158 resultados para Ultraviolet adsorptions


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We report observations of the dwarf star e Eri (K2V) made with the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS) on the Hubble Space Telescope. The high sensitivity of the STIS instrument has allowed us to detect the magnetic dipole transitions of Fe XII at 1242.00 and 1349 38 Å for the first time in a star other than the Sun. The width of the stronger line at 1242.00 Å has also been measured; such measurements are not possible for the permitted lines of Fe XII in the extreme-ultraviolet. To within the accuracy of the measurements the N v and the Fe XII lines occur at their rest wavelengths. Electron densities and linewidths have been measured from other transition region lines. Together, these can be used to investigate the non-thermal energy flux in the lower and upper transition regions, which is useful in constraining possible heating processes. The Fe XII lines are also present in archival STIS spectra of other G/K-type dwarfs.


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Reflecting light from a mirror moving close to the speed of light has been envisioned as a route towards producing bright X-ray pulses since Einstein's seminal work on special relativity. For an ideal relativistic mirror, the peak power of the reflected radiation can substantially exceed that of the incident radiation due to the increase in photon energy and accompanying temporal compression. Here we demonstrate for the first time that dense relativistic electron mirrors can be created from the interaction of a high-intensity laser pulse with a freestanding, nanometre-scale thin foil. The mirror structures are shown to shift the frequency of a counter-propagating laser pulse coherently from the infrared to the extreme ultraviolet with an efficiency >10 4 times higher than in the case of incoherent scattering. Our results elucidate the reflection process of laser-generated electron mirrors and give clear guidance for future developments of a relativistic mirror structure. 


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Background: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients on dialysis are prone to vitamin D insufficiency despite oral vitamin D supplementation. Here, we studied whether narrow-band ultraviolet B (NB-UVB) exposures improve vitamin D balance.

Methods: 14 haemodialysis patients and 15 healthy subjects receiving oral cholecalciferol 20 µg daily got nine NB-UVB exposures on the entire body. Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) was measured by radioimmunoassay. Cutaneous mRNA expression levels of CYP27A1 and CYP27B1, two enzymes required for hydroxylation of vitamin D into its active metabolite, were also measured.

Results: The baseline serum 25(OH)D concentration was 57.6 ± 18.2 nmol/l in the CKD patients and 74.3 ± 14.8 nmol/l in the healthy subjects. The NB-UVB course increased serum 25(OH)D by 14.0 nmol/l (95% CI 8.7-19.5) and 17.0 nmol/l (CI 13.7-20.2), respectively. At baseline the CKD patients showed significantly increased CYP27B1 levels compared to the healthy subjects.

Conclusions: A short NB-UVB course is an efficient way to improve vitamin D balance in CKD patients on dialysis who are receiving oral vitamin D supplementation. The increased cutaneous CYP27B1 levels in the CKD patients suggest that the loss of renal activity of this enzyme is at least partially compensated for by the skin.


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A course of treatment with narrow-band ultraviolet B (NB-UVB) improves psoriasis and increases serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D). In this study 12 patients with psoriasis who were supplemented with oral cholecalciferol, 20 µg daily, were given a course of NB-UVB and their response measured. At baseline, serum 25(OH)D was 74.14 ± 22.9 nmol/l. At the 9th exposure to NB-UVB 25(OH)D had increased by 13.2 nmol/l (95% confidence interval (95% CI) 7.2–18.4) and at the 18th exposure by 49.4 nmol/l (95% CI 35.9–64.6) above baseline. Psoriasis Area Severity Index score improved from 8.7 ± 3.5 to 4.5 ± 2.0 (p < 0.001). At baseline, psoriasis lesions showed low vitamin D metabolizing enzyme (CYP27A1, CYP27B1) and high human β-defensin-2 mRNA expression levels compared with those of the healthy subjects. In conclusion, NB-UVB treatment significantly increases serum 25(OH)D in patients with psoriasis who are taking oral vitamin D supplementation, and the concentrations remain far from the toxicity level. Healing psoriasis lesions show similar mRNA expression of vitamin D metabolizing enzymes, but higher antimicrobial peptide levels than NB-UVB-treated skin in healthy subjects.


