123 resultados para STARS: CHEMICALLY PECULIAR


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Aims. We have previously analysed the spectra of 135 early B-type stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) and found several groups of stars that have chemical compositions that conflict with the theory of rotational mixing. Here we extend this study to Galactic and Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) metallicities.


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The first step of the mineralisation of fosfomycin by R. huakuii PMY1 is hydrolytic ring opening with the formation of (1R, 2R)-1,2-dihydroxypropylphosphonic acid. This phosphonic acid and its three stereoisomers were synthesised by chemical means and tested as their ammonium salts for mineralisation as evidenced by release of P-i. Only the (1R, 2R)-isomer was degraded. A number of salts of phosphonic acids such as (+/-)-1,2-epoxybutyl-, (+/-)-1,2-dihydroxyethyl-, 2-oxopropyl-, (+/-)-2-hydroxypropyl-, (+/-)-1-hydroxypropyl- and (+/-)-1-hydroxy-2-oxopropylphosphonic acid were synthesised chemically, but none supported growth. In vitro C-P bond cleavage activity was however detected with the last phosphonic acid. A mechanism involving phosphite had to be discarded as it could not be used as a phosphorus source. R. huakuii PMY1 grew well on (R)- and ( S)- lactic acid and hydroxyacetone, but less well on propionic acid and not on acetone or (R)- and (+/-)-1,2-propanediol. The Pi released from (1R, 2R)-1,2-dihydroxypropylphosphonic acid labelled with one oxygen-18 in the PO3H2 group did not stay long enough in the cells to allow complete exchange of O-18 for O-16 by enzymic turnover.


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We present observations of two new single-lined eclipsing binaries, both consisting of an Am star and an M-dwarf, discovered by the Wide Angle Search for Planets transit photometry survey. Using WASP photometry and spectroscopic measurements we find that HD 186753B has an orbital period of P=1.9194 days, a mass of M=0.24±0.02~M? and radius of R=0.31+0.06-0.06~R?; and that TCY7096-222-1B has an orbital period of P=8.9582 days, a mass of between 0.29 and 0.54 M? depending on eccentricity and radius of R=0.263+0.02-0.07~R?. We find that the Am stars have relatively low rotational velocities that closely match the orbital velocities of the M-dwarfs, suggesting that they have been “spun-down” by the M-dwarfs.


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Natural Bulgarian clinoptilolite from the south-eastern Rhodopes mountain was modified through treatment with hydrochloric acid with various normality, both single and repeatedly, as well as through a charring of a preliminary obtained NH4-form. The parameters concerning the uptake of the ion-exchangeable cations (Ca2+, Na+ and K+), as well as the uptake of aluminium from the natural material were calculated on the basis of the chemical contents. The highest extent of cations removal was attained in the case of the treatment with NH4Cl solution, while the highest aluminium deficiency was established in the samples treated by hydrochloric acid solutions with increasing concentration. Sulfur dioxide adsorption on the obtained decationised and dealuminised samples was studied according to the frontal-dynamic method. The parameters of the breakthrough curves, namely breakthrough time, saturation time and some of the statistical moments of the curve distribution, were determined. The dynamic adsorption capacities were also specified. Comparing the momentum values it was established that as a result of the natural zeolite treatment with NH4Cl and with low concentrated acid, the diffusion resistance decreases because of the dominant exchange of the presenting exchangeable cations in the samples with the smaller size protons and because of enlargement of the pores opening. Intensified dealuminisation was observed when more concentrated acid solutions are used. The capacity is enhanced, probably due to an increase in the total pore volume.


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The final fate of massive stars depends on many factors. Theory suggests that some with initial masses greater than 25 to 30 solar masses end up as Wolf-Rayet stars, which are deficient in hydrogen in their outer layers because of mass loss through strong stellar winds. The most massive of these stars have cores which may form a black hole and theory predicts that the resulting explosion of some of them produces ejecta of low kinetic energy, a faint optical luminosity and a small mass fraction of radioactive nickel. An alternative origin for low-energy supernovae is the collapse of the oxygen-neon core of a star of 7-9 solar masses. No weak, hydrogen-deficient, core-collapse supernovae have hitherto been seen. Here we report that SN 2008ha is a faint hydrogen-poor supernova. We propose that other similar events have been observed but have been misclassified as peculiar thermonuclear supernovae (sometimes labelled SN 2002cx-like events). This discovery could link these faint supernovae to some long-duration gamma-ray bursts, because extremely faint, hydrogen-stripped core-collapse supernovae have been proposed to produce such long gamma-ray bursts, the afterglows of which do not show evidence of associated supernovae.


