112 resultados para MCF-7 cells


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One of the important temporal stages of radiation action in cellular systems is the chemical phase, where oxygen fixation reactions compete with chemical repair reactions involving reducing agents such as GSH. Using the gas explosion technique it is possible to follow the kinetics of these fast (> 1 ms) reactions in intact cells. We have compared the chemical repair kinetics of the oxygen-dependent free radical precursors leading to DNA single-strand and double-strand breaks, measured using filter elution techniques, with those leading to cell killing in V79 cells. The chemical repair rates for DNA dsb (670s-1 at pH 7.2 and 380s-1 at pH 9.6) and cell killing (530s-1) were similar. This is in agreement with the important role of DNA dsb in radiation induced cell lethality. The rate for DNA ssb precursors was significantly slower (210s-1). The difference in rate between DNA ssb and dsb precursors may be explained on the basis of a dsb free radical precursor consisting of a paired radical, one radical on each strand. The instantaneous probability of one or other of these radicals being chemically repaired and not proceeding to form a dsb will be twice that of a ssb radical precursor. This agrees well with the concept of locally multiply damaged sites (LMDS) produced from clusters of ionizations in DNA (Ward 1985).


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Previous work by ourselves and by others has demonstrated that protons with a linear energy transfer (LET) about 30 V mu m(-1) are more effective at killing cells than doubly charged particles of the same LET. In this work we show that by using deuterons, which have about twice the range of protons with the same LET, it is possible to extend measurements of the RBE of singly charged particles to higher LET (up to 50 keV mu m(-1)). We report the design and use of a new arrangement for irradiating V79 mammalian cells. Cell survival. measurements have been made using protons in the energy range 1.0-3.7 MeV, deuterons in the energy range 0.9-3.4 MeV and He-3(2+) ions in the energy range 3.4-6.9 MeV;. This corresponds to volume-averaged LET (within the cell nucleus) between 10 and 28 keV mu m(-1) for protons, 18-50 keV mu m(-1) for deuterons, and 59-106 keV mu m(-1) for helium ions. Our results show no difference in the effectiveness of protons and deuterons matched for LET. However, for LET above about 30 keV mu m(-1) singly charged particles are more effective at inactivating cells than doubly-charged particles of the same LET and that this difference can be understood in terms of the radial dose distribution around the primary ion track.


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Many studies have shown that with increasing LET of ionizing radiation the RBE (relative biological effectiveness) for dsb (double strand breaks) induction remains around 1.0 despite the increase in the RBE for cell killing. This has been attributed to an increase in the complexity of lesions, classified as dsb with current techniques, at multiply damaged sites. This study determines the molecular weight distributions of DNA from Chinese hamster V79 cells irradiated with X-rays or 110 keV/mu m alpha-particles. Two running conditions for pulsed-field gel-electrophoresis were chosen to give optimal separation of fragments either in the 225 kbp-5.7 Mbp range or the 0.3 kbp to 225 kbp range. Taking the total fraction of DNA migrating into the gel as a measure of fragmentation, the RBE for dsb induction was less than 1.0 for both molecular weight regions studied. The total yields of dsb were 8.2 x 10(-9) dsb/Gy/bp for X-rays and 7.8 x 10(-9) dsb/Gy/bp for a-particles, measured using a random breakage model. Analysis of the RBE of alpha-particles versus molecular weight gave a different response. In the 0.4 Mbp-57 Mbp region the RBE was less than 1.0; however, below 0.4 Mbp the RBE increased above 1.0. The frequency distributions of fragment sizes were found to differ from those predicted by a model assuming random breakage along the length of the DNA and the differences were greater for alpha-particles than for X-rays. An excess of fragments induced by a single-hit mechanism was found in the 8-300 kbp region and for X-rays and alpha-particles these corresponded to an extra 0.8 x 10(-9) and 3.4 x 10(-9) dsb/bp/Gy, respectively. Thus for every alpha-particle track that induces a dsb there is a 44% probability of inducing a second break within 300 kbp and for electron tracks the probability is 10%. This study shows that the distribution of damage from a high LET alpha-particle track is significantly different from that observed with low LET X-rays. In particular, it suggests that the fragmentation patterns of irradiated DNA may be related to the higher-order chromatin repealing structures found in intact cells.


