104 resultados para Toxin


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Langerhans cells (LCs) are dendritic cells (DCs) localized in stratified epithelia, such as those overlaying skin, buccal mucosa, and vagina. The contribution of LCs to the promotion or control of immunity initiated at epithelial sites remains debated. We report in this paper that an immunogen comprising OVA linked to the B subunit of cholera toxin, used as delivery vector, was efficient to generate CTLs after vaginal immunization. Using Lang-EGFP mice, we evaluated the contribution of distinct DC subsets to the generation of CD4 and CD8 T cell responses. We demonstrate that the vaginal epithelium, unlike the skin epidermis, includes a minor population of LCs and a major subset of langerin(-) DCs. Intravaginally administered Ag is taken up by LCs and langerin(-) DCs and carried up to draining lymph nodes, where both subsets prime CD8 T cells, unlike blood-derived DCs, although with distinct capabilities. LCs prime CD8 T cells with a cytokine profile dominated by IL-17, whereas Lang(-) DCs induce IFN-gamma-producing T cells. Using Lang-DTR-EGFP mice to ensure a transient ablation of LCs, we found that these cells not only are dispensable for the generation of genital CTL responses but also downregulate these responses, by a mechanism that may involve IL-10 and IL-17 cytokines. This finding has implications for the development of mucosal vaccines and immunotherapeutic strategies designed for the targeting of DCs.


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The origin and evolution of venom proteins in helodermatid lizards were investigated by multidisciplinary techniques. Our analyses elucidated novel toxin types resultant from three unique domain-expression processes: 1) The first full-length sequences of lethal toxin isoforms (helofensins) revealed this toxin type to be constructed by an ancestral monodomain, monoproduct gene (beta-defensin) that underwent three tandem domain duplications to encode a tetradomain, monoproduct with a possible novel protein fold; 2) an ancestral monodomain gene (encoding a natriuretic peptide) was medially extended to become a pentadomain, pentaproduct through the additional encoding of four tandemly repeated proline-rich peptides (helokinestatins), with the five discrete peptides liberated from each other by posttranslational proteolysis; and 3) an ancestral multidomain, multiproduct gene belonging to the vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP)/glucagon family being mutated to encode for a monodomain, monoproduct (exendins) followed by duplication and diversification into two variant classes (exendins 1 and 2 and exendins 3 and 4). Bioactivity characterization of exendin and helokinestatin elucidated variable cardioactivity between isoforms within each class. These results highlight the importance of utilizing evolutionary-based search strategies for biodiscovery and the virtually unexplored potential of lizard venoms in drug design and discovery.


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Paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) toxin monitoring in shellfish is currently performed using the internationally accredited AOAC mouse bioassay. Due to ethical and performance-related issues associated with this bioassay, the European Commission has recently published directives extending procedures that may be used for official PSP control. The feasibility of using a surface plasmon resonance optical biosensor to detect PSP toxins in shellfish tissue below regulatory levels was examined. Three different PSP toxin protein binders were investigated: a sodium channel receptor (SCR) preparation derived from rat brains, a monoclonal antibody (GT13-A) raised to gonyautoxin 2/3, and a rabbit polyclonal antibody (R895) raised to saxitoxin (STX). Inhibition assay formats were used throughout. Immobilization of STX to the biosensor chip surface was achieved via amino-coupling. Specific binding and inhibition of binding to this surface was achieved using all proteins tested. For STX calibration curves, 0 - 1000 ng/mL, IC50 values for each binder were as follows: SCR 8.11 ng/mL; GT13-A 5.77 ng/mL; and R895 1.56 ng/mL. Each binder demonstrated a different cross-reactivity profile against a range of STX analogues. R895 delivered a profile that was most likely to detect the widest range of PSP toxins at or below the internationally adopted regulatory limits.


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The mouse bioassay is the methodology that is most widely used to detect okadaic acid (OA) in shellfish samples. This is one of the best-known toxins, and it belongs to the family of marine biotoxins referred to as the diarrhetic shellfish poisons (DSP). Due to animal welfare concerns, alternative methods of toxin detection are being sought. A rapid and specific biosensor immunoassay method was developed and validated for the detection of OA. An optical sensor instrument based on the surface plasmon resonance (SPR) phenomenon was utilised. A polyclonal antibody to OA was raised against OA-bovine thyroglobulin conjugate and OA-N-hydroxy succinimide ester was immobilised onto an amine sensor chip surface. The assay parameters selected for the analysis of the samples were: antibody dilution, 1/750; ratio of antibody to standard, 1:1; volume of sample injected, 25 mu l min(-1); flow rate, 25 mu l min(-1). An assay action limit of 126 ng g(-1) was established by analysing of 20 shellfish samples spiked with OA at the critical concentration of 160 ng g(-1), which is the action limit established by the European Union (EU). At this concentration of OA, the assay delivered coefficient of variations (CVs) of


