90 resultados para Vehicle identification and detection system


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In this study, we examined the relationship between national identification and anti-immigrant prejudice in a multilevel analysis of ISSP survey data from 37,030 individuals in 31 countries. We argue that this relationship depends on how national groups are defined by their members. Across the 31 national samples, the correlation between national identification and prejudice ranged from weakly negative (-.06) to moderately positive (.37). The relationship was significantly stronger in countries where people on average endorsed a definition of national belonging based on language, and weaker where people on average defined the nation in terms of citizenship. These effects occurred at a national rather than individual level, supporting an explanation in terms of the construction of nationality that prevails in a given context. Endorsement of the ancestry-based criteria for nationality was positively associated with prejudice, but only at the individual level.


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We present a detailed analysis of time-resolved optical spectra of the ZZ Ceti white dwarf, HS 0507+0434B. Using the wavelength dependence of observed mode amplitudes, we deduce the spherical degree, l, of the modes, most of which have l = 1. The presence of a large number of combination frequencies (linear sums or differences of the real modes) enabled us not only to test theoretical predictions but also to indirectly infer spherical and azimuthal degrees of real modes that had no observed splittings. In addition to the above, we measure line-of-sight velocities from our spectra. We find only marginal evidence for periodic modulation associated with the pulsation modes: at the frequency of the strongest mode in the lightcurve, we measure an amplitude of 2.6 +/- 1.0 kms(-1), which has a probability of 2% of being due to chance; for the other modes, we find lower values. Our velocity amplitudes and upper limits are smaller by a factor of two compared to the amplitudes found in ZZ Psc. We find that this is consistent with expectations based on the position of HS 0507+0434B in the instability strip. Combining all the available information from data such as ours is a first step towards constraining atmospheric properties in a convectionally unstable environment from an observational perspective.


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Organ donation plays a major role in the management of patients with single organ failure of the kidneys, liver, pancreas, heart, or lung, or with combined organ failure of heart and lung (such as in cystic fibrosis) or of kidney and pancreas (such as in diabetes). A shortage of transplant organs has resulted in long waits for transplantation. Currently about 500 people in the United Kingdom die each year because of a shortage of donated organs,1 and at 31 March 2011 almost 7000 patients were waiting for a kidney transplant1 and would be having costly dialysis with serious morbidity and impact on quality of life. This shortage of organs is partly the result of relatively low numbers of road traffic deaths (lower than in many countries) but is also the result of inefficiencies in the donor identification and consent processes. This article summarises the most recent recommendations from the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) on improving donor identification and consent rates for deceased organ donation.2


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In this study, an amphibian (Odorrana hejiangensis) skin extract was fractionated by reverse phase HPLC and fractions were screened for trypsin inhibitory activity. Using this initial approach, a novel trypsin inhibitory peptide was detected with an apparent protonated molecular mass of 1804.83Da, as determined by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry. It was named Hejiang trypsin inhibitor (HJTI) in accordance. The primary structure of the biosynthetic precursor of HJTI was deduced from a cDNA sequence cloned from a skin-derived cDNA library. The primary structure of the encoded predicted mature active peptide was established as: GAPKGCWTKSYPPQPCS (non-protonated monoisotopic molecular mass - 1802.81Da). On the basis of this unequivocal amino acid sequence, a synthetic replicate was synthesized by solid phase Fmoc chemistry. This replicate displayed a moderately potent trypsin inhibition with a K(i) of 388nM. Bioinformatic analysis of the primary structure of this peptide indicated that it was a member of the Bowman-Birk family of protease inhibitors. The substitutions of Gln-14 and Ser-17 by Lys, resulted in an increase in cationicity and a small increase in potency to a K(i) value of 218nM. Neither HJTI nor its synthetic analog, possessed any significant antimicrobial activity.


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This paper investigates a systematic approach for the identification and control of Hammerstein systems over a physical IEEE 802.11b wireless channel.


