121 resultados para Coda wave


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A simple and original mechanism to control the polarisation of uniform hybrid waveguide-planar leaky-wave antennas is proposed. The operation is based on introducing simple modifications of the planar dimensions of the structure cross-section, which is shown to control the horizontal and vertical components of the radiated fields. The proposed antenna dispenses with the need for periodic elements, commonly used in flexible polarised leaky-wave antennas, and therefore significantly reduces the design complexity. Parametric curves have been obtained to assist in the simple and efficient design of the proposed antenna. The novel mechanism is illustrated by means of several antenna prototypes operating at 5.7 GHz, producing linear, elliptical and circular polarisations. Commercial three-dimensional Finite Element Method has been used for the simulations, and the results are validated with experimental testing.[br].


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In this paper, the leaky-mode theory is applied to take into account for the dielectric losses in millimetre waveband inhomogeneous leaky-wave antennas. A practical dielectric-filled cosine-tapered periodic leaky-wave antenna working in the 45GHz band is studied, showing how the desired sidelobes level and directivity are spoilt due to the effect of the losses. An iterative procedure is used to correct the negative effects of the losses in the radiation patterns of the leaky-wave structure. It is also shown the practical limits of the proposed correction approach. The leaky-mode theory is applied for the first time to compensate the losses in a practical leaky-wave antenna in hybrid waveguide printed circuit technology. This leaky-mode theory is validated with full-wave three-dimensional finite element method simulations of the designed antenna.


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A periodic finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) analysis is presented and applied for the first time in the study of a two-dimensional (2-D) leaky-wave planar antenna based on dipole frequency selective surfaces (FSSs). First, the effect of certain aspects of the FDTD modeling in the modal analysis of complex waves is studied in detail. Then, the FDTD model is used for the dispersion analysis of the antenna of interest. The calculated values of the leaky-wave attenuation constants suggest that, for an antenna of this type and moderate length, a significant amount of power reaches the edges of the antenna, and thus diffraction can play an important role. To test the validity of our dispersion analysis, measured radiation patterns of a fabricated prototype are presented and compared with those predicted by a leaky-wave approach based on the periodic FDTD results.


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This paper summarises die main results obtained during the two experimental campaigns on TCE X-ray lasers that we have carried out since the last Kyoto X-ray laser Conference in 1998. A two-color (2 omega /1 omega) pumping configuration was tested and led to the observation of a strong lasing line at 16 nm, identified to a 4f-4d transition in Ni-like Ag. A strong x 300-400 enhancement of the 13.9 nm Ni-like 4d-4p lasing emission was obtained when a traveling wave short pulse pumping was applied. Finally the temporal history of the 13.9 nm laser pulse was measured with a high-resolution Streak camera, A very short 2 ps X-ray laser pulse was directly demonstrated for the first time.


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Saturated output has been observed for both Ne and Ni-like X-ray lasers when Pumped in the transient mode. As these 'normal' transitions display very high gain, attempts have been made to observe a 2p --> 2s inner shell transition in Ne-like ions, which scale well towards the water window. Modelling of the pump conditions for Ge lasing at 6.2 run is presented. As the predicted gain is low the experiment was set up for 18 mm targets. Shots were taken on Ti, Fe, Ni and Ge. A similar to1.5 ps travelling wave pulse is applied at various times after the peak of a long, preforming Pulse. Various pump conditions were attempted but no inner shell X-ray laser was detected.


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A techno-economic model of an autonomous wave-powered desalination plant is developed and indicates that fresh water can be produced for as little as £0.45/m3. The advantages of an autonomous wave-powered desalination plant are also discussed indicating that the real value of the system is enhanced due to its flexibility for deployment and reduced environmental impact. The modelled plant consists of the Oyster wave energy converter, conventional reverse osmosis membranes and a pressure exchanger–intensifier for energy recovery. A time-domain model of the plant is produced using wave-tank experimentation to calibrate the model of Oyster, manufacturer's data for the model of the reverse osmosis membranes and a hydraulic model of the pressure exchanger–intensifier. The economic model of the plant uses best-estimate cost data which are reduced to annualised costs to facilitate the calculation of the cost of water. Finally, the barriers to the deployment of this technology are discussed, but they are not considered insurmountable.


