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An analytical and numerical investigation is presented of the behavior of a linearly polarized electromagnetic pulse as it propagates through a plasma. Considering a weakly relativistic regime, the system of one-dimensional fluid-Maxwell equations is reduced to a generalized nonlinear Schrodinger type equation, which is solved numerically using a split step Fourier method. The spatio-temporal evolution of an electromagnetic pulse is investigated. The evolution of the envelope amplitude of density harmonics is also studied. An electromagnetic pulse propagating through the plasma tends to broaden due to dispersion, while the nonlinear frequency shift is observed to slow down the pulse at a speed lower than the group velocity. Such nonlinear effects are more important for higher density plasmas. The pulse broadening factor is calculated numerically, and is shown to be related to the background plasma density. In particular, the broadening effect appears to be stronger for dense plasmas. The relation to existing results on electromagnetic pulses in laser plasmas is discussed. (c) 2008 American Institute of Physics.


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A study is presented of the nonlinear self-modulation of low-frequency electrostatic (dust acoustic) waves propagating in a dusty plasma, in the presence of a superthermal ion (and Maxwellian electron) background. A kappa-type superthermal distribution is assumed for the ion component, accounting for an arbitrary deviation from Maxwellian equilibrium, parametrized via a real parameter kappa. The ordinary Maxwellian-background case is recovered for kappa ->infinity. By employing a multiple scales technique, a nonlinear Schrodinger-type equation (NLSE) is derived for the electric potential wave amplitude. Both dispersion and nonlinearity coefficients of the NLSE are explicit functions of the carrier wavenumber and of relevant physical parameters (background species density and temperature, as well as nonthermality, via kappa). The influence of plasma background superthermality on the growth rate of the modulational instability is discussed. The superthermal feature appears to control the occurrence of modulational instability, since the instability window is strongly modified. Localized wavepackets in the form of either bright-or dark-type envelope solitons, modeling envelope pulses or electric potential holes (voids), respectively, may occur. A parametric investigation indicates that the structural characteristics of these envelope excitations (width, amplitude) are affected by superthermality, as well as by relevant plasma parameters (dust concentration, ion temperature).


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We consider a prototypical dynamical lattice model, namely, the discrete nonlinear Schrodinger equation on nonsquare lattice geometries. We present a systematic classification of the solutions that arise in principal six-lattice-site and three-lattice-site contours in the form of both discrete multipole solitons and discrete vortices. Additionally to identifying the possible states, we analytically track their linear stability both qualitatively and quantitatively. We find that among the six-site configurations, the


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Starting from Maxwell's equations, we use the reductive perturbation method to derive a second-order and a third-order nonlinear Schrodinger equation, describing ultrashort solitons in nonlinear left-handed metamaterials. We find necessary conditions and derive exact bright and dark soliton solutions of these equations for the electric and magnetic field envelopes.


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A multiple scales technique is employed to solve the fluid-Maxwell equations describing a weakly nonlinear circularly polarized electromagnetic pulse in magnetized plasma. A nonlinear Schrodinger-type (NLS) equation is shown to govern the amplitude of the vector potential. The conditions for modulational instability and for the existence of various types of localized envelope modes are investigated in terms of relevant parameters. Right-hand circularly polarized (RCP) waves are shown to be modulationally unstable regardless of the value of the ambient magnetic field and propagate as bright-type solitons. The same is true for left-hand circularly polarized (LCP) waves in a weakly to moderately magnetized plasma. In other parameter regions, LCP waves are stable in strongly magnetized plasmas and may propagate as dark-type solitons (electric field holes). The evolution of envelope solitons is analyzed numerically, and it is shown that solitons propagate in magnetized plasma without any essential change in amplitude and shape. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The stochastic nature of oil price fluctuations is investigated over a twelve-year period, borrowing feedback from an existing database (USA Energy Information Administration database, available online). We evaluate the scaling exponents of the fluctuations by employing different statistical analysis methods, namely rescaled range analysis (R/S), scale windowed variance analysis (SWV) and the generalized Hurst exponent (GH) method. Relying on the scaling exponents obtained, we apply a rescaling procedure to investigate the complex characteristics of the probability density functions (PDFs) dominating oil price fluctuations. It is found that PDFs exhibit scale invariance, and in fact collapse onto a single curve when increments are measured over microscales (typically less than 30 days). The time evolution of the distributions is well fitted by a Levy-type stable distribution. The relevance of a Levy distribution is made plausible by a simple model of nonlinear transfer. Our results also exhibit a degree of multifractality as the PDFs change and converge toward to a Gaussian distribution at the macroscales.


