84 resultados para Loneliness and isolation


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A novel FMRFamide-related heptapeptide, Lys-Pro-Asn-Phe-Ile-Arg-Phe-NH2 (KPNFIRFamide), was isolated and characterized from acid ethanol extracts of the free-living nematode, Panagrellus redivivus. Whole-worm extracts contained greater than or equal to 9 pmol KPNFIRFamide/g wet weight. A synthetic replicate of this peptide induced a rapid relaxation of tone and inhibited spontaneous contractility in isolated innervated and denervated body-wall muscle strips of the parasitic nematode, Ascaris suum. KPNFIRFamide (0.1 nM) induced measurable relaxations in 50% of the muscle preparations examined. Concentrations greater than or equal to 0.3 nM induced relaxation in 100% of muscle preparations examined. The relaxation was short-lived at concentrations of peptide greater than or equal to 1 mu M and displayed a profile typical of receptor desensitization. These data suggest the occurrence of a closely related peptide in A. suum and add further evidence to the concept of primary structural conservation of FaRPs within the nematodes.


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Chicken pancreatic polypeptide is the prototype of the neuropeptide Y (NPY)/PP superfamily of regulatory peptides. This polypeptide was appended the descriptive term avian, despite the presence of some 8600 extant species of bird. Additional primary structures from other avian species, including turkey, goose and ostrich, would suggest that the primary structure of this polypeptide has been highly-conserved during avian evolution. Avian pancreatic polypeptides structurally-characterised to date have distinctive primary structural features unique to this vertebrate group including an N-terminal glycyl residue and a histidyl residue at position 34. The crow family, Corvidae, is representative of the order Passeriformes, generally regarded as the most evolutionarily recent and diverse avian taxon. Pancreatic polypeptide has been isolated from pancreatic tissues from five representative Eurasian species (the magpie, Pica pica; the jay, Garrulus glandarius; the hooded crow, Corvus corone; the rook, Corvus frugilegus; the jackdaw, Corvus monedula) and subjected to structural analyses. Mass spectroscopy estimated the molecular mass of each peptide as 4166 +/- 2 Da. The entire primary structures of 36 amino acid residue peptides were established in single gas-phase sequencing runs. The primary structures of pancreatic polypeptides from all species investigated were identical: APAQPAYPGDDAPVEDLLR-FYNDLQQYLNVVTRPRY. The peptides were deemed to be amidated due to their full molar cross-reactivity with the amide-requiring PP antiserum employed. The molecular mass (4165.6 Da), calculated from the sequences, was in close agreement with mass spectroscopy estimates. The presence of an N-terminal alanyl residue and a prolyl residue at position 34 differentiates crow PP from counterparts in other avian species. These residues are analogous to those found in most mammalian analogues. These data suggest that the term avian, appended to the chicken peptide, is no longer tenable due to the presence of an Ala1, Pro34 peptide in five species from the largest avian order. These data might also suggest that, in keeping with the known structure/activity requirements of this peptide family, crow PP should interact identically to mammalian analogues on mammalian receptors.


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We report the isolation in cell cultures of two novel bocavirus species in pigs from farms in Northern Ireland with clinical postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome (PMWS). We have designated the isolates as porcine bocavirus-3 (PBoV3) and porcine bocavirus-4 (PBoV4). To date 5082 and 4125 bps of PBoV3 and PBoV4 have been sequenced, respectively. PBoV3 and PBoV4 show nucleotide homology to other known bocaviruses in swine and other organisms. Open reading frame (ORF) analysis has shown that these viruses have a third small ORF, equivalent to the NP1 ORF that distinguishes the bocaviruses from other parvoviruses.


