63 resultados para simultaneous shape and topology optimisation


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In this paper, we show how interacting and occluding targets can be tackled successfully within a Gaussian approximation. For that purpose, we develop a general expansion of the mean and covariance of the posterior and we consider a first order approximation of it. The proposed method differs from EKF in that neither a non-linear dynamical model nor a non-linear measurement vector to state relation have to be defined, so it works with any kind of interaction potential and likelihood. The approach has been tested on three sequences (10400, 2500, and 400 frames each one). The results show that our approach helps to reduce the number of failures without increasing too much the computation time with respect to methods that do not take into account target interactions.


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This book is a study of the British Board of Film Censors in the 1970s. In permitting and refusing specific material to be shown on cinema screens the BBFC were dictating patterns of taste and helping shape and determine notions of acceptability. Contentious and controversial texts like A Clockwork Orange (1971), Straw Dogs (1971) The Devils (1971) and Life of Brian (1979) have been used to draw attention to the way in which the BBFC operated in the 1970s. While it is true to say that these films encountered major censorship problems, what of the hundreds of other films which were being classified at the same time? Did all films struggle with the British censors in this period, and can these famous examples be fitted into broader patterns of censorship policy and practice?

In studying over 250 film files from the BBFC archive, this work reveals how 1970s films such as Vampire Circus (1971), Confessions of a Window Cleaner (1974) and Carry on Emmannuelle (1978) also ran in to trouble with the film censor. This work explores the complex process of negotiation and compromise which affected all film submissions in the 1970s and the way in which the BBFC actively, and often sympathetically, negotiated with film directors, producers and distributors to assign the correct category to each film. The lack of any defined formal censorship policy in this period allowed the BBFC to work alongside the film industry and push cultural, social and artistic boundaries; however it also left the Board open to accusations of favouritism, subjectivity and personal bias.

This work is not simply a study of controversial films and contentious issues, but rather engages with wider issues of changing permission, legal struggles, the influence of the media and the legislative and governmental controls which both helped and hindered the BBFC in this important post-war decade. The approach used within this work focuses on historical and archival research, making it importantly inter-textual and offering a great deal to scholars from a number of associated disciplines, including history, social policy, media and communications and politics.


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The study of parallel evolution facilitates the discovery of common rules of diversification. Here, we examine the repeated evolution of thick lips in Midas cichlid fishes (the Amphilophus citrinellus species complex) - from two Great Lakes and two crater lakes in Nicaragua - to assess whether similar changes in ecology, phenotypic trophic traits and gene expression accompany parallel trait evolution. Using next-generation sequencing technology, we characterize transcriptome-wide differential gene expression in the lips of wild-caught sympatric thick- and thin-lipped cichlids from all four instances of repeated thick-lip evolution. Six genes (apolipoprotein D, myelin-associated glycoprotein precursor, four-and-a-half LIM domain protein 2, calpain-9, GTPase IMAP family member 8-like and one hypothetical protein) are significantly underexpressed in the thick-lipped morph across all four lakes. However, other aspects of lips' gene expression in sympatric morphs differ in a lake-specific pattern, including the magnitude of differentially expressed genes (97-510). Generally, fewer genes are differentially expressed among morphs in the younger crater lakes than in those from the older Great Lakes. Body shape, lower pharyngeal jaw size and shape, and stable isotopes (dC and dN) differ between all sympatric morphs, with the greatest differentiation in the Great Lake Nicaragua. Some ecological traits evolve in parallel (those related to foraging ecology; e.g. lip size, body and head shape) but others, somewhat surprisingly, do not (those related to diet and food processing; e.g. jaw size and shape, stable isotopes). Taken together, this case of parallelism among thick- and thin-lipped cichlids shows a mosaic pattern of parallel and nonparallel evolution. © 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.


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Overdense plasmas are usually opaque to laser light. However, when the light is of sufficient intensity to drive electrons in the plasma to near light speeds, the plasma becomes transparent. This process—known as relativistic transparency—takes just a tenth of a picosecond. Yet all studies of relativistic transparency so far have been restricted to measurements collected over timescales much longer than this, limiting our understanding of the dynamics of this process. Here we present time-resolved electric field measurements (with a temporal resolution of ~ 50 fs) of the light, initially reflected from, and subsequently transmitted through, an expanding overdense plasma. Our result provides insight into the dynamics of the transparent-overdense regime of relativistic plasmas, which should be useful in the development of laser-driven particle accelerators, X-ray sources and techniques for controlling the shape and contrast of intense laser pulses.


