197 resultados para radiotherapy


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Respiratory motion introduces complex spatio-temporal variations in the dosimetry of radiotherapy. There is a paucity of literature investigating the radiobiological consequences of intrafraction motion and concerns regarding the impact of movement when applied to cancer cell lines in vitro exist. We have addressed this by developing a novel model which accurately replicates respiratory motion under experimental conditions to allow clinically relevant irradiation of cell lines. A bespoke phantom and motor driven moving platform was adapted to accommodate flasks containing medium and cells in order to replicate respiratory motion using varying frequencies and amplitude settings. To study this effect on cell survival in vitro, dose response curves were determined for human lung cancer cell lines H1299 and H460 exposed to a uniform 6 MV radiation field under moving or stationary conditions. Cell survival curves showed no significant difference between irradiation at different dose points for these cell lines in the presence or absence of motion. These data indicate that motion of unshielded cells in vitro does not affect cell survival in the presence of uniform irradiation. This model provides a novel research platform to investigate the radiobiological consequences of respiratory motion in radiotherapy.


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The purpose of this study was to compare the prostate-specific antigen (PSA) response to either neoadjuvant bicalutamide (BC) monotherapy or neoadjuvant luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone agonist (LHRHa) monotherapy and the subsequent effect on biochemical failure-free survival (BFFS) in men receiving radical radiotherapy (RT) for localized prostate cancer.


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Purpose: The goal of this project was to see if using IMRT to deliver elective pelvic nodal irradiation (EPNI) for prostate cancer reduced acute treatment toxicity.

Methods: Two hundred and thirty patients were enrolled into prospective trials delivering EPNI with a concomitant hypofractionated IMRT boost to the prostate. During accrual, the method of EPNI delivery changed as new literature emerged. Three methods were used (1) 4FB, (2) IMRT with 2 cm CTV margins around the pelvic vessels as suggested by Shih et al. (2005) [7] (IMRT-Shih), and (3) IMRT with nodal volumes suggested by the RTOG (IMRT-RTOG). Initially patients were treated with an empty bladder, with the remainder treated with bladder full.

Results: Patients in the 4FB group had higher rates of grade 2 acute GI toxicities compared to the IMRT-Shih and IMRT-RTOG groups (31.9% vs 20.8% vs 7.2%, p = 0.0009). Patients in the 4FB group had higher rates of grade 3 urinary frequency compared to the two IMRT groups (8.5% vs 0% vs 0%, p = 0.027). However, multivariate analysis suggested the factor that most influenced toxicity was bladder filling followed by IMRT.

Conclusions: Bladder filling appeared to be the dominant factor which predicted for acute toxicity, followed by the use of IMRT.


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Objective: Cardiac irradiation during left-sided breast radiotherapy may lead to
deleterious cardiac side effects. Using image guided radiotherapy, it is possible
to exclude the heart from treatment fields and monitor reproducibility of virtual simulation (VS) fields at treatment delivery using electronic portal imaging (EPI). Retrospectively, we evaluate the incidence of cardiac irradiation at VS and subsequent unintended cardiac irradiation during treatment.

Methods: Patients receiving left-sided radiotherapy to the breast or chest wall,
treated with a glancing photon field technique during a four-month period, were
included. VS images and EPIs during radiotherapy delivery were visually assessed.
The presence of any portion of the heart within the treatment field at VS or during treatment was recorded. Central lung distance and maximum heart distance were recorded.

Results: Of 128 patients, 45 (35.1%) had any portion of the heart within the
planned treatment field. Of these, inclusion of the heart was clinically unavoidable in 25 (55.6%). Of those with no heart included in the treatment fields at VS, 41 (49.4%) had presence of the heart as assessed on EPI during treatment.

Conclusion: Unintended cardiac irradiation during left-sided breast radiotherapy treatment occurs in a sizeable proportion of patients.

Advances in knowledge: Despite the use of three-dimensional computed tomography simulation and cardiac shielding, sizeable proportions of patients receiving left-sided breast cancer radiotherapy have unintended cardiac irradiation.


