78 resultados para Rotated lattices


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The different quantum phases appearing in strongly correlated systems as well as their transitions are closely related to the entanglement shared between their constituents. In 1D systems, it is well established that the entanglement spectrum is linked to the symmetries that protect the different quantum phases. This relation extends even further at the phase transitions where a direct link associates the entanglement spectrum to the conformal field theory describing the former. For 2D systems much less is known. The lattice geometry becomes a crucial aspect to consider when studying entanglement and phase transitions. Here, we analyze the entanglement properties of triangular spin lattice models by also considering concepts borrowed from quantum information theory such as geometric entanglement.


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Lattice-based cryptography has gained credence recently as a replacement for current public-key cryptosystems, due to its quantum-resilience, versatility, and relatively low key sizes. To date, encryption based on the learning with errors (LWE) problem has only been investigated from an ideal lattice standpoint, due to its computation and size efficiencies. However, a thorough investigation of standard lattices in practice has yet to be considered. Standard lattices may be preferred to ideal lattices due to their stronger security assumptions and less restrictive parameter selection process. In this paper, an area-optimised hardware architecture of a standard lattice-based cryptographic scheme is proposed. The design is implemented on a FPGA and it is found that both encryption and decryption fit comfortably on a Spartan-6 FPGA. This is the first hardware architecture for standard lattice-based cryptography reported in the literature to date, and thus is a benchmark for future implementations.
Additionally, a revised discrete Gaussian sampler is proposed which is the fastest of its type to date, and also is the first to investigate the cost savings of implementing with lamda_2-bits of precision. Performance results are promising in comparison to the hardware designs of the equivalent ring-LWE scheme, which in addition to providing a stronger security proof; generate 1272 encryptions per second and 4395 decryptions per second.


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Quantitative application of elastoplastic theory to the yielding behaviour of natural soils has always been uncertain. Part of the reason is that the theory was developed for reconstituted materials with isotropic structure, in contrast to natural soils that are usually anisotropic. The approach considered in this study assumes that pre-yielding behaviour is governed by the theory of linear anisotropic elasticity and that yield loci in the mean effective stress ( p') – deviator stress (q) plane are aligned approximately along the coefficient of earth pressure (K0) line. The assumption of a rotated yield locus associated with anisotropic elastic behaviour within the state boundary surface indicates that the elastic wall within the state boundary surface is inclined. The form of the state boundary surface has been determined mathematically in terms of anisotropic elastic and Cam-Clay soil parameters. Stress path tests were conducted on samples of Belfast Upper Boulder Clay removed from a depth of 28 m below ground surface. Good agreement was found between predicted and measured yield loci. The study also examined the influence of subsequent isotropic compression on the yielding characteristics of the natural clay. The indications are that the anisotropy developed during deposition disappears when the sample is loaded to a stress level at least twice the stress generated during the original deposition process. The methods developed in the paper have also been applied to test results reported previously on Winnipeg clay, and good agreement was obtained.


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We address the effects of natural three-qubit interactions on the computational power of one-way quantum computation. A benefit of using more sophisticated entanglement structures is the ability to construct compact and economic simulations of quantum algorithms with limited resources. We show that the features of our study are embodied by suitably prepared optical lattices, where effective three-spin interactions have been theoretically demonstrated. We use this to provide a compact construction for the Toffoli gate. Information flow and two-qubit interactions are also outlined, together with a brief analysis of relevant sources of imperfection.


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Anisotropic metamaterials composed of 2D periodic infi- nite and finite periodic lattices of lumped inductor (L) and capacitor (C) circuits have been explored. The unique features of wave channeling on such anisotropic lattices and scattering at their interfaces and edges are reviewed and illustrated by the examples of the specific arrangements. The lattice unit cells composed of inductors and capacitors (basic mesh) as well as of assemblies comprised of double series, double parallel, and mixed parallel-series L-C circuits are discussed.


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We study the classes of homogeneous polynomials on a Banach space with unconditional Schauder basis that have unconditionally convergent monomial expansions relative to this basis. We extend some results of Matos, and we show that the homogeneous polynomials with unconditionally convergent expansions coincide with the polynomials that are regular with respect to the Banach lattices structure of the domain.


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The existence of highly localized multisite oscillatory structures (discrete multibreathers) in a nonlinear Klein-Gordon chain which is characterized by an inverse dispersion law is proven and their linear stability is investigated. The results are applied in the description of vertical (transverse, off-plane) dust grain motion in dusty plasma crystals, by taking into account the lattice discreteness and the sheath electric and/or magnetic field nonlinearity. Explicit values from experimental plasma discharge experiments are considered. The possibility for the occurrence of multibreathers associated with vertical charged dust grain motion in strongly coupled dusty plasmas (dust crystals) is thus established. From a fundamental point of view, this study aims at providing a rigorous investigation of the existence of intrinsic localized modes in Debye crystals and/or dusty plasma crystals and, in fact, suggesting those lattices as model systems for the study of fundamental crystal properties.


