59 resultados para SYNAPTIC DEPRESSION


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Epidermal growth factor receptor pathway substrate clone 15 (Eps15) is a protein implicated in endocytosis, endosomal protein sorting, and cytoskeletal organization. Its role is, however, still unclear, because of reasons including limitations of dominant-negative experiments and apparent redundancy with other endocytic proteins. We generated Drosophila eps15-null mutants and show that Eps15 is required for proper synaptic bouton development and normal levels of synaptic vesicle (SV) endocytosis. Consistent with a role in SV endocytosis, Eps15 moves from the center of synaptic boutons to the periphery in response to synaptic activity. The endocytic protein, Dap160/intersectin, is a major binding partner of Eps15, and eps15 mutants phenotypically resemble dap160 mutants. Analyses of eps15 dap160 double mutants suggest that Eps15 functions in concert with Dap160 during SV endocytosis. Based on these data, we hypothesize that Eps15 and Dap160 promote the efficiency of endocytosis from the plasma membrane by maintaining high concentrations of multiple endocytic proteins, including dynamin, at synapses.


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Although the synapsin phosphoproteins were discovered more than 30 years ago and are known to play important roles in neurotransmitter release and synaptogenesis, a complete picture of their functions within the nerve terminal is lacking. It has been shown that these proteins play an important role in the clustering of synaptic vesicles (SVs) at active zones and function as modulators of synaptic strength by acting at both pre- and postdocking levels. Recent studies have demonstrated that synapsins migrate to the endocytic zone of central synapses during neurotransmitter release, which suggests that there are additional functions for these proteins in SV recycling.


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Intersectin is a multidomain dynamin-binding protein implicated in numerous functions in the nervous system, including synapse formation and endocytosis. Here, we demonstrate that during neurotransmitter release in the central synapse, intersectin, like its binding partner dynamin, is redistributed from the synaptic vesicle pool to the periactive zone. Acute perturbation of the intersectin-dynamin interaction by microinjection of either intersectin antibodies or Src homology 3 (SH3) domains inhibited endocytosis at the fission step. Although the morphological effects induced by the different reagents were similar, antibody injections resulted in a dramatic increase in dynamin immunoreactivity around coated pits and at constricted necks, whereas synapses microinjected with the GST (glutathione S-transferase)-SH3C domain displayed reduced amounts of dynamin in the neck region. Our data suggest that intersectin controls the amount of dynamin released from the synaptic vesicle cluster to the periactive zone and that it may regulate fission of clathrin-coated intermediates.


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Amphiphysin is a protein enriched at mammalian synapses thought to function as a clathrin accessory factor in synaptic vesicle endocytosis. Here we examine the involvement of amphiphysin in synaptic vesicle recycling at the giant synapse in the lamprey. We show that amphiphysin resides in the synaptic vesicle cluster at rest and relocates to sites of endocytosis during synaptic activity. It accumulates at coated pits where its SH3 domain, but not its central clathrin/AP-2-binding (CLAP) region, is accessible for antibody binding. Microinjection of antibodies specifically directed against the CLAP region inhibited recycling of synaptic vesicles and caused accumulation of clathrin-coated intermediates with distorted morphology, including flat patches of coated presynaptic membrane. Our data provide evidence for an activity-dependent redistribution of amphiphysin in intact nerve terminals and show that amphiphysin is a component of presynaptic clathrin-coated intermediates formed during synaptic vesicle recycling.


