102 resultados para BOOST converter


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A three-phase four-wire shunt active power filter for harmonic mitigation and reactive power compensation in power systems supplying nonlinear loads is presented. Three adaptive linear neurons are used to tackle the desired three-phase filter current templates. Another feedforward three-layer neural network is adopted to control the output filter compensating currents online. This is accomplished by producing the appropriate switching patterns of the converter's legs IGBTs. Adequate tracking of the filter current references is obtained by this method. The active filter injects the current required to compensate for the harmonic and reactive components of the line currents, Simulation results of the proposed active filter indicate a remarkable improvement in the source current waveforms. This is reflected in the enhancement of the unified power quality index defined. Also, the filter has exhibited quite a high dynamic response for step variations in the load current, assuring its potential for real-time applications


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An increasing understanding of the process of erythropoiesis raises some interesting questions about the pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment of anemia and erythrocytosis. The mechanisms underlying the development of many of the erythrocytoses, previously characterised as idiopathic, have been elucidated leading to an increased understanding of oxygen homeostasis. Characterisation of anemia and erythrocytosis in relation to serum erythropoietin levels can be a useful addition to clinical diagnostic criteria and provide a rationale for treatment with erythropoiesis stimulating agents (ESAs). Recombinant human erythropoietin as well as other ESAs are now widely used to treat anemias associated with a range of conditions, including chronic kidney disease, chronic inflammatory disorders and cancer. There is also heightened awareness of the potential abuse of ESAs to boost athletic performance in competitive sport. The discovery of erythropoietin receptors outside of the erythropoietic compartment may herald future applications for ESAs in the management of neurological and cardiac diseases. The current controversy concerning optimal hemoglobin levels in chronic kidney disease patients treated with ESAs and the potential negative clinical outcomes of ESA treatment in cancer reinforces the need for cautious evaluation of the pleiotropic effects of ESAs in non-erythroid tissues.


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A techno-economic model of an autonomous wave-powered desalination plant is developed and indicates that fresh water can be produced for as little as £0.45/m3. The advantages of an autonomous wave-powered desalination plant are also discussed indicating that the real value of the system is enhanced due to its flexibility for deployment and reduced environmental impact. The modelled plant consists of the Oyster wave energy converter, conventional reverse osmosis membranes and a pressure exchanger–intensifier for energy recovery. A time-domain model of the plant is produced using wave-tank experimentation to calibrate the model of Oyster, manufacturer's data for the model of the reverse osmosis membranes and a hydraulic model of the pressure exchanger–intensifier. The economic model of the plant uses best-estimate cost data which are reduced to annualised costs to facilitate the calculation of the cost of water. Finally, the barriers to the deployment of this technology are discussed, but they are not considered insurmountable.


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The potential for an autonomous wave-powered desalination system is considered and it is identified that the most promising configuration is a reverse osmosis (RO) plant utilising a pressure exchanger-intensifier for energy recovery. A numerical model of the RO plant with a pressure exchanger-intensifier is developed that shows that a specific energy consumption of less than 2.0 kW h/m3 over a wide range of sea-water feed conditions, making it particularly suitable for use with a variable power source such as wave energy. A numerical model of the combined wave-power and desalination plant is also developed that shows that it is possible to supply the desalination plant with sea-water directly pressurised by the wave energy converter, eliminating the cost and energy losses associated with converting the energy into electricity and back to pressurised water. For a typical sea-state the specific hydraulic energy consumption of the desalination plant is estimated to be 1.85 kW h/m3 whilst maintaining a recovery-ratio of less than 25 to 35% to avoid the need for chemical pre-treatment to eliminate scaling problems. It is suggested that the economic potential for wave-powered desalination depends on these energy and cost savings more than compensating for the reduction in membrane life that occurs with variable feed conditions.