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A rapid and sensitive immuno-based screening method was developed to detect domoic acid (DA) present in extracts of shellfish species using a surface plasmon resonance-based optical biosensor. A rabbit polyclonal antibody raised against DA was mixed with standard or sample extracts and allowed to interact with DA immobilized onto a sensor chip surface. The characterization of the antibody strongly suggested high cross-reactivity with DA and important isomers of the toxin. The binding of this antibody to the sensor chip surface was inhibited in the presence of DA in either standard solutions or sample extracts. The DA chip surface proved to be highly stable, achieving approximately 800 analyses per chip without any loss of surface activity. A single analytical cycle (sample injection, chip regeneration, and system wash) took 10 min to complete. Sample analysis (scallops, mussels, cockles, oysters) was achieved by simple extraction with methanol. These extracts were then filtered and diluted before analysis. Detection limits in the ng/g range were achieved by the assay; however, the assay parameters chosen allowed the test to be performed most accurately at the European Union's official action limit for DA of 20 mu g/g. At this concentration, intra- and interassay variations were measured for a range of shellfish species and ranged from 4.5 to 7.4% and 2.3 to 9.7%, respectively.


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There is an increasing demand to develop biosensor monitoring devices capable of biomarker profiling for predicting animal adulteration and detecting multiple chemical contaminants or toxins in food produce. Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) biosensors are label free detection systems that monitor the binding of specific biomolecular recognition elements with binding partners. Essential to this technology are the production of biochips where a selected binding partner, antibody, biomarker protein or low molecular weight contaminant, is immobilised. A micro-fluidic immobilisation device allowing the covalent attachment of up to 16 binding partners in a linear array on a single surface has been developed for compatibility with a prototype multiplex SPR analyser.

The immobilisation unit and multiplex SPR analyser were respectively evaluated in their ability to be fit-for-purpose for binding partner attachment and detection of high and low molecular weight molecules. The multiplexing capability of the dual technology was assessed using phycotoxin concentration analysis as a model system. The parent compounds of four toxin groups were immobilised within a single chip format and calibration curves were achieved. The chip design and SPR technology allowed the compartmentalisation of the binding interactions for each toxin group offering the added benefit of being able to distinguish between toxin families and perform concentration analysis. This model is particularly contemporary with the current drive to replace biological methods for phycotoxin screening.


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We have investigated the effects of decreased levels of the complex between glycoprotein VI (GPVI) and the Fc receptor gamma-chain (FcRgamma) on responses to collagen and GPVI-specific ligands in murine platelets. We show that levels of GPVI-FcRgamma of the order of 50 % and 20 % of wild-type levels caused 2- and 5-fold shifts to the right respectively in the dose-response curve for aggregation in response to collagen, the snake toxin convulxin and the monoclonal antibody JAQ1. In addition, there is a delay in the onset of aggregation in response to collagen. In contrast, the stimulation of protein tyrosine phosphorylation by collagen (as measured after 150 s) and adhesion to a collagen-coated surface under static conditions were unaffected in platelets with 50 % and 20 % of wild-type levels of GPVI. In contrast, responses to a collagen-related peptide (CRP), made up of repeat glycine-proline-hydroxyproline motifs, were markedly inhibited and abolished in platelets expressing 50 % and 20 % of wild-type levels of GPVI respectively. We suggest that the marked effect of a reduction in GPVI levels on the CRP-induced activation of platelets is due to the multivalent nature of CRP and the fact that GPVI is its sole receptor on platelets. Thus it appears that the interaction of CRP with GPVI is determined by a combination of affinity and avidity. The observation that collagen does not behave like CRP in platelets expressing reduced levels of GPVI, even in the combined presence of blocking antibodies against integrin alpha2beta1 and GPV, suggests that collagen has a greater affinity than CRP for GPVI, and/or that other receptors are involved in its binding to platelets. The clinical significance of these results is discussed.


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The need for chemical and biological entities of predetermined selectivity and affinity towards target analytes is greater than ever, in applications such as environmental monitoring, bioterrorism detection and analysis of natural toxin contaminants in the food chain.


