96 resultados para Unstable hemoglobins


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The occurrence of single-site or multisite localized vibrational modes, also called discrete breathers, in two-dimensional hexagonal dusty plasma lattices is investigated. The system is described by a Klein-Gordon hexagonal lattice characterized by a negative coupling parameter epsilon in account of its inverse dispersive behavior. A theoretical analysis is performed in order to establish the possibility of existence of single as well as three-site discrete breathers in such systems. The study is complemented by a numerical investigation based on experimentally provided potential forms. This investigation shows that a dusty plasma lattice can support single-site discrete breathers, while three-site in phase breathers could exist if specific conditions, about the intergrain interaction strength, would hold. On the other hand, out of phase and vortex three-site breathers cannot be supported since they are highly unstable.


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A multiple scales technique is employed to solve the fluid-Maxwell equations describing a weakly nonlinear circularly polarized electromagnetic pulse in magnetized plasma. A nonlinear Schrodinger-type (NLS) equation is shown to govern the amplitude of the vector potential. The conditions for modulational instability and for the existence of various types of localized envelope modes are investigated in terms of relevant parameters. Right-hand circularly polarized (RCP) waves are shown to be modulationally unstable regardless of the value of the ambient magnetic field and propagate as bright-type solitons. The same is true for left-hand circularly polarized (LCP) waves in a weakly to moderately magnetized plasma. In other parameter regions, LCP waves are stable in strongly magnetized plasmas and may propagate as dark-type solitons (electric field holes). The evolution of envelope solitons is analyzed numerically, and it is shown that solitons propagate in magnetized plasma without any essential change in amplitude and shape. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We study the existence and stability of multisite discrete breathers in two prototypical non-square Klein-Gordon lattices, namely a honeycomb and a hexagonal one. In the honeycomb case we consider six-site configurations and find that for soft potential and positive coupling the out-of-phase breather configuration and the charge-two vortex breather are linearly stable, while the in-phase and charge-one vortex states are unstable. In the hexagonal lattice, we first consider three-site configurations. In the case of soft potential and positive coupling, the in-phase configuration is unstable and the charge-one vortex is linearly stable. The out-of-phase configuration here is found to always be linearly unstable. We then turn to six-site configurations in the hexagonal lattice. The stability results in this case are the same as in the six-site configurations in the honeycomb lattice. For all configurations in both lattices, the stability results are reversed in the setting of either hard potential or negative coupling. The study is complemented by numerical simulations which are in very good agreement with the theoretical predictions. Since neither the form of the on-site potential nor the sign of the coupling parameter involved have been prescribed, this description can accommodate inverse-dispersive systems (e. g. supporting backward waves) such as transverse dust-lattice oscillations in dusty plasma (Debye) crystals or analogous modes in molecular chains.


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Succinate dehydrogenase B (SDHB) and D (SDHD) subunit gene mutations predispose to adrenal and extraadrenal pheochromocytomas, head and neck paragangliomas (HNPGL), and other tumor types. We report tumor risks in 358 patients with SDHB (n = 295) and SDHD (n = 63) mutations. Risks of HNPGL and pheochromocytoma in SDHB mutation carriers were 29% and 52%, respectively, at age 60 years and 71% and 29%, respectively, in SDHD mutation carriers. Risks of malignant pheochromocytoma and renal tumors (14% at age 70 years) were higher in SDHB mutation carriers; 55 different mutations (including a novel recurrent exon 1 deletion) were identified. No clear genotype-phenotype correlations were detected for SDHB mutations. However, SDHD mutations predicted to result in loss of expression or a truncated or unstable protein were associated with a significantly increased risk of pheochromocytoma compared to missense mutations that were not predicted to impair protein stability (most such cases had the common p.Pro81Leu mutation). Analysis of the largest cohort of SDHB/D mutation carriers has enhanced estimates of penetrance and tumor risk and supports in silicon protein structure prediction analysis for functional assessment of mutations. The differing effect of the SDHD p.Pro81Leu on HNPGL and pheochromocytoma, risks suggests differing mechanisms of tumorigenesis in SDH-associated HNPGL and pheochromocytoma. Hum Mutat 31:41-51, 2010. (C) 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Background: Platelet glycoprotein (GP) Ib-IX-V supports platelet adhesion on damaged vascular walls by binding to von Willebrand factor (VWF). For several decades it has been recognized that the alpha-subunit of GP (GPIb alpha) also binds thrombin but the physiological relevance, if any, of this interaction was unknown. Previous studies have shown that a sulfated tyrosine 276 (Tyr276) is essential for thrombin binding to GPIb alpha.Objectives: This study investigated the in vivo relevance of GPIb alpha residue Tyr276 in hemostasis and thrombosis.Methods: Transgenic mouse colonies expressing the normal human GPIb alpha subunit or a mutant human GPIb alpha containing a Phe substitution for Tyr276 (hTg(Y276F)) were generated. Both colonies were bred to mice devoid of murine GPIb alpha.Results: Surface-expressed GPIb alpha levels and platelet counts were similar in both colonies. hTg(Y276F) platelets were significantly impaired in binding alpha-thrombin but displayed normal binding to type I fibrillar collagen and human VWF in the presence of ristocetin. In vivo thrombus formation as a result of chemical damage (FeCl3) demonstrated that hTg(Y276F) mice have a delayed time to occlusion followed by unstable blood flow indicative of embolization. In models of laser-induced injury, thrombi developing in hTg(Y276F) animals were also less stable.Conclusions: The results demonstrate that GPIb alpha residue Tyr276 is physiologically important, supporting stable thrombus formation in vivo.


