111 resultados para Atmospheric C-14


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The electrochemical oxidation of 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium iodide, [C(4)mim]I, has been investigated by cyclic voltammetry at a platinum microelectrode at varying concentrations in the RTIL 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide, [C(4)mim][NTf2]. Two oxidation peaks were observed. The first peak is assigned to the oxidation of iodide to triiodide, in an overall two-electron process: 3I(-)- 2e(-) -> I-3(-). At higher potentials, the electrogenerated triiodide oxidizes to iodine, in an overall one-electron process: I-3(-) - e(-) -> 3/2I(2). An average diffusion coefficient, D, for I- of 1.55 x 10(-11) m(2) s(-1) was obtained. A digital simulation program was used to simulate the voltammetric response, and kinetic parameters were successfully extracted. The parameters deduced from the simulation include D for I-, I-3(-), and I-2 and K-eq,K-2, the equilibrium constant for the reaction of iodide and iodine to form triiodide. Values for these parameters are of the same order as those previously published for the oxidation of Br- in the same RTIL [Allen et al. J. Electroanal. Chem. 2005, 575, 311]. Next, the cyclic voltammetry of five different inorganic iodide salts was studied by dissolving small amounts of the solid in [C(4)mim][NTf2]. Similar oxidation peaks were observed, revealing diffusion coefficients of ca. 0.55, 1.14, 1.23, 1.44, and 1.33 x 10(-11) m(2) s(-1) and solubilities of 714, 246, 54, 83, and 36 mM for LiI, NaI, KI, RbI, and CsI, respectively. The slightly smaller diffusion coefficients for the XI salts (compared to [C(4)mim]I) may indicate that I- is ion-paired with Li+, Na+, K+, Rb+, and Cs+ in the RTIL medium.


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The atmospheric pressure plasma jet is a capacitively coupled radio frequency discharge (13.56 MHz) running with a high helium flux (2m3 h-1) between concentric electrodes. Small amounts (0.5%) of admixed molecular oxygen do not disturb the homogeneous plasma discharge. The jet effluent leaving the discharge through the ring-shaped nozzle contains high concentrations of radicals at a low gas temperature—the key property for a variety of applications aiming at treatment of thermally sensitive surfaces. We report on absolute atomic oxygen density measurements by two-photon absorption laser-induced fluorescence (TALIF) spectroscopy in the jet effluent. Calibration is performed with the aid of a comparative TALIF measurement with xenon. An excitation scheme (different from the one earlier published) providing spectral matching of both the two-photon resonances and the fluorescence transitions is applied.


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We correct the estimates of the dispersions in the rotational velocities for early-type stars in our Galaxy (Dufton et al. 2006, A&A, 457, 265) and the Magellanic Clouds (Hunter et al. 2008, A&A, 479, 541). The corrected values are pi(1/4) (i.e. approximately 33%) larger than those published in the original papers.


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The effect of water content on room-temperature ionic liquids (RTILs) was studied by Karl Fischer titration and cyclic voltammetry in the following ionic liquids: tris(P-hexyl)tetradecylphosphonium trifluorotris(pentafluoroethyl)phosphate [P-14,P-6,P-6,P-6][NTf2], N-butyl-N-methyl-pyrrolidinium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide [C(4)mpyrr][NTf2], 1-hexyl-3-methylimidazolium tris(perfluoroethyl)trifluorophosphate [C(6)mim][FAP], 1-butyl3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide [C(4)mim][NTf2], 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide [C(4)dmim][NTf2], N-hexyltriethylammonium bis(trifluoromethylsolfonyl)imide [N-6,N-2,N-2,N-2][NTf2], 1-butyl-3-methylirnidazolium hexafluorophosphate [C(4)mim][PF6], F6], 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide [C(2)mim][NTf2], 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate [C(4)mim][BF4], 1-hexyl-3-methylimidazolium iodide [C(4)mim][I], 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium trifluoromethylsulfonate [C(4)mim][OTf], and 1-hexyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride [C(6)mim][Cl]. In addition, electrochemically relevant properties such as viscosity, conductivity, density, and melting point of RTILs are summarized from previous literature and are discussed. Karl Fisher titrations were carried out to determine the water content of RTILs for vacuum-dried, atmospheric, and wet samples. The anion in particular was found to affect the level of water uptake. The hydrophobicity of the anions adhered to the following trend: [FAP](-) > [NTf2](-) > [PF6](-) > [BF4](-) > halides. Cyclic voltammetry shows that an increase in water content significantly narrows the electrochemical window of each ionic liquid. The electrochemical window decreases in the following order: vacuum-dried > atmospheric > wet at 298 K > 318 K > 338 K. The anodic and cathodic potentials vs ferrocene internal reference are also listed under vacuum-dried and atmospheric conditions. The data obtained may aid the selection of a RTIL for use as a solvent in electrochemical applications.


