97 resultados para Corneal opacity


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Most social scientists endorse some version of the claim that participating in collective rituals promotes social cohesion. The systematic testing and evaluation of this claim, however, has been prevented by a lack of precision regarding the nature of both ‘ritual’and ‘social cohesion’ as well as a lack of integration between the theories and findings of the social and evolutionary sciences. By directly addressing these challenges, we argue that a systematic investigation and evaluation of the claim that ritual promotes social cohesion is achievable.

We present a general and testable theory of the relationship between ritual, cohesion, and cooperation that more precisely connects particular elements of ‘ritual,’ such as causal opacity and emotional arousal, to two particular forms
of ‘social cohesion’: group identification and identity fusion. Further, we ground this theory in an evolutionary account of why particular modes of ritual practice would be adaptive for societies with particular resource acquisition strategies. In setting out our conceptual framework we report numerous ongoing investigations that test our hypotheses against data from controlled psychological experiments as well as from theethnographic, archaeological, and historical records.


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In order to assess qualitatively the ejecta geometry of stripped-envelope core-collapse supernovae (SNe), we investigate 98 late-time spectra of 39 objects, many of them previously unpublished. We perform a Gauss-fitting of the [O ] ??6300, 6364 feature in all spectra, with the position, full width at half maximum and intensity of the ?6300 Gaussian as free parameters, and the ?6364 Gaussian added appropriately to account for the doublet nature of the [O ] feature. On the basis of the best-fitting parameters, the objects are organized into morphological classes, and we conclude that at least half of all Type Ib/c SNe must be aspherical. Bipolar jet models do not seem to be universally applicable, as we find too few symmetric double-peaked [O ] profiles. In some objects, the [O ] line exhibits a variety of shifted secondary peaks or shoulders, interpreted as blobs of matter ejected at high velocity and possibly accompanied by neutron-star kicks to assure momentum conservation. At phases earlier than ~200 d, a systematic blueshift of the [O ] ??6300, 6364 line centroids can be discerned. Residual opacity provides the most convincing explanation of this phenomenon, photons emitted on the rear side of the SN being scattered or absorbed on their way through the ejecta. Once modified to account for the doublet nature of the oxygen feature, the profile of Mg i] ?4571 at sufficiently late phases generally resembles that of [O ] ??6300, 6364, suggesting negligible contamination from other lines and confirming that O and Mg are similarly distributed within the ejecta. © 2009 RAS.


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We report a case of Mycobacterium chelonae keratitis following corneal injury by a foreign body. Diagnosis was made by Ziehl-Neelsen staining and Lowenstein-Jensen culture of corneal scrapings. On the basis of the in vitro susceptibility testing, the patient was treated with topical fortified amikacin. Given the lack of response to this therapy, we decided to carry out a debridement of the infiltrative areas to eliminate infected tissue, and to use an amikacin-soaked collagen shield supplemented every 4 h with topical fortified amikacin to promote healing of the debrided area and to potentiate the effects of the antibiotic therapy. After this treatment, clinical resolution was observed and a further acid-fast stain and culture for mycobacterium were negative. Debridement of the infiltrative areas could be used in cases of mycobacterium keratitis when early diagnosis is made and before the corneal infection has become widespread.


