98 resultados para 14-140


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The bacterium Rhodococcus rhodochrous NCIMB 13064, isolated from an industrial site, could use a wide range of 1-haloalkanes as sole carbon source but apparently utilized several different mechanisms simultaneously for assimilation of substrate. Catabolism of 1-chlorobutane occurred mainly by attack at the C-1 atom by a hydrolytic dehalogenase with the formation of butanol which was metabolized via butyric acid. The detection of small amounts of gamma-butyrolactone in the medium suggested that some oxygenase attack at C-4 also occurred, leading to the formation of 4-chlorobutyric acid which subsequently lactonized chemically to gamma-butyrolactone. Although 1-chlorobutane-grown cells exhibited little dehalogenase activity on 1-chloroalkanes with chain lengths above C-10, the organism utilized such compounds as growth substrates with the release of chloride. Concomitantly, gamma-butyrolactone accumulated to 1 mM in the culture medium with 1-chlorohexadecane as substrate. Traces of 4-hydroxybutyric acid were also detected. It is suggested that attack on the long-chain chloroalkane is initiated by an oxygenase at the non-halogenated end of the molecule leading to the formation of an omega-chlorofatty acid. This is degraded by beta-oxidation to 4-chlorobutyric acid which is chemically lactonized to gamma-butyrolactone which is only slowly further catabolized via 4-hydroxybutyric acid and succinic acid. However, release of chloride into the medium during growth on long-chain chloroalkanes was insufficient to account for all the halogen present in the substrate. Analysis of the fatty acid composition of 1-chlorohexadecane-grown cells indicated that chlorofatty acids comprised 75% of the total fatty acid content with C-14:0, C-16:0, C-16:1, and C-18:1 acids predominating. Thus the incorporation of 16-chlorohexadecanoic acid, the product of oxygenase attack directly into cellular lipid represents a third route of chloroalkane assimilation. This pathway accounts at least in part for the incomplete mineralization of long-chain chloroalkane substrates. This is the first report of the coexistence of a dehalogenase and the ability to incorporate long-chain haloalkanes into the lipid fraction within a single organism and raises important questions regarding the biological treatment of haloalkane containing effluents.


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Marine radiocarbon bomb-pulse time histories of annually resolved archives from temperate regions have been underexploited. We present here series of Delta C-14 excess from known-age annual increments of the long-lived bivalve mollusk Arctica islandica from 4 sites across the coastal North Atlantic (German Bight, North Sea; Tromso, north Norway; Siglufjordur, north Icelandic shelf; Grimsey, north Icelandic shelf) combined with published series from Georges Bank and Sable Bank (NW Atlantic) and the Oyster Ground (North Sea). The atmospheric bomb pulse is shown to be a step-function whose response in the marine environment is immediate but of smaller amplitude and which has a longer decay time as a result of the much larger marine carbon reservoir. Attenuation is determined by the regional hydrographic setting of the sites, vertical mixing, processes controlling the isotopic exchange of C-14 at the air-sea boundary, C-14 content of the freshwater flux, primary productivity, and the residence time of organic matter in the sediment mixed layer. The inventories form a sequence from high magnitude-early peak (German Bight) to low magnitude-late peak (Grimsey). All series show a rapid response to the increase in atmospheric Delta C-14 excess but a slow response to the subsequent decline resulting from the succession of rapid isotopic air-sea exchange followed by the more gradual isotopic equilibration in the mixed layer due to the variable marine carbon reservoir and incorporation of organic carbon from the sediment mixed layer. The data constitute calibration series for the use of the bomb pulse as a high-resolution dating tool in the marine environment and as a tracer of coastal ocean water masses.


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Certain policy areas with considerable impact on young people's educational experiences and achievements, notably assessment and qualifications, do not involve consultation with young people to any meaningful extent. Findings from a national study, which included focus groups with 243 students in the 14-19 phase, are presented with respect to student consultation and participation in such policy areas. A lack of meaningful consultation regarding what students see as ‘higher level’ policy agendas was found (such as qualifications provision, choice or structure). Students are therefore ‘voiceless’ in relation to major qualifications reforms


