167 resultados para Latex allergy


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Asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are common chronic disorders. Traditionally, asthma has been associated with an eosinophilic inflammation and COPD with neutrophilic inflammation. In this review we will highlight the maturation, recruitment, activation, action and apoptosis of these cells. In addition we will focus on the evidence for their presence in disease and suggest potential new therapeutic interventions.


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Lung T lymphocytes are important in pulmonary immunity and inflammation. it has been difficult to study these cells due to contamination with other cell types, mainly alveolar macrophages. We have developed a novel method for isolating lung T cells from lung resection tissue, using a combination of approaches. Firstly the lung tissue was finely chopped and filtered through a nylon mesh. Lymphocytic cells were enriched by Percoll density centrifugation and the T cells purified using human CD3 microbeads, resulting in 90.5% +/- 1.9% (n = 11) pure lymphocytes. The T cell yield from the crude cell preparation was 10.8 +/- 2.1% and viability, calculated using propidium iodide (PI) staining and trypan blue, was typically over 95%. The purification process did not affect expression of CD69 or CD103, nor was there a difference in the proportion of CD4 and CD8 cells between the starting population and the purified cells. Microarray analysis and real time RT-PCR revealed upregulation of GAPDH and CXCR6 of the lung T cells as compared to blood-derived T cells. This technique highly enriches lung T cells to allow detailed investigation of the biology of these cells. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Background: Adenosine 5′-monophosphate (AMP) has been shown to cause bronchoconstriction in atopic subjects but to have no effect on nonatopic nonasthmatic subjects. Endobronchial AMP challenge has previously been shown to cause mast cell mediator release in asthmatic subjects, but it is unknown whether a similar response occurs in atopic nonasthmatic and nonatopic nonasthmatic control subjects who have no response to inhalation AMP challenge.

Objective: This study examined the change in mast cell–derived products after endobronchial saline challenge and AMP challenge in subjects with and without a positive inhalation response to AMP.

Methods: Inhalation challenge with AMP challenge was performed in normal, atopic nonasthmatic, and atopic asthmatic subjects. Levels of mast cell mediators were measured after endobronchial adenosine challenge and after placebo endobronchial saline challenge.

Results: There were significant increases in histamine, tryptase, protein, and prostaglandin D2 levels (P = .02, P = .02, P = .01, and P = .01, respectively) after AMP challenge compared with after saline challenge in nonatopic nonasthmatic subjects. There was no significant increase in any mediator in either of the other 2 groups.

Conclusion: This study suggests dissociation between mediator release and bronchoconstriction in response to AMP.


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Cystic fibrosis (CF) patients may suffer increased morbidity and mortality through colonisation, allergy and invasive infection from fungi. The black yeast, Exophiala dermatitidis (synonym Wangiella dermatitidis) has been found with increasing frequency in sputum specimens of CF patients, with reported isolation rates ranging from 1.1 to 15.7%. At present, no diagnostic PCR exists to aid with the clinical laboratory detection and identification of this organism. A novel species-specific PCR-based assay was developed for the detection of E. dermatitidis, based on employment of rDNA operons and interspacer (ITS) regions between these rDNA operons. Two novel primers, (designated ExdF & ExdR) were designed in silico with the aid of computer-aided alignment software and with the alignment of multiple species of Exophiala, as well as with other commonly described yeasts and filamentous fungi within CF sputum, including Candida. Aspergillus and Scedosporium. An amplicon of approximately 455 by was generated, spanning the partial ITS I region - the complete 5.8S rDNA region - partial ITS2 region, employing ExdF (forward primer [16-mer], 5'-CCG CCT ATT CAG GTC C-3' and ExdR (reverse primer [16-mer], 5'-TCT CTC CCA CTC CCG C-3', was employed and optimised on extracted genomic DNA from a well characterised culture of E. dermatitidis, as well as with high quality genomic DNA template from a further 16 unrelated fungi, including Candida albicans, C. dubliniensis, C. parapsilosis, C. glabrata, Scedosporium apiospermum, Penicillium sp., Aspergillus fumigatus, Aspergillus versicolor, Pichia guilliermondii, Rhodotorula sp., Trichosporon sp., Aureobasidium pullulans, Fusarium sp., Mucor hiemalis, Bionectria ochroleuca, Gibberella pulicaris. Results demonstrated that only DNA from E. dermatitidis gave an amplification product of the expected sire, whilst none of the other fungi were amplifiable. Subsequent employment of this primer pair detected this yeast from mycological cultures from 2/50 (4%) adult CF patients. These two patients were the only patients who were previously shown to have a cultural history of E. dermatitidis from their sputum. E. dermatitidis is a slow-growing fungus, which usually takes up to two weeks to culture in the microbiology laboratory and therefore is slow to detect conventionally, with the risk of bacterial overgrowth from common co-habiting pan- and multiresistant bacterial pathogens from sputum. namely Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Burkholderia cepacia complex organisms, hence this species-specific PCR assay may help detect this organism from CF sputum more specifically and rapidly. Overall, employment of this novel assay nay help in the understanding of the occurrence. aetiology and epidemiology of E. dermatitidis, as an emerging fungal agent in patients with CF. (C) 2008 European Cystic Fibrosis Society. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Background: We investigated whether eosinophils and mast cells, found in the airways of children with wheeze, were activated during relatively asymptomatic periods.
Methods: A nonbronchoscopic bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) procedure was performed on children presenting for an elective surgical procedure. Eosinophil-derived (eosinophil cationic protein, ECP) and mast cell-derived (histamine/tryptase) mediator concentrations were measured in the BAL fluid. A detailed history and serum immunoglobulin E were used to classify the children into four groups: atopic with and without asthma, viral-associated wheeze and normal controls.
Results: The ECP concentrations in BAL from atopic asthmatic subjects were significantly higher than those measured in BAL from normal controls (P < 0.01), no other groups differed significantly. Histamine concentrations were elevated in both the atopic asthmatic and viral-associated wheeze groups compared with controls (P < 0.02) and additionally higher concentrations were obtained in atopics with asthma compared with atopics without asthma (P < 0.03). Tryptase concentrations did not differ between groups, although the tryptase and histamine concentrations correlated significantly (r = 0.78, P < 0.0001).
Conclusions: Elevated histamine concentrations were found in children with wheeze regardless of the aetiology, whereas ECP was only elevated in those asthmatics with atopy. This suggests that even in relatively quiescent periods, there is some on going activation of airway eosinophils in children with atopic asthma.