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We investigated visuomotor adaptation using an isometric, target-acquisition task. Following trials with no rotation, two participant groups were exposed to a random sequence of 30 degrees clockwise (CW) and 60 degrees counter-clockwise (CCW) rotations, with (DUAL-CUE), or without (DUAL-NO CUE), colour cues that enabled each environment (non-rotated, 30 degrees CW and 60 degrees CCW) to be identified. A further three groups experienced only 30 degrees CW trials or only 60 degrees CCW trials (SINGLE rotation groups) in which each visuomotor mapping was again associated with a colour cue. During training, all SINGLE groups reduced angular deviations of the cursor path during the initial portion of the movements, indicating feedforward adaptation. Consistent with the view that the adaptation occurred automatically via recalibration of the visuomotor mapping (Krakauer et al. 1999), post-training aftereffects were observed, despite colour cues that indicated that no rotation was present. For the DUAL-CUE group, angular deviations decreased with training in the 60 degrees trials, but were unchanged in the 30 degrees trials, while for the DUAL-NO CUE group angular deviations decreased for the 60 degrees CW trials but increased for the 30 degrees CW trials. These results suggest that in a dual adaptation paradigm a colour cue can permit delineation of the two environments, with a subsequent change in behaviour resulting in improved performance in at least one of these environments. Increased reaction times within the training block, together with the absence of aftereffects in the post-training period for the DUAL-CUE group suggest an explicit cue-dependent strategy was used in an attempt to compensate for the rotations.


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We investigated the role of visual feedback in adapting to novel visuomotor environments. Participants produced isometric elbow torques to move a cursor towards visual targets. Following trials with no rotation, participants adapted to a 60 degrees rotation of the visual feedback before returning to the non-rotated condition. Participants received continuous visual feedback (CF) of cursor position during task execution or post-trial visual feedback (PF). With training, reductions of the angular deviations of the cursor path occurred to a similar extent and at a similar rate for CF and PF groups. However, upon re-exposure to the non-rotated environment only CF participants exhibited post-training aftereffects, manifested as increased angular deviation of the cursor path, with respect to the pre-rotation trials. These aftereffects occurred despite colour cues permitting identification of the change in environment. The results show that concurrent feedback permits automatic recalibration of the visuomotor mapping while post-trial feedback permits performance improvement via a cognitive strategy. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Colourless single crystals of [Hg(CF3)(2)(Pur)](4) and [Hg(CF3)(2)(Dat)](2) were obtained from aqueous and etheric solutions of the respective components Purine, (imidazo[4,5-d]pyrimidine, Pur), 3,5-dimethyl-4 '-amino-triazole (Dat) and bis(trifluoromethyl)mercury(II), Hg(CF3)(2). [Hg(CF3)(2)(Pur)](4) crystallizes with the tetragonal system (P-4, Z = 8, a = 1486.8(2), c = 1026.2(l) pm, R-all = 0.0657) with tetrameric molecules consisting of four purine molecules bridged by slightly bent Hg(CF3)2 molecules forming a cage with the CF3 ligands surrounding this cage. The two modifications of [Hg(Dat)(CF3)2]2 (1: 170 K, triclinic, P-1, Z = 2, a 814.9(2), b = 845.4(2), c = 968.4(3) pm, alpha = 106.55(2)degrees, beta= 103.41(2)degrees, gamma = 110.79(2)degrees, R-all = 0.1189; II: monoclinic, P2(1)/c, Z = 8, a = 879.8(2), b = 1731.0(3), c = 1593.9(3) pm, beta = 106.89(2)degrees, R-all = 0.1199) both contain dimeric molecules that are stacked parallel to one crystal axis to strands which are arranged in a parallel fashion in I and rotated against each other in 11 by 110 degrees. In both, the tetrameric [Hg(CF3)(2)(Pur)](4) and the dimeric [Hg(CF3)(2)(Dat)](2) the Hg(CF3)(2) molecules are slightly bent (around 167 and 170 degrees) and rather weakly attached to the N-donor ligands Pur and Dat with Hg-N distances around 272 pm, although in both cases the Hg atoms bridge between two ligand molecules.


