70 resultados para Excited electronic state


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Lithium-ion batteries have been widely adopted in electric vehicles (EVs), and accurate state of charge (SOC) estimation is of paramount importance for the EV battery management system. Though a number of methods have been proposed, the SOC estimation for Lithium-ion batteries, such as LiFePo4 battery, however, faces two key challenges: the flat open circuit voltage (OCV) vs SOC relationship for some SOC ranges and the hysteresis effect. To address these problems, an integrated approach for real-time model-based SOC estimation of Lithium-ion batteries is proposed in this paper. Firstly, an auto-regression model is adopted to reproduce the battery terminal behaviour, combined with a non-linear complementary model to capture the hysteresis effect. The model parameters, including linear parameters and non-linear parameters, are optimized off-line using a hybrid optimization method that combines a meta-heuristic method (i.e., the teaching learning based optimization method) and the least square method. Secondly, using the trained model, two real-time model-based SOC estimation methods are presented, one based on the real-time battery OCV regression model achieved through weighted recursive least square method, and the other based on the state estimation using the extended Kalman filter method (EKF). To tackle the problem caused by the flat OCV-vs-SOC segments when the OCV-based SOC estimation method is adopted, a method combining the coulombic counting and the OCV-based method is proposed. Finally, modelling results and SOC estimation results are presented and analysed using the data collected from LiFePo4 battery cell. The results confirmed the effectiveness of the proposed approach, in particular the joint-EKF method.


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The main populating and depopulating mechanisms of the excited energy levels of ions in plasmas with densities <1023-1024 m-3 are electron collisional excitation from the ion's ground state and radiative decay, respectively, with the majority of the electron population being in the ground state of the ionization stage. Electron collisional ionization is predominately expected to take place from one ground state to that of the next higher ionization stage. However, the question arises as to whether, in some cases, ionization can also affect the excited level populations. This would apply particularly to those cases involving transient events such as impurity influxes in a laboratory plasma. An analysis of the importance of ionization in populating the excited levels of ions in plasmas typical of those found in the edge of tokamaks is undertaken for the C IV and C V ionization stages. The emphasis is on those energy levels giving rise to transitions of most use for diagnostic purposes (n ≤ 5). Carbon is chosen since it is an important contaminant of JET plasmas; it was the dominant low Z impurity before the installation of the ITER-like wall and is still present in the plasma after its installation. Direct electron collisional ionization both from and to excited levels is considered. Distorted-wave flexible atomic code calculations are performed to generate the required ionization cross sections, due to a lack of atomic data in the literature. Employing these data, ionization from excited level populations is not found to be significant in comparison with radiative decay. However, for some energy levels, ionization terminating in the excited level has an effect in the steady-state of the order of the measurement errors (±10%). During transient events, ionization to excited levels will be of more importance and must be taken into account in the calculation of excited level populations. More accurate atomic data, including possible resonance contributions to the cross sections, would tend to increase further the importance of these effects. 


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High temperature ceramic membranes have interesting possibilities for application in areas of new and developing technologies such as hydrocarbon combustion with carbon dioxide capture and electrochemical promotion of catalysis (EPOC). However, membrane module sealing remains a significant technical challenge. In this work a borosilicate glass sealant (50SiO2·25B2O3·25Na2O, mol%) was developed to fit the requirements of sealing an air separation membrane system at intermediate temperatures (300-600 °C). The seal was assessed by testing the leak rates under a range of conditions. The parameters tested included the effect of flowrate on the leak rate, the heating and cooling rates of the reactor and the range of temperatures under which the system could operate. Tests for durability and reliability were also performed. It was found that the most favourable reactor configuration employed a reactor with the ceramic pellet placed underneath the inner chamber alumina tube (inverted configuration), using a quartz wool support to keep the membrane in place prior to sealing. Using this configuration the new glass-based seal was found to be a more suitable sealant than traditional alternatives; it produced lower leak rates at all desirable flowrates, with the potential for rapid heating and cooling and multiple cycling, allowing for prolonged usage. © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A novel configuration for the in situ control of the catalytic activity of a polycrystalline Pt catalyst supported on a mixed ionic electronic conducting (MIEC) substrate is investigated. The modification of the catalytic activity is achieved by inducing the reverse spillover of oxygen promoting species from the support onto the catalyst surface, thus modifying the chemisorptive bond energy of the gas phase adsorbed reactants. This phenomenon is known as Electrochemical Promotion of Catalysis (EPOC). In this work we investigate the use of a wireless system that takes advantage of the mixed ionic electronic conductivity of the catalyst support (internally short-circuiting the system) in a dual chamber reactor. In this wireless configuration, the reaction takes place in one chamber of the membrane reactor while introduction of the promoting species is achieved by the use of an appropriate sweep gas (and therefore control of the oxygen chemical potential difference across the membrane) on the other chamber. Experimental results have shown that the catalytic rate can be enhanced by using an oxygen sweep, while a hydrogen sweep can reverse the changes. Total rate enhancement ratios of up to 3.5 were measured. © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A novel approach to electrochemical modification of catalytic activity using a wireless configuration has been undertaken. This paper presents preliminary results on the modification of a platinum catalyst film supported on a pellet of Sr0.97Ce0.9Yb0.1O3-δ (SCYb), considered to be a mixed protonic-electronic conductor under reducing conditions. The wireless configuration utilises the mixed ionic and electronic conductivity of the supporting membrane to supply an ionic promoting species to the catalyst surface. Control of the flux of this species is achieved by adjusting the effective hydrogen chemical potential difference across the membrane in a dual-chamber reactor with one chamber acting as the "reaction side" and the other as the "sweep side". The reaction rate can be promoted by up to a factor of 1.6, for temperatures around 500 °C and low reactant concentrations, when hydrogen is introduced on the sweep side of the membrane reactor. The use of helium, moist helium and oxygen in helium as sweep gases did not modify the reaction rate. © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The electrochemical promotion of a platinum catalyst for ethylene oxidation on a dual chamber membrane reactor was studied. The catalyst was supported on a La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.803 membrane. Due the supporting membrane's electronic conductivity it is possible to promote the reaction by controlling the oxygen chemical potential difference across the membrane. Upon establishment of an oxygen potential difference across the membrane, oxygen species can migrate and spillover onto the catalyst surface, modifying the catalytic activity. Initial experiments showed an overall promotion of approximately one order of magnitude of the reaction rate of ethylene, under an oxygen atmosphere on the sweep side of the membrane reactor, as compared with the rate under an inert sweep gas. The reaction rate can keep its promoted state even after the flow of oxygen on the sweep side was interrupted. This behavior caused further promotion with every experiment cycle. The causes of permanent promotion and on demonstrating controllable promotion of the catalytic activity are presented. This is an abstract of a paper presented at the AIChE Annual Meeting (San Francisco, CA 11/12-17/2006).