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PURPOSE. To describe a new model of posterior capsule opacification (PCO) in rodents METHODS. An extracapsular lens extraction (ECLE), by continuous curvilinear capsulorrhexis and hydrodissection, was performed in 42 consecutive Brown Norway rats. Animals were killed at 0, 6, and 24 hours and 3, 7, and 14 days after surgery. Eyes were enucleated and processed for light microscopy and immunohistochemistry. RESULTS. In 34 (81%) of the animals the operated eye appeared well healed before death, with a clear cornea and a well-formed anterior chamber. In eight (19%) there was no view of anterior segment structures because of hyphema, fibrin, or corneal opacification. PCO was clinically evident 3 days after ECLE and was present in all animals at 2 weeks. Immediately after ECLE, lens epithelial cells (LECs) were present in the inner surface of the anterior capsule and lens bow. Twenty-four hours after surgery, LECs started to migrate toward the center of the posterior capsule. At 3 days, multilayered LECs, some spindle shaped, were present throughout the lens capsule. Capsular wrinkling was apparent. Lens fibers and Soemmering's ring were observed in all animals 14 days after surgery, indicating some degree of cellular differentiation. Activated macrophages were present in greater numbers at 3 and 14 days after surgery (P <0.05), when proliferation and migration of LECs appeared to be greatest, and lens fiber differentiation was evident, respectively. CONCLUSIONS. In rodents PCO occurs after ECLE and is associated with low-grade inflammation, mostly of mononuclear macrophages. Although no intraocular lens implantation was performed, this model appears to be valuable for studying the sequence of events that leads to PCO after cataract surgery and the extracellular matrix cues that promote lens fiber differentiation.


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Purpose. To evaluate the long-term graft survival and complications of flexible, open-loop anterior-chamber intraocular lenses in patients with penetrating keratoplasty for pseudophakic or aphakic bullous keratopathy. Methods. We reviewed charts of all consecutive patients who underwent penetrating keratoplasty for pseudophakic or aphakic bullous keratopathy combined with implantation of a flexible, open-loop, anterior-chamber intraocular lens at our institution between 1983 and 1988. One-hundred one eyes of 99 patients were evaluated. Graft-survival rates were calculated by using the Kaplan-Meier actuarial method. Results. Mean follow-up was 49.8 months (range. 1-144). The probability of graft survival at 1, 2, 4, 6, and 8 years was 93, 87, 78, 65, and 65%, respectively. A total of 25 (24.8%) grafts failed. Progressive corneal edema without signs of rejection was the most common finding in patients with failed grafts (10 eyes, 40%). The most frequent complication observed was newly diagnosed or worsening of preexisting glaucoma (46 eyes, 45.5%). Conclusions. Our long-term results support flexible, open-loop anterior-chamber intraocular lenses as a reasonable option, at the time of penetrating keratoplasty, in patients with pseudophakic and aphakic bullous keratopathy.


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Objective: To describe the clinical characteristics, natural course, and complications of a large group of patients with primary iris pigment epithelium (IPE) cysts. Design: Observational case series. Participants: Two hundred thirty-four patients with primary IPE cysts participated. Results: Primary IPE cysts were classified as central in 6 patients (3%), midzonal in 50 patients (21%), peripheral in 170 patients (73%), and dislodged in 8 patients (3%). Central (pupillary) IPE cysts were found only in males, peripheral IPE cysts were found most often in females (69%), and no gender predilection was detected for midzonal and dislodged IPE cysts. Central and peripheral IPE cysts occurred in young patients (mean age, 20 and 33 years, respectively), whereas midzonal and dislodged IPE cysts were seen in slightly older patients (mean age, 52 and 45 years, respectively). Central IPE cysts were visible when the pupil was not dilated and appeared most often as a round or collapsed brown lesion arising from the pupillary margin, most commonly superonasally. Midzonal IPE cysts were brown and fusiform, best visualized after pupillary dilation. Peripheral IPE cysts produced a characteristic bulging in the iris stroma near the iris root, but they were directly visible in only 78% of cases. After wide dilation and patient and slit-lamp positioning, they appeared as a round clear lesion behind the iris, most often in the inferotemporal quadrant. Finally, dislodged IPE cysts appeared as a brown oval lesion, free floating in the anterior chamber (12%) or in the vitreous (12%), or fixed in the anterior chamber angle (75%). One hundred twenty-four patients (53%) were followed for a mean of 35 months (range, 3 months-19 years). In these patients, complications associated with IPE cysts included lens subluxation in one case (1%), iritis in one case (1%), focal cataract in two cases (2%), glaucoma in two cases (2%), and corneal touch in five cases (4%). Conclusion: Primary IPE cysts have characteristic clinical features that serve to differentiate them from intraocular malignancies. Most cysts have a benign clinical course, and treatment is rarely necessary.


