58 resultados para serrated aperture


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We have calculated 90% confidence limits on the steady-state rate of catastrophic disruptions of main belt asteroids in terms of the absolute magnitude at which one catastrophic disruption occurs per year  as a function of the post-disruption increase in brightness (Δm) and subsequent brightness decay rate (τ  ). The confidence limits were calculated using the brightest unknown main belt asteroid (V=18.5) detected with the Pan-STARRS1 (Pan-STARRS1) telescope. We measured the Pan-STARRS1’s catastrophic disruption detection efficiency over a 453-day interval using the Pan-STARRS moving object processing system (MOPS) and a simple model for the catastrophic disruption event’s photometric behavior in a small aperture centered on the catastrophic disruption event. We then calculated the  contours in the ranges from  and  encompassing measured values from known cratering and disruption events and our model’s predictions. Our simplistic catastrophic disruption model suggests that  and  which would imply that H0≳28—strongly inconsistent withH0,B2005=23.26±0.02 predicted by Bottke et al. (Bottke, W.F., Durda, D.D., Nesvorný, D., Jedicke, R., Morbidelli, A., Vokrouhlický, D., Levison, H.F. [2005]. Icarus, 179, 63–94.) using purely collisional models. However, if we assume that H0=H0,B2005 our results constrain , inconsistent with our simplistic impact-generated catastrophic disruption model. We postulate that the solution to the discrepancy is that >99% of main belt catastrophic disruptions in the size range to which this study was sensitive (∼100 m) are not impact-generated, but are instead due to fainter rotational breakups, of which the recent discoveries of disrupted asteroids P/2013 P5 and P/2013 R3 are probable examples. We estimate that current and upcoming asteroid surveys may discover up to 10 catastrophic disruptions/year brighter than V=18.5.


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The allocation of a large amount of bandwidth by regulating bodies in the 70/80 GHz band, i.e., the E-band, has opened up new potentials and challenges for providing affordable and reliable Gigabit per second wireless point-to-point links. This article first reviews the available bandwidth and licensing regulations in the E-band. Subsequently, different propagation models, e.g., the ITU-R and Cane models, are compared against measurement results and it is concluded that to meet specific availability requirements, E-band wireless systems may need to be designed with larger fade margins compared to microwave systems. A similar comparison is carried out between measurements and models for oscillator phase noise. It is confirmed that phase noise characteristics, that are neglected by the models used for narrowband systems, need to be taken into account for the wideband systems deployed in the E-band. Next, a new multi-input multi-output (MIMO) transceiver design, termed continuous aperture phased (CAP)-MIMO, is presented. Simulations show that CAP-MIMO enables E-band systems to achieve fiber-optic like throughputs. Finally, it is argued that full-duplex relaying can be used to greatly enhance the coverage of E-band systems without sacrificing throughput, thus, facilitating their application in establishing the backhaul of heterogeneous networks.


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The recent development of the massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) paradigm, has been extensively based on the pursuit of favorable propagation: in the asymptotic limit, the channel vectors become nearly orthogonal and interuser interference tends to zero [1]. In this context, previous studies
have considered fixed inter-antenna distance, which implies an increasing array aperture as the number of elements increases. Here, we focus on a practical, space-constrained topology, where an increase in the number of antenna elements in a fixed total space imposes an inversely proportional decrease in the inter-antenna distance. Our analysis shows that, contrary to existing studies, inter-user interference does not vanish in the massive MIMO regime, thereby creating a saturation effect on the achievable rate.


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This study reports the performance of an Archimedean spiral antenna, which exhibits unidirectional circularly polarized radiation patterns with a peak gain >8 dBic in the lower (2.4–2.485 GHz) and upper (5.15–5.35 and 5.725–5.875 GHz) Wireless local area network frequency bands. The required backlobe suppression and impedance match are obtained by placing a multiresonant high impedance surface (HIS) in close proximity to the radiating aperture. Simulated and measured radiation patterns are shown at the center frequency of all three channels and a comparison of the key performance metrics is made with free space and metal backed antenna arrangements to demonstrate the enhancements which are attributed to the HIS reflector.