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Cucurbit[n]urils (CB[n]) are macrocyclic host molecules with subnanometer dimensions capable of binding to gold surfaces. Aggregation of gold nanoparticles with CB[n] produces a repeatable, fixed, and rigid interparticle separation of 0.9 nm, and thus such assemblies possess distinct and exquisitely sensitive plasmonics. Understanding the plasmonic evolution is key to their use as powerful SERS substrates. Furthermore, this unique spatial control permits fast nanoscale probing of the plasmonics of the aggregates "glued" together by CBs within different kinetic regimes using simultaneous extinction and SERS measurements. The kinetic rates determine the topology of the aggregates including the constituent structural motifs and allow the identification of discrete plasmon modes which are attributed to disordered chains of increasing lengths by theoretical simulations. The CBs directly report the near-field strength of the nanojunctions they create via their own SERS, allowing calibration of the enhancement. Owing to the unique barrel-shaped geometry of CB[n] and their ability to bind "guest" molecules, the aggregates afford a new type of in situ self-calibrated and reliable SERS substrate where molecules can be selectively trapped by the CB[n] and exposed to the nanojunction plasmonic field. Using this concept, a powerful molecular-recognition-based SERS assay is demonstrated by selective cucurbit[n]uril host-guest complexation.


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Atmospheric pressure non-thermal plasma (APNTP) has been gaining increasing interest as a new alternative antibacterial approach. Although this approach has demonstrated promising antibacterial activity, its exact mechanism of action remains unclear. Mechanistic elucidation of the antimicrobial activity will facilitate development and rational optimisation of this approach for potential medical applications. In this study, the antibacterial efficacy of an in-house-built APNTP jet was evaluated alongside an investigation of the interactions between APNTP and major cellular components in order to identify the potential cellular targets involved in plasma-mediated bacterial destruction mechanisms. The investigated plasma jet exhibited excellent, rapid antibacterial activity against a selected panel of clinically significant bacterial species including Bacillus cereus, meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, all of which were completely inactivated within 2 min of plasma exposure. Plasma-mediated damaging effects were observed, to varying degrees, on all of the investigated cellular components including DNA, a model protein enzyme, and lipid membrane integrity and permeability. The antibacterial efficacy of APNTP appears to involve a multiple-target mechanism, which potentially reduces the likelihood of emergence of microbial resistance towards this promising antimicrobial approach. However, cellular membrane damage and resulting permeability perturbation was found to be the most likely rate-determining step in this mechanism. Crown Copyright © 2013.


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Tailoring optical properties of artificial metamaterials, whose optical properties go beyond the limitations of conventional and naturally occurring materials, is of importance in fundamental research and has led to many important applications such as security imaging, invisible cloak, negative refraction, ultrasensitive sensing, transformable and switchable optics. Herein, by precisely controlling the size, symmetry and topology of alphabetical metamaterials with U, S, Y, H, U-bar and V shapes, we have obtained highly tunable optical response covering visible-to-infrared (Vis-NIR) optical frequency. In addition, we show a detailed study on the physical origin of resonance modes, plasmonic coupling, the dispersion of electronic and magnetic surface plasmon polaritons, and the possibility of negative refraction. We have found that all the electronic and magnetic modes follow the dispersion of surface plasmon polaritons thus essentially they are electronic- and magnetic-surface-plasmon-polaritons-like (ESPP-like and MSPP-like) modes resulted from diffraction coupling between localized surface plasmon and freely-propagating light. Based on the fill factor and formula of magnetism permeability, we predict that the alphabetical metamaterials should show the negative refraction capability in visible optical frequency. Furthermore, we have demonstrated the specific ultrasensitive surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) sensing of monolayer molecules and femtomolar food contaminants by tuning their resonance to match the laser wavelength, or by tuning the laser wavelength to match the plasmon resonance of metamaterials. Our tunable alphabetical metamaterials provide a generic platform to study the electromagnetic properties of metamaterials and explore the novel applications in optical frequency.