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We present the results of a 10.5-yr, volume-limited (28-Mpc) search for supernova (SN) progenitor stars. In doing so we compile all SNe discovered within this volume (132, of which 27 per cent are Type Ia) and determine the relative rates of each subtype from literature studies. The core-collapse SNe break down into 59 per cent II-P and 29 per cent Ib/c, with the remainder being IIb (5 per cent), IIn (4 per cent) and II-L (3 per cent). There have been 20 II-P SNe with high-quality optical or near-infrared pre-explosion images that allow a meaningful search for the progenitor stars. In five cases they are clearly red supergiants, one case is unconstrained, two fall on compact coeval star clusters and the other twelve have no progenitor detected. We review and update all the available data for the host galaxies and SN environments (distance, metallicity and extinction) and determine masses and upper mass estimates for these 20 progenitor stars using the STARS stellar evolutionary code and a single consistent homogeneous method. A maximum likelihood calculation suggests that the minimum stellar mass for a Type II-P to form is m(min) = 8.5(-1.5)(+1) M-circle dot and the maximum mass for II-P progenitors is m(max) = 16.5 +/- 1.5 M-circle dot, assuming a Salpeter initial mass function holds for the progenitor population (in the range Gamma = -1.35(-0.7)(+0.3)). The minimum mass is consistent with current estimates for the upper limit to white dwarf progenitor masses, but the maximum mass does not appear consistent with massive star populations in Local Group galaxies. Red supergiants in the Local Group have masses up to 25 M-circle dot and the minimum mass to produce a Wolf-Rayet star in single star evolution (between solar and LMC metallicity) is similarly 25-30 M-circle dot. The reason we have not detected any high-mass red supergiant progenitors above 17 M-circle dot is unclear, but we estimate that it is statistically significant at 2.4 sigma confidence. Two simple reasons for this could be that we have systematically underestimated the progenitor masses due to dust extinction or that stars between 17-25 M-circle dot produce other kinds of SNe which are not II-P. We discuss these possibilities and find that neither provides a satisfactory solution. We term this discrepancy the 'red supergiant problem' and speculate that these stars could have core masses high enough to form black holes and SNe which are too faint to have been detected. We compare the Ni-56 masses ejected in the SNe to the progenitor mass estimates and find that low-luminosity SNe with low Ni-56 production are most likely to arise from explosions of low-mass progenitors near the mass threshold that can produce a core-collapse.


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It has been widely thought that measuring the misalignment angle between the orbital plane of a transiting exoplanet and the spin of its host star was a good discriminator between different migration processes for hot-Jupiters. Specifically, well-aligned hot-Jupiter systems (as measured by the Rossiter-McLaughlin effect) were thought to have formed via migration through interaction with a viscous disc, while misaligned systems were thought to have undergone a more violent dynamical history. These conclusions were based on the assumption that the planet-forming disc was well-aligned with the host star. Recent work by Lai et al. has challenged this assumption, and proposes that the star-disc interaction in the pre-main sequence phase can exert a torque on the star and change its rotation axis angle. We have estimated the stellar rotation axis of a sample of stars which host spatially resolved debris disks. Comparison of our derived stellar rotation axis inclination angles with the geometrically measured debris-disk inclinations shows no evidence for a misalignment between the two.