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During the past decade, many molecular components of clathrin-mediated endocytosis have been identified and proposed to play various hypothetical roles in the process [Nat. Rev. Neurosci. 1 (2000) 161; Nature 422 (2003) 37]. One limitation to the evaluation of these hypotheses is the efficiency and resolution of immunolocalization protocols currently in use. In order to facilitate the evaluation of these hypotheses and to understand more fully the molecular mechanisms of clathrin-mediated endocytosis, we have developed a protocol allowing enhanced and reliable subcellular immunolocalization of proteins in synaptic endocytic zones in situ. Synapses established by giant reticulospinal axons in lamprey are used as a model system for these experiments. These axons are unbranched and reach up to 80-100 microm in diameter. Synaptic active zones and surrounding endocytic zones are established on the surface of the axonal cylinder. To provide access for antibodies to the sites of synaptic vesicle recycling, axons are lightly fixed and cut along their longitudinal axis. To preserve the ultrastructure of the synaptic endocytic zone, antibodies are applied without the addition of detergents. Opened axons are incubated with primary antibodies, which are detected with secondary antibodies conjugated to gold particles. Specimens are then post-fixed and processed for electron microscopy. This approach allows preservation of the ultrastructure of the endocytic sites during immunolabeling procedures, while simultaneously achieving reliable immunogold detection of proteins on endocytic intermediates. To explore the utility of this approach, we have investigated the localization of a GTPase, dynamin, on clathrin-coated intermediates in the endocytic zone of the lamprey giant synapse. Using the present immunogold protocol, we confirm the presence of dynamin on late stage coated pits [Nature 422 (2003) 37] and also demonstrate that dynamin is recruited to the coat of endocytic intermediates from the very early stages of the clathrin coat formation. Thus, our experiments show that the current pre-embedding immunogold method is a useful experimental tool to study the molecular mechanisms of synaptic vesicle recycling.


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It has been hypothesized that in the mature nerve terminal, interactions between synapsin and actin regulate the clustering of synaptic vesicles and the availability of vesicles for release during synaptic activity. Here, we have used immunogold electron microscopy to examine the subcellular localization of actin and synapsin in the giant synapse in lamprey at different states of synaptic activity. In agreement with earlier observations, in synapses at rest, synapsin immunoreactivity was preferentially localized to a portion of the vesicle cluster distal to the active zone. During synaptic activity, however, synapsin was detected in the pool of vesicles proximal to the active zone. In addition, actin and synapsin were found colocalized in a dynamic filamentous cytomatrix at the sites of synaptic vesicle recycling, endocytic zones. Synapsin immunolabeling was not associated with clathrin-coated intermediates but was found on vesicles that appeared to be recycling back to the cluster. Disruption of synapsin function by microinjection of antisynapsin antibodies resulted in a prominent reduction of the cytomatrix at endocytic zones of active synapses. Our data suggest that in addition to its known function in clustering of vesicles in the reserve pool, synapsin migrates from the synaptic vesicle cluster and participates in the organization of the actin-rich cytomatrix in the endocytic zone during synaptic activity.


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Background: Links between mothers' postnatal depression (PND) and children's cognition have been identified in several samples, but the evidence is inconsistent. We hypothesized that PND may specifically interfere with infants' imitation, an early learning ability that features in early mother-infant interaction and is linked to memory, causal understanding and joint attention. 

Methods: A randomly controlled experiment on imitation was embedded into a longitudinal study of a representative sample of firstborn British infants, whose mothers were assessed for depression using the SCAN interview during pregnancy and at 6 months postpartum. At a mean of 12.8 months, 253 infants were presented with two imitation tasks that varied in difficulty, in counterbalanced order. 

Results: The infants of mothers who experienced PND were significantly less likely than other infants in the sample to imitate the modelled actions, showing a 72% reduction in the likelihood of imitation. The association with PND was not explained by sociodemographic adversity, or a history of depression during pregnancy or prior to conception. Mothers' references to infants' internal states during mother-infant interaction at 6 months facilitated imitation at 12 months, but did not explain the link with PND. 

Conclusions: The findings support the hypothesis that associations between PND and later cognitive outcomes may partly derive from effects of the mother's illness on infants' early learning abilities. Support for infants' learning should be considered as an age-appropriate, child-focused component of interventions designed to ameliorate the effects of PND.