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We present a detailed analysis of time-resolved optical spectra of the ZZ Ceti white dwarf, HS 0507+0434B. Using the wavelength dependence of observed mode amplitudes, we deduce the spherical degree, l, of the modes, most of which have l = 1. The presence of a large number of combination frequencies (linear sums or differences of the real modes) enabled us not only to test theoretical predictions but also to indirectly infer spherical and azimuthal degrees of real modes that had no observed splittings. In addition to the above, we measure line-of-sight velocities from our spectra. We find only marginal evidence for periodic modulation associated with the pulsation modes: at the frequency of the strongest mode in the lightcurve, we measure an amplitude of 2.6 +/- 1.0 kms(-1), which has a probability of 2% of being due to chance; for the other modes, we find lower values. Our velocity amplitudes and upper limits are smaller by a factor of two compared to the amplitudes found in ZZ Psc. We find that this is consistent with expectations based on the position of HS 0507+0434B in the instability strip. Combining all the available information from data such as ours is a first step towards constraining atmospheric properties in a convectionally unstable environment from an observational perspective.


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In older adults, cognitive resources play a key role in maintaining postural stability. In the present study, we evaluated whether increasing postural instability using sway referencing induces changes in resource allocation in dual-task performance leading older adults to prioritize the more age-salient posture task over a cognitive task. Young and older adults participated in the study which comprised two sessions. In the first session, three posture tasks (stable, sway reference visual, sway reference somatosensory) and a working memory task (n-back) were examined. In the second session, single- and dual-task performance of posture and memory were assessed. Postural stability improved with session. Participants were more unstable in the sway reference conditions, and pronounced age differences were observed in the somatosensory sway reference condition. In dual-task performance on the stable surface, older adults showed an almost 40% increase in instability compared to single-task. However, in the sway reference somatosensory condition, stability was the same in single- and dual-task performance, whereas pronounced (15%) costs emerged for cognition. These results show that during dual-tasking while standing on a stable surface, older adults have the flexibility to allow an increase in instability to accommodate cognitive task performance. However, when instability increases by means of compromising somatosensory information, levels of postural control are kept similar in single- and dual-task, by utilizing resources otherwise allocated to the cognitive task. This evidence emphasizes the flexible nature of resource allocation, developed over the life-span to compensate for age-related decline in sensorimotor and cognitive processing.