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The erythroleukaemic cell line TF-1, infected with either the pBabe neo retrovirus or the retrovirus bearing the human erythropoietin (hEpo) gene, developed three growth factor-independent clones. Erythropoietin (Epo), interleukin-3 (IL-3) and granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF) accelerated the proliferation of these clones. Autonomous growth of the clones was independent of Epo because it was not altered by Epo anti-sense oligonucleotides, nor was Epo detectable in culture supernatants. Cells from the mutant clones could not be induced by Epo to express glycophorin A and haemoglobin synthesis was markedly reduced. Haemin reversed the block in Epo-induced haemoglobin synthesis. Acquisition of growth factor-independence appears to be linked with the selective loss of differentiation capacity. These cells may provide a useful model for the study of the mechanisms involved in leukaemic transformation.


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Ischaemia-related diseases such as peripheral artery disease and coronary heart disease constitute a major issue in medicine as they affect millions of individuals each year and represent a considerable economic burden to healthcare systems. If the underlying ischaemia is not sufficiently resolved it can lead to tissue damage, with subsequent cell death. Treating such diseases remains difficult and several strategies have been used to stimulate the growth of blood vessels and promote regeneration of ischaemic tissues, such as the use of recombinant proteins and gene therapy. Although these approaches remain promising, they have limitations and results from clinical trials using these methods have had limited success. Recently, there has been growing interest in the therapeutic potential of using a cell-based approach to treat vasodegenerative disorders. In vascular medicine, various stem cells and adult progenitors have been highlighted as having a vasoreparative role in ischaemic tissues. This review will examine the clinical potential of several stem and progenitor cells that may be utilised to regenerate defunct or damaged vasculature and restore blood flow to the ischaemic tissue. In particular, we focus on the therapeutic potential of endothelial progenitor cells as an exciting new option for the treatment of ischaemic diseases. © 2012 BioMed Central Ltd


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Abstract Background IL-31 is a novel cytokine that has been implicated in allergic diseases such as atopic dermatitis and more recently asthma. While IL-31 has been well studied in skin conditions such as atopic dermatitis, little is known about the role IL-31 plays in asthma and specifically the differentiation process of the bronchial epithelium, which is central to the pathogenesis of allergic asthma. Methods We examined the effects of IL-13 (20 ng/ml), IL-31 (20 ng/ml) and an IL-13/IL-31 combination stimulation (20 ng/ml each) on the in vitro mucociliary differentiation of paediatric bronchial epithelial cells (PBECs) from healthy patients (n=6). IL-31 receptor (IL-31-RA) expression, markers of differentiation (goblet and ciliated cells), transepithelial electrical resistance (TEER), quantification of goblet and ciliated cells, real time PCR for MUC5AC, ELISA for VEGF, EGF and MCP-1 (CCL-2) and ELISA for MUC5AC were assessed. Results We found that well-differentiated PBECs expressed IL-31-RA however it's expression did not increase upon stimulation with IL-31 or either of the other treatments. TEER indicated good formation of tight junctions which was found to be similar across all treatment groups (p=0.9). We found that IL-13 alone significantly reduced the number of ciliated cells compared with unstimulated (IL-13 stimuation: mean=4.8% (SD=2.5); unstimulated: mean=15.9%, (SD=7.4), p


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The FUS gene is overexpressed in acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) patients and has roles in transcription and mRNA processing. We used ectopic expression of FUS and FUS antisense sequences to assess the effect of modulation of FUS expression in all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA)-sensitive (NB4) and insensitive (NB4R2) human acute promyelocytic (APL) cell lines which express the t(15:17) translocation. Growth, viability and differentiation patterns were maintained, but the expression of the FUS antisense construct in both the cell lines altered the response to ATRA: the previously ATRA-sensitive NB4 cells exhibited resistance; whilst the previously resistant NB4R2 cells showed a differentiation response to treatment.


