183 resultados para false positive


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PURPOSE: We describe the presence of interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC) throughout the wall of the guinea pig bladder. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Bladders obtained from male guinea pigs were prepared for immunohistochemical investigations using various primary antibodies, including the specific ICC marker c-kit (Gibco BRL, Grand Island, New York). Enzymatically dispersed cells with a branched morphology were identified as ICC using anti-c-kit. They were loaded with fluo-4acetoxymethyl (Molecular Probes, Eugene, Oregon) and studied using confocal laser scanning microscopy. RESULTS: Anti-c-kit labeling demonstrated that ICC were oriented in parallel with the smooth muscle bundles that run diagonally throughout the bladder. Double labeling with anti-smooth muscle myosin (Sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis, Missouri) revealed that ICC were located on the boundary of smooth muscle bundles. When anti-c-kit was used in combination with the general neuronal antibody protein gene product 9.5 (Ultraclone Ltd., Isle of Wight, United Kingdom) or anti-neuronal nitric oxide synthase, it was noted that there was a close association between nerves and ICC. Enzymatic dissociation of cells from tissue pieces yielded a heterogeneous population of cells containing typical spindle-shaped smooth muscle cells and branched cells resembling ICC from other preparations. The latter could be identified immunohistochemically as ICC using anti-c-kit, whereas the majority of spindle-shaped cells were not Kit positive. Branched cells responded to the application of carbachol by firing Ca2+ waves and they were often spontaneously active. CONCLUSIONS: ICC are located on the boundary of smooth muscle bundles in the guinea pig bladder. They fire Ca2+ waves in response to cholinergic stimulation and can be spontaneously active, suggesting that they could act as pacemakers or intermediaries in the transmission of nerve signals to smooth muscle cells.


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Somatostatin-14 elicits negative inotropic and chronotropic actions in atrial myocardium. Less is known about the effects of somatostatin-14 in ventricular myocardium. The direct contractile effects of somatostatin-14 were assessed using ventricular cardiomyocytes isolated from the hearts of adult rats. Cells were stimulated at 0.5 Hz with CaCl2 (2 mM) under basal conditions and in the presence of the -adrenoceptor agonist, isoprenaline (1 nM), or the selective inhibitor of the transient outward current (Ito), 4-aminopyridine (500 M). Somatostatin-14 did not alter basal contractile response but it did inhibit (IC50 13 nM) the response to isoprenaline (1 nM). In the presence of 4-aminopyridine (500 M), somatostatin-14 stimulated a positive contractile response (EC50 118 fM) that was attenuated markedly by diltiazem (100 nM). These data indicate that somatostatin-14 exerts dual effects directly in rat ventricular cardiomyocytes: (1) a negative contractile effect, observed in the presence of isoprenaline (1 nM), coupled to activation of Ito; and (2) a previously unreported and very potent positive contractile effect, unmasked by 4-aminopyridine (500 M), coupled to the influx of calcium ions via L-type calcium channels. The greater potency of somatostatin-14 for producing the positive contractile effect indicates that the peptide may exert a predominantly stimulatory influence on the resting contractility of ventricular myocardium in vivo, whereas the negative contractile effect, observed at much higher concentrations, could indicate that localized elevations in the concentration of the peptide may serve as a negative regulatory influence to limit the detrimental effects of excessive stimulation of cardiomyocyte contractility.


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The removal of false coincidences from measurements of coincidences between two photoelectrons and one or two ions formed in molecular double photoionization is described. False coincidences arise by several mechanisms; experimental procedures and mathematical formulae required to remove all the different false coincidence contributions are described. Sample spectra taken of the double photoionization of carbon dioxide are presented to illustrate the method of false coincidence subtraction.


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The dispersion relation for plane waves in uniaxial metamaterials with indefinite dielectric tensors and scalar positive permeability is theoretically investigated. It is found, that the isofrequency surfaces of the plane extraordinary waves have a hyperbolic shape which allows the propagation of waves with infinitely long wave vectors. As an example a metallodielectric multilayer was considered and the dispersion relations were determined using an effective medium approximation and an analytically exact Bloch wave calculation. The extraordinary waves in this structure are identified as multilayer plasmons and the validity of the effective medium approximation is examined.


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OBJECTIVE: To identify interstitial cells (ICs) in the wall of the rabbit urethra using antibodies to the Kit receptor, and to examine their location, morphology and relationship with nerves and smooth muscle cells (SMCs), as studies of enzymatically isolated cells from the rabbit urethra have established that there are specialized cells that show spontaneous electrical activity and have morphological properties of ICs. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Urethral tissues from rabbits were fixed, labelled with antibodies and examined with confocal microscopy. Some specimens were embedded in paraffin wax and processed for histology. Histological sections from the most proximal third and mid-third region of rabbit urethra were stained with Masson's Trichrome to show their cellular arrangement. RESULTS: Sections from both regions had outer longitudinal and inner circular layers of SM, and a lamina propria containing connective tissue and blood vessels; the lumen was lined with urothelial cells. The mid-third region had a more developed circular SM layer than the most-proximal samples, and had extensive inner longitudinal SM bundles in the lamina propria. Labelling with anti-Kit revealed immunopositive cells within the wall of the rabbit urethra, in the circular and longitudinal layers of the muscularis. Double-labelling with an antibody to SM myosin showed Kit-positive cells on the boundary of the SM bundles, orientated parallel to the axis of the bundles. Others were in spaces between the bundles and often made contact with each other. Kit-positive cells were either elongated, with several lateral branches, or stellate with branches coming from a central soma. Similar cells could be labelled with vimentin antibodies. Their relationship with intramural nerves was examined by double immunostaining with an anti-neurofilament antibody. There were frequent points of contact between Kit-positive cells and nerves, with similar findings in specimens double-immunostained with anti-neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS). CONCLUSION: Kit-positive ICs were found within the SM layers of the rabbit urethra, in association with nerves, on the edge of SM bundles and in the interbundle spaces. The contact with nNOS-containing neurones might imply participation in the nitrergic inhibitory neurotransmission of the urethra. PMID: 17212607 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]