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Near-Earth asteroid (25143) Itokawa was visited by the Hayabusa spacecraft in 2005, resulting in a highly detailed surface shape and topography model. This model has led to several predictions for the expected radiative torques on this asteroid, suggesting that its spin rate should be decelerating. Through an observational survey spanning 2001 to 2013 we have successfully measured an acceleration in its spin rate of dω/dt = 3.54 (± 0.38) × 10^(-8) rad day^(-2), equivalent to a decrease of its rotation period of ~ 45 ms year^(-1). Using the shape model determined from the Hayabusa spacecraft, we applied a detailed thermophysical analysis, to reconcile the predicted YORP strength with that observed. We find that the center-of-mass for Itokawa must be shifted by ~20 m along the long-axis of the asteroid to reconcile observations with theory. This can be explained if Itokawa is composed of two separate bodies with very different bulk densities of 1740 ± 110 kg m^(-3) and 2730 ± 440 kg m^(-3), and was formed from the merger of two separate bodies, consistent with the collapse of a binary system or the re-accumulation of material from a catastrophic collisional disruption. We demonstrate that an observational measurement of radiative torques, when combined with a detailed shape model, can provide insight into the interior structure of an asteroid.


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Herein, we present a facile method for the formation of monodispersed metal nanoparticles (NPs) at room temperature from M(III)Cl3 (with M = Au, Ru, Mn, Fe or V) in different media based on N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF) or water solutions containing a protic ionic liquid (PIL), namely the octylammonium formate (denoted OAF) or the bis(2-ethyl-hexyl)ammonium formate (denoted BEHAF). These two PILs present different structures and redox-active structuring properties that influence their interactions with selected molecular compounds (DMF or water), as well as the shape and the size of formed metal NPs in these solutions. Herein, the physical properties, such as the thermal, transport and micellar properties, of investigated PIL solutions were firstly investigated in order to understand the relation between PILs structure and their properties in solutions with DMF or water. The formation of metal NPs in these solutions was then characterized by using UV–vis spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy (TEM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and dynamic light scattering (DLS) measurements. From our investigations, it appears that the PILs structure and their aggregation pathways in selected solvents affect strongly the formation, growths, the shape and the size of metal NPs. In fact by using this approach, the shape-/size-controlled metal NPs can be generated under mild condition. This approach suggests also a wealth of potential for these designer nanomaterials within the biomedical, materials, and catalysis communities by using designer and safer media based on PILs.


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We study the competing effects of simultaneous Markovian and non-Markovian decoherence mechanisms acting on a single spin. We show the existence of a threshold in the relative strength of such mechanisms above which the spin dynamics becomes fully Markovian, as revealed by the use of several non-Markovianity measures. We identify a measure-dependent nested structure of such thresholds, hinting at a causality relationship among the various non-Markovianity witnesses used in our analysis. Our considerations are then used to argue the unavoidably non-Markovian evolution of a single-electron quantum dot exposed to both intrinsic and Markovian technical noise, the latter of arbitrary strength. 


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Heat sinks are widely used for cooling electronic devices and systems. Their thermal performance is usually determined by the material, shape, and size of the heat sink. With the assistance of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and surrogate-based optimization, heat sinks can be designed and optimized to achieve a high level of performance. In this paper, the design and optimization of a plate-fin-type heat sink cooled by impingement jet is presented. The flow and thermal fields are simulated using the CFD simulation; the thermal resistance of the heat sink is then estimated. A Kriging surrogate model is developed to approximate the objective function (thermal resistance) as a function of design variables. Surrogate-based optimization is implemented by adaptively adding infill points based on an integrated strategy of the minimum value, the maximum mean square error approach, and the expected improvement approaches. The results show the influence of design variables on the thermal resistance and give the optimal heat sink with lowest thermal resistance for given jet impingement conditions. 