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Electronic report


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We have investigated inner-shell excitation of the LiH + molecular ion by electron impact within several different collision models to delineate Rydberg autoionizing resonance structure associated with the LiH + (1σ2σ 2 2 Σ + ) core-excited threshold. The minimal representation requires only the retention of the 1σ and 2σ molecular orbitals, in which the core-excited state involves the promotion of a single electron into the 2σ orbital. This model is extended to include two further representations, in which both the 3σ and 4σ orbitals obtained from a self-consistent field calculation improve target representation, correlation and support additional autoionization channels. This affects the autoionization widths and to a lesser degree the positions of the LiH (1σ2σ 2 n s, n p 1,3 Σ + ) resonance series. Comparing our work with calculations on the counterpart atomic Be system assists in the assignment of the core-excited molecular resonance states. The results from our investigation provide helpful insights into the study of inner-shell transitions produced by electron or photon impact in more complex diatomic molecules.


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We present a reformulation of the hairy-probe method for introducing electronic open boundaries that is appropriate for steady-state calculations involving nonorthogonal atomic basis sets. As a check on the correctness of the method we investigate a perfect atomic wire of Cu atoms and a perfect nonorthogonal chain of H atoms. For both atom chains we find that the conductance has a value of exactly one quantum unit and that this is rather insensitive to the strength of coupling of the probes to the system, provided values of the coupling are of the same order as the mean interlevel spacing of the system without probes. For the Cu atom chain we find in addition that away from the regions with probes attached, the potential in the wire is uniform, while within them it follows a predicted exponential variation with position. We then apply the method to an initial investigation of the suitability of graphene as a contact material for molecular electronics. We perform calculations on a carbon nanoribbon to determine the correct coupling strength of the probes to the graphene and obtain a conductance of about two quantum units corresponding to two bands crossing the Fermi surface. We then compute the current through a benzene molecule attached to two graphene contacts and find only a very weak current because of the disruption of the π conjugation by the covalent bond between the benzene and the graphene. In all cases we find that very strong or weak probe couplings suppress the current.


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The spectroscopy and metastability of the carbon dioxide doubly charged ion, the CO 2 2+ dication, have been studied with photoionization experiments: time-of-flight photoelectron photoelectron coincidence (TOF-PEPECO), threshold photoelectrons coincidence (TPEsCO), and threshold photoelectrons and ion coincidence (TPEsCO ion coincidence) spectroscopies. Vibrational structure is observed in TOF-PEPECO and TPEsCO spectra of the ground and first two excited states. The vibrational structure is dominated by the symmetric stretch except in the TPEsCO spectrum of the ground state where an antisymmetric stretch progression is observed. All three vibrational frequencies are deduced for the ground state and symmetric stretch and bending frequencies are deduced for the first two excited states. Some vibrational structure of higher electronic states is also observed. The threshold for double ionization of carbon dioxide is reported as 37.340±0.010 eV. The fragmentation of energy selected CO 2 2+ ions has been investigated with TPEsCO ion coincidence spectroscopy. A band of metastable states from ∼38.7 to ∼41 eV above the ground state of neutral CO 2 has been observed in the experimental time window of ∼0.1-2.3 μs with a tendency towards shorter lifetimes at higher energies. It is proposed that the metastability is due to slow spin forbidden conversion from bound excited singlet states to unbound continuum states of the triplet ground state. Another result of this investigation is the observation of CO ++O + formation in indirect dissociative double photoionization below the threshold for formation of CO 2 2+. The threshold for CO ++O + formation is found to be 35.56±0.10 eV or lower, which is more than 2 eV lower than previous measurements.