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Galactokinase catalyses the phosphorylation of galactose at the expense of ATP. Like other members of the GHMP family of kinases it is postulated to function through an active site base mechanism in which Asp-186 abstracts a proton from galactose. This asparate residue was altered to alanine and to asparagine by site-directed mutagenesis of the corresponding gene. This resulted in variant enzyme with no detectable galactokinase activity. Alteration of Arg-37, which lies adjacent to Asp-186 and is postulated to assist the catalytic base, to lysine resulted in an active enzyme. However, alteration of this residue to glutamate abolished activity. All the variant enzymes, except the arginine to lysine substitution, were structurally unstable (as judged by native gel electrophoresis in the presence of urea) compared to the wild type. This suggests that the lack of activity results from this structural instability, in addition to any direct effects on the catalytic mechanism. Computational estimations of the pK(a) values of the arginine and aspartate residues, suggest that Arg-37 remains protonated throughout the catalytic cycle whereas Asp-186 has an abnormally high pK(a) value (7.18). Quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics (QM/MM) calculations suggest that Asp-186 moves closer to the galactose molecule during catalysis. The experimental and theoretical studies presented here argue for a mechanism in which the C-1-OH bond in the sugar is weakened by the presence of Asp-186 thus facilitating nucleophilic attack by the oxygen atom on the gamma-phosphorus of ATP.


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Asymmetric heteroatom oxidation of benzo[b]thiophenes to yield the corresponding sulfoxides was catalysed by toluene dioxygenase (TDO), naphthalene dioxygenase (NDO) and styrene monooxygenase (SMO) enzymes present in P. putida mutant and E. coli recombinant whole cells. TDO-catalysed oxidation yielded the relatively unstable benzo[b] thiophene sulfoxide; its dimerization, followed by dehydrogenation, resulted in the isolation of stable tetracyclic sulfoxides as minor products with cis-dihydrodiols being the dominant metabolites. SMO mainly catalysed the formation of enantioenriched benzo[b] thiophene sulfoxide and 2-methyl benzo[b] thiophene sulfoxides which racemized at ambient temperature. The barriers to pyramidal sulfur inversion of 2- and 3-methyl benzo[b] thiophene sulfoxide metabolites, obtained using TDO and NDO as biocatalysts, were found to be ca.: 25-27 kcal mol(-1). The absolute configurations of the benzo[b] thiophene sulfoxides were determined by ECD spectroscopy, X-ray crystallography and stereochemical correlation. A site-directed mutant E. coli strain containing an engineered form of NDO, was found to change the regioselectivity toward preferential oxidation of the thiophene ring rather than the benzene ring.


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2-Phosphanylethylcyclopentadienyl lithium compounds, Li[C5R'(4)(CH2)(2)PR2] (R = Et, R' = H or Me, R = Ph, R' = Me), have been prepared from the reaction of spirohydrocarbons C5R'(4)(C2H4) with LiPR2. C5Et4HSiMe2CH2PMe2, was prepared from reaction of Li[C5Et4] with Me2SiCl2 followed by Me2PCH2Li. The lithium salts were reacted with [RhCl(CO)2]2,[IrCl(CO)3] or [Co-2(CO)(8)] to give [M(C5R'(4)(CH2) 2PR2)(CO)] (M = Rh, R = Et, R' = H or Me, R= Ph, R' = Me; M = Ir or Co, R = Et, R' = Me), which have been fully characterised, in many cases crystallographically as monomers with coordination of the phosphorus atom and the cyclopentadienyl ring. The values of nu(CO) for these complexes are usually lower than those for the analogous complexes without the bridge between the cyclopentadienyl ring and the phosphine, the exception being [Rh(Cp'(CH2)(2)PEt2)(CO)] (Cp' = C5Me4), the most electron rich of the complexes. [Rh(C5Et4SiMe2CH2PMe2)(CO)] may be a dimer. [Co-2(CO)(8)] reacts with C5H5(CH2)(2)PEt2 or C5Et4HSiMe2CH2PMe2 (L) to give binuclear complexes of the form [Co-2(CO)(6)L-2] with almost linear PCoCoP skeletons. [Rh(Cp'(CH2)(2)PEt2)(CO)] and [Rh(Cp'(CH2)(2)PPh2)(CO)] are active for methanol carbonylation at 150 degrees C and 27 bar CO, with the rate using [Rh(Cp'(CH2)(2)PPh2)(CO)] (0.81 mol dm(-3) h(-1)) being higher than that for [RhI2(CO)(2)](-) (0.64 mol dm(-3) h(-1)). The most electron rich complex, [Rh(Cp'(CH2)(2)PEt2)(CO)] (0.38 mol dm(-3) h(-1)) gave a comparable rate to [Cp*Rh(PEt3)(CO)] (0.30 mol dm(-3) h(-1)), which was unstable towards oxidation of the phosphine. [Rh(Cp'(CH2)(2)PEt2)I-2], which is inactive for methanol carbonylation, was isolated after the methanol carbonylation reaction using [Rh(Cp'(CH2)(2)PEt2)(CO)].


