261 resultados para D. B. Elkonin


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Magnetic bright points (MBPs) in the internetwork are among the smallest objects in the solar photosphere and appear bright against the ambient environment. An algorithm is presented that can be used for the automated detection of the MBPs in the spatial and temporal domains. The algorithm works by mapping the lanes through intensity thresholding. A compass search, combined with a study of the intensity gradient across the detected objects, allows the disentanglement of MBPs from bright pixels within the granules. Object growing is implemented to account for any pixels that might have been removed when mapping the lanes. The images are stabilized by locating long-lived objects that may have been missed due to variable light levels and seeing quality. Tests of the algorithm, employing data taken with the Swedish Solar Telescope, reveal that approximate to 90 per cent of MBPs within a 75 x 75 arcsec(2) field of view are detected.


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The flow of energy through the solar atmosphere and the heating of the Sun's outer regions are still not understood. Here, we report the detection of oscillatory phenomena associated with a large bright-point group that is 430,000 square kilometers in area and located near the solar disk center. Wavelet analysis reveals full-width half-maximum oscillations with periodicities ranging from 126 to 700 seconds originating above the bright point and significance levels exceeding 99%. These oscillations, 2.6 kilometers per second in amplitude, are coupled with chromospheric line-of-sight Doppler velocities with an average blue shift of 23 kilometers per second. A lack of cospatial intensity oscillations and transversal displacements rules out the presence of magneto-acoustic wave modes. The oscillations are a signature of Alfvén waves produced by a torsional twist of ±22 degrees. A phase shift of 180 degrees across the diameter of the bright point suggests that these torsional Alfvén oscillations are induced globally throughout the entire brightening. The energy flux associated with this wave mode is sufficient to heat the solar corona.


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Aims: We generate theoretical ultraviolet and extreme-ultraviolet emission line ratios for O IV and show their strong versatility as electron temperature and density diagnostics for astrophysical plasmas.<br/>Methods: Recent fully relativistic calculations of radiative rates and electron impact excitation cross sections for O IV, supplemented with earlier data for A-values and proton excitation rates, are used to derive theoretical O IV line intensity ratios for a wide range of electron temperatures and densities.<br/>Results: Diagnostic line ratios involving ultraviolet or extreme-ultraviolet transitions in O IV are presented, that are applicable to a wide variety of astrophysical plasmas ranging from low density gaseous nebulae to the densest solar and stellar flares. Comparisons with observational data, where available, show good agreement between theory and experiment, providing support for the accuracy of the diagnostics. However, diagnostics are also presented involving lines that are blended in existing astronomical spectra, in the hope this might encourage further observational studies at higher spectral resolution.


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High-cadence, multiwavelength optical observations of a solar active region (NOAA AR 10969), obtained with the Swedish Solar Telescope, are presented. Difference imaging of white light continuum data reveals a white-light brightening, 2 minutes in duration, linked to a cotemporal and cospatial C2.0 flare event. The flare kernel observed in the white-light images has a diameter of 300 km, thus rendering it below the resolution limit of most space-based telescopes. Continuum emission is present only during the impulsive stage of the flare, with the effects of chromospheric emission subsequently delayed by approximate to 2 minutes. The localized flare emission peaks at 300% above the quiescent flux. This large, yet tightly confined, increase in emission is only resolvable due to the high spatial resolution of the Swedish Solar Telescope. An investigation of the line-of-sight magnetic field derived from simultaneous MDI data shows that the continuum brightening is located very close to a magnetic polarity inversion line. In addition, an Ha flare ribbon is directed along a region of rapid magnetic energy change, with the footpoints of the ribbon remaining cospatial with the observed white-light brightening throughout the duration of the flare. The observed flare parameters are compared with current observations and theoretical models for M- and X-class events and we determine the observed white-light emission is caused by radiative back-warming. We suggest that the creation of white-light emission is a common feature of all solar flares.


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New, potentially green, and efficient synthetic routes for the remediation and/or re-use of perchlorate-based energetic materials have been developed. Four simple organic imidazolium- and phosphonium-based perchlorate salts/ionic liquids have been synthesized by simple, inexpensive, and nonhazardous methods, using ammonium perchlorate as the perchlorate source. By appropriate choice of the cation, perchlorate can be incorporated into an ionic liquid which serves as its own electrolyte for the electrochemical reduction of the perchlorate anion, allowing for the regeneration of the chloride-based parent ionic liquid. The electrochemical degradation of the hazardous perchlorate ion and its conversion to harmless chloride during electrolysis was studied using IR and Cl-35 NMR spectroscopies.


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1. Horizon scanning is an essential tool for environmental scientists if they are to contribute to the evidence base for Government, its agencies and other decision makers to devise and implement environmental policies. The implication of not foreseeing issues that are foreseeable is illustrated by the contentious responses to genetically modified herbicide-tolerant crops in the UK, and by challenges surrounding biofuels, foot and mouth disease, avian influenza and climate change.


