102 resultados para 186-1150B


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We have shown that proteinase-activated receptor-2 (PAR(2)) activation in the airways leads to allergic sensitization to concomitantly inhaled Ags, thus implicating PAR(2) in the pathogenesis of asthma. Many aeroallergens with proteinase activity activate PAR(2). To study the role of PAR(2) in allergic sensitization to aeroallergens, we developed a murine model of mucosal sensitization to cockroach proteins. We hypothesized that PAR(2) activation in the airways by natural allergens with serine proteinase activity plays an important role in allergic sensitization. Cockroach extract (CE) was administered to BALB/c mice intranasally on five consecutive days (sensitization phase) and a week later for four more days (challenge phase). Airway hyperresponsiveness (AHR) and allergic airway inflammation were assessed after the last challenge. To study the role of PAR(2), mice were exposed intranasally to a receptor-blocking anti-PAR(2) Ab before each administration of CE during the sensitization phase. Mucosal exposure to CE induced eosinophilic airway inflammation, AHR, and cockroach-specific IgG1. Heat-inactivated or soybean trypsin inhibitor-treated CE failed to induce these effects, indicating that proteinase activity plays an important role. The use of an anti-PAR(2) blocking Ab during the sensitization phase completely inhibited airway inflammation and also decreased AHR and the production of cockroach-specific IgG1. PAR(2) activation by CE acts as an adjuvant for allergic sensitization even in the absence of functional TLR4. We conclude that CE induces PAR(2)-dependent allergic airway sensitization in a mouse model of allergic airway inflammation. PAR(2) activation may be a general mechanism used by aeroallergens to induce allergic sensitization. The Journal of Immunology, 2011, 186: 3164-3172.


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The pharmacological classification of P2 receptors owes its origin to the pioneering efforts of Geoff Burnstock and those who followed him, research that was conducted primarily in physiological experimental systems. Over recent years, the techniques of molecular biology have been increasingly applied in the study of P2 receptors while, at the same time, advances in their pharmacological analysis have been limited by a lack of potent and selective agonist or antagonist ligands. This has resulted in a classification scheme which is largely structural in nature, with relatively little contribution from pharmacology. Our endeavours in this area have been directed towards the discovery of ligands with which the pharmacological analysis and definition of P2 receptors could be advanced, the ultimate goal being the design of therapeutic agents. This article will describe some of our experiences in this challenging but rewarding Nea. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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We present novel topological mappings between graphs, trees and generalized trees that means between structured objects with different properties. The two major contributions of this paper are, first, to clarify the relation between graphs, trees and generalized trees, a graph class recently introduced. Second, these transformations provide a unique opportunity to transform structured objects into a representation that might be beneficial for a processing, e.g., by machine learning techniques for graph classification. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The C-type lectin langerin/CD207 was originally discovered as a specific marker for epidermal Langerhans cells (LC). Recently, additional and distinct subsets of langerin(+) dendritic cells (DC) have been identified in lymph nodes and peripheral tissues of mice. Although the role of LC for immune activation or modulation is now being discussed controversially, other langerin(+) DC appear crucial for protective immunity in a growing set of infection and vaccination models. In knock-in mice that express the human diphtheria toxin receptor under control of the langerin promoter, injection of diphtheria toxin ablates LC for several weeks whereas other langerin(+) DC subsets are replenished within just a few days. Thus, by careful timing of diphtheria toxin injections selective states of deficiency in either LC only or all langerin(+) cells can be established. Taking advantage of this system, we found that, unlike selective LC deficiency, ablation of all langerin(+) DC abrogated the activation of IFN-gamma producing and cytolytic CD8(+) T cells after gene gun vaccination. Moreover, we identified migratory langerin(+) dermal DC as the subset that directly activated CD8(+) T cells in lymph nodes. Langerin(+) DC were also critical for IgG1 but not IgG2a Ab induction, suggesting differential polarization of CD4(+) T helper cells by langerin(+) or langerin-negative DC, respectively. In contrast, protein vaccines administered with various adjuvants induced IgG1 independently of langerin(+) DC. Taken together, these findings reflect a highly specialized division of labor between different DC subsets both with respect to Ag encounter as well as downstream processes of immune activation. The Journal of Immunology, 2011, 186: 1377-1383.


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In previous experiments suggesting that previewing visual landscapes speeds homing from familiar release sites, restricted access to olfactory cues may have artefactually encouraged homing pigeons, Calumba livia, to resort to visual landmark orientation. Since evidence for the role of visual landmarks in wide-ranging avian orientation is still equivocal, Braithwaite & Guilford's (1991, Proc. R. Sec. Lond. Ser. B, 245, 183-186) 'previewing' experiments were replicated: birds were allowed or denied visual access to a familiar site prior to release, but allowed ample access to olfactory cues. In experiment 1, allowing birds to preview familiar sites for 5 min prior to release enhanced homing speeds by about 12%. In experiment 2, modified to reduce between-day effects on variation, previewing enhanced homing speeds by about 16%. These experiments support the conclusion that visual landmarks remote from sight of the loft are an important component of the familiar area map, although the nature of the landmarks and how they are encoded remain to be determined. (C) 1997 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.


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Galactokinase catalyses the phosphorylation of galactose at the expense of ATP. Like other members of the GHMP family of kinases it is postulated to function through an active site base mechanism in which Asp-186 abstracts a proton from galactose. This asparate residue was altered to alanine and to asparagine by site-directed mutagenesis of the corresponding gene. This resulted in variant enzyme with no detectable galactokinase activity. Alteration of Arg-37, which lies adjacent to Asp-186 and is postulated to assist the catalytic base, to lysine resulted in an active enzyme. However, alteration of this residue to glutamate abolished activity. All the variant enzymes, except the arginine to lysine substitution, were structurally unstable (as judged by native gel electrophoresis in the presence of urea) compared to the wild type. This suggests that the lack of activity results from this structural instability, in addition to any direct effects on the catalytic mechanism. Computational estimations of the pK(a) values of the arginine and aspartate residues, suggest that Arg-37 remains protonated throughout the catalytic cycle whereas Asp-186 has an abnormally high pK(a) value (7.18). Quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics (QM/MM) calculations suggest that Asp-186 moves closer to the galactose molecule during catalysis. The experimental and theoretical studies presented here argue for a mechanism in which the C-1-OH bond in the sugar is weakened by the presence of Asp-186 thus facilitating nucleophilic attack by the oxygen atom on the gamma-phosphorus of ATP.