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Purpose. To identify changing trends in indications for penetrating keratoplasty and associated surgical procedures. Methods. Review of charts from all patients who underwent penetrating keratoplasty at Wills Eye Hospital from January 1, 1989 through December 31, 1995. Results. A total of 2,442 corneal transplants were performed in 2,186 patients. The leading indication for penetrating keratoplasty was pseudophakic corneal edema, accounting for 634 cases (26.0%); 54.7% of them were associated with anterior chamber intraocular lenses, 36.4% with posterior chamber intraocular lenses, and 3.1% with iris-fixated intraocular lenses. Regraft (17.8%), Fuchs' dystrophy (15.7%), and keratoconus (13.2%) followed pseudophakic corneal edema in frequency. Cataract extraction, with or without intraocular lens implantation, was combined with penetrating keratoplasty in 439 cases of 1,264 phakic eyes (34.7%). Intraocular lens exchange was performed in 285 of the 634 cases of pseudophakic cornea edema (44.9%). Conclusion. Pseudophakic corneal edema was the leading indication for penetrating keratoplasty, with an increasing number of cases associated with posterior chamber intraocular lenses during the study period (p = 0.001). The number of regrafts steadily increased between 1989 and 1995 (p = 0.001), being the second most common indication for corneal transplantation since 1992.


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Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the outcome of patients with healed moderate to severe contact lens-associated corneal infectious ulcers who were re-fit with contact lenses. Methods: We retrospectively studied patients who were fit with contact lenses on our service and who had had moderate to severe corneal infectious ulcers associated with previous contact lens use. Six patients were included in the study. Results: Gas permeable contact lenses were fit in five patients, and a soft contact lens was fit in one patient. Successful fit was achieved in all cases and visual acuities were equal to or better than 20/30 in all patients. No significant complications were observed after a mean follow-up of 23 months (range, 6-45 months). Conclusion: In this small series of patients with a history of moderate to severe contact-lens related infectious keratitis, no complications were observed after contact lenses were refit. Contact lens wear in patients with a history of infectious keratitis may be safe and useful in order to achieve visual rehabilitation.


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OBJECTIVES: To determine effective and efficient monitoring criteria for ocular hypertension [raised intraocular pressure (IOP)] through (i) identification and validation of glaucoma risk prediction models; and (ii) development of models to determine optimal surveillance pathways.

DESIGN: A discrete event simulation economic modelling evaluation. Data from systematic reviews of risk prediction models and agreement between tonometers, secondary analyses of existing datasets (to validate identified risk models and determine optimal monitoring criteria) and public preferences were used to structure and populate the economic model.

SETTING: Primary and secondary care.

PARTICIPANTS: Adults with ocular hypertension (IOP > 21 mmHg) and the public (surveillance preferences).

INTERVENTIONS: We compared five pathways: two based on National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) guidelines with monitoring interval and treatment depending on initial risk stratification, 'NICE intensive' (4-monthly to annual monitoring) and 'NICE conservative' (6-monthly to biennial monitoring); two pathways, differing in location (hospital and community), with monitoring biennially and treatment initiated for a ≥ 6% 5-year glaucoma risk; and a 'treat all' pathway involving treatment with a prostaglandin analogue if IOP > 21 mmHg and IOP measured annually in the community.

MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Glaucoma cases detected; tonometer agreement; public preferences; costs; willingness to pay and quality-adjusted life-years (QALYs).