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Aims. A magneto-hydrostatic model is constructed with spectropolarimetric properties close to those of solar photospheric magnetic bright points. <br/>Methods. Results of solar radiative magneto-convection simulations are used to produce the spatial structure of the vertical component of the magnetic field. The horizontal component of magnetic field is reconstructed using the self-similarity condition, while the magneto-hydrostatic equilibrium condition is applied to the standard photospheric model with the magnetic field embedded. Partial ionisation processes are found to be necessary for reconstructing the correct temperature structure of the model. <br/>Results. The structures obtained are in good agreement with observational data. By combining the realistic structure of the magnetic field with the temperature structure of the quiet solar photosphere, the continuum formation level above the equipartition layer can be found. Preliminary results are shown of wave propagation through this magnetic structure. The observational consequences of the oscillations are examined in continuum intensity and in the Fe I 6302 angstrom magnetically sensitive line.


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High-cadence, multiwavelength, optical observations of solar magnetic bright points (MBPs), captured at the disk center using the ROSA and IBIS imaging systems on the Dunn Solar Telescope, are presented. MBPs manifesting in the Na I D-1 core are found to preferentially exist in regions containing strong downflows, in addition to cospatial underlying photospheric magnetic field concentrations. Downdrafts within Na I D-1 bright points exhibit speeds of up to 7 km s(-1), with preferred structural symmetry in intensity, magnetic field, and velocity profiles about the bright point center. Excess intensities associated with G-band and Ca II K observations of MBPs reveal a power-law trend when plotted as a function of the magnetic flux density. However, Na I D-1 observations of the same magnetic features indicate an intensity plateau at weak magnetic field strengths below approximate to 150 G, suggesting the presence of a two-component heating process: one which is primarily acoustic and the other predominantly magnetic. We suggest that this finding is related to the physical expansion of magnetic flux tubes, with weak field strengths (approximate to 50 G) expanding by similar to 76%, compared to a similar to 44% expansion when higher field strengths (approximate to 150 G) are present. These observations provide the first experimental evidence of rapid downdrafts in Na I D-1 MBPs and reveal the nature of a previously unresolved intensity plateau associated with these structures.


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Endothelial cell association with vascular basement membranes is complex and plays a critical role in regulation of cell adhesion and proliferation. The interaction between the membrane-associated 67-kd receptor (67LR) and the basement membrane protein laminin has been studied in several cell systems where it was shown to be crucial for adhesion and attachment during angiogenesis. As angiogenesis in the pathological setting of proliferative retinopathy is a major cause of blindness in the Western world we examined the expression of 67LR in a murine model of hyperoxia-induced retinopathy that exhibits retinal neovascularization. Mice exposed to hyperoxia for 5 days starting at postnatal day 7 (P7) and returned to room air (at P12) showed closure of the central retinal vasculature. In response to the ensuing retinal ischemia, there was consistent preretinal neovascularization starting around P17, which persisted until P21, after which the new vessels regressed. Immunohistochemistry was performed on these retinas using an antibody specific for 67LR. At P12, immunoreactivity for 67LR was absent in the retina, but by P17 it was observed in preretinal proliferating vessels and also within the adjacent intraretinal vasculature. Intraretinal 67LR immunoreactivity diminished beyond P17 until by P21 immunoreactivity was almost completely absent, although it persisted in the preretinal vasculature. Control P17 mice (not exposed to hyperoxia) failed to demonstrate any 67LR immunoreactivity in their retinas. Parallel in situ hybridization studies demonstrated 67LR gene expression in the retinal ganglion cells of control and hyperoxia-exposed mice. In addition, the neovascular intra- and preretinal vessels of hyperoxia-treated P17 and P21 mice labeled strongly for 67LR mRNA. This study has characterized 67LR immunolocalization and gene expression in a murine model of ischemic retinopathy. Results suggest that, although the 67LR gene is expressed at high levels in the retinal ganglion cells, the mature receptor protein is preferentially localized to the proliferating retinal vasculature and is almost completely absent from quiescent vessels. The differential expression of 67LR between proliferating and quiescent retinal vessels suggests that this laminin receptor is an important and novel target for future chemotherapeutic intervention during proliferative vasculopathies.


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The paper describes the principal features of Omnivore, a spark-ignition-based research engine designed to investigate the possibility of true wide-range HCCI operation on a variety of fossil and renewable liquid fuels. The engine project is part-funded jointly by the United Kingdom's Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) and the Department of the Environment of Northern Ireland (DoENI). The engineering team includes Lotus Engineering, Jaguar Cars, Orbital Corporation and Queen's University Belfast. <br/><br/>