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We analyze a set of 760 475 observations of 333 026 unique main-belt objects obtained by the Pan-STARRS1(PS1) survey telescope between 2012 May 20 and 2013 November 9, a period during which PS1 discoveredtwo main-belt comets, P/2012 T1 (PANSTARRS) and P/2013 R3 (Catalina-PANSTARRS). PS1 cometdetection procedures currently consist of the comparison of the point spread functions (PSFs) of movingobjects to those of reference stars, and the flagging of objects that show anomalously large radial PSFwidths for human evaluation and possible observational follow-up. Based on the number of missed discoveryopportunities among comets discovered by other observers, we estimate an upper limit comet discoveryefficiency rate of 70% for PS1. Additional analyses that could improve comet discovery yields infuture surveys include linear PSF analysis, modeling of trailed stellar PSFs for comparison to trailed movingobject PSFs, searches for azimuthally localized activity, comparison of point-source-optimized photometryto extended-source-optimized photometry, searches for photometric excesses in objects withknown absolute magnitudes, and crowd-sourcing. Analysis of the discovery statistics of the PS1 surveyindicates an expected fraction of 59 MBCs per 106 outer main-belt asteroids (corresponding to a totalexpected population of 140 MBCs among the outer main-belt asteroid population with absolute magnitudesof 12 < HV < 19:5), and a 95% confidence upper limit of 96 MBCs per 106 outer main-belt asteroids(corresponding to a total of 230 MBCs), assuming a detection efficiency of 50%. We note howeverthat significantly more sensitive future surveys (particularly those utilizing larger aperture telescopes)could detect many more MBCs than estimated here. Examination of the orbital element distribution ofall known MBCs reveals an excess of high eccentricities (0:1 < e < 0:3) relative to the background asteroidpopulation. Theoretical calculations show that, given these eccentricities, the sublimation rate for atypical MBC is orders of magnitude larger at perihelion than at aphelion, providing a plausible physicalexplanation for the observed behavior of MBCs peaking in observed activity strength near perihelion.These results indicate that the overall rate of mantle growth should be slow, consistent with observationalevidence that MBC activity can be sustained over multiple orbit passages.


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We have developed a model to predict the post-collision brightness increase of sub-catastrophic collisions between asteroids and to evaluate the likelihood of a survey detecting these events. It is based on the cratering scaling laws of Holsapple and Housen (2007) and models the ejecta expansion following an impact as occurring in discrete shells each with their own velocity. We estimate the magnitude change between a series of target/impactor pairs, as- suming it is given by the increase in reflecting surface area within a photometric aperture due to the resulting ejecta. As expected the photometric signal increases with impactor size, but we find also that the photometric signature decreases rapidly as the target aster- oid diameter increases, due to gravitational fallback. We have used the model results to make an estimate of the impactor diameter for the (596) Scheila collision of D = 49 − 65m depending on the impactor taxonomy, which is broadly consistent with previous estimates. We varied both the strength regime (highly porous and sand/cohesive soil) and the tax- onomic type (S-, C- and D-type) to examine the effect on the magnitude change, finding that it is significant at early stages but has only a small effect on the overall lifetime of the photometric signal. Combining the results of this model with the collision frequency estimates of Bottke et al. (2005), we find that low-cadence surveys of ∼one visit per luna- tion will be insensitive to impacts on asteroids with D < 20km if relying on photometric detections.


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This paper describes the performance characteristics and experimental validation of a compact conical horn antenna with a dielectric cylinder spiral phase plate attached at its aperture. This performs the function of a spatial phase imprinting device creating a helical wave-front which results in a null in the far field radiation pattern of the antenna assembly.


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A novel type of microwave probes based on the loaded aperture geometry has been proposed and experimentally evaluated for dielectrics characterisation and high-resolution near-field imaging. Experimental results demonstrate the possibility of very accurate microwave spectroscopic characterisation of thin lossy dielectric samples and biological materials containing water. High-resolution images of the subwavelength lossy dielectric strips and wet and dry leaves have been obtained with amplitude contrast around 10-20 dB and spatial resolution better than one-tenth of a wavelength in the near-field zone. A microwave imaging scenario for the early-stage skin cancer identification based on the artificial dielectric model has also been explored. This model study shows that the typical resolution of an artificial malignant tumour with a characteristic size of one-tenth of a wavelength can be discriminated with at least 6 dB amplitude and 50° phase contrast from the artificial healthy skin and with more than 3 dB contrast from a benign lesion of the same size. It has also been demonstrated that the proposed device can efficiently deliver microwave energy to very small, subwavelength, focal areas which is highly sought in the microwave hyperthermia applications.