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The purpose of this study was to identify trends in the diagnosis of carcinoma in situ (CIS) of the breast in the United Kingdom (UK) and the Republic of Ireland (ROI) and to examine the impact of mammography. Data on cases of newly diagnosed CIS of the breast and mode of detection (screen detected or not) were obtained, where available, from regional cancer registries between 1990 and 2007. Age-standardised diagnosis rates for the UK and the ROI, and regional screen detected diagnosis rates were compared by calculating the annual percentage change (APC) over time. The APC of the diagnosis rate amongst women aged 50-64 years (original screening age group) showed a significant 5.9% increase in the UK (1990-2007) and 11.5% increase in the ROI (1994-2007). The rate of diagnosis (50-64 years) stabilized in the UK between 2005 and 2007 and was substantially higher than in other western populations with national screening programmes. The APC of the diagnosis rate amongst those aged 65-69 years showed a significant 12.4% increase in the UK (1990-2007) and 10.3% increase in the ROI (1994-2007). amongst women aged 50-74 years in the UK, approximately 4,300 cases of CIS (˜90% ductal carcinoma in situ) were diagnosed in 2007. Our analyses have shown that screen detected CIS contributed primarily to the increase in diagnosis of CIS of the breast. The high diagnosis rate of screen detected CIS of the breast underlines the need for further research into lesion and patient characteristics that are related to progression of CIS to invasive disease to better target treatment. © 2012 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.


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Burkholderia cepacia is an opportunistic respiratory pathogen in cystic fibrosis patients. One highly transmissible and virulent clone belonging to genomovar IIIa expresses pili with unique cable morphology, which enable the bacterium to bind cytokeratin 13 in epithelial cells. The cblA gene, encoding the major pilin subunit, is often used as a DNA marker to identify potentially virulent isolates. The authors have now cloned and sequenced four additional genes, cblB, cblC, cblD and cblS, in the pilus gene cluster. This work shows that the products of the first four genes of the cbl operon, cblA, cblB, cblC and cblD, are sufficient for pilus assembly on the bacterial surface. Deletion of cblB abrogated pilus assembly and compromised the stability of the CblA protein in the periplasm. In contrast, deletion of cblD resulted in no pili, but there was no effect on expression and stability of the CblA protein subunit. These results, together with protein sequence homologies, predicted structural analyses, and the presence of typical amino acid motifs, are consistent with the assignment of functional roles for CblB as a chaperone that stabilizes the major pilin subunit in the periplasm, and CblD as the initiator of pilus biogenesis. It is also shown that expression of Cbl pili in Escherichia coli is not sufficient to mediate the binding of bacteria to the epithelial cell receptor cytokeratin 13, and that B. cepacia still binds to cytokeratin 13 in the absence of Cbl pili, suggesting that additional bacterial components are required for effective binding.


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The lpcA locus has been identified in Escherichia coli K12 novobiocin-supersensitive mutants that produce a short lipopolysaccharide (LPS) core which lacks glyceromannoheptose and terminal hexoses. We have characterized lpcA as a single gene mapping around 5.3 min (246 kilobases) on the E. coli K12 chromosome and encoding a 22.6-kDa cytosolic protein. Recombinant plasmids containing only lpcA restored a complete core LPS in the E. coli strain chi711. We show that this strain has an IS5-mediated chromosomal deletion of 35 kilobases that eliminates lpcA. The LpcA protein showed discrete similarities with a family of aldose/ketose isomerases and other proteins of unknown function. The isomerization of sedoheptulose 7-phosphate, into a phosphosugar presumed to be D-glycero-D-mannoheptose 7-phosphate, was detected in enzyme reactions with cell extracts of E. coli lpcA+ and of lpcA mutants containing the recombinant lpcA gene. We concluded that LpcA is the phosphoheptose isomerase used in the first step of glyceromannoheptose synthesis. We also demonstrated that lpcA is conserved among enteric bacteria, all of which contain glyceromannoheptose in the inner core LPS, indicating that LpcA is an essential component in a conserved biosynthetic pathway of inner core LPS.