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Metachromatic cells obtained from asthmatic subjects demonstrate increased spontaneous and stimulated histamine release in vitro. Their ability to synthesize and store proinflammatory cytokines has focused renewed interest on their role in asthma.

Objective: The late asthmatic response provides a useful model of clinical asthma. The aim of the study was to examine metachromatic cell derived mediators and histamine releasability in vitro after in vivo allergen exposure in atopic subjects with and without asthma and relate them to the type of physiological response observed.

Methods: Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) cells were obtained 4 h after challenge from asthmatics exhibiting a single early response (EAR, n = 5), a dual response (LAR, n = 7), unchallenged (basal, n = 5), atopic non-asthmatic (ANA, n = 6) and non-atopic non-asthmatics (normal, n = 5). BAL histamine and tryptase concentrations and in vitro histamine release (HR) after stimulation with anti-IgE, allergen, A23187, conconavalin A and substance P were compared.

Results:Metachromatic cell numbers were lower in normal controls compared with all asthmatic groups and in LAR compared with EAR. Metachromatic cell derived mediators were higher in asthmatic compared with normal subjects. Spontaneous HR in LAR (20.5 ± 5.0%) was lower than EAR (29.5 ± 3.9%) and ANA (30.2 ± 1.4%) (P < 0.05). No differences were seen in stimulated HR between EAR and LAR. HR in ANA stimulated with anti-IgE was greater than LAR (P < 0.05). HR in ANA stimulated with anti-IgE was greater than LAR (P < 0.05). After stimulation with ionophore A23187 (1 μM), release was greater in LAR compared with basal (P < 0.05) and no different at 5 μM. All subject groups responded to substance P (SP) but was significantly more in the asthmatic subjects compared to normal controls (P < 0.05). Allergen challenge did not modify the response of asthmatic subjects to SP.

Conclusion: Functional differences in metachromatic cell reactivity are present in atopic subjects 4 h after in vivo allergen exposure which relate to the physiological response observed after this time and suggest that there is ongoing metachromatic cell degranulation subjects who subsequently develop LAR.


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Background: Bronchoscopic bronchoalveolar lavage in children to investigate bronchia disorders such as asthtna has both ethical and procedural difficulties.

Objective: The aim of this study was to establish a standardized non-bronchoscopic method to perform bronchoalveolar lavage in children attending for elective surgery to obtain normal cellular data.

Methods: Bronchoalveolar lavage was performed on normal children (n= 55) by infusing saline (20 mL) through an 8 FG suction catheter passed after endotracheal intubation. Oxygen saturation, heart and respiratory rate were monitored during the bronchoalveolar lavage procedure. Cellular analysis and total protein estimation of the lavage fluid were performed. Epithelial lining fluid volume was calculated (n = 15) using the urea dilution method.

Results: The procedure was well tolerated by all children. Total cell count and differential cell count for children (macrophages 70.8 ± 2.3%, lymphocytes 3.8 ± 0.6%, neutrophils 5,7 ± 1.0%, eosinophils 0.14 ± 0.03%. epithelial cells 19.6 ± 2.1%, mast cells 0.21 ± 0.02%) were similar to those reported for adults. Age and sex comparisons revealed no differences between groups. The mean total protein recovered in the cell free supernatant was 49.72 ± 4.29 mg/L and epithelial lining fluid volume was 0.82 ± 0.11% of return lavageate.