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A multiuser dual-hop relaying system over mixed radio frequency/free-space optical (RF/FSO) links is investigated. Specifically, the system consists of m single-antenna sources, a relay node equipped with n≥ m receive antennas and a single photo-aperture transmitter, and one destination equipped with a single photo-detector. RF links are used for the simultaneous data transmission from multiple sources to the relay. The relay operates under the decode-and-forward protocol and utilizes the popular V-BLAST technique by successively decoding each user's transmitted stream. Two common norm-based orderings are adopted, i.e., the streams are decoded in an ascending or a descending order. After V-BLAST, the relay retransmits the decoded information to the destination via a point-to-point FSO link in m consecutive timeslots. Analytical expressions for the end-to-end outage probability and average symbol error probability of each user are derived, while closed-form asymptotic expressions are also presented. Capitalizing on the derived results, some engineering insights are manifested, such as the coding and diversity gain of each user, the impact of the pointing error displacement on the FSO link and the V-BLAST ordering effectiveness at the relay.


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A novel microwave high-resolution near-field imaging technique is proposed and experimentally evaluated in reflectometry imaging scenarios involving planar metal-dielectric structures. Two types of resonance near field probes-a small helix antenna and a loaded subwavelength slot aperture are studied in this paper. These probes enable very tight spatial field localization with the full width at half maximum around one tenth of a wavelength, λ, at λ/100-λ/10 standoff distance. Importantly, the proposed probes permit resonance electromagnetic coupling to dielectric or printed conductive patterns, which leads to the possibility of very high raw image resolution with imaged feature-to-background contrast greater than 10-dB amplitude and 50° phase. In addition, high-resolution characterization of target geometries based on the cross correlation image processing technique is proposed and assessed using experimental data. It is shown that printed elements features with subwavelength size ~λ/15 or smaller can be characterized with at least 10-dB resolution contrast.


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The performance of multiuser dual-hop relaying over mixed radio frequency/free-space optical (RF/FSO) links is investigated. RF links are used for the simultaneous data transmission from m single-antenna sources to the relay, which is equipped with n ≥ m receive antennas and a photo-aperture transmitter. The relay operates under the decode-and-forward protocol and utilizes the popular ordered V-BLAST technique to successively decode each user's transmitted stream. A common norm-based ordering approach is adopted, where the streams are decoded in an ascending order. After the V-BLAST decoding, the relay retransmits the initial information to the destination, which is equipped with a photo-detector, via a point-to-point FSO link in m consecutive timeslots. Analytical expressions for the end-to-end outage probability and average symbol error probability of each user are derived. Some engineering insights are manifested, such as the diversity order, the impact of the pointing error displacement on the FSO link and the severity on the turbulence-induced channel fading.


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Control of the collective response of plasma particles to intense laser light is intrinsic to relativistic optics, the development of compact laser-driven particle and radiation sources, as well as investigations of some laboratory astrophysics phenomena. We recently demonstrated that a relativistic plasma aperture produced in an ultra-thin foil at the focus of intense laser radiation can induce diffraction, enabling polarization-based control of the collective motion of plasma electrons. Here we show that under these conditions the electron dynamics are mapped into the beam of protons accelerated via strong charge-separation-induced electrostatic fields. It is demonstrated experimentally and numerically via 3D particle-in-cell simulations that the degree of ellipticity of the laser polarization strongly influences the spatial-intensity distribution of the beam of multi-MeV protons. The influence on both sheath-accelerated and radiation pressure-accelerated protons is investigated. This approach opens up a potential new route to control laser-driven ion sources.


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Photometry of moving sources typically suffers from a reduced signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) or flux measurements biased to incorrect low values through the use of circular apertures. To address this issue, we present the software package, TRIPPy: TRailed Image Photometry in Python. TRIPPy introduces the pill aperture, which is the natural extension of the circular aperture appropriate for linearly trailed sources. The pill shape is a rectangle with two semicircular end-caps and is described by three parameters, the trail length and angle, and the radius. The TRIPPy software package also includes a new technique to generate accurate model point-spread functions (PSFs) and trailed PSFs (TSFs) from stationary background sources in sidereally tracked images. The TSF is merely the convolution of the model PSF, which consists of a moffat profile, and super-sampled lookup table. From the TSF, accurate pill aperture corrections can be estimated as a function of pill radius with an accuracy of 10 mmag for highly trailed sources. Analogous to the use of small circular apertures and associated aperture corrections, small radius pill apertures can be used to preserve S/Ns of low flux sources, with appropriate aperture correction applied to provide an accurate, unbiased flux measurement at all S/Ns.