269 resultados para Fast Rayleigh Fading


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We report on the observation of fast hydrogen atoms in a capacitively coupled RF reactor by optical emission spectroscopy. For the analysis we use the prominent H-alpha emission line of atomic hydrogen in combination with other lines from molecular hydrogen and argon. Several chaxacteristic emission structures can be identified. One of these structures is related to fast hydrogen atoms traveling from the surface of the powered electrode to the plasma bulk. From the appearance time within the RF period we conclude that this feature originates from ion bombardment of the electrode surface. Measured pressure dependencies and a simple model for the ion dynamics support this assumption.


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This letter reports the statistical characterization and modeling of the indoor radio channel for a mobile wireless personal area network operating at 868 MHz. Line of sight (LOS) and non-LOS conditions were considered for three environments: anechoic chamber, open office area and hallway. Overall, the Nakagami-m cdf best described fading for bodyworn operation in 60% of all measured channels in anechoic chamber and open office area environments. The Nakagami distribution was also found to provide a good description of Rician distributed channels which predominated in the hallway. Multipath played an important role in channel statistics with the mean recorded m value being reduced from 7.8 in the anechoic chamber to 1.3 in both the open office area and hallway.


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Closed-form expressions for the level crossing rate and average fade duration of a kappa–mu distributed fading signal envelope are presented. The proposed equations are validated by reduction to known Rice, Rayleigh and Nakagami-m special cases. They are also compared with measured data obtained from field trials analysing human body to body radio channels and shown to provide good agreement.


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The use of image processing techniques to assess the performance of airport landing lighting using images of it collected from an aircraft-mounted camera is documented. In order to assess the performance of the lighting, it is necessary to uniquely identify each luminaire within an image and then track the luminaires through the entire sequence and store the relevant information for each luminaire, that is, the total number of pixels that each luminaire covers and the total grey level of these pixels. This pixel grey level can then be used for performance assessment. The authors propose a robust model-based (MB) featurematching technique by which the performance is assessed. The development of this matching technique is the key to the automated performance assessment of airport lighting. The MB matching technique utilises projective geometry in addition to accurate template of the 3D model of a landing-lighting system. The template is projected onto the image data and an optimum match found, using nonlinear least-squares optimisation. The MB matching software is compared with standard feature extraction and tracking techniques known within the community, these being the Kanade–Lucus–Tomasi (KLT) and scaleinvariant feature transform (SIFT) techniques. The new MB matching technique compares favourably with the SIFT and KLT feature-tracking alternatives. As such, it provides a solid foundation to achieve the central aim of this research which is to automatically assess the performance of airport lighting.


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This paper introduces a fast algorithm for moving window principal component analysis (MWPCA) which will adapt a principal component model. This incorporates the concept of recursive adaptation within a moving window to (i) adapt the mean and variance of the process variables, (ii) adapt the correlation matrix, and (iii) adjust the PCA model by recomputing the decomposition. This paper shows that the new algorithm is computationally faster than conventional moving window techniques, if the window size exceeds 3 times the number of variables, and is not affected by the window size. A further contribution is the introduction of an N-step-ahead horizon into the process monitoring. This implies that the PCA model, identified N-steps earlier, is used to analyze the current observation. For monitoring complex chemical systems, this work shows that the use of the horizon improves the ability to detect slowly developing drifts.