119 resultados para Stars: magnetic fields


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In this Letter, we demonstrate how the observation of broadband frequency propagating torsional Alfvén waves in chromospheric magnetic flux tubes can provide valuable insight into their magnetic field structure. By implementing a full nonlinear three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic numerical simulation with a realistic vortex driver, we demonstrate how the plasma structure of chromospheric magnetic flux tubes can act as a spatially dependent frequency filter for torsional Alfvén waves. Importantly, for solar magnetoseismology applications, this frequency filtering is found to be strongly dependent on magnetic field structure. With reference to an observational case study of propagating torsional Alfvén waves using spectroscopic data from the Swedish Solar Telescope, we demonstrate how the observed two-dimensional spatial distribution of maximum power Fourier frequency shows a strong correlation with our forward model. This opens the possibility of beginning an era of chromospheric magnetoseismology, to complement the more traditional methods of mapping the magnetic field structure of the solar chromosphere.


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Transport of fast electrons driven by an ultraintense laser through a tracer layer buried in solid targets is studied by particle-in-cell simulations. It is found that intense resistive magnetic fields, having a magnitude of several thousand Tesla, are generated at the interfaces of the materials due to the steep resistivity gradient between the target and tracer layer. Such magnetic fields can significantly inhibit the fast electron propagation. The electrons that can penetrate the first interface are mostly confined in the buried layer by the magnetic fields and cause heating of the tracer layer. The lateral extent of the heated region can be significantly larger than that of the relativistic electron beam. This finding suggests that the relativistic electron divergence inferred from Ká x-ray emission in experiments might be overestimated.


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Several animals and microbes have been shown to be sensitive to magnetic fields, though the exact mechanisms of this ability remain unclear in many animals. Chitons are marine molluscs which have high levels of biomineralised magnetite coating their radulae. This discovery led to persistent anecdotal suggestions that they too may be able to navigationally respond to magnetic fields. Several researchers have attempted to test this, but to date there have been no large-scale controlled empirical trials. In the current study, four chiton species (Katharina tunicata, Mopalia kennerleyi, Mopalia muscosa and Leptochiton rugatus, n=24 in each) were subjected to natural and artificially rotated magnetic fields while their movement through an arena was recorded over four hours. Field orientation did not influence the position of the chitons at the end of trials, possibly as a result of the primacy of other sensory cues (i.e. thigmotaxis). Under non-rotated magnetic field conditions, the orientation of subjects when they first reached the edge of an arena was clustered around 309-345 degrees (north-north-west) in all four species. However, orientations were random under the rotated magnetic field, which may indicate a disruptive effect of field rotation. This pattern suggests that chitons can detect and respond to magnetism.


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Aims: In this paper we aim to investigate the evolution of plasmaproperties and Stokes parameters in photospheric magnetic bright pointsusing 3D magneto-hydrodynamical simulations and radiative diagnostics ofsolar granulation.

Methods: Simulated time-dependent radiationparameters and plasma properties were investigated throughout theevolution of a bright point. Synthetic Stokes profiles for the FeI630.25 nm line were calculated, which also allowed the evolution of theStokes-I line strength and Stokes-V area and amplitude asymmetries to beinvestigated.

Results: Our results are consistent withtheoretical predictions and published observations describing convectivecollapse, and confirm this as the bright point formation process.Through degradation of the simulated data to match the spatialresolution of SOT, we show that high spatial resolution is crucial forthe detection of changing spectro-polarimetric signatures throughout amagnetic bright point's lifetime. We also show that the signaturedownflow associated with the convective collapse process tends towardszero as the radiation intensity in the bright point peaks, because ofthe magnetic forces present restricting the flow of material in the fluxtube.


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The creation of large magnetic fields is a necessary component in many technologies, ranging from magnetic resonance imaging, electric motors and generators, and magnetic hard disk drives in information storage. This is typically done by inserting a ferromagnetic pole piece with a large magnetisation density MS in a solenoid. In addition to large MS, it is usually required or desired that the ferromagnet is magnetically soft and has a Curie temperature well above the operating temperature of the device. A variety of ferromagnetic materials are currently in use, ranging from FeCo alloys in, for example, hard disk drives, to rare earth metals operating at cryogenic temperatures in superconducting solenoids. These latter can exceed the limit on MS for transition metal alloys given by the Slater-Pauling curve. This article reviews different materials and concepts in use or proposed for technological applications that require a large MS, with an emphasis on nanoscale material systems, such as thin and ultra-thin films. Attention is also paid to other requirements or properties, such as the Curie temperature and magnetic softness. In a final summary, we evaluate the actual applicability of the discussed materials for use as pole tips in electromagnets, in particular, in nanoscale magnetic hard disk drive read-write heads; the technological advancement of the latter has been a very strong driving force in the development of the field of nanomagnetism.


