81 resultados para computer science, artificial Intelligence


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As a class of defects in software requirements specification, inconsistency has been widely studied in both requirements engineering and software engineering. It has been increasingly recognized that maintaining consistency alone often results in some other types of non-canonical requirements, including incompleteness of a requirements specification, vague requirements statements, and redundant requirements statements. It is therefore desirable for inconsistency handling to take into account the related non-canonical requirements in requirements engineering. To address this issue, we propose an intuitive generalization of logical techniques for handling inconsistency to those that are suitable for managing non-canonical requirements, which deals with incompleteness and redundancy, in addition to inconsistency. We first argue that measuring non-canonical requirements plays a crucial role in handling them effectively. We then present a measure-driven logic framework for managing non-canonical requirements. The framework consists of five main parts, identifying non-canonical requirements, measuring them, generating candidate proposals for handling them, choosing commonly acceptable proposals, and revising them according to the chosen proposals. This generalization can be considered as an attempt to handle non-canonical requirements along with logic-based inconsistency handling in requirements engineering.


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Multicore computational accelerators such as GPUs are now commodity components for highperformance computing at scale. While such accelerators have been studied in some detail as stand-alone computational engines, their integration in large-scale distributed systems raises new challenges and trade-offs. In this paper, we present an exploration of resource management alternatives for building asymmetric accelerator-based distributed systems. We present these alternatives in the context of a capabilities-aware framework for data-intensive computing, which uses an enhanced implementation of the MapReduce programming model for accelerator-based clusters, compared to the state of the art. The framework can transparently utilize heterogeneous accelerators for deriving high performance with low programming effort. Our work is the first to compare heterogeneous types of accelerators, GPUs and a Cell processors, in the same environment and the first to explore the trade-offs between compute-efficient and control-efficient accelerators on data-intensive systems. Our investigation shows that our framework scales well with the number of different compute nodes. Furthermore, it runs simultaneously on two different types of accelerators, successfully adapts to the resource capabilities, and performs 26.9% better on average than a static execution approach.


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Traditional static analysis fails to auto-parallelize programs with a complex control and data flow. Furthermore, thread-level parallelism in such programs is often restricted to pipeline parallelism, which can be hard to discover by a programmer. In this paper we propose a tool that, based on profiling information, helps the programmer to discover parallelism. The programmer hand-picks the code transformations from among the proposed candidates which are then applied by automatic code transformation techniques.

This paper contributes to the literature by presenting a profiling tool for discovering thread-level parallelism. We track dependencies at the whole-data structure level rather than at the element level or byte level in order to limit the profiling overhead. We perform a thorough analysis of the needs and costs of this technique. Furthermore, we present and validate the belief that programs with complex control and data flow contain significant amounts of exploitable coarse-grain pipeline parallelism in the program’s outer loops. This observation validates our approach to whole-data structure dependencies. As state-of-the-art compilers focus on loops iterating over data structure members, this observation also explains why our approach finds coarse-grain pipeline parallelism in cases that have remained out of reach for state-of-the-art compilers. In cases where traditional compilation techniques do find parallelism, our approach allows to discover higher degrees of parallelism, allowing a 40% speedup over traditional compilation techniques. Moreover, we demonstrate real speedups on multiple hardware platforms.


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With a significant increment of the number of digital cameras used for various purposes, there is a demanding call for advanced video analysis techniques that can be used to systematically interpret and understand the semantics of video contents, which have been recorded in security surveillance, intelligent transportation, health care, video retrieving and summarization. Understanding and interpreting human behaviours based on video analysis have observed competitive challenges due to non-rigid human motion, self and mutual occlusions, and changes of lighting conditions. To solve these problems, advanced image and signal processing technologies such as neural network, fuzzy logic, probabilistic estimation theory and statistical learning have been overwhelmingly investigated.


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A general approach to information correction and fusion for belief functions is proposed, where not only may the information items be irrelevant, but sources may lie as well. We introduce a new correction scheme, which takes into account uncertain metaknowledge on the source’s relevance and truthfulness and that generalizes Shafer’s discounting operation. We then show how to reinterpret all connectives of Boolean logic in terms of source behavior assumptions with respect to relevance and truthfulness. We are led to generalize the unnormalized Dempster’s rule to all Boolean connectives, while taking into account the uncertainties pertaining to assumptions concerning the behavior of sources. Eventually, we further extend this approach to an even more general setting, where source behavior assumptions do not have to be restricted to relevance and truthfulness.We also establish the commutativity property between correction and fusion processes, when the behaviors of the sources are independent.


