85 resultados para ab initio study


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Ab initio nonlocal pseudopotential variational quantum Monte Carlo techniques are used to compute the correlation effects on the valence momentum density and Compton profile of silicon. Our results for this case are in excellent agreement with the Lam-Platzman correction computed within the local density approximation. Within the approximations used, we rule out valence electron correlations as the dominant source of discrepancies between calculated and measured Compton profiles of silicon.


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We have analysed the electronic wave functions from an ab initio simulation of the ionic liquid (room temperature molten salt) dimethyl imidazolium chloride ([dmim][Cl] or [C1mim][Cl]) using localized Wannier orbitals. This allows us to assign electron density to individual ions. The probability distributions of the ionic dipole moments for an isolated ion and for ions in solution are compared. The liquid environment is found to polarize the cation by about 0.7 D and to increase the amplitude of the fluctuations in the dipole moments of both cation and anion. The relative changes in nuclear and electronic contributions are shown. The implications for classical force fields are discussed.


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This paper presents an overview of R-matrix theory of electron scattering by diatomic and polyatomic molecules. The paper commences with a detailed discussion of the fixed-nuclei approximation which in recent years has been used as the basis of the most accurate ab initio calculations. This discussion includes an overview of the computer codes which enable electron collisions with both diatomic and polyatomic molecules to be calculated. Nuclear motion including rotational and vibrational excitation and dissociation is then discussed. In non-resonant energy regions, or when the scattered electron energy is not close to thresholds, the adiabatic-nuclei approximation can be successfully used. However, when these conditions are not applicable, non-adiabatic R-matrix theory must be used and a detailed discussion of this theory is given. Finally, recent applications of the theory to treat electron scattering by polyatomic molecules are reviewed and a detailed comparison of R-matrix calculations and experimental measurements for water is presented.


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The nitrogen-vacancy (NV) center is a paramagnetic defect in diamond with applications as a qubit. Here, we investigate its electronic structure by using ab initio density functional theory for five different NV center models of two different cluster sizes. We describe the symmetry and energetics of the low-lying states and compare the optical frequencies obtained to experimental results. We compute the major transition of the negatively charged NV centers to within 25–100 meV accuracy and find that it is energetically favorable for substitutional nitrogens to donate an electron to NV0. The excited state of the major transition and the NV0 state with a neutral donor nitrogen are found to be close in energy.


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The effects of linear scaling of the atomic charges of a reference potential on the structure, dynamics, and energetics of the ionic liquid 1,3-dimethylimidazolium chloride are investigated. Diffusion coefficients that span over four orders of magnitude are observed between the original model and a scaled model in which the ionic charges are +/- 0.5 e. While the three-dimensional structure of the liquid is less affected, the partial radial distribution functions change markedly-with the positive result that for ionic charges of +/- 0.7 e, an excellent agreement is observed with ab initio molecular dynamics data. Cohesive energy densities calculated from these partial-charge models are also in better agreement with those calculated from the ab initio data. We postulate that ionic-liquid models in which the ionic charges are assumed to be +/- 1 e overestimate the intermolecular attractions between ions, which results in overstructuring, slow dynamics, and increased cohesive energy densities. The use of scaled-charge sets may be of benefit in the simulation of these systems-especially when looking at properties beyond liquid structure-thus providing on alternative to computationally expensive polarisable force fields.


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Published ab-initio and pseudopotential calculations for the dialkali halide systems suggest that the preferred co-linear geometry is for the metal to approach the metal end of the alkali halide. Here, ab-initio calculations on the Li2F system reveal that the well depth on the halide side in this radical is much deeper and is a local saddle-point associated with the ionic non-linear global minima. Although many features of the pseudopotential surfaces are confirmed, significant differences are apparent including the existence of a linear excited state instead of a triangular one, a considerably deeper global minimum some 50% lower in energy and a close approach between the X2A1 and the states, with the minimum 87 kJ mol-1 below the ground state asymptote. All the results can be rationalised as the avoided crossings between a long range, covalent potential dominant within the LiLiF geometry and an ionic state that forms the global minimum. Calculations on the 3rd 2A' potential indicate that even for Li + LiF collisions at ultracold temperatures the collision dynamics could involve as many as three electronic states.