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The amplitude modulation of ion-acoustic waves IS investigated in a plasma consisting of adiabatic warm ions, and two different populations of thermal electrons at different temperatures. The fluid equations are reduced to nonlinear Schrodinger equation by employing a multi-scale perturbation technique. A linear stability analysis for the wave packet amplitude reveals that long wavelengths are always stable, while modulational instability sets in for shorter wavelengths. It is shown that increasing the value of the hot-to-cold electron temperature ratio (mu), for a given value of the hot-to-cold electron density ratio (nu): favors instability. The role of the ion temperature is also discussed. In the limiting case nu = 0 (or nu -> infinity). which correspond(s) to an ordinary (single) electron-ion plasma, the results of previous works are recovered.


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The self-compression of a relativistic Gaussian laser pulse propagating in a non-uniform plasma is investigated. A linear density inhomogeneity (density ramp) is assumed in the axial direction. The nonlinear Schrodinger equation is first solved within a one-dimensional geometry by using the paraxial formalism to demonstrate the occurrence of longitudinal pulse compression and the associated increase in intensity. Both longitudinal and transverse self-compression in plasma is examined for a finite extent Gaussian laser pulse. A pair of appropriate trial functions, for the beam width parameter (in space) and the pulse width parameter (in time) are defined and the corresponding equations of space and time evolution are derived. A numerical investigation shows that inhomogeneity in the plasma can further boost the compression mechanism and localize the pulse intensity, in comparison with a homogeneous plasma. A 100 fs pulse is compressed in an inhomogeneous plasma medium by more than ten times. Our findings indicate the possibility for the generation of particularly intense and short pulses, with relevance to the future development of tabletop high-power ultrashort laser pulse based particle acceleration devices and associated high harmonic generation. An extension of the model is proposed to investigate relativistic laser pulse compression in magnetized plasmas.


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In the presence of inhomogeneities, defects and currents, the equations describing a Bose-condensed ensemble of alkali atoms have to be solved numerically. By combining both linear and nonlinear equations within a Discrete Variable Representation framework, we describe a computational scheme for the solution of the coupled Bogoliubov-de Gennes (BdG) and nonlinear Schrodinger (NLS) equations for fields in a 3D spheroidal potential. We use the method to calculate the collective excitation spectrum and quasiparticle mode densities for excitations of a Bose condensed gas in a spheroidal trap. The method is compared against finite-difference and spectral methods, and we find the DVR computational scheme to be superior in accuracy and efficiency for the cases we consider. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The nonlinear dynamics of electrostatic solitary waves in the form of localized modulated wavepackets is investigated from first principles. Electron-acoustic (EA) excitations are considered in a two-electron plasma, via a fluid formulation. The plasma, assumed to be collisionless and uniform (unmagnetized), is composed of two types of electrons (inertial cold electrons and inertialess kappa-distributed superthermal electrons) and stationary ions. By making use of a multiscale perturbation technique, a nonlinear Schrodinger equation is derived for the modulated envelope, relying on which the occurrence of modulational instability (MI) is investigated in detail. Stationary profile localized EA excitations may exist, in the form of bright solitons (envelope pulses) or dark envelopes (voids). The presence of superthermal electrons modifies the conditions for MI to occur, as well as the associated threshold and growth rate. The concentration of superthermal electrons (i.e., the deviation from a Maxwellian electron distribution) may control or even suppress MI. Furthermore, superthermality affects the characteristics of solitary envelope structures, both qualitatively (supporting one or the other type, for different.) and quantitatively, changing their characteristics (width, amplitude). The stability of bright and dark-type nonlinear structures is confirmed by numerical simulations.