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Abstract A classic physiologic response to hypoxia in humans is the up-regulation of the ERYTHROPOIETIN (EPO) gene, which is the central regulator of red blood cell mass. The EPO gene, in turn, is activated by hypoxia inducible factor (HIF). HIF is a transcription factor consisting of an alpha subunit (HIF-alpha) and a beta subunit (HIF-beta). Under normoxic conditions, prolyl hydroxylase domain protein (PHD, also known as HIF prolyl hydroxylase and egg laying-defective nine protein) site specifically hydroxylates HIF-alpha in a conserved LXXLAP motif (where underlining indicates the hydroxylacceptor proline). This provides a recognition motif for the von Hippel Lindau protein, a component of an E3 ubiquitin ligase complex that targets hydroxylated HIF-alpha for degradation. Under hypoxic conditions, this inherently oxygen-dependent modification is arrested, thereby stabilizing HIF-alpha and allowing it to activate the EPO gene. We previously identified and characterized an erythrocytosis-associated HIF2A mutation, G537W. More recently, we reported two additional erythrocytosis-associated HIF2A mutations, G537R and M535V. Here, we describe the functional characterization of these two mutants as well as a third novel erythrocytosis-associated mutation, P534L. These mutations affect residues C-terminal to the LXXLAP motif. We find that all result in impaired degradation and thus aberrant stabilization of HIF-2alpha. However, each exhibits a distinct profile with respect to their effects on PHD2 binding and von Hippel Lindau interaction. These findings reinforce the importance of HIF-2alpha in human EPO regulation, demonstrate heterogeneity of functional defects arising from these mutations, and point to a critical role for residues C-terminal to the LXXLAP motif in HIF-alpha.


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How do the predicted climatic changes (IPCC, 2007) for the next century compare in magnitude and rate to those that Earth has previously encountered? Are there comparable intervals of rapid rates of temperature change, sea-level rise and levels of atmospheric CO2 that can be used as analogues to assess possible biotic responses to future change? Or are we stepping into the great unknown? This perspective article focuses on intervals in time in the fossil record when atmospheric CO2 concentrations increased up to 1200 ppmv, temperatures in mid- to high-latitudes increased by greater than 4 ?C within 60 years, and sea levels rose by up to 3 m higher than present. For these intervals in time, case studies of past biotic responses are presented to demonstrate the scale and impact of the magnitude and rate of such climate changes on biodiversity. We argue that although the underlying mechanisms responsible for these past changes in climate were very different (i.e. natural processes rather than anthropogenic), the rates and magnitude of climate change are similar to those predicted for the future and therefore potentially relevant to understanding future biotic response. What emerges from these past records is evidence for rapid community turnover, migrations, development of novel ecosystems and thresholds from one stable ecosystem state to another, but there is very little evidence for broad-scale extinctions due to a warming world. Based on this evidence from the fossil record, we make four recommendations for future climate-change integrated conservation strategies.


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Objective-The prevalence of obesity is increasing in many European countries and in the United States. This report examines the mortality and morbidity associated with being overweight and obese in the Caerphilly Prospective Study and the relative effects of weight in middle age and self reported weight at 18 years.


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Action for annulment - Council Regulation (EEC) Nº 1765/92 of 30 June 1992 establishing a support system for producers of certain arable crops - Commission Regulation (EEC) Nº 2294/92 of 31 July 1992 on detailed rules for the application of the support system for producers of the oil seeds referred to in Council Regulation (EEC) Nº 1765/92 - Obligation to observe a final date for sowing and for lodging an application for a compensatory payment


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Failure to fulfil obligations - Freedom to provide services - Tourist guides - Professional qualification required by national rule - Discrimination - Museum admission


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Common Agricultural Policy - Clearance of EAGGF accounts - 1988 financial year


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State aid - Tax exemption on earnings from exports - Recovery


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The effects of dietary vitamin C supplementation on glucose homeostasis and insulin glycation were examined in adult lean and obese hyperglycemic (ob/ob) mice. In lean mice, supplementation of the drinking water with vitamin C (25 g/L) for 14 days did not affect food intake, fluid intake, glycated hemoglobin, plasma glucose, or plasma insulin concentrations. Total pancreatic insulin content and the percentage of glycated pancreatic insulin were also similar to control lean mice. In ob/ob mice, vitamin C supplementation caused significant reductions by 26% to 48% in food intake and fluid intake, glycated hemoglobin, plasma glucose, and insulin concentrations compared with untreated control ob/ob mice. The total insulin content and the extent of insulin glycation in the pancreas of ob/ob mice were also significantly decreased by 42% to 45% after vitamin C supplementation. This change was accompanied by a significant 80% decrease in the percentage of glycated insulin in the circulation of vitamin C- supplemented ob/ob mice. These data demonstrate that vitamin C supplementation can decrease insulin glycation and ameliorate aspects of the obesity-diabetes syndrome in ob/ob mice. Copyright 2002, Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.


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The effect of a cold (<40 °C) radio frequency-driven atmospheric pressure plasma jet on plasmid DNA has been investigated. Gel electrophoresis was used to analyze the DNA forms post-treatment. The experimental data are fitted to a rate equation model that allows for quantitative determination of the rates of single and double strand break formation. The formation of double strand breaks correlates well with the atomic oxygen density. Taken with other measurements, this indicates that neutral components in the jet are effective in inducing double strand breaks.


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A 1-year-old child with clinical features of monosomy 14 is reported. She has dysmorphic facial features including ocular colobomata, dolichocephaly and microcephaly, retinal pigmentation, severe seizures, fair curly hair and tapering fingers. There was severe mental retardation. This is the first reported case of severe mosaic monosomy 14, with up to 30% mosaicism. A recognizable facial gestalt is present in children with 14q deletions or partial monosomy 14, as well as susceptibility to infection, feeding difficulties, seizures and retinal pigmentation. (C) 2004 Lippincott Williams Wilkins.