192 resultados para MIMO-OFDM, wireless communications, indoor wireless transmissions


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A simple linear precoding technique is proposed for multiple input multiple output (MIMO) broadcast systems using phase shift keying (PSK) modulation. The proposed technique is based on the fact that, on an instantaneous basis, the interference between spatial links in a MIMO system can be constructive and can contribute to the power of the useful signal to improve the performance of signal detection. In MIMO downlinks this co-channel interference (CCI) can be predicted and characterised prior to transmission. Contrary to common practice where knowledge of the interference is used to eliminate it, the main idea proposed here is to use this knowledge to influence the interference and benefit from it, thus gaining advantage from energy already existing in the communication system that is left unexploited otherwise. The proposed precoding aims at adaptively rotating, rather than zeroing, the correlation between the MIMO substreams depending on the transmitted data, so that the signal of interfering transmissions is aligned to the signal of interest at each receive antenna. By doing so, the CCI is always kept constructive and the received signal to interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) delivered to the mobile units (MUs) is enhanced without the need to invest additional signal power per transmitted symbol at the MIMO base station (BS). It is shown by means of theoretical analysis and simulations that the proposed MIMO precoding technique offers significant performance and throughput gains compared to its conventional counterparts.


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A self-tracking (aligning) radio communications system based on the principle of modulated backscatter detection is presented here. Using amplitude-modulated backscatter from a co-operating target, a modified IQ demodulation scheme is used to reproduce automatically and in real time both the received and conjugate of the received phase of an incoming signal. The phase conjugated demodulated IF signal can have incoming backscattered data removed and new data are inserted before being up-converted using IQ single side-band generation so that retro-directive re-transmission can be made to occur. In the absence of the backscattered modulation signal, no phase conjugation and hence no retro-directed re-transmission can occur. The system reported is therefore inherently self-authenticating a facility not readily available from previously reported retro-directive self-tracking systems. © 2010 © The Institution of Engineering and Technology.


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This paper introduces a novel channel inversion (CI) precoding scheme for the downlink of phase shift keying (PSK)-based multiple input multiple output (MIMO) systems. In contrast to common practice where knowledge of the interference is used to eliminate it, the main idea proposed here is to use this knowledge to glean benefit from the interference. It will be shown that the system performance can be enhanced by exploiting some of the existent inter-channel interference (ICI). This is achieved by applying partial channel inversion such that the constructive part of ICI is preserved and exploited while the destructive part is eliminated by means of CI precoding. By doing so, the effective signal to interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) delivered to the mobile unit (MU) receivers is enhanced without the need to invest additional transmitted signal power at the MIMO base station (BS). It is shown that the trade-off to this benefit is a minor increase in the complexity of the BS processing. The presented theoretical analysis and simulations demonstrate that due to the SINR enhancement, significant performance and throughput gains are offered by the proposed MIMO precoding technique compared to its conventional counterparts.


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The concept of a body-to-body network, where smart communicating devices carried or worn by a person are used to form a wireless network with devices situated on other nearby persons. New innovations in this area will see the form factor of smart devices being modified, so that they may be worn on the human body or integrated into clothing, in the process creating a new generation of smart people. Applications of body-to-body networking will extend well beyond the support of cellular and Wi-Fi networks. They will also be used in short-range covert military applications, first responder applications, team sports and used to interconnect body area networks (BAN). Security will be a major issue as routing between multiple nodes will increase the risk of unauthorized access and compromise sensitive data. This will add complexity to the medium access layer (MAC) and network management. Antennas designed to operate in body centric communications systems may be broadly categorized as on- or off-body radiators, according to their radiation pattern characteristics when mounted on the human body.


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Sphere Decoding (SD) is a highly effective detection technique for Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) wireless communications receivers, offering quasi-optimal accuracy with relatively low computational complexity as compared to the ideal ML detector. Despite this, the computational demands of even low-complexity SD variants, such as Fixed Complexity SD (FSD), remains such that implementation on modern software-defined network equipment is a highly challenging process, and indeed real-time solutions for MIMO systems such as 4 4 16-QAM 802.11n are unreported. This paper overcomes this barrier. By exploiting large-scale networks of fine-grained softwareprogrammable processors on Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA), a series of unique SD implementations are presented, culminating in the only single-chip, real-time quasi-optimal SD for 44 16-QAM 802.11n MIMO. Furthermore, it demonstrates that the high performance software-defined architectures which enable these implementations exhibit cost comparable to dedicated circuit architectures.


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To optimize the performance of wireless networks, one needs to consider the impact of key factors such as interference from hidden nodes, the capture effect, the network density and network conditions (saturated versus non-saturated). In this research, our goal is to quantify the impact of these factors and to propose effective mechanisms and algorithms for throughput guarantees in multi-hop wireless networks. For this purpose, we have developed a model that takes into account all these key factors, based on which an admission control algorithm and an end-to-end available bandwidth estimation algorithm are proposed. Given the necessary network information and traffic demands as inputs, these algorithms are able to provide predictive control via an iterative approach. Evaluations using analytical comparison with simulations as well as existing research show that the proposed model and algorithms are accurate and effective.


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Adaptive Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) systems achieve a much higher information rate than conventional fixed schemes due to their ability to adapt their configurations according to the wireless communications environment. However, current adaptive MIMO detection schemes exhibit either low performance (and hence low spectral efficiency) or huge computational
complexity. In particular, whilst deterministic Sphere Decoder (SD) detection schemes are well established for static MIMO systems, exhibiting deterministic parallel structure, low computational complexity and quasi-ML detection performance, there are no corresponding adaptive schemes. This paper solves
this problem, describing a hybrid tree based adaptive modulation detection scheme. Fixed Complexity Sphere Decoding (FSD) and Real-Values FSD (RFSD) are modified and combined into a hybrid scheme exploited at low and medium SNR to provide the highest possible information rate with quasi-ML Bit Error
Rate (BER) performance, while Reduced Complexity RFSD, BChase and Decision Feedback (DFE) schemes are exploited in the high SNR regions. This algorithm provides the facility to balance the detection complexity with BER performance with compatible information rate in dynamic, adaptive MIMO communications


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We consider a multiple femtocell deployment in a small area which shares spectrum with the underlaid macrocell. We design a joint energy and radio spectrum scheme which aims not only for co-existence with the macrocell, but also for an energy-efficient implementation of the multi-femtocells. Particularly, aggregate energy usage on dense femtocell channels is formulated taking into account the cost of both the spectrum and energy usage. We investigate an energy-and-spectral efficient approach to balance between the two costs by varying the number of active sub-channels and their energy. The proposed scheme is addressed by deriving closed-form expressions for the interference towards the macrocell and the outage capacity. Analytically, discrete regions under which the most promising outage capacity is achieved by the same size of active sub-channels are introduced. Through a joint optimization of the sub-channels and their energy, properties can be found for the maximum outage capacity under realistic constraints. Using asymptotic and numerical analysis, it can be noticed that in a dense femtocell deployment, the optimum utilization of the energy and the spectrum to maximize the outage capacity converges towards a round-robin scheduling approach for a very small outage threshold. This is the inverse of the traditional greedy approach. © 2012 IEEE.


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DeAuthentication Denial of Service attacks in Public Access WiFi operate by exploiting the lack of authentication of management frames in the 802.11 protocol. Detection of these attacks rely almost exclusively on the selection of appropriate thresholds. In this work the authors demonstrate that there are additional, previously unconsidered, metrics which also influence DoS detection performance. A method of systematically tuning these metrics to optimal values is proposed which ensures that parameter choices are repeatable and verifiable.