93 resultados para IC 50


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Analysis and synthesis of the new Class-EF power amplifier (PA) are presented in this paper. The proposed circuit offers means to alleviate some of the major issues faced by existing Class-EF and Class-EF PAs, such as (1) substantial power losses due to parasitic resistance of the large inductor in the Class-EF load network, (2) unpredictable behaviour of practical lumped inductors and capacitors at harmonic frequencies, and (3) deviation from ideal Class-EF operation mode due to detrimental effects of device output inductance at high frequencies. The transmission-line load network of the Class-EF PA topology elaborated in this paper simultaneously satisfies the Class-EF optimum impedance requirements at fundamental frequency, second, and third harmonics as well as simultaneously providing matching to the circuit optimum load resistance for any prescribed system load resistance. Furthermore, an elegant solution using an open and short-circuit stub arrangement is suggested to overcome the problem encountered in the mm-wave IC realizations of the Class-EF PA load network due to lossy quarter-wave line. © 2010 IEICE Institute of Electronics Informati.


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Purpose: To investigate the temporal course of corneal sensitivity loss & the role of aldose reductase inhibitors (ARI) in an animal model of diabetic ocular complications. Methods: Weanling male S-D rats were randomly grouped to received ad libitum water & diet consisting of Purina (#5001) w/ either: 50% starch (CON,n=15) or 50% D-galactose (GAL,n=30). Half the galactosemic rats (ARI,n=15) received topical 0.25% CT-112 (3x daily, 20µl, Senju Pharmaceutical Co., Japan). Control & remaining half of the galactosemic animals received equivalent doses of saline eyedrops. Rats were restrained w/o medication during sensitivity measurements conducted w/ a Cochet-Bonnet Aesthesiometer mounted on a micromanipulator. The end of the filament (0.012mm dia.), which applied a mean pressure of 0.96 g/mm perpendicular to the corneal surface at center, was in the plane of focus of a slit-lamp biomicroscope. Measurements were conducted by two investigators which were masked to the treatment group. The average blink-responses from 10 consecutive stimuli to each cornea were expressed as a percent. Results: Mean (±SD) baseline corneal sensitivity in all groups were similar (CON 73%±11, GAL 71%±15, ARI 74%±16). Corneal sensitivity in the galactosemic rat was decreased (p


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This website offers access to the Parliamentary Debates of the devolved government of Northern Ireland from June 7 1921 to the dissolution of Parliament in March 28 1972.

These papers cast a unique and valuable light on the development of the Province. The 92,000 printed pages of Parliamentary Debates are held by few institutions and they have no comprehensive subject index. Hence they have been inaccessible and difficult to use. This project, with the support of academics, archivists and politicians, has taken the Papers and fully digitised them. The resource has been available online since October 2006.

Visitors to the site can search either the full text or specific keywords (for example Prisons, Westminster or Drunkenness), or they can browse particular debates according to the combined subject index, or they can simply view the volumes.


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The IntCal09 and Marine09 radiocarbon calibration curves have been revised utilizing newly available and updated data sets from C measurements on tree rings, plant macrofossils, speleothems, corals, and foraminifera. The calibration curves were derived from the data using the random walk model (RWM) used to generate IntCal09 and Marine09, which has been revised to account for additional uncertainties and error structures. The new curves were ratified at the 21st International Radiocarbon conference in July 2012 and are available as Supplemental Material at www.radiocarbon.org. The database can be accessed at http://intcal.qub.ac.uk/intcal13/.


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Friday 26th September 2014 saw the launch of a report which examines service provision for men aged 50+ in the greater-Belfast area. This research was undertaken by a team from Queen’s University Belfast on behalf of the Older Men’s Steering Group within Age Partnership Belfast. The research sought to: (i) review the extent and impact of current community, voluntary, statutory or private sector services which are aimed at combating social isolation among men in the Belfast area, and (ii) identify how these services are meeting current need, and ways in which they may be developed to meet future requirements. The report is now available online at: www.volunteernow.co.uk/fs/doc/publications/men-aged-50-final-report.pdf


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Freshwater and brackish microalgal toxins, such as microcystins, cylindrospermopsins, paralytic toxins, anatoxins or other neurotoxins are produced during the overgrowth of certain phytoplankton and benthic cyanobacteria, which includes either prokaryotic or eukaryotic microalgae. Although, further studies are necessary to define the biological role of these toxins, at least some of them are known to be poisonous to humans and wildlife due to their occurrence in these aquatic systems. The World Health Organization (WHO) has established as provisional recommended limit 1 μg of microcystin-LR per liter of drinking water. In this work we present a microsphere-based multi-detection method for five classes of freshwater and brackish toxins: microcystin-LR (MC-LR), cylindrospermopsin (CYN), anatoxin-a (ANA-a), saxitoxin (STX) and domoic acid (DA). Five inhibition assays were developed using different binding proteins and microsphere classes coupled to a flow-cytometry Luminex system. Then, assays were combined in one method for the simultaneous detection of the toxins. The IC50's using this method were 1.9 ± 0.1 μg L−1 MC-LR, 1.3 ± 0.1 μg L−1 CYN, 61 ± 4 μg L−1 ANA-a, 5.4 ± 0.4 μg L−1 STX and 4.9 ± 0.9 μg L−1 DA. Lyophilized cyanobacterial culture samples were extracted using a simple procedure and analyzed by the Luminex method and by UPLC–IT-TOF-MS. Similar quantification was obtained by both methods for all toxins except for ANA-a, whereby the estimated content was lower when using UPLC–IT-TOF-MS. Therefore, this newly developed multiplexed detection method provides a rapid, simple, semi-quantitative screening tool for the simultaneous detection of five environmentally important freshwater and brackish toxins, in buffer and cyanobacterial extracts.