82 resultados para Avian antibodies


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The rotavirus (RV) inner capsid protein VP6 is widely used to evaluate immune response during natural infection and in vaccine studies. Recombinant VP6 from the most prevalent circulating rotavirus strains in each subgroup (SG) identified in a birth cohort of children in southern India [SGII (G1P[8]) and SGI (G10P[11])] were produced. The purified proteins were used to measure VP6-specific antibodies in a Dissociation-Enhanced Lanthanide Fluorometric Immunoassay (DELFIA). The ability of the assay to detect a =2 fold rise in IgG level in a panel of serum samples from a longitudinal study was compared to a gold standard virus-capture ELISA. A strong association was observed between the assays (p


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In an epidemiological survey from South India, 936 serum samples were tested for IgG against recombinant baculovirus-expressed VP6 proteins from human group A and group C rotaviruses. The overall seroprevalence for group A was 100% and for group C was 25.32% (95% CI 22.64-28.21). The lowest seroprevalence for group C was in children aged


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In this paper, a coupling of fluorophore-DNA barcode and bead-based immunoassay for detecting avian influenza virus (AIV) with PCR-like sensitivity is reported. The assay is based on the use of sandwich immunoassay and fluorophore-tagged oligonucleotides as representative barcodes. The detection involves the sandwiching of the target AIV between magnetic immunoprobes and barcode-carrying immunoprobes. Because each barcode-carrying immunoprobe is functionalized with a multitude of fluorophore-DNA barcode strands, many DNA barcodes are released for each positive binding event resulting in amplification of the signal. Using an inactivated H16N3 AIV as a model, a linear response over five orders of magnitude was obtained, and the sensitivity of the detection was comparable to conventional RT-PCR. Moreover, the entire detection required less than 2 hr. The results indicate that the method has great potential as an alternative for surveillance of epidemic outbreaks caused by AIV, other viruses and microorganisms.


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In this paper, we report a coupling of fluorophore-DNA barcode and bead-based
immunoassay for the detection of Avian Influenza Virus (AIV), a potential pandemic threat for human health and enormous economic losses. The detection strategy is based on the use of sandwich immunoassay and fluorophore-tagged oligonucleotides as representatively fluorescent barcodes. Despite its simplicity the assay has sensitivity comparable to RT-PCR amplification, and possesses a great potential as a rapid and sensitive on-chip detection format.


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Mixed infections are one of the major therapeutic challenges, as the current strategies have had limited success. One of the most common and widespread conditions of mixed infection is respiratory syncytial virus-mediated pathology of the respiratory tract in children. There is a dire need for the development of novel therapeutic approaches during mixed infections. Therapeutic intravenous immunoglobulin preparations, obtained from plasma pools of healthy donors have been used in immune deficiencies. This study was thus designed to characterize the functional efficacy of RSV-specific antibodies in IVIg. To explore the functional ability of these affinity-purified RSV-specific antibodies, the antibody-dependent and complement dependent cytotoxicity was determined using peripheral cells of healthy donors. This study demonstrates the existence of highly potent RSV-specific antibodies in IVIg preparations and provides the basis for the use of IVIg as broad-spectrum protective shield to RSV-infected children during mixed infections


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Sera from seals infected during the 1988 European epizootic of phocine distemper virus and sera from Canadian seals collected since 1972 have been tested for the presence of antibodies to morbillivirus. Approximately one third of the Canadian sera have been shown to contain anti-morbillivirus antibodies; the possibility that these populations of seals provided a source of infection for European seals is discussed.


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Using mice harbouring early Fasciola hepatica infections, six monoclonal antibodies were prepared against a tegumental antigen present in T1 granules and glycocalyx of flukes. Blocking tests indicated that all monoclonals bound the same T1 epitope (or epitopes in close proximity on the antigen molecule), but this was not the determinant recognized by sheep and cattle. Localization of antibody binding at light and electron microscope levels showed that T1-type antigen also occurred in metacercarial tegument and in glycocalyx of gut cells and excretory ducts in juvenile and adult flukes. This indicates that the natural host-antibody response to F. hepatica may be to one antigen early in the infection. Protein A-gold labelling of monoclonal treated fluke sections revealed that the epitope was probably a polypeptide, unmodified by glycosylation in Golgi bodies. When isolated by immunoadsorption and separated electrophoretically under reducing conditions T1-type antigen was found to consist of a polypeptide mol. wt. 50 000, possibly linked to smaller entities mol. wt. 25-40 000. Tissue-specific variations in the antigen molecule might be conferred by linkage of different polypeptides or carbohydrate side-chains to an antigenic core polypeptide. A component of T1-type antigen was found to have mol. wt. of 25 000, possibly resembling a polypeptide of mol. wt. 24 000 from Schistosoma mansoni tegument.


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A solid-phase radioimmunoassay was used to determine the specificity of IgG antibodies from normal sera, sera and CSF from patients with SSPE for the structural polypeptides of measles virus. The polypeptide specificity of antibodies from these sources were qualitatively similar; these results indicate antigenic cross-reactivity between SSPE-derived (Mantooth) and non-SSPE-derived strains of measles virus and stimulation of antibody formation by comparable antigens.


