65 resultados para Electronic mail systems


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Today's multi-media electronic era is driven by the increasing demand for small multifunctional devices able to support diverse services. Unfortunately, the high levels of transistor integration and performance required by such devices lead to an unprecedented increase of on-chip power that significantly limits the battery lifetime and even poses reliability concerns. Several techniques have been developed to address the power increase, but voltage over-scaling (VOS) is considered to be one of the most effective ones due to the quadratic dependence of voltage on dynamic power consumption. However, VOS may not always be applicable since it increases the delay in all paths of a system and may limit high performance required by today's complex applications. In addition, application of VOS is further complicated since it increases the variations in transistor characteristics imposed by their tiny size which can lead to large delay and leakage variations, making it difficult to meet delay and power budgets. This paper presents a review of various cross-layer design options that can provide solutions for dynamic voltage over-scaling and can potentially assist in meeting the strict power budgets and yield/quality requirements of future systems. © 2011 IEEE.


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We consider the local order estimation of nonlinear autoregressive systems with exogenous inputs (NARX), which may have different local dimensions at different points. By minimizing the kernel-based local information criterion introduced in this paper, the strongly consistent estimates for the local orders of the NARX system at points of interest are obtained. The modification of the criterion and a simple procedure of searching the minimum of the criterion, are also discussed. The theoretical results derived here are tested by simulation examples.


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This paper presents initial results of evaluating suitability of the conventional two-tone CW passive intermodulation (PIM) test for characterization of modulated signal distortion by passive nonlinearities in base station antennas and RF front-end. A comprehensive analysis of analog and digitally modulated waveforms in the transmission lines with weak distributed nonlinearity has been performed using the harmonic balance analysis and X-parameters in Advanced Design System (ADS) simulator. The nonlinear distortion metrics used in the conventional two-tone CW PIM test have been compared with the respective spectral metrics applied to the modulated waveforms, such as adjacent channel power ratio (ACPR) and error vector magnitude (EVM). It is shown that the results of two-tone CW PIM tests are consistent with the metrics used for assessment of signal integrity of both analog and digitally modulated waveforms.


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Institutions involved in the provision of tertiary education across Europe are feeling the pinch. European universities, and other higher education (HE) institutions, must operate in a climate where the pressure of government spending cuts (Garben, 2012) is in stark juxtaposition to the EU’s strategy to drive forward and maintain a growth of student numbers in the sector (eurostat, 2015).

In order to remain competitive, universities and HE institutions are making ever-greater use of electronic assessment (E-Assessment) systems (Chatzigavriil et all, 2015; Ferrell, 2012). These systems are attractive primarily because they offer a cost-effect and scalable approach for assessment. In addition to scalability, they also offer reliability, consistency and impartiality; furthermore, from the perspective of a student they are most popular because they can offer instant feedback (Walet, 2012).

There are disadvantages, though.

First, feedback is often returned to a student immediately on competition of their assessment. While it is possible to disable the instant feedback option (this is often the case during an end of semester exam period when assessment scores must be can be ratified before release), however, this option tends to be a global ‘all on’ or ‘all off’ configuration option which is controlled centrally rather than configurable on a per-assessment basis.

If a formative in-term assessment is to be taken by multiple groups of
students, each at different times, this restriction means that answers to each question will be disclosed to the first group of students undertaking the assessment. As soon as the answers are released “into the wild” the academic integrity of the assessment is lost for subsequent student groups.

Second, the style of feedback provided to a student for each question is often limited to a simple ‘correct’ or ‘incorrect’ indicator. While this type of feedback has its place, it often does not provide a student with enough insight to improve their understanding of a topic that they did not answer correctly.

Most E-Assessment systems boast a wide range of question types including Multiple Choice, Multiple Response, Free Text Entry/Text Matching and Numerical questions. The design of these types of questions is often quite restrictive and formulaic, which has a knock-on effect on the quality of feedback that can be provided in each case.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) are most prevalent as they are the most prescriptive and therefore most the straightforward to mark consistently. They are also the most amenable question types, which allow easy provision of meaningful, relevant feedback to each possible outcome chosen.
Text matching questions tend to be more problematic due to their free text entry nature. Common misspellings or case-sensitivity errors can often be accounted for by the software but they are by no means fool proof, as it is very difficult to predict in advance the range of possible variations on an answer that would be considered worthy of marks by a manual marker of a paper based equivalent of the same question.

Numerical questions are similarly restricted. An answer can be checked for accuracy or whether it is within a certain range of the correct answer, but unless it is a special purpose-built mathematical E-Assessment system the system is unlikely to have computational capability and so cannot, for example, account for “method marks” which are commonly awarded in paper-based marking.

From a pedagogical perspective, the importance of providing useful formative feedback to students at a point in their learning when they can benefit from the feedback and put it to use must not be understated (Grieve et all, 2015; Ferrell, 2012).

In this work, we propose a number of software-based solutions, which will overcome the limitations and inflexibilities of existing E-Assessment systems.


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Understanding the magnetic properties of graphenic nanostructures is instrumental in future spintronics applications. These magnetic properties are known to depend crucially on the presence of defects. Here we review our recent theoretical studies using density functional calculations on two types of defects in carbon nanostructures: Substitutional doping with transition metals, and sp$^3$-type defects created by covalent functionalization with organic and inorganic molecules. We focus on such defects because they can be used to create and control magnetism in graphene-based materials. Our main results are summarized as follows: i)Substitutional metal impurities are fully understood using a model based on the hybridization between the $d$ states of the metal atom and the defect levels associated with an unreconstructed D$_{3h}$ carbon vacancy. We identify three different regimes, associated with the occupation of distinct hybridization levels, which determine the magnetic properties obtained with this type of doping; ii) A spin moment of 1.0 $\mu_B$ is always induced by chemical functionalization when a molecule chemisorbs on a graphene layer via a single C-C (or other weakly polar) covalent bond. The magnetic coupling between adsorbates shows a key dependence on the sublattice adsorption site. This effect is similar to that of H adsorption, however, with universal character; iii) The spin moment of substitutional metal impurities can be controlled using strain. In particular, we show that although Ni substitutionals are non-magnetic in flat and unstrained graphene, the magnetism of these defects can be activated by applying either uniaxial strain or curvature to the graphene layer. All these results provide key information about formation and control of defect-induced magnetism in graphene and related materials.