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Chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients are especially prone to vitamin D insufficiency. Narrow-band ultraviolet B (NB-UVB) treatment increases serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] in dermatological patients, and we studied whether it also improves vitamin D balance in CKD patients on haemodialysis.


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Double-foil targets separated by a low density plasma and irradiated by a petawatt-class laser are shown to be a copious source of coherent broadband radiation. Simulations show that a dense sheet of relativistic electrons is formed during the interaction of the laser with the tenuous plasma between the two foils. The coherent motion of the electron sheet as it transits the second foil results in strong broadband emission in the extreme ultraviolet, consistent with our experimental observations.


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Opacity is a property of many plasmas. It is normally expected that if an emission line in a plasma becomes optically thick, then its intensity ratio to that of another transition that remains optically thin should decrease. However, radiative transfer calculations undertaken both by ourselves and others predict that under certain conditions the intensity ratio of an optically thick to an optically thin line can show an increase over the optically thin value, indicating an enhancement in the former. These conditions include the geometry of the emitting plasma and its orientation to the observer. A similar effect can take place between lines of differing optical depths. While previous observational studies have focused on stellar point sources, here we investigate the spatially resolved solar atmosphere using measurements of the I(1032 Å)/I(1038 Å) intensity ratio of O VI in several regions obtained with the Solar Ultraviolet Measurements of Emitted Radiation instrument on board the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory satellite. We find several I(1032 Å)/I(1038 Å) ratios observed on the disk to be significantly larger than the optically thin value of 2.0, providing the first detection (to our knowledge) of intensity enhancement in the ratio arising from opacity effects in the solar atmosphere. The agreement between observation and theory is excellent and confirms that the O VI emission originates from a slab-like geometry in the solar atmosphere, rather than from cylindrical structures.


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We present the Pan-STARRS1 discovery of the long-lived and blue transient PS1-11af, which was also detected by Galaxy Evolution Explorer with coordinated observations in the near-ultraviolet (NUV) band. PS1-11af is associated with the nucleus of an early type galaxy at redshift z = 0.4046 that exhibits no evidence for star formation or active galactic nucleus activity. Four epochs of spectroscopy reveal a pair of transient broad absorption features in the UV on otherwise featureless spectra. Despite the superficial similarity of these features to P-Cygni absorptions of supernovae (SNe), we conclude that PS1-11af is not consistent with the properties of known types of SNe. Blackbody fits to the spectral energy distribution are inconsistent with the cooling, expanding ejecta of a SN, and the velocities of the absorption features are too high to represent material in homologous expansion near a SN photosphere. However, the constant blue colors and slow evolution of the luminosity are similar to previous optically selected tidal disruption events (TDEs). The shape of the optical light curve is consistent with models for TDEs, but the minimum accreted mass necessary to power the observed luminosity is only 0.002 M, which points to a partial disruption model. A full disruption model predicts higher bolometric luminosities, which would require most of the radiation to be emitted in a separate component at high energies where we lack observations. In addition, the observed temperature is lower than that predicted by pure accretion disk models for TDEs and requires reprocessing to a constant, lower temperature. Three deep non-detections in the radio with the Very Large Array over the first two years after the event set strict limits on the production of any relativistic outflow comparable to Swift J1644+57, even if off-axis.


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We present photospheric-phase observations of LSQ12gdj, a slowly declining, UV-bright Type Ia supernova. Classified well before maximum light, LSQ12gdj has extinction-corrected absolute magnitude MB = -19.8, and pre-maximum spectroscopic evolution similar to SN 1991T and the super-Chandrasekhar-mass SN 2007if. We use ultraviolet photometry from Swift, ground-based optical photometry, and corrections from a near-infrared photometric template to construct the bolometric (1600-23 800 Å) light curve out to 45 d past B-band maximum light. We estimate that LSQ12gdj produced 0.96 ± 0.07 M· of 56Ni, with an ejected mass near or slightly above the Chandrasekhar mass. As much as 27 per cent of the flux at the earliest observed phases, and 17 per cent at maximum light, is emitted bluewards of 3300 Å. The absence of excess luminosity at late times, the cutoff of the spectral energy distribution bluewards of 3000 Å and the absence of narrow line emission and strong Na I D absorption all argue against a significant contribution from ongoing shock interaction. However, ~10 per cent of LSQ12gdj's luminosity near maximum light could be produced by the release of trapped radiation, including kinetic energy thermalized during a brief interaction with a compact, hydrogen-poor envelope (radius <1013 cm) shortly after explosion; such an envelope arises generically in double-degenerate merger scenarios.