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Collimated transport of fast electron beam through solid density matter is one of the key issues behind the success of the fast ignition scheme by means of which the required amount of ignition energy can be delivered to the hot spot region of the compressed fuel. Here we report on a hot electron beam collimation scheme in solids by tactfully using the strong magnetic fields generated by an electrical resistivity gradient according to Faraday's law. This was accomplished by appropriately fabricating the targets in such a way that the electron beam is directed to flow in a metal which is embedded in a much lower resistivity and atomic number metal. Experimental results showed guided transport of hot electron beam over hundreds of microns length inside solid density plasma, which were obtained from two experiments examining the scheme for petawatt laser driven hot electron beam while employing various target configurations.


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We present a long-term study of the secondary star in the cataclysmic variable AE Aqr, using Roche tomography to indirectly image starspots on the stellar surface spanning 8 years of observations. The seven maps show an abundance of spot features at both high and low latitudes. We find that all maps have at least one large high-latitude spot region, and we discuss its complex evolution between maps, as well as its compatibility with current dynamo theories. Furthermore, we see the apparent growth in fractional spot coverage, fs, around 45° latitude over the duration of observations, with a persistently high fs near latitudes of 20°. These bands of spots may form as part of a magnetic activity cycle, with magnetic flux tubes emerging at different latitudes, similar to the `butterfly' diagram for the Sun. We discuss the nature of flux tube emergence in close binaries, as well as the activity of AE Aqr in the context of other stars.


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Aims. Projected rotational velocities (ve sin i) have been estimated for 334 targets in the VLT-FLAMES Tarantula Survey that do not manifest significant radial velocity variations and are not supergiants. They have spectral types from approximately O9.5 to B3. The estimates have been analysed to infer the underlying rotational velocity distribution, which is critical for understanding the evolution of massive stars. Methods. Projected rotational velocities were deduced from the Fourier transforms of spectral lines, with upper limits also being obtained from profile fitting. For the narrower lined stars, metal and non-diffuse helium lines were adopted, and for the broader lined stars, both non-diffuse and diffuse helium lines; the estimates obtained using the different sets of lines are in good agreement. The uncertainty in the mean estimates is typically 4% for most targets. The iterative deconvolution procedure of Lucy has been used to deduce the probability density distribution of the rotational velocities. Results. Projected rotational velocities range up to approximately 450 kms-1 and show a bi-modal structure. This is also present in the inferred rotational velocity distribution with 25% of the sample having 0 <ve <100 km s-1 and the high velocity component having ve ∼ 250 km s-1. There is no evidence from the spatial and radial velocity distributions of the two components that they represent either field and cluster populations or different episodes of star formation. Be-type stars have also been identified. Conclusions. The bi-modal rotational velocity distribution in our sample resembles that found for late-B and early-A type stars.While magnetic braking appears to be a possible mechanism for producing the low-velocity component, we can not rule out alternative explanations. © ESO 2013.


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Channel formation during the propagation of a high-energy (120 J) and long duration (30 ps) laser pulse through an underdense deuterium plasma has been spatially and temporally resolved via means of a proton imaging technique, with intrinsic resolutions of a few micron and a few ps, respectively. Conclusive proof is provided that strong azimuthally symmetric magnetic fields with a strength of around 0.5 MG are created inside the channel, consistent with the generation of a collimated beam of
relativistic electrons. The inferred electron beam characteristics may have implications for the cone-free fast-ignition scheme of inertial confinement fusion


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Ellerman Bombs (EBs) are often found to be co-spatial with bipolar photospheric magnetic fields. We use Hα imaging spectroscopy along with Fe i 6302.5 Å spectropolarimetry from the Swedish 1 m Solar Telescope (SST), combined with data from the Solar Dynamic Observatory, to study EBs and the evolution of the local magnetic fields at EB locations. EBs are found via an EB detection and tracking algorithm. Using NICOLE inversions of the spectropolarimetric data, we find that, on average, (3.43 ± 0.49) × 1024 erg of stored magnetic energy disappears from the bipolar region during EB burning. The inversions also show flux cancellation rates of 1014–1015 Mx s‑1 and temperature enhancements of 200 K at the detection footpoints. We investigate the near-simultaneous flaring of EBs due to co-temporal flux emergence from a sunspot, which shows a decrease in transverse velocity when interacting with an existing, stationary area of opposite polarity magnetic flux, resulting in the formation of the EBs. We also show that these EBs can be fueled further by additional, faster moving, negative magnetic flux regions.