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A novel approach for the multi-objective design optimisation of aerofoil profiles is presented. The proposed method aims to exploit the relative strengths of global and local optimisation algorithms, whilst using surrogate models to limit the number of computationally expensive CFD simulations required. The local search stage utilises a re-parameterisation scheme that increases the flexibility of the geometry description by iteratively increasing the number of design variables, enabling superior designs to be generated with minimal user intervention. Capability of the algorithm is demonstrated via the conceptual design of aerofoil sections for use on a lightweight laminar flow business jet. The design case is formulated to account for take-off performance while reducing sensitivity to leading edge contamination. The algorithm successfully manipulates boundary layer transition location to provide a potential set of aerofoils that represent the trade-offs between drag at cruise and climb conditions in the presence of a challenging constraint set. Variations in the underlying flow physics between Pareto-optimal aerofoils are examined to aid understanding of the mechanisms that drive the trade-offs in objective functions.


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Spatially and temporally varying neutral, ion and electron number densities have been mapped out within laser ablated plasma plumes expanding into vacuum. Ablation of a magnesium target was performed using a KrF laser, 30 ns pulse duration and 248 nm wavelength. During the initial stage of plasma expansion (t <EQ 100 ns) interferometry has been used to obtain line averaged electron number densities, for laser power densities on target in the range 1.3 - 3.0 X 108 W/cm2. Later in the plasma expansion (t equals 1 microsecond(s) ) simultaneous absorption and laser induced fluorescence spectroscopy has been used to determine 3D neutral and ion number densities, for a power density equal to 6.7 X 107 W/cm2. Two distinct regions within the plume were identified. One is a fast component (approximately 106 cm-1) consisting of ions and neutrals with maximum number densities observed to be approximately 30 and 4 X 1012 cm-3 respectively, and the second consists of slow moving neutral material at a number density of up to 1015 cm-3. Additionally a Langmuir probe has been used to obtain ion and electron number densities at very late times in the plasma expansion (1 microsecond(s) <EQ t <EQ 15 microsecond(s) ). A copper target was ablated using a Nd:YAG laser, 7.5 ns duration and 532 nm (2 (omega) ) wavelength, with a power density on target equal to 6 X 108 W/cm2. Two regions within the plume with different velocities were observed. Within a fast component (approximately 3 X 106 cms-1) electron and ion number densities of the order 5 X 1012 cm-3 were observed and within the second slower component (approximately 106 cms-1) electron and ion number densities of the order 1 - 2 X 1013 cm-3 were determined.


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This paper describes the simulation of representative aircraft wing stiffened panels under axial compression loading, to determine the effects of varying the manufacturing shape and assembly joining methods on stiffened panel performance. T-stiffened and Z-stiffened panels are modelled in Abaqus simulating integral, co-cured and mechanically fastened joints. The panels are subject to an edge compressive displacement along the stiffener axis until failure and the ultimate failure load and buckling performance is assessed for each. Integral panels consistently offer the highest performance. Co-cured panels demonstrate reduced performance (3-5% reduction in ultimate load relative to integral) caused by localised cohesive failure and skin-stiffener separation. The mechanically fastened panels are consistently the weakest joint (19-25% reduction in ultimate load relative to integral) caused primarily by inter-rivet buckling between fasteners


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The next generation sequencing revolution has enabled rapid discovery of genetic markers, however, development of fully functioning new markers still requires a long and costly process of marker validation. This study reports a rapid and economical approach for the validation and deployment of polymorphic microsatellite markers obtained from a 454 pyrosequencing library of Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua, Linnaeus 1758. Primers were designed from raw reads to amplify specific amplicon size ranges, allowing effective PCR multiplexing. Multiplexing was combined with a three-primer PCR approach using four universal tails to label amplicons with separate fluorochromes. A total of 192 primer pairs were tested, resulting in 73 polymorphic markers. Of these, 55 loci were combined in six multiplex panels each containing between six and eleven markers. Variability of the loci was assessed on G. morhua from the Celtic Sea (n 46) and the Scotian Shelf (n 46), two locations that have shown genetic differentiation in previous studies. Multilocus FST between the two samples was estimated at 0.067 (P 0.001). After three loci potentially under selection were excluded, the global FST was estimated at 0.043 (P 0.001). Our technique combines three- primer and multiplex PCR techniques, allowing simultaneous screening and validation of relatively large numbers of microsatellite loci.