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The flare of radiation from the tidal disruption and accretion of a star can be used as a marker for supermassive black holes that otherwise lie dormant and undetected in the centres of distant galaxies. Previous candidate flares have had declining light curves in good agreement with expectations, but with poor constraints on the time of disruption and the type of star disrupted, because the rising emission was not observed. Recently, two `relativistic' candidate tidal disruption events were discovered, each of whose extreme X-ray luminosity and synchrotron radio emission were interpreted as the onset of emission from a relativistic jet. Here we report a luminous ultraviolet-optical flare from the nuclear region of an inactive galaxy at a redshift of 0.1696. The observed continuum is cooler than expected for a simple accreting debris disk, but the well-sampled rise and decay of the light curve follow the predicted mass accretion rate and can be modelled to determine the time of disruption to an accuracy of two days. The black hole has a mass of about two million solar masses, modulo a factor dependent on the mass and radius of the star disrupted. On the basis of the spectroscopic signature of ionized helium from the unbound debris, we determine that the disrupted star was a helium-rich stellar core.


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Ultraviolet-B (UVB) irradiation is known to inhibit lymphocyte activity and consequently to reduce the incidence of graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) in experimental models for allogeneic bone marrow transplantation (BMT). GVHD is frequently associated with morbidity and mortality, but also with the beneficial graft-versus-leukemia (GVL) effect, demonstrated by a reduction in the incidence of leukemia relapse. In this study, we investigated whether UVB treatment of allogeneic T cells could prevent GVHD while sparing the beneficial GVL effect following allogeneic BMT in the Brown Norway myelocytic leukemia (BNML) rat model analogous to human acute myelocytic leukemia (AML). The dose of UVB required to abolish lethal GVHD in the rat allogeneic BMT model (WAG/Rij donors into BN recipients) was 4000 J/m2. However, this UVB dose simultaneously abrogated all GVL activity mediated by the T cells in the graft, while the radio-protective capacity of rat BM cells was strongly reduced. The number of allogeneic BM cells required to protect lethally irradiated BN rats was increased 50 to 100-fold. It is concluded that UVB acts as a non-selective form of T cell inactivation, and that UVB pretreatment of an allogeneic marrow graft is unlikely to be useful clinically as a preventive measure for GVHD, since other means of reduction of the number of functional T cells are less damaging to bone marrow stem cells.


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Ultraviolet B (UVB) light is known to be immunosuppressive, but, probably because of a small UVC component in the emission spectra of some of the UVB lamps used, reports vary on effective dose levels. To prevent potentially lethal graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) after allogeneic bone marrow transplantation, alloreactive donor T-cell activity must be suppressed. In this study, a narrow wavelength UVB lamp (TL01, 312 nm peak emission) was used to determine what doses of UVB were required to abolish rat lymphocyte proliferation while simultaneously preserving rat bone marrow progenitor cell and primitive hematopoietic stem cell viability. Lymphocyte proliferation, as measured by 3H-Thymidine incorporation, in response to lectin stimulation was abolished below detection at doses greater than 3,500 J/m2. When T-cell clonogenicity was measured in a limiting dilution assay, a small fraction (0.6%) was maintained at doses up to 4,000 J/m2. Cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) activity was reduced after treatment with 4,000 J/m2, but a significant level of cytotoxicity was still maintained. Natural killer cell cytolytic activity was not affected by doses up to 4,000 J/m2. At 4,000 J+m2 there was a 10% survival of colony-forming units-granulocyte-macrophage; a 1% and 4% survival of day-8 and day-12 colony-forming units-spleen, respectively; and 11% survival of marrow repopulating ability cells. Up to 25% of late cobblestone area forming cells (4 to 5 weeks), reflecting the more immature hematopoietic stem cells, were preserved in bone marrow treated with 4,000 J/m2, indicating that early stem cells are less sensitive to UVB damage than are more committed progenitor cells. Thus, a potential therapeutic window was established at approximately 4,000 J/m2 using this light source, whereby the potentially GVHD-inducing T cells were suppressed, but a sufficient proportion of the cells responsible for engraftment was maintained.