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In recent years external beam radiotherapy (EBRT) has been proposed as a treatment for the wet form of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) where choroidal neovascularization (CNV) is the hallmark. While the majority of pilot (Phase I) studies have reported encouraging results, a few have found no benefit, i.e. EBRT was not found to result in either improvement or stabilization of visual acuity of the treated eye. The natural history of visual loss in untreated CNV of AMD is highly variable. Loss of vision is influenced mainly by the presenting acuity, and size and composition of the lesion, and to a lesser extent by a variety of other factors. Thus the variable outcome reported by the small Phase I studies of EBRT published to date may simply reflect the variation in baseline factors. We therefore obtained information on 409 patients treated with EBRT from eight independent centres, which included details of visual acuity at baseline and at subsequent follow-up visits. Analysis of the data showed that 22.5% and 14.9% of EBRT-treated eyes developed moderate and severe loss of vision, respectively, during an average follow-up of 13 months. Initial visual acuity, which explained 20.5% of the variation in visual loss, was the most important baseline factor studied. Statistically significant differences in loss of vision were observed between centres, after considering the effects of case mix factors. Comparisons with historical data suggested that while moderate visual loss was similar to that of the natural history of the disease, the likelihood of suffering severe visual loss was halved. However, the benefit in terms of maintained/improved vision in the treated eye was modest.


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Objective: To determine whether teletherapy with 6-mV photons can reduce visual loss in patients with subfoveal choroidal neovascularization in age-related macular degeneration. Design: A multicenter, single-masked, randomized controlled trial of 12 Gy of external beam radiation therapy delivered to the macula of an affected eye vs observation only. Setting: Three United Kingdom-based hospital units. Participants: Patients with age-related macular degeneration, aged 60 years and older, who had subfoveal choroidal neovascularization and a visual acuity of 20/200 (logMAR 1.0) or better. Methods: Two hundred three patients were randomly assigned to radiotherapy or observation. Treatment was undertaken at designated radiotherapy centers, and patients assigned to the treatment group received a total dosage of 12 Gy of 6-mV photons in 6 fractions. Follow-up was scheduled at 3, 6, 12, and 24 months. After excluding protocol violators, the data from 199 patients were analyzed. Main Outcome Measures: The primary outcome measure was mean loss of distance visual acuity in the study eye at 12 and 24 months. Other outcome variables analyzed were near visual acuity and contrast sensitivity. The proportions of patients losing 3 or more or 6 or more lines of distance and near acuity and 0.3 or more or 0.6 or more log units of contrast sensitivity at each follow-up were also analyzed. Results: At all time points, mean distance visual acuity was better in the radiotherapy-treated group than in the control group, but the differences did not reach statistical significance. At 24 months, analysis of the proportions of patients with loss of 3 or more (moderate) (P=.08) or 6 or more (severe) (P=.29) lines of distance vision showed that fewer treated patients had severe losses, but there was no statistically significant difference between groups. For near visual acuity, although there was no evidence of treatment benefit at 12 and 24 months, a significant difference in favor of treatment was present at 6 months (P=.048). When analyzed by the proportions of patients losing 3 lines of contrast sensitivity, there was a significant difference in favor of treatment at 24 months (P=.02). No adverse retinal effects were observed during the study, but transient disturbance of the precorneal tear film was noted in treated patients. Conclusion: The results of the present trial do not support the routine clinical use of external beam radiation therapy in subjects with subfoveal choroidal neovascularization in age-related macular degeneration.