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The kinetics of the photomineralization of salicylic acid (SA) sensitized by Degussa P25 titanium dioxide (TiO2) dispersions in oxygenated aqueous solution are reported as a function of the following experimental parameters: [TiO2], percentage of O-2, [SA], temperature (T) and light intensity (I). The kinetics of SA photomineralization conform to a Langmuir-Hinshelwood kinetic scheme with SA and O-2 adsorbed at different sites with apparent Langmuir adsorption coefficients of (6.1 +/- 1.2) x 10(4) mol(-1) dm(3) and 0.061 +/- 0.007 kPa(-1) respectively. The overall activation energy for the system was determined as 4.6 +/- 0.2 kJ mol(-1). Two major stable reaction intermediates are identified (dihydroxybenzoic acids (DHBA) and catechol (C)) and the existence of a further pathway involving one or more very unstable and, as yet, unidentified reaction intermediates is proposed. A kinetic model is presented which describes the temporal behaviour of the concentrations of SA, CO2 and the major photogenerated intermediates (DHBA and C). This model is used to predict successfully the temporal behaviour of the major intermediates in the photomineralization of SA under non-standard conditions.


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The photomineralisation of 4-chlorophenol (4-CP) sensitised by Degussa P25 TiO2 in O2-saturated solution represents a possible standard test system in semiconductor-sensitised photomineralisation studies. As part of a detailed examination of this photosystem, the results of the temporal variations in the concentrations of 4-CP, CO2, Cl- and the major organic intermediates, namely, 4-chlorocatechol (4-CC), hydroquinone (HQ), benzoquinone and 4-chlororesorcinol, are reported. The observed variations in [4-CP], [4-CC], [HQ] and [CO2] fit those predicted by a kinetic model which utilises kinetic equations with a Langmuir-Hinshelwood form and assumes that there are three major possible routes in which the photogenerated hydroxyl radicals can react with 4-CP, ie. 4-CP --> 4-CC, 4-CP --> HQ and 4-CP --> (unstable intermediate) --> CO2 and that these routes have the following probabilities of occurring: 48%, 10% and 42%.


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There has been considerable uncertainty about the nature of Pleistocene environments colonised by the first modern humans in Island SE Asia, and about the vegetation of the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) in the region. Here, the palynology from a series of exposures in the Great Cave of Niah, Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo, spanning a period from ca. 52,000 to 5000 BP is described. Vegetation during this period was climate-driven and often highly unstable. Interstadials are marked by lowland forest, sometimes rather dry and at times by mangroves. Stadials are indicated by taxa characteristic of open environments or, as at the LGM, by highly disturbed rather open forest. Stadials are also characterised by taxa now restricted to 1000-1600 m above sea level, suggesting temperature declines of ca 7-9 C relative to present, by comparison with modern lapse rates. The practice of biomass burning appears associated with the earliest human activity in the cave.


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The level of second-harmonic light emitted from a laser-exploded foil plasma at nominal irradiance up to 3.10(13) W/cm2 was found to be extremely sensitive to both target position and irradiance on target. Either a small target displacement or a small increase in irradiance resulted in a jump of the 2omega level of more than three orders of magnitude. Correspondingly, a transition was observed from a 2omega source pattern clearly signed by the original laser spot pattern to unstable patterns of filaments whose size is consistent with the maximum growth of the instability.


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The evolution of the amplitude of two nonlinearly interacting waves is considered, via a set of coupled nonlinear Schrödinger-type equations. The dynamical profile is determined by the wave dispersion laws (i.e. the group velocities and the group velocity dispersion terms) and the nonlinearity and coupling coefficients, on which no assumption is made. A generalized dispersion relation is obtained, relating the frequency and wave-number of a small perturbation around a coupled monochromatic (Stokes') wave solution. Explicitly stability criteria are obtained. The analysis reveals a number of possibilities. Two (individually) stable systems may be destabilized due to coupling. Unstable systems may, when coupled, present an enhanced instability growth rate, for an extended wave number range of values. Distinct unstable wavenumber windows may arise simultaneously.