79 resultados para frequency of periodic temperature


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Laser induced fluorescence images of a low temperature laser-produced plasma expanding into vacuum are presented and compared to a computer simulation. The complex nature of a plume expanding into background gas is highlighted, along with a potential means of simplifying the study of such systems.


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The strength development of mortars containing ground granulated blast-furnace slag (ggbs) and portland cement was investigated. Variables were the level of ggbs in the binder, water-binder ratio and curing temperature. All mortars gain strength more rapidly at higher temperatures and have a lower calculated ultimate strength. The early age strength is much more sensitive to temperature for higher levels of ground granulated blast-furnace slag. The calculated ultimate strength is affected to a similar degree for all ggbs levels and water-binder ratios, with only the curing temperature having a significant effect. Apparent activation energies were determined according to ASTM C1074 and were found to vary approximately linearly with ggbs level from 34 kJ/mol for portland cement mortars to around 60 kJ/mol for mortars containing 70% ggbs. The water-binder ratio appears to have little or no effect oil the apparent activation energy. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Background: A preliminary review of the UK Renal Registry (UKRR) pre-RRT study data revealed results suggesting that, for some patients, the date of start of renal replacement therapy (RRT), as reported to the UKRR, was incorrect and often significantly later than the true date of start. A more detailed study then aimed to validate a set of criteria to identify patients with an incorrect start date. Methods: Pre-RRT laboratory data were electronically extracted from 8,810 incident RRT patients from 9 UK renal centres. Any patient with a low urea (<15 mmol/L) at the start of RRT or with a substantial improvement in kidney function (either a fall in urea >10 mmol/L or rise in eGFR >2 ml/min/1.73 m) within the two months prior to RRT were considered to potentially have an incorrect date of start. In 4
selected centres, the electronic patient records of all patients flagged were reviewed to validate these criteria.
Results: Of 8,810 patients, 1,616 (18.3%) were flagged by the identification criteria as having a potentially incorrect date of start of RRT, although a single centre accounted for 41% of the total flagged cohort. Of these flagged patients, 61.7% had been assigned an incorrect date of start of haemodialysis (HD), 5.7% had evidence of acute RRT being given before the reported date of start of HD
and 9.2% had evidence of starting peritoneal dialysis exchanges prior to the reported date of start. Of
those flagged, 10.7% had a correct date of start of RRT.
Conclusions: Accurate reporting of RRT episodes is vital for the analysis of time dependent studies such as survival or time to transplantation. A proportion of patients starting RRT were assigned an incorrect start date. In order to improve the accuracy of this reporting the UK Renal Registry
must work with renal centres and clinical staff on improving data input for the start of RRT.


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Chlorination of wheat flour in the EU countries has been replaced in recent years, to some extent, by heat treated flour which is used to produce high ratio cakes. Heat treated flour allows high ratio recipes to be developed which generate products with longer shelf life, finer texture, moist crumb and sweeter taste. The mechanism by which heat treatment improves the flour is not fully understood, but it is known that during the heat treatment process, protein denaturation and partial gelatinisation of the starch granules occurs, as well as an increase in batter viscosity. Therefore, it is important to optimize the flour heat treatment process, in order to enhance baking quality. Laboratory preparation of heat treated base wheat flour (culinary, soft, low protein) was carried out in a fluidised bed drier using a range of temperatures and times. The gluten was extracted from the final product and its quality was tested, to obtain objective and comparative information on the extent of protein denaturation. The results indicated that heat treatment of flour decreases gluten extensibility and partial gelatinisation of the starch granules occurred. After heat treatment the gluten appeared to retain moisture. The optimum time/temperature for the heat treatment of base flour was 120-130°C for 30 min with moisture content of ˜12.5%.© 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The electrode potentials for the two one electron oxidations of 1,2-diferrocenylethylene (bisferrocene, BF) were studied relative to that of the one electrode oxidation of decamethylferrocene in a variety of RTILs. The difference in these potentials was found to be very sensitive to the anion component of the ionic liquid showing the scope of these solutes as 'designer media' to tune the thermodynamic properties of solutes dissolved in them.