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The stellar rotation periods of 10 exoplanet host stars have been determined using newly analysed CaII H&K flux records from the Mount Wilson Observatory and Strömgren b, y photometric measurements from Tennessee State University's automatic photometric telescopes at the Fairborn Observatory. Five of the rotation periods have not previously been reported, with that of HD 130322 very strongly detected at Prot = 26.1 +/- 3.5 d. The rotation periods of five other stars have been updated using new data. We use the rotation periods to derive the line-of-sight inclinations of the stellar rotation axes, which may be used to probe theories of planet formation and evolution when combined with the planetary orbital inclination found from other methods. Finally, we estimate the masses of 14 exoplanets under the assumption that the stellar rotation axis is aligned with the orbital axis. We calculate the mass of HD 92788 b (28 MJ) to be within the low-mass brown dwarf regime and suggest that this object warrants further investigation to confirm its true nature.


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Context. Rotational mixing in massive stars is a widely applied concept, with far-reaching consequences for stellar evolution, nucleosynthesis, and stellar explosions.


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We present near- (NIR) and mid-infrared (MIR) photometric data of the Type Ibn supernova (SN) 2006jc obtained with the United Kingdom Infrared Telescope (UKIRT), the Gemini North Telescope and the Spitzer Space Telescope between days 86 and 493 post-explosion. We find that the IR behaviour of SN 2006jc can be explained as a combination of IR echoes from two manifestations of circumstellar material. The bulk of the NIR emission arises from an IR echo from newly condensed dust in a cool dense shell (CDs) produced by the interaction of the ejecta Outward shock with a dense shell of circumstellar material ejected by the progenitor in a luminous blue variable (LBV)-like outburst about two years prior to the SN explosion. The CDs dust mass reaches a modest 3.0 x 10(-4) M-circle dot by day 230. While dust condensation within a CDs formed behind the ejecta inward shock has been proposed before for one event (SN 1998S), SN 2006jc is the first one showing evidence for dust condensation in a CDs formed behind the ejecta outward shock in the circumstellar material. At later epochs, a substantial and growing contribution to the IR fluxes arises from an IR echo from pre-existing dust in the progenitor wind. The mass of the pre-existing circumstellar medium (CSM) dust is at least similar to 8 x 10(-3) M-circle dot. This paper therefore adds to the evidence that mass-loss from the progenitors of core-collapse SNe could be a major source of dust in the Universe. However, yet again, we see no direct evidence that the explosion of an SN produces anything other than a very modest amount of dust.


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A series of four calix[5]arenes and three calix[6]arenes (R-calixarene-OCH2COR1) (R = H or Bu-t) with alkyl ketone residues (R-1 = Me or Bu-t) on the lower rim have been synthesized, and their affinity for complexation of alkali cations has been assessed through phase-transfer experiments and stability constant measurements. The conformations of these ketones have been probed by H-1 NMR and X-ray diffraction analysis, and by molecular mechanics calculations. Pentamer 3 (R R-1 = Bu-t) possesses a symmetrical cone conformation in solution and a very distorted cone conformation in the solid state. Pentamer 5 (R = H, R-1 = Bu-t) exists in a distorted 1,2-alternate conformation in the solid state, but in solution two slowly interconverting conformations, one a cone and the other presumed to be 1,2-alternate, can be detected. X-ray structure analysis of the sodium and rubidium perchlorate complexes of 3 reveal the cations deeply encapsulated by the ethereal and carbonyl oxygen atoms in distorted cone conformations which can be accurately reproduced by molecular mechanics calculations. The phase-transfer and stability constant data reveal that the extent of complexation depends on calixarene size and the nature of the alkyl residues adjacent to the ketonic carbonyls with tert-butyl much more efficacious than methyl.


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We have studied over 1600 Am stars at a photometric precision of 1 mmag with SuperWASP photometric data. Contrary to previous belief, we find that around 200 Am stars are pulsating d Sct and ? Dor stars, with low amplitudes that have been missed in previous, less extensive studies. While the amplitudes are generally low, the presence of pulsation in Am stars places a strong constraint on atmospheric convection, and may require the pulsation to be laminar. While some pulsating Am stars have been previously found to be d Sct stars, the vast majority of Am stars known to pulsate are presented in this paper. They will form the basis of future statistical studies of pulsation in the presence of atomic diffusion. An extended version of Table 1 containing all the detected frequencies and amplitudes is only available at the CDS via anonymous ftp to cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( or via http://cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr/viz-bin/qcat?J/A+A/535/A3