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There were three objectives to the present study: (1) compare the bladder infection rate and extent of biofilm formation for seven untreated spinal cord injured (SCI) patients and seven given prophylactic co-trimoxazole, (2) identify a level of bacterial adhesion to bladder cells which could be used to help predict symptomatic infection, and (3) determine from in vivo and in vitro studies whether fluoroquinolones were effective at penetrating bacterial biofilms. The results showed that the infection rate had not changed with the introduction of prophylaxis. However, the uropathogenic population had altered subsequent to the introduction of prophylaxis with E. coli being replaced by E. faecalis as the most common cause of infection. In 63% of the specimens from asymptomatic patients, the bacterial counts per cell were <20, while 81% of specimens from patients with at least one sign and one symptom of urinary tract infection (UTI) had > 20 adherent bacteria per bladder cell. Therefore, it is proposed that counts of > 20 bacteria adherent to sediment transitional epithelial bladder cells may be predictive of symptomatic UTI. Clinical data showed that fluoroquinolone therapy reduced the adhesion counts to <20 per cell in 63% of cases, while trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole only did so in 44%. Further in vitro testing showed that ciprofloxacin (0.1, 0.5 and 1.0 micrograms/ml) partially or completely eradicated adherent biofilms from 92% of spinal cord injured patients' bladder cells, while ofloxacin did so in 71% cases and norfloxacin in 56%. These findings have important implications for the detection and treatment of bacteriuria in spinal cord injured patients.


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Rat retinae were dissociated to yield intact microvessels 7 to 42 microm in diameter. These were loaded with fura-2 AM and single fragments anchored down in a recording bath. Intracellular Ca(2+) levels from 20- to 30-microm sections of vessel were estimated by microfluorimetry. The vessels studied were identified as metarterioles and arterioles. Only the microvascular smooth muscle cells loaded with fura-2 AM and changes in the fluorescence signal were confined to these cells: Endothelial cells did not make any contribution to the fluorescence signal nor did they contribute to the actions of the drugs. Caffeine (10 mM) or elevated K(+) (100 mM) produced a transient rise in cell Ca(2+) in the larger vessels (diameters >18 microm) but had no effect on smaller vessels (diameters 30 min) on washing out the endothelin and the vessel failed to relax. These results demonstrate heterogeneity between smaller and larger retinal vessels with regard to Ca(2+) mobilisation and homogeneity with respect to the actions of vasoactive peptides.


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Erythropoietin (EPO) is the main humoral stimulus of erythropoiesis. In adult mammals, the kidney releases EPO in response to hypoxic stress. Conflicting data have suggested either renal tubular or peritubular cell origins of EPO synthesis in vivo. In situ hybridization studies were performed to define further the kidney cell type(s) capable of increasing EPO gene expression during hypoxic stimulation. EPO gene expression was stimulated in mice exposed to acute hypobaric hypoxia. Kidneys from hypoxic and control normoxic mice were obtained. Six digoxigenin-labelled oligonucleotide probes complementary to EPO exon sequences were utilized for in situ hybridization for EPO messenger RNA. Positive hybridization signals were identified in some proximal tubular cells, confined to the inner third of the renal cortex of hypoxic mouse kidney.


