals, using a random-effects model. The primary outcome, QoL, was examined in subgroups by outcome measurement, cancer site, theoretical basis for intervention, mode of delivery and discipline of trained helper. The secondary outcome, general psychological distress (including anxiety and depression), was examined according to specified outcome measures.
A total of 3309 records were identified, examined and the trials subjected to selection criteria; 30 trials were included in the review. No significant effects were observed for QoL at 6-month follow up (in 9 studies, SMD 0.11; 95% CI -0.00 to 0.22); however, a small improvement in QoL was observed when QoL was measured using cancer-specific measures (in 6 studies, SMD 0.16; 95% CI 0.02 to 0.30). General psychological distress as assessed by 'mood measures' improved also (in 8 studies, SMD - 0.81; 95% CI -1.44 to - 0.18), but no significant effect was observed when measures of depression or anxiety were used to assess distress (in 6 studies, depression SMD 0.12; 95% CI -0.07 to 0.31; in 4 studies, anxiety SMD 0.05; 95% CI -0.13 to 0.22). Psychoeducational and nurse-delivered interventions that were administered face to face and by telephone with breast cancer patients produced small positive significant effects on QoL (in 2 studies, SMD 0.23; 95% CI 0.04 to 0.43).
The significant variation that was observed across participants, mode of delivery, discipline of 'trained helper' and intervention content makes it difficult to arrive at a firm conclusion regarding the effectiveness of psychosocial interventions for cancer patients. It can be tentatively concluded that nurse-delivered interventions comprising information combined with supportive attention may have a beneficial impact on mood in an undifferentiated population of newly diagnosed cancer patients.