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Intracranial metastatic prostate carcinoma is rare. We sought to determine the clinical outcomes after Gamma Knife® stereotactic radiosurgery (GKSRS) for patients with intracranial prostate carcinoma metastases. We studied data from 10 patients who underwent radiosurgery for 15 intracranial metastases (9 dural-based and 6 parenchymal). Six patients had radiosurgery for solitary tumors and four had multiple tumors. The primary pathology was adenocarcinoma (eight patients) and small cell carcinoma (two patients). All patients received multimodality management for their primary tumor (including resection, radiation therapy, androgen deprivation therapy) and eight patients had evidence of systemic disease at time of radiosurgery. The mean tumor volume was 7.7 cm3 (range 1.1-17.2 cm3) and a median margin dose of 16 Gy was administered. Two patients had progressive intracranial disease in spite of fractionated partial brain radiation therapy (PBRT) prior to SRS. A local tumor control rate of 85% was achieved (including patients receiving boost, upfront and salvage SRS). New remote brain metastases developed in three patients (33%) and one patient had repeat SRS for tumor recurrence. The median survival after radiosurgery was 13 months and the 1-year survival rate was 60%. SRS was a well tolerated and effective therapy either alone or as a boost to fractionated radiation therapy in the management of patients with intracranial prostate carcinoma metastases. © 2009 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.


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A novel method for controlling wave energy converters using active bipolar damping is described and compared with current control methods. The performance of active bipolar damping is modelled numerically for two distinct types of wave energy converter and it is found that in both cases the power capture can be significantly increased relative to optimal linear damping. It is shown that this is because active bipolar damping has the potential for providing a quasi-spring or quasi-inertia, which improves the wave energy converter's tuning and amplitude of motion, resulting in the increase in power capture observed. The practical implementation of active bipolar damping is also discussed. It is noted that active bipolar damping does not require a reactive energy store and thereby reduces the cost and eliminates losses due to the cycling of reactive energy. It is also noted that active bipolar damping could be implemented using a single constant pressure double-acting hydraulic cylinder and so potentially represents a simple, efficient, robust and economic solution to the control of wave energy converters.


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The role of rhodopsin as a structural prototype for the study of the whole superfamily of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) is reviewed in an historical perspective. Discovered at the end of the nineteenth century, fully sequenced since the early 1980s, and with direct three-dimensional information available since the 1990s, rhodopsin has served as a platform to gather indirect information on the structure of the other superfamily members. Recent breakthroughs have elicited the solution of the structures of additional receptors, namely the beta 1- and beta 2-adrenergic receptors and the A(2A) adenosine receptor, now providing an opportunity to gauge the accuracy of homology modeling and molecular docking techniques and to perfect the computational protocol. Notably, in coordination with the solution of the structure of the A(2A) adenosine receptor, the first "critical assessment of GPCR structural modeling and docking" has been organized, the results of which highlighted that the construction of accurate models, although challenging, is certainly achievable. The docking of the ligands and the scoring of the poses clearly emerged as the most difficult components. A further goal in the field is certainly to derive the structure of receptors in their signaling state, possibly in complex with agonists. These advances, coupled with the introduction of more sophisticated modeling algorithms and the increase in computer power, raise the expectation for a substantial boost of the robustness and accuracy of computer-aided drug discovery techniques in the coming years.


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This paper proposes new direct power control (DPC) strategies for three-phase DC/AC converters with improved dynamic response and steady-state performance. As with an electrical machine, source and converter flux which equal the integration of the respective source and converter voltage are used to define active and reactive power flow. Optimization of the look-up-table used in conventional DPC is outlined first, to improve the power control and reduce the current distortion. Then constant switching frequency DPC is developed where the required converter voltage vector within a fixed half switching period is calculated directly from the active and reactive power errors. Detailed angle compensation due to the finite sampling frequency and the use of integral controller to further improve the power control accuracy, are described. Both simulation and experimental results are used to compare conventional DPC and vector control, and to demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed control strategies during active and reactive power steps, and line inductance variations.