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The potential for an autonomous wave-powered desalination system is considered and it is identified that the most promising configuration is a reverse osmosis (RO) plant utilising a pressure exchanger-intensifier for energy recovery. A numerical model of the RO plant with a pressure exchanger-intensifier is developed that shows that a specific energy consumption of less than 2.0 kW h/m3 over a wide range of sea-water feed conditions, making it particularly suitable for use with a variable power source such as wave energy. A numerical model of the combined wave-power and desalination plant is also developed that shows that it is possible to supply the desalination plant with sea-water directly pressurised by the wave energy converter, eliminating the cost and energy losses associated with converting the energy into electricity and back to pressurised water. For a typical sea-state the specific hydraulic energy consumption of the desalination plant is estimated to be 1.85 kW h/m3 whilst maintaining a recovery-ratio of less than 25 to 35% to avoid the need for chemical pre-treatment to eliminate scaling problems. It is suggested that the economic potential for wave-powered desalination depends on these energy and cost savings more than compensating for the reduction in membrane life that occurs with variable feed conditions.


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Earlier studies have indicated that the gross nearshore wave energy resource is significantly smaller than the gross offshore wave energy resource implying that the deployment of wave energy converters in the nearshore is unlikely to be economic. However, it is argued that the gross wave energy resource is not an appropriate measure for determining the productivity of a wave farm and an alternative measure, the exploitable wave energy resource, is proposed. Calculation of a site's potential using the exploitable wave energy resource is considered superior because it accounts for the directional distribution of the incident waves and the wave energy plant rating that limits the power capture in highly energetic sea-states. A third-generation spectral wave model is used to model the wave transformation from deep water to a nearshore site in a water depth of 10 m. It is shown that energy losses result in a reduction of less than 10% of the net incident wave power. Annual wave data for the North Atlantic coast of Scotland is analysed and indicates that whilst the gross wave energy resource has reduced significantly by the 10 m depth contour, the exploitable wave energy resource is reduced by 7 and 22% for the two sites analysed. This limited reduction in exploitable wave energy resource means that for many exposed coasts, nearshore sites offer similar potential for exploitation of the wave energy resource as offshore sites.


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Mobile ad hoc networking of dismounted combat personnel is expected to play an important role in the future of network-centric operations. High-speed, short-range, soldier-to-soldier wireless communications will be required to relay information on situational awareness, tactical instructions, and covert surveillance related data during special operations reconnaissance and other missions. This article presents some of the work commissioned by the U. K. Ministry of Defence to assess the feasibility of using 60 GHz millimeter-wave smart antenna technology to provide covert communications capable of meeting these stringent networking needs. Recent advances in RF front-end technology, alongside physical layer transmission schemes that could be employed in millimeter-wave soldier-mounted radio, are discussed. The introduction of covert communications between soldiers will require the development of a bespoke directive medium access layer. A number of adjustments to the IEEE 802.11 distribution coordination function that will enable directional communications are suggested. The successful implementation of future smart antenna technologies and direction of arrival-based protocols will be highly dependent on thorough knowledge of transmission channel characteristics prior to deployment. A novel approach to simulating dynamic soldier-to-soldier signal propagation using state-of-the-art animation-based technology developed for computer game design is described, and important channel metrics such as root mean square angle and delay spread for a team of four networked infantry soldiers over a range of indoor and outdoor environments is reported.


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We propose an experimentally feasible scheme to generate a superposition of travelling field coherent states using an extremely small Kerr effect and an ancilla which could be a single photon or two entangled twin photons. The scheme contains ingredients which are all within the current state of the art and is robust against the main sources of errors which can be identified in our setups.