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High thermal load appears at the blade tip and casing of a gas turbine engine. It becomes a significant design challenge to protect the turbine materials from this severe situation. As a result of geometric complexity and experimental limitations, computational fluid dynamics tools have been used to predict blade tip leakage flow aerodynamics and heat transfer at typical engine operating conditions. In this paper, the effect of turbine inlet temperature on the tip leakage flow structure and heat transfer has been studied numerically. Uniform low (444 K) and high (800 K) inlet temperatures and nonuniform (parabolic) temperature profiles have been considered at a fixed rotor rotation speed (9500 rpm). The results showed that the change of flow properties at a higher inlet temperature yields significant variations in the leakage flow aerodynamics and heat transfer relative to the lower inlet temperature condition. Aerodynamic behavior of the tip leakage flow varies significantly with the distortion of turbine inlet temperature. For more realistic inlet condition, the velocity range is insignificant at all the time instants. At a high inlet temperature, reverse secondary flow is strongly opposed by the tip leakage flow and the heat transfer fluctuations are reduced greatly.


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The drive towards cleaner industrial processes has led to the development of room temperature ionic liquids (RTIL) as environmentally friendly solvents. They comprise solely of ions which are liquid at room temperature and with over one million simple RTIL alone it is important to characterize their physical properties using minimal sample volumes. Here we present a dual Quartz Crystal Microbalance (QCM) which allows separate determination of viscosity and density using a total sample volume of only 240 mu L. Liquid traps were fabricated on the sensing area of one QCM using SU-8 10 polymer with a second QCM having a flat surface. Changes in the resonant frequencies were used to extract separate values for viscosity and density. Measurements of a range of pure RTIL with minimal water content have been made on five different trap designs. The best agreement with measurements from the larger volume techniques was obtained for trap widths of around 50 pm thus opening up the possibility of integration into lab-on-a-chip systems.


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An in situ method of studying the structure of reactive ionic materials in the solid and liquid states by XAFS is described. These salts have novel catalytic and solvent properties, and the results show that their structure may be studied using transmission XAFS by utilizing pressed disks of BN, graphite, and LiF and is not affected by the sample matrix used.


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An inverse CeO2/CuO catalyst has been investigated by operando steady-state isotopic transient kinetic analysis (SSITKA) in combination with diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy (DRIFTS) under 3% CO +3% H2O reactant mixture at 473 K with the aim of determining intermediates involved in the water gas shift reaction at relatively low temperatures. Among the various species detected in the infrared spectra which may be involved in the reaction, i.e. formates, copper carbonyls and carbonates, a particular type of carbonate species is identified as a reaction intermediate on the basis of detailed analysis of the spectra during isotopic exchange in comparison with the change in the corresponding isotopically labelled CO2 product. 


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Porous titanium samples were manufactured using the 3D printing and sintering method in order to determine the effects of final sintering temperature on morphology and mechanical properties. Cylindrical samples were printed and split into groups according to a final sintering temperature (FST). Irregular geometry samples were also printed and split into groups according to their FST. The cylindrical samples were used to determine part shrinkage, in compressive tests to provide stress-strain data, in microCT scans to provide internal morphology data and for optical microscopy to determine surface morphology. All of the samples were used in microhardness testing to establish the hardness. Below 1100 C FST, shrinkage was in the region of 20% but increased to approximately 30% by a FST of 1300 C. Porosity varied from a maximum of approximately 65% at the surface to the region of 30% internally. Between 97 and 99% of the internal porosity is interconnected. Average pore size varied between 24 µm at the surface and 19 µm internally. Sample hardness increased to in excess of 300 HV0.05 with increasing FST while samples with an FST of below 1250 C produced an elastic-brittle stress/strain curve and samples above this displayed elastic-plastic behaviour. Yield strength increased significantly through the range of sintering temperatures while the Young's modulus remained fairly consistent. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.