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Venom has only been recently discovered to be a basal trait of the Anguimorpha lizards. Consequently, very little is known about the timings of toxin recruitment events, venom protein molecular evolution, or even the relative physical diversifications of the venom system itself. A multidisciplinary approach was used to examine the evolution across the full taxonomical range of this similar to 130 million-year-old clade. Analysis of cDNA libraries revealed complex venom transcriptomes. Most notably, three new cardioactive peptide toxin types were discovered (celestoxin, cholecystokinin, and YY peptides). The latter two represent additional examples of convergent use of genes in toxic arsenals, both having previously been documented as components of frog skin defensive chemical secretions. Two other novel venom gland-overexpressed modified versions of other protein frameworks were also recovered from the libraries (epididymal secretory protein and ribonuclease). Lectin, hyaluronidase, and veficolin toxin types were sequenced for the first time from lizard venoms and shown to be homologous to the snake venom forms. In contrast, phylogenetic analyses demonstrated that the lizard natriuretic peptide toxins were recruited independently of the form in snake venoms. The de novo evolution of helokinestatin peptide toxin encoding do-mains within the lizard venom natriuretic gene was revealed to be exclusive to the helodermatid/anguid subclade. New isoforms were sequenced for cysteine-rich secretory protein, kallikrein, and phospholipase A 2 toxins. Venom gland morphological analysis revealed extensive evolutionary tinkering. Anguid glands are characterized by thin capsules and mixed glands, serous at the bottom of the lobule and mucous toward the apex. Twice, independently this arrangement was segregated into specialized serous protein-secreting glands with thick capsules with the mucous lobules now distinct (Heloderma and the Lanthanotus/Varanus clade). The results obtained highlight the importance of utilizing evolution-based search strategies for biodiscovery and emphasize the largely untapped drug design and development potential of lizard venoms. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 9:2369-2390, 2010.


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Distinct cell populations with regenerative capacity have been reported to contribute to myofibres after skeletal muscle injury, including non-satellite cells as well as myogenic satellite cells. However, the relative contribution of these distinct cell types to skeletal muscle repair and homeostasis and the identity of adult muscle stem cells remain unknown. We generated a model for the conditional depletion of satellite cells by expressing a human diphtheria toxin receptor under control of the murine Pax7 locus. Intramuscular injection of diphtheria toxin during muscle homeostasis, or combined with muscle injury caused by myotoxins or exercise, led to a marked loss of muscle tissue and failure to regenerate skeletal muscle. Moreover, the muscle tissue became infiltrated by inflammatory cells and adipocytes. This localised loss of satellite cells was not compensated for endogenously by other cell types, but muscle regeneration was rescued after transplantation of adult Pax7(+) satellite cells alone. These findings indicate that other cell types with regenerative potential depend on the presence of the satellite cell population, and these observations have important implications for myopathic conditions and stem cell-based therapeutic approaches.


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The C-type lectin langerin/CD207 was originally discovered as a specific marker for epidermal Langerhans cells (LC). Recently, additional and distinct subsets of langerin(+) dendritic cells (DC) have been identified in lymph nodes and peripheral tissues of mice. Although the role of LC for immune activation or modulation is now being discussed controversially, other langerin(+) DC appear crucial for protective immunity in a growing set of infection and vaccination models. In knock-in mice that express the human diphtheria toxin receptor under control of the langerin promoter, injection of diphtheria toxin ablates LC for several weeks whereas other langerin(+) DC subsets are replenished within just a few days. Thus, by careful timing of diphtheria toxin injections selective states of deficiency in either LC only or all langerin(+) cells can be established. Taking advantage of this system, we found that, unlike selective LC deficiency, ablation of all langerin(+) DC abrogated the activation of IFN-gamma producing and cytolytic CD8(+) T cells after gene gun vaccination. Moreover, we identified migratory langerin(+) dermal DC as the subset that directly activated CD8(+) T cells in lymph nodes. Langerin(+) DC were also critical for IgG1 but not IgG2a Ab induction, suggesting differential polarization of CD4(+) T helper cells by langerin(+) or langerin-negative DC, respectively. In contrast, protein vaccines administered with various adjuvants induced IgG1 independently of langerin(+) DC. Taken together, these findings reflect a highly specialized division of labor between different DC subsets both with respect to Ag encounter as well as downstream processes of immune activation. The Journal of Immunology, 2011, 186: 1377-1383.


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In plasma membranes derived from bovine mesenteric lymphatic smooth muscle cells, guanine nucleotide and forskolin stimulated adenylyl cyclase (AC) activity in a concentration-dependent manner, indicative of the presence of the stimulatory G-protein G(s) linked to AC. There was no significant enzyme inhibition by low concentrations of guanine nucleotide and no effect on basal or guanine nucleotide-stimulated activity following pertussis toxin treatment of cells, suggesting the absence of G(1) linked to inhibition of AC. Furthermore, there was no effect of adrenaline, isoprenaline or clonidine on basal or forskolin-stimulated activities, nor was there any specific binding of the beta-adrenoceptor ligand [I-125]cyanopindolol to membranes, suggesting that cate-cholamine receptors do not modulate AC activity in these membranes. Pertussis toxin-mediated ADP ribosylation of membrane proteins and Western immunoblotting analysis revealed the presence of G-protein subunits G(alpha l2), G(alpha q), G(alpha 11) and G(beta 1). In experiments designed to identify a possible effector enzyme for these G-proteins, membranes were screened with a range of antibodies raised against phospholipase C (PLC) beta, gamma and delta isozymes. Though no evidence was obtained by Western blotting for any of these proteins, PLC activity was concentration-dependently stimulated by Ca2+, but not by AlF4-, GTP[S], or purified G(beta gamma) subunits. Finally, no specific binding to membranes of the alpha(1)-adrenoceptor ligand [H-3]prazosin or the alpha(2)-adrenoceptor ligand [H-3]yohimbine was obtained. In conclusion, this study provides evidence for a G(s)-dependent stimulation of AC, and for the presence of G(2) and G(q11), which do not appear to regulate a PLC activity also identified in lymphatic smooth muscle cell membranes. Furthermore, neither AC nor PLC appear to be associated with catecholamine receptors. Copyright(C) 1996 Elsevier Science Inc.