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Purpose: To study associations between strabismus and alcohol use, anxiety, and depression among 10- to 17-year-old children in Guangdong, southern China. Design: Cross-sectional, population-based study. Methods: Among 7537 children aged 6-17 years from 9 randomly selected primary and middle schools, ocular alignment was assessed with the Hirschberg light reflex, cover-uncover testing, and alternate cover testing at distance (6 m) and near (40 cm). Additionally, 4000 children (53.1%) aged 10+ years received self-administered questionnaires containing screening questions on alcohol use, anxiety, and depression. Results: Examinations were completed on 7464 of 7537 subjects (99.0%), including 3928 boys (52.6%), with a mean age of 11.1 ± 1.8 years. The prevalence of any strabismus, including exotropia (2.7%), esotropia (0.2%), and intermittent exotropia (3.9%), was 6.8%. Strabismus was more prevalent in urban students (7.3%) and female subjects (7.4%) compared to rural students (6.0%) and male subjects (6.2%) (all P <.05). In multivariate regression models, any strabismus was associated with older age and rural vs urban residence. Among 3903 children (97.6%) answering questionnaires, history of alcohol use (62.3% vs 36.3%) and positive screening responses for depression (26.0% vs 11.6%) and anxiety (10.3% vs 4.9%) were significantly (P <.01 for all) more common among children with strabismus. Conclusion: These Chinese children with strabismus had a significantly higher prevalence of alcohol use and possible markers of emotional problems than children without strabismus. Further research should focus on the appropriateness of classifying surgical treatment for strabismus as "cosmetic" (ineligible for reimbursement) under China's rural health insurance.


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Background: Male suicide prevention strategies include diagnosis and effective management of men’s depression. Fundamental to suicide prevention efforts is public awareness, which in turn, is influenced by literacy levels about men’s depression and suicide.

Aim: To examine sex differences in mental health literacy with respect to men’s depression and suicide among a cohort of Canadian respondents.

Methods: 901 English-speaking Canadian men and women completed online survey questionnaires to evaluate mental health literacy levels using 10-item D-Lit and 8-item LOSS questionnaires, which assess factual knowledge concerning men’s depression and suicide. Statistical tests (chi-square, z-test) were used to identify significant differences between sex sub-groups at 95% confidence.

Results: Overall, respondents correctly identified 67% of questions measuring literacy levels about male depression. Respondents’ male suicide literacy was significantly poorer at 53.7%. Misperceptions were especially evident in terms of differentiating men’s depressive symptoms from other mental illnesses,
estimating prevalence and identifying factors linked to male suicide. Significant sex differences highlighted that females had higher literacy levels than men in regard to male depression.

Conclusions: Implementing gender sensitive and specific programs to target and advance literacy levels about men’s depression may be key to ultimately reducing depression and suicide among men in Canada.


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BACKGROUND: Behavioral factors are important in disease incidence and mortality and may explain associations between mortality and various psychological traits.

PURPOSE: These analyses investigated the impact of behavioral factors on the associations between depression, hostility and cardiovascular disease(CVD) incidence, CVD mortality, and all-cause mortality.

METHODS: Data from the PRIME Study (N = 6953 men) were analyzed using Cox proportional hazards models, following adjustment for demographic and biological CVD risk factors, and other psychological traits, including social support.

RESULTS: Following initial adjustment, both depression and hostility were significantly associated with both mortality outcomes (smallest SHR = 1.24, p < 0.001). Following adjustment for behavioral factors, all relationships were attenuated both when accounting for and not accounting for other psychological variables. Associations with all-cause mortality remained significant (smallest SHR = 1.14, p = 0.04). Of the behaviors included, the most significant contribution to outcomes was found for smoking, but a role was also found for fruit and vegetable intakes and high alcohol consumption.

CONCLUSIONS: These findings demonstrate well-known associations between depression, hostility, and mortality and suggest the potential importance of behaviors in explaining these relationships.