Conclusion This method allows bronchoalveolar lavage to be performed safely and quickly on children attending for routine elective surgery. Using this method and taking the ‘window of opportunity’ of elective surgery, the presence or absence of airway inflammation could be studied in children with various patterns of asthma during relatively asymptomatic periods.


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Background: It seems plausible that children with atopy and persistent asthma symptoms will, like their adult counterparts, have chronic airways inflammation. However, many young children with no other atopic features have episodic wheezing that is triggered solely by viral respiratory infections. Little is known as to whether airways inflammation occurs in these two asthma patterns during relatively asymptomatic periods.

Methods: Using a non-bronchoscopic bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) procedure on children presenting for an elective surgical procedure, this study has investigated the cellular constituents of BAL fluid in children with a history of atopic asthma (AA) non-asthmatic atopic children (NAA) or viral associated wheeze (VAW).

Results: A total of 95 children was studied: 52 with atopic asthma (8.0 years, range 1.1-15.3, 36 male), 23 with non-asthmatic atopy (median age 8.3 years, range 1.7-13.6, 11 male) and 20 with VAW (3.1 years, range 1.0-8.2, 13 male). No complications were observed during the lavage procedure and no adverse events were noted post-operatively. Total lavage fluid recovered was similar in all groups and the total cell numbers were higher in the VAW group. Eosinophil (P< 0.005) and mast cell (/'<0.05) numbers were significantly elevated in the group with atopic asthma.

Conclusions: During relatively asymptomatic periods there is on-going airways inflammation, as demonstrated by eosinophil and mast cell recruitment, in children with asthma and atopy but not in children with viral associated wheeze or atopy alone. This strongly suggests that there are different underlying pathophysiologicai mechanisms in these two groups of children who wheeze.


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Substance P elicits histamine release from human skin and rodent mast cells. Since neuropeptide-mediated reflexes may be important in asthma, we examined the ability of substance P to stimulate human mast cells obtained at bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL). BAL samples were obtained at routine bronchoscopy from 35 non-preselected patients. Histamine release experiments were performed in a standard manner using substance P and the calcium ionophore A23187. Both substance P (50 μM) and A23187 caused histamine release (median 26.7%, range 6.2–62.8% and 32.1%, 7.7–56.8% respectively) which was significantly greater (P < 0.0001) than the spontaneous release (median 15.6%, range 4.1–33.4%), i.e. that in the absence of any stimulus. Substance P induced histamine release was via an energy dependent process and was blocked by preincubation with antimycin A. A significant correlation was observed between substance P induced release and spontaneous release but was not observed with A23187 induced release. Mast cell counts correlated significantly with substance P induced release but not with spontaneous or A23187 induced release. The substance P induced histamine secretion was elicited at similar concentrations to those used with rodent and human skin mast cells. Asthma is associated with increased numbers of mast cells which have both increased spontaneous and stimulated secretory responses. Thus, in vivo, the bronchoconstrictor action of substance P may in part result from activation of mast cells in the bronchial lumen.


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Regulatory T (Treg) cells limit the onset of effective antitumor immunity, through yet-ill-defined mechanisms. We showed the rejection of established ovalbumin (OVA)-expressing MCA101 tumors required both the adoptive transfer of OVA-specific CD8(+) T cell receptor transgenic T cells (OTI) and the neutralization of Foxp3(+) T cells. In tumor-draining lymph nodes, Foxp3(+) T cell neutralization induced a marked arrest in the migration of OTI T cells, increased numbers of dendritic cells (DCs), and enhanced OTI T cell priming. Using an in vitro cytotoxic assay and two-photon live microscopy after adoptive transfer of DCs, we demonstrated that Foxp3(+) T cells induced the death of DCs in tumor-draining lymph nodes, but not in the absence of tumor. DC death correlated with Foxp3(+) T cell-DC contacts, and it was tumor-antigen and perforin dependent. We conclude that Foxp3(+) T cell-dependent DC death in tumor-draining lymph nodes limits the onset of CD8(+) T cell responses.


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Recent studies have challenged the view that Langerhans cells (LCs) constitute the exclusive antigen-presenting cells of the skin and suggest that the dermal dendritic cell (DDC) network is exceedingly complex. Using knockin mice to track and ablate DCs expressing langerin (CD207), we discovered that the dermis contains five distinct DC subsets and identified their migratory counterparts in draining lymph nodes. Based on this refined classification, we demonstrated that the quantitatively minor CD207+ CD103+ DDC subset is endowed with the unique capability of cross-presenting antigens expressed by keratinocytes irrespective of the presence of LCs. We further showed that Y-Ae, an antibody that is widely used to monitor the formation of complexes involving I-Ab molecules and a peptide derived from the I-E alpha chain, recognizes mature skin DCs that express I-Ab molecules in the absence of I-E alpha. Knowledge of this extra reactivity is important because it could be, and already has been, mistakenly interpreted to support the view that antigen transfer can occur between LCs and DDCs. Collectively, these data revisit the transfer of antigen that occurs between keratinocytes and the five distinguishable skin DC subsets and stress the high degree of functional specialization that exists among them.