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Umbilical cord blood-derived endothelial colony-forming cells (UCB-ECFC) show utility in neovascularization, but their contribution to osteogenesis has not been defined. Cocultures of UCB-ECFC with human fetal-mesenchymal stem cells (hfMSC) resulted in earlier induction of alkaline phosphatase (ALP) (Day 7 vs. 10) and increased mineralization (1.9×; p <.001) compared to hfMSC monocultures. This effect was mediated through soluble factors in ECFC-conditioned media, leading to 1.8-2.2× higher ALP levels and a 1.4-1.5× increase in calcium deposition (p <.01) in a dose-dependent manner. Transcriptomic and protein array studies demonstrated high basal levels of osteogenic (BMPs and TGF-ßs) and angiogenic (VEGF and angiopoietins) regulators. Comparison of defined UCB and adult peripheral blood ECFC showed higher osteogenic and angiogenic gene expression in UCB-ECFC. Subcutaneous implantation of UCB-ECFC with hfMSC in immunodeficient mice resulted in the formation of chimeric human vessels, with a 2.2-fold increase in host neovascularization compared to hfMSC-only implants (p = .001). We conclude that this study shows that UCB-ECFC have potential in therapeutic angiogenesis and osteogenic applications in conjunction with MSC. We speculate that UCB-ECFC play an important role in skeletal and vascular development during perinatal development but less so in later life when expression of key osteogenesis and angiogenesis genes in ECFC is lower.


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We had previously demonstrated the participation of whole bone marrow cells from adult mice in the reconstitution of skin, including the epidermis and hair follicles. To get an insight into cell populations that give rise to the epithelial components of the reconstituted skin, we fractionated bone marrow cells derived from green fluorescent protein-transgenic mice by density gradient. Unexpectedly, we found that a substantial amount of mononucleated cells (approximately 30%) was recovered in the pellet fraction and that the cells in the pellet fraction preferentially differentiated into epithelial components of skin, rather than the cells in the mononuclear cell fraction. The pellet fraction contained more CD45-negative (thus uncommitted to the hematopoietic cell lineage) cells than the mononuclear cell fraction. These results indicate that density gradient fractionation results in significant loss of specific progenitor cells into the usually discarded pellet fraction.


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The transient receptor potential ankyrin 1 (TRPA1) channel, localized to airway sensory nerves, has been proposed to mediate airway inflammation evoked by allergen and cigarette smoke (CS) in rodents, via a neurogenic mechanism. However the limited clinical evidence for the role of neurogenic inflammation in asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease raises an alternative possibility that airway inflammation is promoted by non-neuronal TRPA1.


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IFN-ß, IL-27, and IL-10 have been shown to exert a range of similar immunoregulatory effects in murine and human experimental systems, particularly in Th1- and Th17-mediated models of autoimmune inflammatory disease. In this study we sought to translate some of our previous findings in murine systems to human in vitro models and delineate the interdependence of these different cytokines in their immunoregulatory effects. We demonstrate that human IL-27 upregulates IL-10 in T cell-activated PBMC cultures and that IFN-ß drives IL-27 production in activated monocytes. IFN-ß-driven IL-27 is responsible for the upregulation of IL-10, but not IL-17 suppression, by IFN-ß in human PBMCs. Surprisingly, IL-10 is not required for the suppression of IL-17 by either IL-27 or IFN-ß in this model or in de novo differentiating Th17 cells, nor is IL-27 signaling required for the suppression of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) by IFN-ß in vivo. Furthermore, and even more surprisingly, IL-10 is not required for the suppression of Th17-biased EAE by IL-27, in sharp contrast to Th1-biased EAE. In conclusion, IFN-ß and IL-27 both induce human IL-10, both suppress human Th17 responses, and both suppress murine EAE. However, IL-27 signaling is not required for the therapeutic effect of IFN-ß in EAE. Suppression of Th17-biased EAE by IL-27 is IL-10-independent, in contrast to its mechanism of action in Th1-biased EAE. Taken together, these findings delineate a complex set of interdependent and independent immunoregulatory mechanisms of IFN-ß, IL-27, and IL-10 in human experimental models and in murine Th1- and Th17-driven autoimmunity.