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Handling appearance variations is a very challenging problem for visual tracking. Existing methods usually solve this problem by relying on an effective appearance model with two features: (1) being capable of discriminating the tracked target from its background, (2) being robust to the target's appearance variations during tracking. Instead of integrating the two requirements into the appearance model, in this paper, we propose a tracking method that deals with these problems separately based on sparse representation in a particle filter framework. Each target candidate defined by a particle is linearly represented by the target and background templates with an additive representation error. Discriminating the target from its background is achieved by activating the target templates or the background templates in the linear system in a competitive manner. The target's appearance variations are directly modeled as the representation error. An online algorithm is used to learn the basis functions that sparsely span the representation error. The linear system is solved via ℓ1 minimization. The candidate with the smallest reconstruction error using the target templates is selected as the tracking result. We test the proposed approach using four sequences with heavy occlusions, large pose variations, drastic illumination changes and low foreground-background contrast. The proposed approach shows excellent performance in comparison with two latest state-of-the-art trackers.


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In this paper we present a generalization of belief functions over fuzzy events. In particular we focus on belief functions defined in the algebraic framework of finite MV-algebras of fuzzy sets. We introduce a fuzzy modal logic to formalize reasoning with belief functions on many-valued events. We prove, among other results, that several different notions of belief functions can be characterized in a quite uniform way, just by slightly modifying the complete axiomatization of one of the modal logics involved in the definition of our formalism. © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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This paper proposes an optimisation of the adaptive Gaussian mixture background model that allows the deployment of the method on processors with low memory capacity. The effect of the granularity of the Gaussian mean-value and variance in an integer-based implementation is investigated and novel updating rules of the mixture weights are described. Based on the proposed framework, an implementation for a very low power consumption micro-controller is presented. Results show that the proposed method operates in real time on the micro-controller and has similar performance to the original model. © 2012 Springer-Verlag.


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FastFlow is a structured parallel programming framework targeting shared memory multi-core architectures. In this paper we introduce a FastFlow extension aimed at supporting also a network of multi-core workstations. The extension supports the execution of FastFlow programs by coordinating-in a structured way-the fine grain parallel activities running on a single workstation. We discuss the design and the implementation of this extension presenting preliminary experimental results validating it on state-of-the-art networked multi-core nodes. © 2013 Springer-Verlag.


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We describe an approach aimed at addressing the issue of joint exploitation of control (stream) and data parallelism in a skeleton based parallel programming environment, based on annotations and refactoring. Annotations drive efficient implementation of a parallel computation. Refactoring is used to transform the associated skeleton tree into a more efficient, functionally equivalent skeleton tree. In most cases, cost models are used to drive the refactoring process. We show how sample use case applications/kernels may be optimized and discuss preliminary experiments with FastFlow assessing the theoretical results. © 2013 Springer-Verlag.


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The use of efficient synchronization mechanisms is crucial for implementing fine grained parallel programs on modern shared cache multi-core architectures. In this paper we study this problem by considering Single-Producer/Single- Consumer (SPSC) coordination using unbounded queues. A novel unbounded SPSC algorithm capable of reducing the row synchronization latency and speeding up Producer-Consumer coordination is presented. The algorithm has been extensively tested on a shared-cache multi-core platform and a sketch proof of correctness is presented. The queues proposed have been used as basic building blocks to implement the FastFlow parallel framework, which has been demonstrated to offer very good performance for fine-grain parallel applications. © 2012 Springer-Verlag.


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FastFlow is a programming framework specifically targeting cache-coherent shared-memory multi-cores. It is implemented as a stack of C++ template libraries built on top of lock-free (and memory fence free) synchronization mechanisms. Its philosophy is to combine programmability with performance. In this paper a new FastFlow programming methodology aimed at supporting parallelization of existing sequential code via offloading onto a dynamically created software accelerator is presented. The new methodology has been validated using a set of simple micro-benchmarks and some real applications. © 2011 Springer-Verlag.