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The bowfin is an extant representative of an ancient group of ray-finned fish with evolutionary connections to modern teleosts. A peptide with substance P-like immunoreactivity was isolated from an extract of bowfin stomach and its primary structure was established as Ser-Lys-Ser-His-Gln-Phe-Tyr-Gly-Leu-Met-NH2. This amino acid sequence resembles mammalian substance P only in the COOH-terminal region of the peptide. A second tachykinin with neurokinin A-like immunoreactivity isolated from the extract comprises 23 amino acid residues and shows limited structural similarity to mammalian neuropeptide-gamma. A randomly distributed population of cells in the gastric glands of the bowfin were immunostained with an antiserum raised against substance P, but no immunopositive structures were identified in the surface epithelium, lamina propria, or the nerve plexuses of the submucosa. Bolus injections of synthetic bowfin substance P (0.1-10 nmol/kg) into the bulbus arteriosus of unanesthetized bowfin resulted in a significant and dose-dependent rise in vascular resistance and arterial blood pressure (P < 0.01) and a fall in cardiac output (P < 0.05) without change in heart rate. After 5-10 min, arterial pressure and vascular resistance returned to preinjection levels, but cardiac output significantly (P < 0.05) increased over baseline values. The response to the peptide was unaffected by pretreatment of the animals with phentolamine. The study has shown that the stomach of the bowfin synthesizes tachykinins with novel structural features that display cardiovascular activity in this species.


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Transplantation of hepatocytes or hepatocyte-like cells of extrahepatic origin is a promising strategy for treatment of acute and chronic liver failure. We examined possible utility of hepatocyte-like cells induced from bone marrow cells for such a purpose. Clonal cell lines were established from the bone marrow of two different rat strains. One of these cell lines, rBM25/S3 cells, grew rapidly (doubling time, approximately 24 hours) without any appreciable changes in cell properties for at least 300 population doubling levels over a period of 300 days, keeping normal diploid karyotype. The cells expressed CD29, CD44, CD49b, CD90, vimentin, and fibronectin but not CD45, indicating that they are of mesenchymal cell origin. When plated on Matrigel with hepatocyte growth factor and fibroblast growth factor-4, the cells efficiently differentiated into hepatocyte-like cells that expressed albumin, cytochrome P450 (CYP) 1A1, CYP1A2, glucose 6-phosphatase, tryptophane-2,3-dioxygenase, tyrosine aminotransferase, hepatocyte nuclear factor (HNF)1 alpha, and HNF4alpha. Intrasplenic transplantation of the differentiated cells prevented fatal liver failure in 90%-hepatectomized rats. In conclusion, a clonal stem cell line derived from adult rat bone marrow could differentiate into hepatocyte-like cells, and transplantation of the differentiated cells could prevent fatal liver failure in 90%-hepatectomized rats. The present results indicate a promising strategy for treating human fatal liver diseases.


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s-Triazine herbicides are used extensively in South America in agriculture and forestry. In this study, a bacterium designated as strain MHP41, capable of degrading simazine and atrazine, was isolated from agricultural soil in the Quillota valley, central Chile. Strain MHP41 is able to grow in minimal medium, using simazine as the sole nitrogen source. In this medium, the bacterium exhibited a growth rate of mu = 0.10 h(-1), yielding a high biomass of 4.2 x 10(8) CFU mL(-1). Resting cells of strain MHP41 degrade more than 80% of simazine within 60 min. The atzA, atzB, atzC, atzD, atzE and atzF genes encoding the enzymes of the simazine upper and lower pathways were detected in strain MHP41. The motile Gram-negative bacterium was identified as a Pseudomonas sp., based on the Biolog microplate system and comparative sequence analyses of the 16S rRNA gene. Amplified ribosomal DNA restriction analysis allowed the differentiation of strain MHP41 from Pseudomonas sp. ADP. The comparative 16S rRNA gene sequence analyses suggested that strain MHP41 is closely related to Pseudomonas nitroreducens and Pseudomonas multiresinovorans. This is the first s-triazine-degrading bacterium isolated in South America. Strain MHP41 is a potential biocatalyst for the remediation of s-triazine-contaminated environments.


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The aim of this study was to isolate and identify marine-derived bacteria which exhibited high tolerance to, and an ability to biodegrade, 1-alkyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride ionic liquids. The salinity and hydrocarbon load of some marine environments may induce selective pressures which enhance the ability of microbes to grow in the presence of these liquid salts. The isolates obtained in this study generally showed a greater ability to grow in the presence of the selected ionic liquids compared to microorganisms described previously, with two marine-derived bacteria, Rhodococcus erythropolis and Brevibacterium sanguinis growing in concentrations exceeding 1 M 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride. The ability of these bacteria to degrade the selected ionic liquids was assessed using High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC), and three were shown to degrade the selected ionic liquids by up to 59% over a 63-day test period. These bacterial isolates represent excellent candidates for further potential applications in the bioremediation of ionic liquid-containing waste or following accidental environmental exposure.