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Paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) toxins are produced by certain marine dinoflagellates and may accumulate in bivalve molluscs through filter feeding. The Mouse Bioassay (MBA) is the internationally recognised reference method of analysis, but it is prone to technical difficulties and regarded with increasing disapproval due to ethical reasons. As such, alternative methods are required. A rapid surface plasmon resonance (SPR) biosensor inhibition assay was developed to detect PSP toxins in shellfish by employing a saxitoxin polyclonal antibody (R895). Using an assay developed for and validated on the Biacore Q biosensor system, this project focused on transferring the assay to a high-throughput, Biacore T100 biosensor in another laboratory. This was achieved using a prototype PSP toxin kit and recommended assay parameters based on the Biacore Q method. A monoclonal antibody (GT13A) was also assessed. Even though these two instruments are based on SPR principles, they vary widely in their mode of operation including differences in the integrated mu-fluidic cartridges, autosampler system, and sensor chip compatibilities. Shellfish samples (n = 60), extracted using a simple, rapid procedure, were analysed using each platform, and results were compared to AOAC high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and MBA methods. The overall agreement, based on statistical 2 x 2 comparison tables, between each method ranged from 85% to 94.4% using R895 and 77.8% to 100% using GT13A. The results demonstrated that the antibody based assays with high sensitivity and broad specificity to PSP toxins can be applied to different biosensor platforms. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In the present study the extraction of paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) toxins from a toxic strain of the marine dinoflagellate Alexandrium tamarense CCMP-1493 using various mechanical and/or physical procedures was investigated. PBS buffer was investigated as the extraction solvent in order for these procedures to be used directly with immuno-magnetic Ferrospheres-N. The extraction was performed following the determination of when toxin content by the algae was at its highest during batch culture. The methods used for cell lysis and toxin extraction included freeze-thawing, freeze-boiling, steel ball bearing beating, glass bead beating, and sonication. The steel ball bearing beating was determined to release a similar amount of toxin when compared to a modified standard extraction method which was reported to release 100% of toxins from the algal cells and was therefore used in the next phase of the study. This next phase was to determine the feasibility of utilising an antibody coupled to novel magnetic microspheres (Ferrospheres-N) as a simple, rapid immune-capture procedure for PSP toxins extracted from the algae. The effects of increasing mass of Ferrospheres-N on the immuno-capture of the PSP toxins from the toxic algal strain extracts were investigated. Toxin recovery was found to increase when an increasing mass of Ferrospheres-N was used until 96.2% (+/- 1.3 SD) of the toxin extracted from the cells was captured and eluted. Toxin recovery was determined by comparison to an appropriate PSP toxin standard curve following analysis by the AOAC HPLC method. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Currently, there are no fast in vitro broad spectrum screening bioassays for the detection of marine toxins. The aim of this study was to develop such an assay. In gene expression profiling experiments 17 marker genes were provisionally selected that were differentially regulated in human intestinal Caco-2 cells upon exposure to the lipophilic shellfish poisons azaspiracid-1 (AZA1) or dinophysis toxin-1 (DTX1). These 17 genes together with two control genes were the basis for the design of a tailored microarray platform for the detection of these marine toxins and potentially others. Five out of the 17 selected marker genes on this dedicated DNA microarray gave dear signals, whereby the resulting fingerprints could be used to detect these toxins. CEACAM1, DDIT4, and TUBB3 were up-regulated by both AZA1 and DTX1, TRIB3 was up-regulated by AZA1 only, and OSR2 by DTX1 only. Analysis by singleplex qRT-PCR revealed the up- and down-regulation of the selected RGS16 and NPPB marker genes by DTX1, that were not envisioned by the new developed dedicated array. The qRT-PCR targeting the DDIT4, RSG16 and NPPB genes thus already resulted in a specific pattern for AZA1 and DTX1 indicating that for this specific case qRT-PCR might a be more suitable approach than a dedicated array.