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Flattening filter free (FFF) linear accelerators allow for an increase in instantaneous dose-rate of the x-ray pulses by a factor of 2-6 over the conventional flattened output. As a result, radiobiological investigations are being carried out to determine the effect of these higher dose-rates on cell response. The studies reported thus far have presented conflicting results, highlighting the need for further investigation. To determine the radiobiological impact of the increased dose-rates from FFF exposures a Varian Truebeam medical linear accelerator was used to irradiate two human cancer cell lines in vitro, DU-145 prostate and H460 non-small cell lung, with both flattened and FFF 6 MV beams. The fluence profile of the FFF beam was modified using a custom-designed Nylon compensator to produce a similar dose profile to the flattened beam (6X) at the cell surface but at a higher instantaneous dose-rate. For both cell lines there appeared to be no significant change in cell survival. Curve fitting coefficients for DU145 cells irradiated with constant average dose-rates were 6X: alpha = 0.09 +/- 0.03, beta = 0.03 +/- 0.01 and 6FFF: alpha = 0.14 +/- 0.13, beta = 0.03 +/- 0.02 with a significance of p = 0.75. For H460 cells irradiated with the same instantaneous dose-rate but different average dose-rate the fit coefficients were 6FFF (low dose-rate): alpha = 0.21 +/- 0.11, 0.07 +/- 0.02 and 6FFF (high dose-rate): alpha = 0.21 +/- 0.16, 0.07 +/- 0.03, with p = 0.79. The results indicate that collective damage behaviour does not occur at the instantaneous dose-rates investigated here and that the use of either modality should result in the same clinical outcome, however this will require further validation in vivo.


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It is estimated that 60% of patients diagnosed with head and neck cancer will receive radiotherapy at some stage in their disease trajectory. The aim of this literature review was to find and analyse papers pertaining to the lived experiences of patients with head and neck cancer receiving radiotherapy. The review identified a limited number of high-quality research papers focusing on this topic, with only 10 papers fitting the inclusion/exclusion criteria. The majority of the investigative studies were not generalisable owing to small sample sizes and many of them being conducted in only one centre. However, the findings do highlight and contribute to the understanding of the lived experiences of this patient group and provide some insight into the unique physical, social, and psychological difficulties they encounter as a result of their treatment. There appears to be a need for further high-level research into these patients, particularly focusing on the provision of support and information prior to, during, and following radiotherapy. Further attention needs to be paid to preparing patients for the slow recovery following radiotherapy. Interventional studies are also required to develop clinical guidelines and protocols that can assist health professionals in meeting the holistic needs of this patient group.


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Respiratory motion introduces complex spatio-temporal variations in the dosimetry of radiotherapy and may contribute towards uncertainties in radiotherapy planning. This study investigates the potential radiobiological implications occurring due to tumour motion in areas of geometric miss in lung cancer radiotherapy. A bespoke phantom and motor-driven platform to replicate respiratory motion and study the consequences on tumour cell survival in vitro was constructed. Human non-small-cell lung cancer cell lines H460 and H1299 were irradiated in modulated radiotherapy configurations in the presence and absence of respiratory motion. Clonogenic survival was calculated for irradiated and shielded regions. Direction of motion, replication of dosimetry by multi-leaf collimator (MLC) manipulation and oscillating lead shielding were investigated to confirm differences in cell survival. Respiratory motion was shown to significantly increase survival for out-of-field regions for H460/H1299 cell lines when compared with static irradiation (p <0.001). Significantly higher survival was found in the in-field region for the H460 cell line (p <0.030). Oscillating lead shielding also produced these significant differences. Respiratory motion and oscillatory delivery of radiation dose to human tumour cells has a significant impact on in- and out-of-field survival in the presence of non-uniform irradiation in this in vitro set-up. This may have important radiobiological consequences for modulated radiotherapy in lung cancer. 


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Biological dose escalation through stereotactic ablative radiotherapy (SABR) holds promise of improved patient convenience, system capacity and tumor control with decreased cost and side effects. The objectives are to report the toxicities, biochemical and pathologic outcomes of this prospective study.


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AIMS: To investigate the potential dosimetric and clinical benefits predicted by using four-dimensional computed tomography (4DCT) compared with 3DCT in the planning of radical radiotherapy for non-small cell lung cancer.

Twenty patients were planned using free breathing 4DCT then retrospectively delineated on three-dimensional helical scan sets (3DCT). Beam arrangement and total dose (55 Gy in 20 fractions) were matched for 3D and 4D plans. Plans were compared for differences in planning target volume (PTV) geometrics and normal tissue complication probability (NTCP) for organs at risk using dose volume histograms. Tumour control probability and NTCP were modelled using the Lyman-Kutcher-Burman (LKB) model. This was compared with a predictive clinical algorithm (Maastro), which is based on patient characteristics, including: age, performance status, smoking history, lung function, tumour staging and concomitant chemotherapy, to predict survival and toxicity outcomes. Potential therapeutic gains were investigated by applying isotoxic dose escalation to both plans using constraints for mean lung dose (18 Gy), oesophageal maximum (70 Gy) and spinal cord maximum (48 Gy).

