64 resultados para room set up


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Stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT) is now an established therapy in stage I lung cancer with comparable local control rates to surgical resection. Owing to the conformity of treatment dose delivery and with appropriate fractionation considerations, minimal side-effects to surrounding normal tissues are observed in most patients. SBRT is now being used in the treatment of oligometastatic disease, alone or alongside systemic therapy. At present there is a paucity of evidence available showing a clinical benefit, but several international studies are being set-up or have started recruitment. This overview considers the clinical entity of an oligometastatic state, discusses the role of SBRT in the management of oligometastatic disease and discusses potential novel therapy combinations with SBRT.


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Goats’ milk is responsible for unique traditional products such as Halloumi cheese. The characteristics of Halloumi depend on the original features of the milk and on the conditions under which the milk has been produced such as feeding regime of the animals or region of production. Using a range of milk (33) and Halloumi (33) samples collected over a year from three different locations in Cyprus (A, Anogyra; K, Kofinou; P, Paphos), the potential for fingerprint VOC analysis as marker to authenticate Halloumi was investigated. This unique set up consists of an in-injector thermo desorption (VOCtrap needle) and a chromatofocusing system based on mass spectrometry (VOCscanner). The mass spectra of all the analyzed samples are treated by multivariate analysis (Principle component analysis and Discriminant functions analysis). Results showed that the highland area of product (P) is clearly identified in milks produced (discriminant score 67%). It is interesting to note that the higher similitude found on milks from regions “A” and “K” (with P being distractive; discriminant score 80%) are not ‘carried over’ on the cheeses (higher similitude between regions “A” and “P”, with “K” distinctive). Data have been broken down into three seasons. Similarly, the seasonality differences observed in different milks are not necessarily reported on the produced cheeses. This is expected due to the different VOC signatures developed in cheeses as part of the numerous biochemical changes during its elaboration compared to milk. VOC however it is an additional analytical tool that can aid in the identification of region origin in dairy products.


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We review the physics of hybrid optomechanical systems consisting of a mechanical oscillator interacting with both a radiation mode and an additional matterlike system. We concentrate on the cases embodied by either a single or a multi-atom system (a Bose-Einstein condensate, in particular) and discuss a wide range of physical effects, from passive mechanical cooling to the set-up of multipartite entanglement, from optomechanical nonlocality to the achievement of non-classical states of a single mechanical mode. The reviewed material showcases the viability of hybridised cavity optomechanical systems as basic building blocks for quantum communication networks and quantum state-engineering devices, possibly empowered by the use of quantum and optimal control techniques. The results that we discuss are instrumental to the promotion of hybrid optomechanical devices as promising experimental platforms for the study of nonclassicality at the genuine mesoscopic level.


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A novel photocatalytic reactor has been developed to remediate oily wastewaters. In the first instance degradation rates of model organic compounds, methylene blue (MB) and 4-c hlorophenol (4-CP) were determined. The experimental set-up investigated a 1:10 w/v catalyst to organic solution volume, 30 g catalyst, 300 mls MB (10 μM) or 4-CP (100 μM). The catalyst investigated was a pellet catalyst to improve separation of the remediated volume from the catalyst following treatment. MB concentration decreased by 93% after 15 mins irradiation whilst 4-CP concentration decreased by 94% following 90 mins irradiation. Oily waste water (OWW) from an interceptor tank typically containing diesel oils was obtained from Sureclean, an environmental clean-up company. The OWW was treated using the same conditions as MB and 4-CP, the model organic compounds. Levels of total organic carbon (TOC) and total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) were used to monitor the efficacy of the photocatalytic reactor. TOC reduced by 45% following two 90 mins treatment cycles. TPH reduced by 45% following 90 mins irradiation and by a further 25% during a second stage of treatment. This reactor can be used as a polishing technique assembled within a wastewater treatment plant. Allowing for more than one pass through the reactor improves its efficiency. 