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The aim of this study is to explore the suitability of chromospheric images for magnetic modeling of active regions. We use high-resolutionimages (≈0.2"-0.3"), from the Interferometric Bidimensional Spectrometer in the Ca II 8542 Å line, the Rapid Oscillations in the Solar Atmosphere instrument in the Hα 6563Å line, the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph in the 2796Å line, and compare non-potential magnetic field models obtainedfrom those chromospheric images with those obtained from images of the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly in coronal (171 Å, etc.) and inchromospheric (304 Å) wavelengths. Curvi-linear structures are automatically traced in those images with the OCCULT-2 code, to which we forward-fitted magnetic field lines computed with the Vertical-current Approximation Nonlinear Force Free Field code. We find that the chromospheric images: (1) reveal crisp curvi-linear structures (fibrils, loop segments, spicules) that are extremely well-suited for constraining magnetic modeling; (2) that these curvi-linear structures arefield-aligned with the best-fit solution by a median misalignment angle of μ2 ≈ 4°–7° (3) the free energy computed from coronal data may underestimate that obtained from chromospheric data by a factor of ≈2–4, (4) the height range of chromospheric features is confined to h≲4000 km, while coronal features are detected up to h = 35,000 km; and (5) the plasma-β parameter is β ≈ 10^-5 - 10^-1 for all traced features. We conclude that chromospheric images reveal important magnetic structures that are complementary to coronal images and need to be included in comprehensive magnetic field models, something that is currently not accomodated in standard NLFFF codes.


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We have measured the electrical transport properties of mats of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNT) as a function of applied electric and magnetic fields. We find that at low temperatures the resistance as a function of temperature R(T) follows the Mott variable range hopping (VRH) formula for hopping in three dimensions. Measurement of the electric field dependence of the resistance R(E) allows for the determination of the Bohr radius of a localized state a = 700nm. The magnetoresistance (MR) of SWNT mat samples is large and negative at all temperatures and fields studied. The low field negative MR is proportional to H2, in agreement with variable range hopping in two or three dimensions. 3D VRH indicates good intertube contacts, implying that the localization is due to the disorder experienced by the individual tubes. The 3D localization radius gives a measure of the ID localization length on the individual tubes, which we estimate to be >700 nm. Implications for the electron-phonon mean free path are discussed.


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This paper reviews recent experimental activity in the area of optimization, control, and application of laser accelerated proton beams, carried out at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory and the Laboratoire pour l’Utilisation des Lasers Intenses 100 TW facility in France. In particular, experiments have investigated the role of the scale length at the rear of the plasma in reducing target-normal-sheath-acceleration acceleration efficiency. Results match with recent theoretical predictions and provide information in view of the feasibility of proton fast-ignition applications. Experiments aiming to control the divergence of the proton beams have investigated the use of a laser-triggered microlens, which employs laser-driven transient electric fields in cylindrical geometry, enabling to focus the emitted
protons and select monochromatic beam lets out of the broad spectrum beam. This approach could be advantageous in view
of a variety of applications. The use of laser-driven protons as a particle probe for transient field detection has been developed and
applied to a number of experimental conditions. Recent work in this area has focused on the detection of large-scale self-generated magnetic fields in laser-produced plasmas and the investigation of fields associated to the propagation of relativistic electron both on the surface and in the bulk of targets irradiated by high-power laser pulses.


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The characterization of a direct current, low-pressure, and high-density reflex discharge plasma source operating in argon and in nitrogen, over a range of pressures 1.0-10(-2) mbar, discharge currents 20-200 mA, and magnetic fields 0-120 G, and its parametric characterization is presented. Both external parameters, such as the breakdown potential and the discharge voltage-current characteristic, and internal parameters, like the charge carrier's temperature and density, plasma potential, floating potential, and electron energy distribution function, were measured. The electron energy distribution functions are bi-Maxwellian, but some structure is observed in these functions in nitrogen plasmas. There is experimental evidence for the existence of three groups of electrons within this reflex discharge plasma. Due to the enhanced hollow cathode effect by the magnetic trapping of electrons, the density of the cold group of electrons is as high as 10(18) m(-3), and the temperature is as low as a few tenths of an electron volt. The bulk plasma density scales with the dissipated power. Another important feature of this reflex plasma source is its high degree of uniformity, while the discharge bulk region is free of electric field. (C) 2002 American Institute of Physics.


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The string mode of operation for an electron beam ion source uses axially oscillating electrons in order to reduce power consumption, also simplifying the construction by omitting the collector with cooling requirements and has been called electron string ion source (ESIS). We have started a project (supported by INTAS and GSI) to use Schottky field emitting cathode tips for generating the electron string. The emission from these specially conditioned tips is higher by orders of magnitude than the focused Brillouin current density at magnetic fields of some Tesla and electron energies of some keV. This may avoid the observed instabilities in the transition from axially oscillating electrons to the string state of the electron plasma, opening a much wider field of possible operating parameters for an ESIS. Besides the presentation of the basic features, we emphasize in this paper a method to avoid damaging of the field, emission tip by backstreaming ions. (C) 2008 American Institute of Physics.