4DCT based plans had lower PTV volumes, a lower dose to organs at risk and lower predicted NTCP rates on LKB modelling (P < 0.006). The clinical algorithm showed no difference for predicted 2-year survival and dyspnoea rates between the groups, but did predict for lower oesophageal toxicity with 4DCT plans (P = 0.001). There was no correlation between LKB modelling and the clinical algorithm for lung toxicity or survival. Dose escalation was possible in 15/20 cases, with a mean increase in dose by a factor of 1.19 (10.45 Gy) using 4DCT compared with 3DCT plans.

4DCT can theoretically improve therapeutic ratio and dose escalation based on dosimetric parameters and mathematical modelling. However, when individual characteristics are incorporated, this gain may be less evident in terms of survival and dyspnoea rates. 4DCT allows potential for isotoxic dose escalation, which may lead to improved local control and better overall survival.


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Aims: High local control rates are achieved in stage I lung cancer using stereotactic ablative radiotherapy. Target delineation is commonly based on four-dimensional computed tomography (CT) scans. Target volumes defined by positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) are compared with those defined by four-dimensional CT and conventional ('three-dimensional') F-fluorodeoxyglucose (F-FDG) PET/CT. Materials and methods: For 16 stage I non-small cell lung cancer tumours, six approaches for deriving PET target volumes were evaluated: manual contouring, standardised uptake value (SUV) absolute threshold of 2.5, 35% of maximum SUV (35%SUV), 41% of SUV (41%SUV) and two different source to background ratio techniques (SBR-1 and SBR-2). PET-derived target volumes were compared with the internal target volume (ITV) from the modified maximum intensity projection (MIP ITV). Volumetric and positional correlation was assessed using the Dice similarity coefficient (DSC). Results: PET-based target volumes did not correspond to four-dimensional CT-based target volumes. The mean DSC relative to MIP ITV were: PET manual = 0.64, SUV2.5 = 0.64, 35%SUV = 0.63, 41%SUV = 0.57. SBR-1 = 0.52, SBR-2 = 0.49. PET-based target volumes were smaller than corresponding MIP ITVs. Conclusions: Conventional three-dimensional F-FDG PET-derived target volumes for lung stereotactic ablative radiotherapy did not correspond well with those derived from four-dimensional CT, including those in routine clinical use (MIP ITV). Caution is required in using three-dimensional PET for motion encompassing target volume delineation. © 2012 The Royal College of Radiologists.


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Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of pre-treatment verification imaging with megavoltage (MV) X-rays on cancer and normal cell survival in vitro and to compare the findings with theoretically modelled data. Since the dose received from pre-treatment imaging can be significant, incorporation of this dose at the planning stage of treatment has been suggested.

Methods: The impact of imaging dose incorporation on cell survival was investigated by clonogenic assay, irradiating DU-145 prostate cancer, H460 non-small cell lung cancer and AGO-1522b normal tissue fibroblast cells. Clinically relevant imaging-to-treatment times of 7.5 minutes and 15 minutes were chosen for this study. The theoretical magnitude of the loss of radiobiological efficacy due to sublethal damage repair was investigated using the Lea-Catcheside dose protraction factor model.

Results: For the cell lines investigated, the experimental data showed that imaging dose incorporation had no significant impact upon cell survival. These findings were in close agreement with the theoretical results.

Conclusions: For the conditions investigated, the results suggest that allowance for the imaging dose at the planning stage of treatment should not adversely affect treatment efficacy.

Advances in Knowledge: There is a paucity of data in the literature on imaging effects in radiotherapy. This paper presents a systematic study of imaging dose effects on cancer and normal cell survival, providing both theoretical and experimental evidence for clinically relevant imaging doses and imaging-to-treatment times. The data provide a firm foundation for further study into this highly relevant area of research.