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Hip replacement surgery is amongst the most common orthopaedic operations performed in the UK. Aseptic loosening is responsible for 40% of hip revision procedures. Aseptic loosening is a result of cement mantle fatigue. The aim of the current study is to analyse the effect of nanoscale Graphene Oxide (GO) on the mechanical properties of orthopaedic bone cement. Study Design A experimental thermal and mechanical analysis was conducted in a laboratory set up conforming to international standards for bone cement testing according to ISO 5583. Testing was performed on control cement samples of Colacryl bone cement, and additional samples reinforced with variable wt% of Graphene Oxide containing composites – 0.1%, 0.25%, 0.5% and 1.0% GO loading. Pilot Data Porosity demonstrated a linear relationship with increasing wt% loading compared to control (p<0.001). Thermal characterisation demonstrated maximal temperature during polymerization, and generated exotherm were inversely proportional to w%t loading (p<0.05) Fatigue strength performed on the control and 0.1 and 0.25%wt loadings of GO demonstrate increased average cycles to failure compared to control specimens. A right shift of the Weibull curve was demonstrated for both wt% available currently. Logistic regression analysis for failure demonstrated significant increases in number of cycles to failure for both specimens compared to a control (p<0.001). Forward Plan Early results convey positive benefits at low wt% loadings of GO containing bone cement. Study completion and further analysis is required in order to elude to the optimum w%t of GO which conveys the greatest mechanical advantage.


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The Rapid Oscillations in the Solar Atmosphere (ROSA) instrument is a synchronized, six-camera high-cadence solar imaging instrument developed by Queen's University Belfast and recently commissioned at the Dunn Solar Telescope at the National Solar Observatory in Sunspot, New Mexico, USA, as a common-user instrument. Consisting of six 1k x 1k Peltier-cooled frame-transfer CCD cameras with very low noise (0.02 - 15 e/pixel/s), each ROSA camera is capable of full-chip readout speeds in excess of 30 Hz, and up to 200 Hz when the CCD is windowed. ROSA will allow for multi-wavelength studies of the solar atmosphere at a high temporal resolution. We will present the current instrument set-up and parameters, observing modes, and future plans, including a new high QE camera allowing 15 Hz for Halpha. Interested parties should see https://habu.pst.qub.ac.uk/groups/arcresearch/wiki/de502/ROSA.html


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Viscosity represents a key indicator of product quality in polymer extrusion but has traditionally been difficult to measure in-process in real-time. An innovative, yet simple, solution to this problem is proposed by a Prediction-Feedback observer mechanism. A `Prediction' model based on the operating conditions generates an open-loop estimate of the melt viscosity; this estimate is used as an input to a second, `Feedback' model to predict the pressure of the system. The pressure value is compared to the actual measured melt pressure and the error used to correct the viscosity estimate. The Prediction model captures the relationship between the operating conditions and the resulting melt viscosity and as such describes the specific material behavior. The Feedback model on the other hand describes the fundamental physical relationship between viscosity and extruder pressure and is a function of the machine geometry. The resulting system yields viscosity estimates within 1% error, shows excellent disturbance rejection properties and can be directly applied to model-based control. This is of major significance to achieving higher quality and reducing waste and set-up times in the polymer extrusion industry.


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A polymeric hydrogel containing a photoinduced electron transfer (PET) based probe for Zn(ii) has been formulated into the wells of a 96-well plate. Upon addition of Zn(ii) ions to selected wells, the fluorescence of the gel was observed to increase in a concentration dependent manner in the 0.25-1.75 mM range. The millimolar binding constant observed for this probe is higher than that reported for other Zn(ii) probes in the literature and offers the possibility to determine the concentration of this ion in environments where the Zn(ii) concentration is high. The combination of the multi-well plate set-up with fluorescence detection offers the possibility of high-throughput screening using low sample volumes in a timely manner. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first reported example of a polymeric hydrogel sensor for zinc with capability for use in fluorescence multi-well plate assay.