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In the present study, we examined the possible utility of a three-dimensional culture system using a thermo-reversible gelation polymer to isolate and expand neural stem cells (NSCs). The polymer is a synthetic biologically inert polymer and gelates at temperatures higher than the gel-sol transition point ( approximately 20 degrees C). When fetal mouse brain cells were inoculated into the gel, spherical colonies were formed ( approximately 1% in primary culture and approximately 9% in passage cultures). The spheroid-forming cells were positive for expression of the NSC markers nestin and Musashi. Under conditions facilitating spontaneous neural differentiation, the spheroid-forming cells expressed genes characteristic to astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, and neurons. The cells could be successively propagated at least to 80 poly-D-lysines over a period of 20 weeks in the gel culture with a growth rate higher than that observed in suspension culture. The spheroids formed by fetal mouse brain cells in the gel were shown to be of clonal origin. These results indicate that the spheroid culture system is a convenient and powerful tool for isolation and clonal expansion of NSCs in vitro.


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Campylobacter jejuni (C. jejuni) is one of the leading causes of bacterial food-borne disease worldwide. The presence of Campylobacter in chicken feces poses a high risk for contamination of chicken meat and for Campylobacter infections in human. Detection of this bacterium in chicken fecal specimens before slaughter is therefore vital to prevent disease transmission. By combining two techniques – immunomagnetic separation (IMS) and polymerase chain reaction (PCR), this study developed a reliable and specific method for rapid detection of C. jejuni in chicken fecal samples. The specificity of the assay was assured by two selection steps: 1) Dynabeads®M-270 Amine microbeads (2.8 µm in diameter) coated with C. jejuni monoclonal antibodies were used as the primary selection to isolate bacteria from fecal samples. 2) A PCR assay amplifying the Hippuricase gene was performed as the specific selection to accurately confirm the presence of C. jejuni. Without pre-enrichment, this method was able to detect approximately 10 CFU of C. jejuni in 1 µl of spiked feces within 3 h.


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Eight new microsatellite loci were isolated and characterized for the Natterer's bat Myotis nattereri from a microsatellite-enriched genomic library. The usefulness of these markers was assessed by screening a sample comprising 100 specimens collected from throughout the species range in Europe. Both moderately and highly polymorphic loci were identified with 3-17 alleles segregating per locus (mean 8.1 SE +/- A 0.048). No evidence for departure from HWE or linkage disequilibrium among loci was observed. These markers will provide a valuable addition to the molecular toolbox currently available for studies of population genetic structure, parentage and social organisation of M. nattereri and related species.


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Nosocomial transmission of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) to patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) frequently results in chronic respiratory tract carriage. This is an increasing problem, adds to the burden of glycopeptide antibiotic use in hospitals, and represents a relative contraindication to lung transplantation. The aim of this study was to determine whether it is possible to eradicate MRSA with prolonged oral combination antibiotics, and whether this treatment is associated with improved clinical status. Adult CF patients (six male, one female) with chronic MRSA infection were treated for six months with rifampicin and sodium fusidate. Outcome data were examined for six months before treatment, on treatment and after treatment. The patients had a mean age of 29.3 (standard deviation=6.3) years and FEV(1) of 36.1% (standard deviation=12.7) predicted. The mean duration of MRSA isolation was 31 months. MRSA isolates identified in these patients was of the same lineage as the known endemic strain at the hospital when assessed by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. Five of the seven had no evidence of MRSA during and for at least six months after rifampicin and sodium fusidate. The proportion of sputum samples positive for MRSA was lower during the six months of treatment (0.13) and after treatment (0.19) compared with before treatment (0.85) (P<0.0001). There was a reduction in the number of days of intravenous antibiotics per six months with 20.3+/-17.6 on treatment compared with 50.7 before treatment and 33.0 after treatment (P=0.02). There was no change in lung function. Gastrointestinal side effects occurred in three, but led to therapy cessation in only one patient. Despite the use of antibiotics with anti-staphylococcal activity for treatment of respiratory exacerbation, MRSA infection persists. MRSA can be eradicated from the sputum of patients with CF and chronic MRSA carriage by using rifampicin and sodium fusidate for six months. This finding was associated with a significant reduction in the duration of intravenous antibiotic treatment during therapy.