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Using a model potential approach, we study the time-dependent behavior of a Bose-Einstein condensate with negative scattering length during its collapse in the zero-temperature limit. The condensate is modeled through an effective potential, which linearizes the Schrodinger equation, in order to obtain an intuitive visualization of the dynamics of the condensate. We find that a substantial fraction of the condensate survives the collapse. The origin for this survival is the reappearance of a barrier in the effective potential during the collapse. In contrast to previous calculations, the present calculations indicate that the size of the residual condensate strongly depends on the growth rate of the condensate. The present results are compared to other theoretical calculations and to experimental work.


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This paper presents a novel detection method for broken rotor bar fault (BRB) in induction motors based on Estimation of Signal Parameters via Rotational Invariance Technique (ESPRIT) and Simulated Annealing Algorithm (SAA). The performance of ESPRIT is tested with simulated stator current signal of an induction motor with BRB. It shows that even with a short-time measurement data, the technique is capable of correctly identifying the frequencies of the BRB characteristic components but with a low accuracy on the amplitudes and initial phases of those components. SAA is then used to determine their amplitudes and initial phases and shows satisfactory results. Finally, experiments on a 3kW, 380V, 50Hz induction motor are conducted to demonstrate the effectiveness of the ESPRIT-SAA-based method in detecting BRB with short-time measurement data. It proves that the proposed method is a promising choice for BRB detection in induction motors operating with small slip and fluctuant load.


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The occurrence of amplitude-modulated electrostatic and electromagnetic
wavepackets in pair plasmas is investigated. A static additional charged background species is considered, accounting for dust defects or for heavy ion
presence in the background. Relying on a two-fluid description, a nonlinear
Schrodinger type evolution equation is obtained and analyzed, in terms of the
slow dynamics of the wave amplitude. Exact envelope excitations are obtained,
modelling envelope pulses or holes, and their characteristics are discussed.


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The solution of the time-dependent Schrodinger equation for systems of interacting electrons is generally a prohibitive task, for which approximate methods are necessary. Popular approaches, such as the time-dependent Hartree-Fock (TDHF) approximation and time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT), are essentially single-configurational schemes. TDHF is by construction incapable of fully accounting for the excited character of the electronic states involved in many physical processes of interest; TDDFT, although exact in principle, is limited by the currently available exchange-correlation functionals. On the other hand, multiconfigurational methods, such as the multiconfigurational time-dependent Hartree-Fock (MCTDHF) approach, provide an accurate description of the excited states and can be systematically improved. However, the computational cost becomes prohibitive as the number of degrees of freedom increases, and thus, at present, the MCTDHF method is only practical for few-electron systems. In this work, we propose an alternative approach which effectively establishes a compromise between efficiency and accuracy, by retaining the smallest possible number of configurations that catches the essential features of the electronic wavefunction. Based on a time-dependent variational principle, we derive the MCTDHF working equation for a multiconfigurational expansion with fixed coefficients and specialise to the case of general open-shell states, which are relevant for many physical processes of interest. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. [doi: 10.1063/1.3600397]


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Optical beams with null central intensity have potential applications in the field of atom optics. The spatial and temporal evolution of a central shadow dark hollow Gaussian (DHG) relativistic laser pulse propagating in a plasma is studied in this article for first principles. A nonlinear Schrodinger-type equation is obtained for the beam spot profile and then solved numerically to investigate the pulse propagation characteristics. As series of numerical simulations are employed to trace the profile of the focused and compressed DHG laser pulse as it propagates through the plasma. The theoretical and simulation results predict that higher-order DHG pulses show smaller divergence as they propagate and, thus, lead to enhanced energy transport. © 2013 American Physical Society.