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This paper proposes a decoupled fault ride-through strategy for a doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) to enhance network stability during grid disturbances. The decoupled operation proposes that a DFIG operates as an induction generator (IG) with the converter unit acting as a reactive power source during a fault condition. The transition power characteristics of the DFIG have been analyzed to derive the capability of the proposed strategy under various system conditions. The optimal crowbar resistance is obtained to exploit the maximum power capability from the DFIG during decoupled operation. The methods have been established to ensure proper coordination between the IG mode and reactive power compensation from the grid-side converter during decoupled operation. The viability and benefits of the proposed strategy are demonstrated using different test network structures and different wind penetration levels. Control performance has been benchmarked against existing grid code standards and commercial wind generator systems, based on the optimal network support required (i.e., voltage or frequency) by the system operator from a wind farm installed at a particular location.


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Cholecystokinin (CCK) is a peptide hormone secreted from the I-cells of the intestine and it has important physiological actions related to appetite regulation and satiety. In this study we used STC-1 cells to investigate the effects of common dietary-derived fatty acids (FAs) on I-cell secretory function and metabolism. We extend earlier studies by measuring the acute and chronic effects of 11 FAs on CCK secretion, cellular CCK content, CCK mRNA levels, cellular DNA synthesis, cellular viability and cytotoxicity. FAs were selected in order to assess the importance of chain length, degree of saturation, and double bond position and conformation. The results demonstrate that secretory responses elicited by dietary FAs are highly selective. For example, altering the conformation of a double bond from cis to trans (i.e. oleic acid versus elaidic acid) completely abolishes CCK secretion. Lauric acid appears to adversely affect I-cell metabolism and arachidonic acid suppresses DNA synthesis. Our studies reveal for the first time that conjugated linoleic acid isoforms are particularly potent CCK secretagogues, which also boost intracellular stores of CCK. These actions of conjugated linoleic acid may explain satiating actions observed in dietary intervention studies.


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The enteroinsular axis (EIA) constitutes a physiological signalling system whereby intestinal endocrine cells secrete incretin hormones following feeding that potentiate insulin secretion and contribute to the regulation of blood glucose homeostasis. The two key hormones responsible are named glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) and glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP). Recent years have witnessed sustained development of antidiabetic therapies that exploit the EIA. Current clinical compounds divide neatly into two classes. One concerns analogues or mimetics of GLP-1, such as exenatide (Byetta) or liraglutide (NN2211). The other group comprises the gliptins (e. g. sitagliptin and vildagliptin) which boost endogenous incretin activity by inhibiting the enzyme dipeptidyl peptidase 4 (DPP 4) that degrades both GLP-1 and GIP. Ongoing research indicates that further incretin and gliptin compounds will become available for clinical use in the near future, offering comparable or improved efficacy. For incretin analogues there is the prospect of prolonged duration of action and alternative routes of administration. This review focuses on recent advances in pre-clinical research and their translation into clinical studies to provide future therapies for type 2 diabetes targeting the EIA.


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The self-compression of a relativistic Gaussian laser pulse propagating in a non-uniform plasma is investigated. A linear density inhomogeneity (density ramp) is assumed in the axial direction. The nonlinear Schrodinger equation is first solved within a one-dimensional geometry by using the paraxial formalism to demonstrate the occurrence of longitudinal pulse compression and the associated increase in intensity. Both longitudinal and transverse self-compression in plasma is examined for a finite extent Gaussian laser pulse. A pair of appropriate trial functions, for the beam width parameter (in space) and the pulse width parameter (in time) are defined and the corresponding equations of space and time evolution are derived. A numerical investigation shows that inhomogeneity in the plasma can further boost the compression mechanism and localize the pulse intensity, in comparison with a homogeneous plasma. A 100 fs pulse is compressed in an inhomogeneous plasma medium by more than ten times. Our findings indicate the possibility for the generation of particularly intense and short pulses, with relevance to the future development of tabletop high-power ultrashort laser pulse based particle acceleration devices and associated high harmonic generation. An extension of the model is proposed to investigate relativistic laser pulse compression in magnetized plasmas.