RESULTS: The best available glaucoma risk prediction model estimated the 5-year risk based on age and ocular predictors (IOP, central corneal thickness, optic nerve damage and index of visual field status). Taking the average of two IOP readings, by tonometry, true change was detected at two years. Sizeable measurement variability was noted between tonometers. There was a general public preference for monitoring; good communication and understanding of the process predicted service value. 'Treat all' was the least costly and 'NICE intensive' the most costly pathway. Biennial monitoring reduced the number of cases of glaucoma conversion compared with a 'treat all' pathway and provided more QALYs, but the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) was considerably more than £30,000. The 'NICE intensive' pathway also avoided glaucoma conversion, but NICE-based pathways were either dominated (more costly and less effective) by biennial hospital monitoring or had a ICERs > £30,000. Results were not sensitive to the risk threshold for initiating surveillance but were sensitive to the risk threshold for initiating treatment, NHS costs and treatment adherence.

LIMITATIONS: Optimal monitoring intervals were based on IOP data. There were insufficient data to determine the optimal frequency of measurement of the visual field or optic nerve head for identification of glaucoma. The economic modelling took a 20-year time horizon which may be insufficient to capture long-term benefits. Sensitivity analyses may not fully capture the uncertainty surrounding parameter estimates.

CONCLUSIONS: For confirmed ocular hypertension, findings suggest that there is no clear benefit from intensive monitoring. Consideration of the patient experience is important. A cohort study is recommended to provide data to refine the glaucoma risk prediction model, determine the optimum type and frequency of serial glaucoma tests and estimate costs and patient preferences for monitoring and treatment.

FUNDING: The National Institute for Health Research Health Technology Assessment Programme.


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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the outcome of Baerveldt implantation with adjunctive mitomycin-C in cases of complicated glaucoma. PATIENTS AND METHODS: The authors reviewed the charts of all patients who had undergone Baerveldt implantation with mitomycin-C between January 1993 and March 1995. Success was defined before data collection as an intraocular pressure (IOP) between 5 and 21 mm Hg, with or without medications. The success rate was calculated using the Kaplan-Meier actuarial method. RESULTS: Twenty-nine patients were identified. The mean preoperative IOP was 33.6 mm Hg, with an average of 2.0 antiglaucoma medications. The probability of success at 6 and 12 months for patients who received mitomycin-C during Baerveldt implantation was 82.4% and 73.3%, respectively. Choroidal effusion with a flat anterior chamber (10.3%), corneal edema (6.8%), and conjunctival erosion (6.8%) were the most frequent complications. CONCLUSION: In this retrospective series of complicated glaucoma, the implantation of a Baerveldt drainage device with adjunctive mitomycin-C had a satisfactory outcome. The complications encountered and the clinical efficacy were comparable to those of previously reported series in which mitomycin-C was not used.


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We report an unusual case of horizontal corneal Descemet's membrane break due to birth trauma. The patient had a difficult birth with trauma to her right eye and poor vision. However unlike the reports in literature, which describe these breaks to have a characteristic vertical or vertically oblique orientation in birth trauma, the breaks in our patient were horizontal. No other cause was found for these Descemet's breaks.


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A 42-year-old man has been under long-term follow-up since he was a child for congenital glaucoma and buphthalmos in both eyes. His left eye best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) was counting fingers, due to end-stage glaucoma. He was on maximal medical therapy with an intraocular pressure (IOP) maintained at mid to low twenties. His right eye, the only seeing eye, had a BCVA of 6/9. This eye had undergone multiple glaucoma laser and surgical procedures, including an initial first Molteno drainage device inserted superonasally that failed in April 2003 due to fibrotic membrane over the tube opening. As a result, he subsequently had a second Molteno drainage device inserted inferotemporally. To further maximize his vision he had an uncomplicated cataract extraction and intraocular lens implant in December 2004, after which he developed postoperative cystoid macular edema and corneal endothelial failure. He underwent a penetrating keratoplasty in the right eye thereafter in March 2007. After approximately a year, the second Molteno device developed drainage tube retraction, which was managed surgically to maintain optimum IOP in the right eye. His right eye vision to date is maintained at 6/12. © 2011 Mustafa and Azuara-Blanco.