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Low-velocity impact damage can drastically reduce the residual strength of a composite structure even when the damage is barely visible. The ability to computationally predict the extent of damage and compression-after-impact (CAI) strength of a composite structure can potentially lead to the exploration of a larger design space without incurring significant time and cost penalties. A high-fidelity three-dimensional composite damage model, to predict both low-velocity impact damage and CAI strength of composite laminates, has been developed and implemented as a user material subroutine in the commercial finite element package, ABAQUS/Explicit. The intralaminar damage model component accounts for physically-based tensile and compressive failure mechanisms, of the fibres and matrix, when subjected to a three-dimensional stress state. Cohesive behaviour was employed to model the interlaminar failure between plies with a bi-linear traction–separation law for capturing damage onset and subsequent damage evolution. The virtual tests, set up in ABAQUS/Explicit, were executed in three steps, one to capture the impact damage, the second to stabilize the specimen by imposing new boundary conditions required for compression testing, and the third to predict the CAI strength. The observed intralaminar damage features, delamination damage area as well as residual strength are discussed. It is shown that the predicted results for impact damage and CAI strength correlated well with experimental testing without the need of model calibration which is often required with other damage models.


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Recent research has shown that higher ambient turbulence leads to better wake recovery, so turbines could be installed in closer proximity in real tidal flows than might be assumed from typical towing tank tests that do not take into account turbulent inflow conditions. The standard tools to assess flow velocities in field conditions are Doppler based sonar devices, such as Acoustic Doppler Profilers (ADPs) or Acoustic Doppler Velocimeters (ADVs). The use of these devices poses some challenges when assessing the wake of a tidal turbine. While ADPs allow the three-dimensional measurement of a velocity profile over a distance, the data is calculated as a mean of three diverging beams and with low temporal resolution. ADVs can measure with higher sampling frequency but only at a single point in the flow. During the MaRINET testing of the SCHOTTELSIT turbine at the QUB tidal test site in Portaferry, Northern Ireland, ADP and ADV measurements were successfully tested.Two methods were employed for measuring the wake: firstly, with a rigidly mounted ADP and secondly, with a submerged ADV which was streamed behind the turbine. This paper presents the experimental set-up and results and discusses limitations and challenges of the two methods used.


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Cloud data centres are critical business infrastructures and the fastest growing service providers. Detecting anomalies in Cloud data centre operation is vital. Given the vast complexity of the data centre system software stack, applications and workloads, anomaly detection is a challenging endeavour. Current tools for detecting anomalies often use machine learning techniques, application instance behaviours or system metrics distribu- tion, which are complex to implement in Cloud computing environments as they require training, access to application-level data and complex processing. This paper presents LADT, a lightweight anomaly detection tool for Cloud data centres that uses rigorous correlation of system metrics, implemented by an efficient corre- lation algorithm without need for training or complex infrastructure set up. LADT is based on the hypothesis that, in an anomaly-free system, metrics from data centre host nodes and virtual machines (VMs) are strongly correlated. An anomaly is detected whenever correlation drops below a threshold value. We demonstrate and evaluate LADT using a Cloud environment, where it shows that the hosting node I/O operations per second (IOPS) are strongly correlated with the aggregated virtual machine IOPS, but this correlation vanishes when an application stresses the disk, indicating a node-level anomaly.