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[AuAg3(C6F5)(CF3CO2)(3)(CH2PPh3)](n) (2) was prepared by reaction of [Au(C6F5)(CH2PPh3)] (1) and [Ag(CF3CO2)] (1:3). The crystal structures of complexes I and 2 were determined by X-ray diffraction, and the latter shows a polymeric 2D arrangement built by Au - Ag, Ag - Ag, and Ag - O contacts. The metallophilic interactions observed in 2 in the solid state seem to be preserved in concentrated THF solutions, as suggested by EXAFS, pulsed-gradient spin-echo NMR, and photophysical studies, which showed that the structural motif [AuAg3(C6F5)(CF3CO2)(3)(CH2PPh3)] is maintained under such conditions. Time-dependent DFT calculations agree with the experimental photophysical energies and suggest a metal-to-ligand charge-transfer phosphorescence process. Ab initio calculations give an estimated interaction energy of around 60 kJ mol(-1) for each Au - Ag interaction.


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The interactions of ions in the solid state for a series of representative 1,3-dialkylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate salts (either ionic liquids or closely related) have been examined by crystallographic analysis, combined with the theoretical estimation of crystal-packing densities and lattice-interaction energies. Efficient close-packing of the ions in the crystalline states is observed, but there was no compelling evidence for specific directional hydrogen-bonding to the hexafluorophosphate anions or the formation of interstitial voids. The close-packing efficiency is supported by the theoretical calculation of ion volumes, crystal lattice energies, and packing densities, which correlated well with experimental data. The crystal density of the salts can be predicted accurately from the summation of free ion volumes and lattice energies calculated. Of even more importance for future work, on these and related salts, the solid-state density of 1,3-dialkylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate salts can be predicted with reasonable accuracy purely on the basis of on ab initio free ion volumes, and this allows prediction of lattice energies without necessarily requiring the crystal structures.


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The molecular recognition and attachment of the CD4 molecule and the HIV envelope glycoprotein (gp120) might be described as a consecutive three-step molecular recognition process. 1. (a) Long range interaction: electrostatic pre-orientation, 2. (b) short range interaction: electronic attachment followed by a ‘Locking-in’ (via aromatic ring orientation) and 3. (c) internal interaction (induced fit): conformational readjustment of the protein molecules. On the basis of the preliminary investigations (X-ray structures of CD4 and biological studies of CD4 and gp120 point mutants) we described a computational model. This approach consists of empirical calculations as well as ab initio level of quantum chemistry. The conformational analysis of the wild type and mutant CD4 molecules was supported by molecular mechanics and dynamics (Amber force field). The latter analysis involves the application of a novel method, the Amino Acid Conformation Assignment of Proteins (ACAP) software, developed for the notation of secondary protein structures. According to the cardinal role of the electrostatic factors during this interaction, several ab initio investigations were performed for better understanding of the recognition process on submolecular level. Using the above mentioned computational model, we could interpret the basic behaviours and predict some additional features of CD4-gp120 interaction, in spite of the missing gp120 X-ray structure.


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Ab initio calculations for the strongly exoergic Li2+F harpoon reaction are presented using density-functional theory, complete active space self-consistent field, and multireference configuration interaction methods to argue that this reaction would be an ideal candidate for investigation with ultracold molecules. The lowest six states are calculated with the aug-correlation-consistent polarized valence triple-zeta basis set and at least two can be accessed by a ground rovibronic Li2 molecule with zero collision energy at all reaction geometries. The large reactive cross section (characteristic of harpoon reactions) and chemiluminescent products are additional attractive features of these reactions.