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Purpose: To determine the indication and outcomes for Gamma Knife stereotactic radiosurgery (GKSRS) in the care of patients with intracranial sarcomatous metastases. Methods and Materials: Data from 21 patients who underwent radiosurgery for 60 sarcomatous intracranial metastases (54 parenchymal and 6 dural-based) were studied. Nine patients had radiosurgery for solitary tumors and 12 for multiple tumors. The primary pathology was metastatic leiomyosarcoma (4 patients), osteosarcoma (3 patients), soft-tissue sarcoma (5 patients), chondrosarcoma (2 patients), alveolar soft part sarcoma (2 patients), and rhabdomyosarcoma, Ewing's sarcoma, liposarcoma, neurofibrosarcoma, and synovial sarcoma (1 patient each). Twenty patients received multimodality management for their primary tumor, and 1 patient had no evidence of systemic disease. The mean tumor volume was 6.2 cm 3 (range, 0.07-40.9 cm 3), and a median margin dose of 16 Gy was administered. Three patients had progressive intracranial disease despite fractionated whole-brain radiotherapy before SRS. Results: A local tumor control rate of 88% was achieved (including patients receiving boost, up-front, and salvage SRS). New remote brain metastases developed in 7 patients (33%). The median survival after diagnosis of intracranial metastasis was 16 months, and the 1-year survival rate was 61%. Conclusions: Gamma Knife radiosurgery was a well-tolerated and initially effective therapy in the management of patients with sarcomatous intracranial metastases. However, many patients, including those who also received fractionated whole-brain radiotherapy, developed progressive new brain disease. © 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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A wide tuning range voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) with novel architecture is proposed in this work. The entire circuit consists of a VCO core, a summing circuit, a single-ended to differential (STD) converter and a buffer amplifier. The VCO core oscillates at half the desired frequency and the second harmonic of the VCO core is extracted by the summing circuit, which is then converted to a differential pair by the STD. The entire VCO circuit operates from 58.85 to 70.85 GHz with 20% frequency tuning range. The measured VCO gain is less than 1.6 GHz/V. The measured phase noise at 3 MHz offset is less than -78 dBc/Hz across the entire tuning range. The differential phase error of the output signals is measured by down converting the VCO output signals to low gigahertz frequency using an on-chip mixer. The measured differential phase error is less than 8°. The VCO circuit, which is constructed using 0.35 µm SiGe technology, occupies 770 × 550 µm2 die area and consumes 62 mA under 3.5 V supply.


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A vaginally-worn temperature telemeter may be used by women to chart their basal body temperature for ovulation detection. The telemeter uses a temperature to pulse width converter to key a Colpitts oscillator which is controlled in frequency by a 418 MHz SAW resonator. The circuit’s tank inductor acts as a compact, multi-turn loop antenna with a radiated power in isolation of around 1 uW. The transmission characteristics of the system are affected by the proximity of the human body, which acts as an electrically-large lossy dielectric. The RF link-budget must allow for the reduction in total emitted power, directional body-induced fading, and polarization effects. The polar power patterns of the telemeter were measured for both isolated and in-situ cases, using horizontal and vertical polarization. The power patterns were numerically integrated to determine relative emitted power, and a reference dipole used to determine the emitted power for the isolated device. In isolation the telemeter radiation is vertically polarized and isotropic in nature. With the telemeter in-situ, total body absorption was found to be over 20 dB, with directional fades of up to 40 dB; there was extensive cross-polarization, with up to 60% of radiated power horizontally polarized. With limited radiated power and directional fading, the operating range for the telemeter is limited to single room operation (less than 10m). The majority of RF radiation is absorbed by the body, but the radiation hazard is negligible due to the low power level of the device. The high level of cross-polarization suggests that either horizontal or vertically polarized base-station antennas may be used.