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BACKGROUND: HIV microbicide trials have emphasized the need to evaluate the safety of topical microbicides and delivery platforms in an animal model prior to conducting clinical efficacy trials. An ideal delivery device should provide sustainable and sufficient concentrations of effective products to prevent HIV transmission while not increasing transmission risk by either local mucosal inflammation and/or disruption of the normal vaginal microflora.

METHODS: Safety analyses of macaque-sized elastomeric silicone and polyurethane intravaginal rings (IVRs) loaded with candidate antiretroviral (ARV) drugs were tested in four studies ranging in duration from 49 to 73 days with retention of the IVR being 28 days in each study. Macaques were assigned to 3 groups; blank IVR, ARV-loaded IVR, and naïve. In sequential studies, the same macaques were used but rotated into different groups. Mucosal and systemic levels of cytokines were measured from vaginal fluids and plasma, respectively, using multiplex technology. Changes in vaginal microflora were also monitored. Statistical analysis (Mann-Whitney test) was used to compare data between two groups of unpaired samples (with and without IVR, and IVR with and without ARV) for the groups collectively, and also for individual macaques.

RESULTS: There were few statistically significant differences in mucosal and systemic cytokine levels measured longitudinally when the ring was present or absent, with or without ARVs. Of the 8 proinflammatory cytokines assayed a significant increase (p = 0.015) was only observed for IL8 in plasma with the blank and ARV loaded IVR (median of 9.2 vs. 5.7 pg/ml in the absence of IVR). There were no significant differences in the prevalence of H2O2-producing lactobacilli or viridans streptococci, or other microorganisms indicative of healthy vaginal microflora. However, there was an increase in the number of anaerobic gram negative rods in the presence of the IVR (p= < 0.0001).

CONCLUSIONS: IVRs with or without ARVs neither significantly induce the majority of potentially harmful proinflammatory cytokines locally or systemically, nor alter the lactobacillus or G. vaginalis levels. The increase in anaerobic gram negative rods alone suggests minimal disruption of normal vaginal microflora. The use of IVRs as a long-term sustained delivery device for ARVs is promising and preclinical studies to demonstrate the prevention of transmission in the HIV/SHIV nonhuman primate model should continue.


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We investigated the role of visual feedback of task performance in visuomotor adaptation. Participants produced novel two degrees of freedom movements (elbow flexion-extension, forearm pronation-supination) to move a cursor towards visual targets. Following trials with no rotation, participants were exposed to a 60A degrees visuomotor rotation, before returning to the non-rotated condition. A colour cue on each trial permitted identification of the rotated/non-rotated contexts. Participants could not see their arm but received continuous and concurrent visual feedback (CF) of a cursor representing limb position or post-trial visual feedback (PF) representing the movement trajectory. Separate groups of participants who received CF were instructed that online modifications of their movements either were, or were not, permissible as a means of improving performance. Feedforward-mediated performance improvements occurred for both CF and PF groups in the rotated environment. Furthermore, for CF participants this adaptation occurred regardless of whether feedback modifications of motor commands were permissible. Upon re-exposure to the non-rotated environment participants in the CF, but not PF, groups exhibited post-training aftereffects, manifested as greater angular deviations from a straight initial trajectory, with respect to the pre-rotation trials. Accordingly, the nature of the performance improvements that occurred was dependent upon the timing of the visual feedback of task performance. Continuous visual feedback of task performance during task execution appears critical in realising automatic visuomotor adaptation through a recalibration of the visuomotor mapping that transforms visual inputs into appropriate motor commands.


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We study some properties of almost Dunford-Pettis operators and we characterize pairs of Banach lattices for which the adjoint of an almost Dunford-Pettis operator inherits the same property and look at conditions under which an operator is almost Dunford-Pettis whenever its adjoint is.


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The design is described of a double layer frequency selective surface which can produce a differential phase shift of 180 ° as the wave propagates through it at normal incidence. The hand of an applied circularly polarized signal is reversed due to the 180° phase shift, and it is demonstrated that the exit circularly polarized output signal can be phase advanced or phase retarded by 180 ° upon rotation of the elements comprising the structure. This feature allows the surface to act as a spatial phase shifter. In this paper the beam steering capabilities of a 10 × 10 array of such elements are demonstrated. Here the individual elements comprising the array are rotated relative to each other in order to generate a progressive phase shift. At normal incidence the 3 dB Axial Ratio Bandwidth for LHCP to RHCP conversion is 5.3% and the insertion loss was found to be -2.3 dB, with minimum axial ratio of 0.05 dB. This array is shown to be able to steer a beam from -40 ° to +40 ° while holding axial ratio at the pointing angle to below 4 dB. The measured radiation patterns match the theoretical calculation and full-wave simulation results. © 2010 IEEE.