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A series of monoclonal antibodies was prepared against tegumental and internal antigens of Fasciola hepatica by immunizing mice with whole adult-fluke homogenates prior to harvesting the splenic lymphocytes for fusion. Preliminary screening by the Indirect Fluorescent Antibody technique indicated the occurrence of discrete groups of monoclonals differing from one another in tissue-specificity but within which IFA labelling patterns were fairly consistent. Representative hybridomas for 5 of these groups were stabilized and used to produce ascites fluid in mice. By application of an immunogold labelling technique it was possible to map the distribution of antigens for which each monoclonal antibody had affinity throughout the tissues of 4-week and 12-week flukes. Several monoclonals specifically labelled antigenic determinants on the important tegumental antigen T1. However the distribution of gold colloid labelling suggested that epitopes other than that normally exposed to the infected host were recognized; and several monoclonals specifically attached to T1 antigen in the tegument of juvenile worms only. The glycocalyx of the gut and excretory system of flukes shared T1 antigenicity with the tegument. Monoclonal antibodies were produced against an internal immunogen associated with ribosomes and heterochromatin in active protein-producing cells, and against interstitial material of adult flukes. Monoclonals against antigens in parenchymal cell cytoplasm and in mature vitelline cells were recognized but the corresponding hybridomas were not stabilized.


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As increasing incidences in the occurrence of cylindrospermopsin (CYN) appear, in addition to further research on its toxicological nature, improved rapid methods to detect this toxin are required. Antibody based assays are renowned for their ability to provide rapid, portable, simple to use tests. As yet however there are no publications outlining how an antibody to CYN can be produced. A range of chemical approaches was investigated to synthesise CYN immunogens for antibody production but failed to generate a response. Finally, a modified Mannich reaction for immunogen synthesis was employed to couple the toxin to two carrier proteins. Both protein conjugates were successfully used to raise both polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies of high sensitivity to CYN. These antibodies were characterised employing competitive indirect ELISA and an optical biosensor assay. By ELISA the sensitivity achieved ranged from 27 to 131. pg/mL and by SPR 4.4 to 11.1. ng/mL thus demonstrating that the selection of immunoassay platform is important for the detection level required by the end user for their application. Low cross-reactivity to the much less toxic metabolite deoxyCYN was observed. This is the first reported production of antibodies to this toxin. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.


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One of the most widespread and abundant families of pharmacologically active peptides in amphibian defensive skin secretions is the bradykinins and related peptides. Despite retaining certain primary structural attributes that assign them to this peptide family, bradykinins and related peptides are unique among amphibian skin peptides in that they exhibit a wide range of primary structural variations, post-translational modifications and/or N-terminal or C-terminal extensions. Initially it was believed that their high degree of primary structural heterogeneity was reflective of random gene mutations within species, but latterly, there is an increasing body of evidence that the spectrum of structural modifications found within this peptide family is reflective of the vertebrate predator spectrum of individual species. Here we report the discovery of ornithokinin (avian bradykinin – Thr6, Leu8-bradykinin) in the skin secretion of the Chinese bamboo odorous frog, Odorrana versabilis. Molecular cloning of its biosynthetic precursor-encoding cDNA from a skin secretion-derived cDNA library revealed a deduced open-reading frame of 86 amino acid residues, encoding a single copy of ornithokinin towards its C-terminus. The domain architecture of this ornithokinin precursor protein was consistent with that of a typical amphibian skin peptide and quite different to that of the ornithokininogen from chicken plasma. Ornithokinin was reported to induce hypotension in the chicken and to contract the chicken oviduct but to have no obvious effect on the rat uterus. However, in this study, synthetic ornithokinin was found to contract the rat ileum (EC50 = 539 nM) and to increase contraction frequency in the rat uterus (EC50 = 1.87 μM).


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To develop a detection method for human pathogenic Listeria monocytogenes, novel specific antibodies were obtained from hybridoma libraries generated by using formalin-killed and heat-killed L. monocytogenes as immunogens. Several monoclonal antibodies found to be specific to Listeria spp or L. monocytogenes were evaluated for their applicability as binders for bead array and sandwichELISA for detection of L. monocytogenes in buffer and in 11 different food types. The bead array format consistently demonstrated lower detection limits and was less affected by interference from food matrices than the sandwich ELISA format. However, the obtained detection limits were not sufficient to satisfy the required standard for L. monocytogenes testing. Therefore, the international organizationfor standardization (ISO 11290-1:1996) methods for pre-enrichment and enrichment were employed to increase the bacteria numbers. When compared to the standard plating method, the bead array was able to detect the bacteria with the same accuracy even at the 1 CFU level after only 24 hours of the enrichment period. In addition, Listeria-specific 3C3 and L. monocytogenes-specific 7G4 antibodies were successfully employed to construct a multiplex detection for Listeria, Salmonella and Campylobacter in a bead array format by combining with commercial Salmonella-specific and available Campylobacter-specific antibodies.