159 resultados para Concept Map
Title. A concept analysis of renal supportive care: the changing world of nephrology
Aim. This paper is a report of a concept analysis of renal supportive care.
Background. Approximately 1.5 million people worldwide are kept alive by renal dialysis. As services are required to support patients who decide not to start or to withdraw from dialysis, the term renal supportive care is emerging. Being similar to the terms palliative care, end-of-life care, terminal care and conservative management, there is a need for conceptual clarity.
Method. Rodgers' evolutionary method was used as the organizing framework for this concept analysis. Data were collected from a review of CINAHL, Medline, PsycINFO, British Nursing Index, International Bibliography of the Social Sciences and ASSIA (1806-2006) using, 'renal' and 'supportive care' as keywords. All articles with an abstract were considered. The World Wide Web was also searched in English utilizing the phrase 'renal supportive care'.
Results. Five attributes of renal supportive care were identified: available from diagnosis to death with an emphasis on honesty regarding prognosis and impact of disease; interdisciplinary approach to care; restorative care; family and carer support and effective, lucid communication to ensure informed choice and clear lines of decision-making.
Conclusion. Renal supportive care is a dynamic and emerging concept relevant, but not limited to, the end phase of life. It suggests a central philosophy underpinning renal service development that allows patients, carers and the multidisciplinary team time to work together to realize complex goals. It has relevance for the renal community and is likely to be integrated increasingly into everyday nephrology practice.
Les vies et les carrières d’André Chamson et d’André Malraux se ressemblent par de multiples aspects. Contemporains, ils se connaissaient bien, menaient souvent les mêmes combats, souffraient des mêmes préoccupations, Mais c’est surtout par rapport à l’esprit qui les animait, en tant que grandes personnalités marquantes du XXe siècle, que d’intéressants parallèles peuvent être établis entre eux, que nous pouvons avec profit examiner les valeurs universelles et spirituelles qu’ils promouvaient, valeurs emblématiques pour tant de penseurs, d’acteurs, et d’écrivains de ce siècle. Ainsi pourrions-nous par ailleurs interroger et même évaluer la solidité, la résistance et le potentiel de telles valeurs pour le siècle à venir.
Billions of songbirds migrate several thousand kilometers from breeding to wintering grounds and are challenged with crossing ecological barriers and facing displacement by winds along the route. A satisfactory explanation of long-distance animal navigation is still lacking, partly because of limitations on field-based study. The navigational tasks faced by adults and juveniles differ fundamentally, because only adults migrate toward wintering grounds known from the previous year. Here, we show by radio tracking from small aircraft that only adult, and not juvenile, long-distance migrating white-crowned sparrows rapidly recognize and correct for a continent-wide displacement of 3,700 km from the west coast of North America to previously unvisited areas on the east coast. These results show that the learned navigational map used by adult long-distance migratory songbirds extends at least on a continental scale. The juveniles with less experience rely on their innate program to find their distant wintering areas and continue to migrate in the innate direction without correcting for displacement.
The question of whether homing pigeons use visual landmarks for orientation from distant, familiar sites is an unresolved issue in the field of avian navigation. Where evidence has been found, the question still remains as to whether the landmarks are used independent of the map and compass mechanism for orientation that is so important to birds. Recent research has challenged the extent to which experiments that do not directly manipulate the visual sense can be used as evidence for compass-independent orientation. However, it is proposed that extending a new technique for research on vision in homing to include manipulation of the compasses used by birds might be able to resolve this issue. The effect of the structure of the visual sense of the homing pigeon on its use of visual landmarks is also considered.
In previous experiments suggesting that previewing visual landscapes speeds homing from familiar release sites, restricted access to olfactory cues may have artefactually encouraged homing pigeons, Calumba livia, to resort to visual landmark orientation. Since evidence for the role of visual landmarks in wide-ranging avian orientation is still equivocal, Braithwaite & Guilford's (1991, Proc. R. Sec. Lond. Ser. B, 245, 183-186) 'previewing' experiments were replicated: birds were allowed or denied visual access to a familiar site prior to release, but allowed ample access to olfactory cues. In experiment 1, allowing birds to preview familiar sites for 5 min prior to release enhanced homing speeds by about 12%. In experiment 2, modified to reduce between-day effects on variation, previewing enhanced homing speeds by about 16%. These experiments support the conclusion that visual landmarks remote from sight of the loft are an important component of the familiar area map, although the nature of the landmarks and how they are encoded remain to be determined. (C) 1997 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.
The aim of this study was to develop an Egg Hatch Assay (EHA) test for the detection of triclabendazole (TCBZ) resistance in Fasciola hepatica. A number of fluke isolates were used, of differing sensitivity to TCBZ. Eggs were exposed to solutions of triclabendazole sulphoxide (TCBZ.SO) for 14 days, then triggered to hatch. Egg development was divided into 6 distinct and easily identifiable stages: dead, empty, unembryonated, cell division, eye spot and hatched. The number of eggs reaching those stages was recorded. Initially, the discriminating dose (1% hatch) was determined for the Cullompton isolate, used as TCBZ-susceptible (TCBZ-S) standard. Once this concentration had been resolved, the response of different isolates to this concentration was examined. The hatch rate of the Fairhurst isolate was not significantly different from that of the Cullompton isolate, confirming its TCBZ-S status. The Patagonia isolate has not been exposed to TCBZ in the field and should be TCBZ-S: the results of the EHA supported this. The egg hatch response of the Oberon and Dutch isolates differed significantly from that of the Cullompton isolate; the former isolates are regarded as TCBZ-resistant (TCBZ-R) and the results confirmed this. Another isolate, the Leon isolate, was originally described as being TCBZ-R, but has since been shown to be TCBZ-S. There was no difference in its response to TCBZ.SO in the EHA from the Cullompton (and Fairhurst and Patagonia) isolate(s), further indicating its TCBZ-S status. The impact of TCBZ.SO treatment on the component stages of egg development was determined and revealed differences between the isolates. In conclusion, the results of the study have shown that it is possible to discriminate between TCBZ-S and TCBZ-R isolates of F. hepatica on the basis of the response of their eggs to an EHA and the test could be used to evaluate the TCBZ sensitivity of unknown field isolates