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The negatively charged nitrogen-vacancy centre in diamond is a unique defect centre in diamond that possesses properties highly suited to many applications, including quantum information processing, quantum metrology, and biolabelling. Although the unique properties of the centre have been extensively documented and utilised, a detailed understanding of the physics of the centre has not yet been achieved. Indeed there persists a number of points of contention regarding the electronic structure of the centre, such as the ordering of the dark intermediate singlet states. Without a sound model of the centre’s electronic structure, the understanding of the system’s unique dynamical properties can not effectively progress. In this work, the molecular model of the defect centre is fully developed to provide a self consistent model of the complete electronic structure of the centre. The application of the model to describe the effects of electric, magnetic and strain interactions, as well as the variation of the centre’s fine structure with temperature, provides an invaluable tool to those studying the centre and a means to design future experiments and ab initio studies of this important defect centre.


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Thermal properties of an idealised tetrahedral network model of silica are investigated by Monte Carlo simulations. The interatomic potential consists of anharmonic stretching and bending terms, plus a short range repulsion. The model includes a bond interchange rule similar to the well known Wooten, Winer and Weaire (WWW) algorithm (see Phys. Rev. Lett., 1985, 54, 1392). Simulations reveal an apparent first order melting transition at T = 2200 K. The computed changes in the local coordination upon melting are consistent with experimental and ab initio data.


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Osteosarcomas are the most prevalent primary bone tumors found in pediatric patients. To understand their molecular etiology, cell culture models are used to define disease mechanisms under controlled conditions. Many osteosarcoma cell lines (e.g., SAOS-2, U2OS, MG63) are derived from Caucasian patients. However, patients exhibit individual and ethnic differences in their responsiveness to irradiation and chemotherapy. This motivated the establishment of osteosarcoma cell lines (OS1, OS2, OS3) from three ethnically Chinese patients. OS1 cells, derived from a pre-chemotherapeutic tumor in the femur of a 6-year-old female, were examined for molecular markers characteristic for osteoblasts, stem cells, and cell cycle control by immunohistochemistry, reverse transcriptase-PCR, Western blotting and flow cytometry. OS I have aberrant G-banded karyotypes, possibly reflecting chromosomal abnormalities related to p53 deficiency. OS I had ossification profiles similar to human fetal osteoblasts rather than SAOS-2 which ossifies ab initio, (P


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The feasibility of laser cooling AlH and AlF is investigated using ab initio quantum chemistry. All the electronic states corresponding to the ground and lowest two excited states of the Al atom are calculated using multi-reference configuration interaction (MRCI) and the large AV6Z basis set for AlH. The smaller AVQZ basis set is used to calculate the valence electronic states of AlF. Theoretical Franck-Condon factors are determined for the A(1)Pi -> X(1)Sigma(+) transitions in both radicals and found to agree with the highly diagonal factors found experimentally, suggesting computational chemistry is an effective method for screening suitable laser cooling candidates. AlH does not appear to have a transition quite as diagonal as that in SrF (which has been laser cooled) but the A(1)Pi -> X(1)Sigma(+) transition transition of AlF is a strong candidate for cooling with just a single laser, though the cooling frequency is deep in the UV. Furthermore, the a (3)Pi -> X(1)Sigma(+) transitions are also strongly diagonal and in AlF is a practical method for obtaining very low final temperatures around 3 mu K.


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We describe a new ab initio method for solving the time-dependent Schrödinger equation for multi-electron atomic systems exposed to intense short-pulse laser light. We call the method the R-matrix with time-dependence (RMT) method. Our starting point is a finite-difference numerical integrator (HELIUM), which has proved successful at describing few-electron atoms and atomic ions in strong laser fields with high accuracy. By exploiting the R-matrix division-of-space concept, we bring together a numerical method most appropriate to the multi-electron finite inner region (R-matrix basis set) and a different numerical method most appropriate to the one-electron outer region (finite difference). In order to exploit massively parallel supercomputers efficiently, we time-propagate the wavefunction in both regions by employing Arnoldi methods, originally developed for HELIUM.