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The pathways of biotransformation of 4-fluorobiphenyl (4FBP) by the ectomycorrhizal fungus Tylospora fibrilosa and several other mycorrhizal fungi were investigated by using (19)F nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy in combination with (14)C radioisotope-detected high-performance liquid chromatography ((14)C-HPLC). Under the conditions used in this study T. fibrillosa and some other species degraded 4FBP. (14)C-HPLC profiles indicated that there were four major biotransformation products, whereas (19)F NMR showed that there were six major fluorine-containing products. We confirmed that 4-fluorobiphen-4'-ol and 4-fluorobiphen-3'-ol were two of the major products formed, but no other products were conclusively identified. There was no evidence for the expected biotransformation pathway (namely, meta cleavage of the less halogenated ring), as none of the expected products of this route were found. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report describing intermediates formed during mycorrhizal degradation of halogenated biphenyls.


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Background: Neurodevelopmental and behavioural problems have been repeatedly reported in very preterm. survivors, often showing themselves later in childhood as poor school performance. Early identification of problems would mean that appropriate remedial therapy can be implemented. We have previously shown that neurodevelopmental status at 1 year was predictive of outcome at 8 years in a cohort of preterm. infants. The aim of this paper was to see if neurodevelopmental outcome in adolescence could be predicted by assessment by 1 year in the same cohort of pretem infants. Study design: Prospective cohort study. Subjects: 150 adolescents, born before 33 weeks gestation. Outcome measures: Neurological examination, developmental quotient, vision and hearing by 1 year. At 14-15 years, neurological examination, school performance questionnaire, Schonnell test of reading age, a premorbid adjustment score, Rutter behavioural score and for those born from 1981, cognitive tests (WISC-R). Results: A highly significant relationship existed between neurological status by 1 year and the need for extra educational provision, overall neurodevelopmental status, cognitive function in those that had their IQs measured and premorbid adjustment score of prepsychotic symptoms in adolescence. However, status at 1 year was not predictive of adolescent reading age or behavioural score. Conclusions: Neurodevelopmental assessment at 1 year ispredictive of school performance and outcome in the adolescent period. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This cross-sectional study assessed relationships between plasma homocysteine, 'thermolabile' methylenetetrahydrofolatereductase (MTHFR) genotype, B vitamin status and measures of renal function in elderly (70-89 years) and nonagenarian (90+ years) subjects, with the hypothesis that octo/nonagenarian subjects who remain healthy into old age as defined by 'Senieur' status might show reduced genetic or environmental risk factors usually associated with hyperhomocysteinaemia. Plasma homocysteine was 9.1 micromol/l (geometric mean [GM]) for all elderly subjects. Intriguingly, homocysteine was significantly lower in 90+ (GM; 8.2 micromol/l) compared to 70-89-year-old subjects (GM; 9.8 micromol/l) despite significantly lower glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and serum B12 in nonagenarian subjects and comparable MTHFR thermolabile (TT) genotype frequency, folate and B6 status to 70-89-year-olds. For all elderly subjects, the odds ratio and 95% confidence intervals for plasma homocysteine being in the highest versus lowest quartile was 4.27 (2.04-8.92) for age 90 years, 3.4 (1.5-7.8) for serum folate 10.7nmol/l, 3.0 (0.9-10.2) for creatinine >140 compared


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Carbon-14 wiggle-match dating (WMD) of peat deposits uses the non-linear relationship between 14C age and calendar age to match the shape of a series of closely spaced peat 14C dates with the 14C calibration curve. The method of WMD is discussed, and its advantages and limitations are compared with calibration of individual dates. A numerical approach to WMD is introduced that makes it possible to assess the precision of WMD chronologies. During several intervals of the Holocene, the 14C calibration curve shows less pronounced fluctuations. We assess whether wiggle-matching is also a feasible strategy for these parts of the 14C calibration curve. High-precision chronologies, such as obtainable with WMD, are needed for studies of rapid climate changes and their possible causes during the Holocene.


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A compact differential 4-way power combiner with 2.3 dB loss and high common-mode rejection characteristic for use in mm-wave PAs is presented. A complete circuit comprised of a power splitter, two-stage cascode PA array, and a power combiner was implemented in SiGe technology. Measured small-signal gain of at least 17 dB was obtained from 74.5 GHz to 80.5 GHz with a peak 21 dB at 79 GHz. The prototype delivered 13.2 dBm P1dB and 14.3 dBm Psat when operated from a single 3.3 V supply at 75 GHz.


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