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Aims. To evaluate the intraocular pressure (IOP) measurements in patients with band keratopathy or glued corneas obtained from affected and non-affected areas. Methods. 15 patients with band keratopathy or glued corneas were prospectively recruited. When both eyes were affected, only the right eye was analysed. Tono-Pen readings of IOP were obtained sequentially from the affected and non-affected corneal surface. Additionally, Goldmann applanation tonometry was attempted. Results. Determination of IOP with the Tono-Pen was possible in all cases, while Goldmann tonometry was not performed in three patients because of severe corneal irregularities. The average of the Tono-Pen readings obtained from the affected cornea (34.8 (SD 14.0) mmHg) was consistently and significantly higher (p <0.001) than mean IOP obtained by the Tono-Pen from the non-affected area (14.8 (4.3) mmHg). The average of Goldmann tonometry readings (14.4 (6.1) mmHg) did not differ significantly from the Tono-Pen values obtained from the non-affected corneal area (p = 0.47) but was significantly lower than the Tono-Pen measurements obtained from the affected area (p <0.001) Conclusion. In patients with band keratopathy or glued corneas determination of IOP by Tono-Pen tonometry varies from affected to non-affected area. The Tono-Pen overestimates the level of IOP when it is applied to areas with band keratopathy or with glue.


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Purpose: To describe the outcome of a series of Acanthamoeba keratitis treated with a similar regimen. Methods: All cases diagnosed with Acanthamoeba keratitis in a referral centre from June 1994 through June 1997 were included. Diagnosis of Acanthamoeba keratitis was based in clinical presentation and laboratory results. Positive laboratory identification of Acanthamoeba from corneal scraping or contact lens was required, unless the patient had very characteristic symptoms (severe pain) and signs of the infection, including perineural infiltrates. Initial intensive treatment included topical polyhexamethylene biguanide (PHMB) 0.02%, propamidine isothionate 0.1% and broad-spectrum antibiotics. The treatment was gradually tapered. After documented response to anti-acanthamoeba therapy, topical steroids were introduced; they were discontinued before cessation of the antiAcanthamoeba regimen. Results: Six males and four females, with a mean age of 30.0 ± 7.4 years were included in this study. All cases weared contact lenses. On presentation all cases had severe pain, and epitheliopathy was associated with stromal infiltrate in most (seven of ten) cases. Four patients had anterior uveitis. Perineural infiltrates were present in three cases and ring infiltrate in one patient. Anti-amoebic treatment was started 12.7 ± 7.2 days after beginning of symptoms. The clinical response to therapy was very satisfactory in all patients. Within two to three weeks all patients had remarkable lessening of pain and photophobia, and improvement of clinical signs. At two to three months, visual acuity had improved in all patients. Two patients required penetrating keratoplasty for visual rehabilitation. Conclusion: The use of PHMB and propamidine cured all cases of Acanthamoeba keratitis. Cautious introduction of steroids was associated with expedited resolution of inflammation and provided symptomatic relief.


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Aim - To report the outcome of a series of patients with stem cell deficiency who underwent allo-limbal transplantation and to describe a technique for this procedure. Methods - Six consecutive patients underwent allo-limbal stem cell transplantation. The primary diagnosis included alkali burn (n = 2), trachoma (n = 1), chronic rosacea blepharitis and keratoconjunctivitis (n = 1), aniridia (n = 1), and Stevens-Johnson syndrome (n = 1). The limbal rim consisted of peripheral cornea and perilimbal sclera, FK-506 was used postoperatively for immunosuppression. Results - The length of follow up ranged from 3 to 24 months (mean follow up 11.8 (SD 9.3) months). The outcome was considered satisfactory in five of six cases. The corneal surface was completely epithelialised within 2 weeks, and there was a substantial improvement in vision and symptoms. One patient had recurrent epithelial defects related to eyelid abnormalities. No side effects associated with systemic immunosuppression were noted. Conclusion - Allo-limbal transplantation, with systemic immunosuppression with FK-506 is useful in reconstruction of the ocular surface with improvement in vision in patients with severe stem cell deficiency.