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This review describes an approach to the prevention of graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) and graft rejection following allogeneic BMT that differs from conventional methods. Ultraviolet (UV) irradiation inhibits the proliferative responses of lymphoid cells to mitogens and alloantigens by inactivation of T lymphocytes and dendritic cells, and in animal models this can prevent both GVHD and graft rejection. It is important that the marrow repopulating capacity of haemopoietic stem cells is not damaged by the irradiation process. We have found that polymorphic microsatellite markers are a sensitive way of assessing the impact of UV irradiation on chimerism after BMT in rodents.


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PURPOSE: Few studies have examined the impact of long-term treatments or exposures on the development of cataract in maturity-onset animal models. We studied the effect of treatment with D-pantethine and exposure to ultraviolet-B (UVB) radiation on the development of lenticular opacity in the Emory mouse. METHODS: A total of 164 Emory mice were randomized by litter at weaning to exposure to UVB light at 12 mJ/cm(2) for 6 hr/day (UV) or usual room light (A), and within litter, were further randomized to bi-weekly intra-peritoneal injections of 0.8 g/kg pantethine (T) or no treatment (C). Retro illumination lens photos were taken at 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 months after weaning, and graded in masked fashion. The animals were sacrificed at 10 months and the lenses analyzed for total pantethine and total cysteamine. RESULTS: Lens pantethine and cysteamine levels were significantly (P < 0.001) higher for the T as compared to C litters. Mean cataract grade increased monotonically over time for all four groups. Unadjusted mean grade for the AT group at 8 (1.32) and 10 (1.86) months appeared lower than for the other groups (AC: 2.17, 2.39; UVC: 1.77, 2.40; UVT: 1.88, 2.37). However, the mean grade for the pantethine-treated litters did not differ significantly from the untreated litters except at 2 months (when untreated litters had significantly lower grades), when adjusting for UV treatment, gender and litter effect. No significant difference in cataract score existed between UV-exposed and ambient litters. Mortality was higher among pantethine-treated (hazard ratio = 1.8, p = 0.05) and UV-exposed animals (hazard ratio = 1.8, p = 0. 03) than among the untreated and unexposed litters. CONCLUSION: Significantly increased lens levels of pantethine are achieved with long-term intra-peritoneal dosing. The impact of pantethine on the progression of lenticular opacity in the Emory mouse is less than has been reported in other models. This level of chronic UVB exposure appeared to have no effect on the development of cataract in this model.


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Recent atomic physics calculations for Si II are employed within the CLOUDY modelling code to analyse Hubble Space Telescope (HST) STIS ultraviolet spectra of three cool stars, β Geminorum, α Centauri A and B, as well as previously published HST/GHRS observations of α Tau, plus solar quiet Sun data from the High Resolution Telescope and Spectrograph. Discrepancies found previously between theory and observation for line intensity ratios involving the 3s23p 2PJ-3s3p2 4PJ' intercombination multiplet of Si II at ~ 2335 Å are significantly reduced, as are those for ratios containing the 3s23p 2PJ-3s3p2 2DJ ~ transitions at ~1816 Å. This is primarily due to the effect of the new Si II transition probabilities. However, these atomic data are not only very different from previous calculations, but also show large disagreements with measurements, specifically those of Calamai et al. for the intercombination lines. New measurements of transition probabilities for Si II are hence urgently required to confirm (or otherwise) the accuracy of the recently calculated values. If the new calculations are confirmed, then a long-standing discrepancy between theory and observation will have finally been resolved. However, if the older measurements are found to be correct, then the agreement between theory and observation is simply a coincidence and the existing discrepancies remain.