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Stone surfaces are sensitive to their environment. This means that they will often respond to exposure conditions by manifesting a change in surface characteristics. Such changes can be more than simply aesthetic, creating surface/subsurface heterogeneity in stone at the block scale, promoting stress gradients to be set up as surface response to, for example, temperature fluctuations, can diverge from subsurface response. This paper reports preliminary experiments investigating the potential of biofilms and iron precipitation as surface-modifiers on stone, exploring the idea of block-scale surface-to-depth heterogeneity, and investigating how physical alteration in the surface and near-surface zone can have implications for subsurface response and potentially for long-term decay patterns. Salt weathering simulations on fresh and surface-modified stone suggest that even subtle surface modification can have significant implications for moisture uptake and retention, salt concentration and distribution from surface to depth, over the period of the experimental run. The accumulation of salt may increase the retention of moisture, by modifying vapour pressure differentials and the rate of evaporation.
Temperature fluctuation experiments suggest that the presence of a biofilm can have an impact on energy transfer processes that occur at the stone surface (for example, buffering against temperature fluctuation), affecting surface-to-depth stress gradients. Ultimately, fresh and surface-modified blocks mask different kinds of system, which respond to inputs differently because of different storage mechanisms, encouraging divergent behaviour between fresh and surface modified stone over time.


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Assessment forms an important part of the student learning experience and students place a high value on the quality of feedback that they receive from academic staff on where they might improve on their examinations or assignments. However while feedback is important the quality of the actual assessment itself before students undertake an examination or commence writing an assignment is also important. It is imperative that students are clear in their understanding of what is expected of them in order to achieve a particular grade and that there is lack of ambiguity in examinations or assignments. Biggs (2003) highlighted the importance of clarity in what students are expected to be able to do at the end of a unit of study, and that intended learning outcomes should be clearly aligned to the assessment and communicated to students so that they can structure their learning activities to optimize their assessment performance. However as Rust (2002) highlighted there are often inconsistencies in assessment practices ranging from a mis-match of assessment and learning outcomes to the inclusion of additional learning criteria and lack of clarity in the instructions. Such inconsistencies and unacceptable errors in examination papers can undermine student confidence in the assessment process
In order to try and minimise such inconsistencies an internal assessment group was set up October 2013 within the School of Nursing and Midwifery at Queens University Belfast, consisting of representative academic staff from across the range of undergraduate and post graduate courses in nursing and midwifery. The assessment group was to be a point of reference for all school examinations with a particular remit to develop an assessment strategy for all nursing and midwifery programmes and to ensure that all assessments comply with current best practice and with Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) requirements.
This paper aims to highlight some examples of good practice and common errors that were found in assignments and examinations that were submitted to the assessment group for review.

Biggs. J. (2003) Teaching for Quality Learning at University – What the Student Does 2nd Edition SRHE / Open University Press, Buckingham.
Rust, C.( 2002) The impact of assessment on student learning, Active Learning in Higher education Vol3(2):145-158


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The role of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) in resisting surface flow soil erosion has never been tested experimentally. We set up a full factorial greenhouse experiment using Achillea millefolium with treatments consisting of addition of AMF inoculum and non-microbial filtrate, non-AMF inoculum and microbial filtrate, AMF inoculum and microbial filtrate, and non-AMF inoculum and non-microbial filtrate (control) which were subjected to a constant shear stress in the form of surface water flow to quantify the soil detachment rate through time. We found that soil loss can be explained by the combined effect of roots and AMF extraradical hyphae and we could disentangle the unique effect of AMF hyphal length, which significantly reduced soil loss, highlighting their potential importance in riparian systems.


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Biological colonization of stone is a major concern in the preservation and presentation of cultural heritage. Colonization is typically associated with unpleasant soiling, and varying degrees of biodeterioration. A better understanding of why organisms grow where they do, will aid in
developing preventative, and treatment methods for biosoiling of cultural heritage. Sandstone exposure trials were set up at nine different locations across Northern Ireland to investigate the influences of local climate, local environmental,and micro-climatic factors on the early stages (up to 21 months) of biological colonization.
Results showed that, green and yellow soiling occurred on tooled stone surfaces, whereas darkening occurred preferentially on smooth surfaces. It is likely that different populations of organisms occur on these surfaces with green algae occurring on tooled surfaces due to slower drying rates (i.e. prolonged moisture retention), and cyanobacteria and fungi thriving on smooth surfaces due to their ability to withstand moisture fluctuation.