54 resultados para REDOX POTENTIALS


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The electrochemical redox processes of two high nuclearity osmium carbonyl clusters [(PhP)N[OsC(CO) ]·PPN (1) and Os(CO) (6) have been studied by electrochemical in situ FTIR. The five oxidation states of 1, i.e., [OsC(CO)], have been characterized. There are no significant structural changes for these species. Hence, the ability of this decanuclear cluster to act as an electron reservoir has been demonstrated. The structural rearrangement associated with the two-electron reduction of bicapped tetrahedral 6 to octahedral dianion [Os(CO)] and [Os(CO)] tetraanion has also been investigated. © 1996 American Chemical Society.


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This laboratory experiment systematically examines arsenic, iron, and phosphorus solubilities in soil suspensions as affected by addition of phosphorus fertilizer under different redox potential (Eh) and pH conditions. Under aerobic conditions, As solubility was low, however, under moderately reducing conditions (0, -150 mV), As solubility significantly increased due to dissolution of iron oxy-hydroxides. Upon reduction to -250 mV, As solubility was controlled by the formation of insoluble sulfides, and as a result soluble As contents significantly decreased. Soluble Fe concentration increased from moderate to highly anaerobic conditions; however, it decreased under aerobic conditions likely due to formation of insoluble oxy-hydroxides. A low pH, 5.5, led to increased soluble concentrations of As, Fe, and P. Finally, addition of P-fertilizers resulted in higher soluble P and As, even though the concentration of As did not increased after an addition rate of 600 mg P kg(-1) soil. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Cyclic voltammograms of quinones were recorded in acetonitrile in the presence of various substrates: carbonyl compounds, halobenzenes, Methyl Viologen and Neutral Red. When illuminated with light of λ >410 nm, catalytic waves were observed. From the ratio of the catalysed to uncatalysed peak current, electron transfer rate constants were calculated using the working curves of Saveant and coworkers. The values of these rate constants were compared with the values obtained by Shukla and Rusling for different systems using a similar method and with quenching rate constants calculated using Rehm-Weller-Marcus theory.


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We perform DFT calculations to investigate the redox and formate mechanisms of water-gas-shift (WGS) reaction on Au/CeO2 catalysts. In the redox mechanism, we analyze all the key elementary steps and find that the OH cleavage is the key step. Three possible pathways of OH cleavage are calculated: (1) OHad '' + *'--> H-ad' + O-ad"; (2) H-ad' + OHad '' --> H-2(g) + O-ad '' + *'; and (3) OHad" + OHad '' --> 2O(ad '') + H-2(g) (*': the free adsorption sites on the oxides; ad': adsorption on the metal; ad": adsorption on the oxide, respectively). In the formate mechanism, we identify all the possible pathways for the formation and decomposition of surface formates in the WGS reaction. It is found that there is a shortcoming in the redox and formate mechanisms which is related to surface oxygen reproduction. Four possible pathways for producing surface oxygen are studied, and all the barriers of the four pathways are more than 1 eV. Our results suggest that the processes to reproduce surface oxygen in the reaction circle are not kinetically easy. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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BaH (and its isotopomers) is an attractive molecular candidate for laser cooling to ultracold temperatures and a potential precursor for the production of ultracold gases of hydrogen and deuterium. The theoretical challenge is to simulate the laser cooling cycle as reliably as possible and this paper addresses the generation of a highly accurate ab initio $^{2}\Sigma^+$ potential for such studies. The performance of various basis sets within the multi-reference configuration-interaction (MRCI) approximation with the Davidson correction (MRCI+Q)is tested and taken to the Complete Basis Set (CBS) limit. It is shown that the calculated molecular constants using a 46 electron Effective Core-Potential (ECP) and even-tempered augmented polarized core-valence basis sets (aug-pCV$n$Z-PP, n= 4 and 5) but only including three active electrons in the MRCI calculation are in excellent agreement with the available experimental values. The predicted dissociation energy De for the X$^2\Sigma^+$ state (extrapolated to the CBS limit) is 16895.12 cm$^{-1}$ (2.094 eV), which agrees within 0.1$\%$ of a revised experimental value of <16910.6 cm$^{-1}$, while the calculated re is within 0.03 pm of the experimental result.


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Experience continuously imprints on the brain at all stages of life. The traces it leaves behind can produce perceptual learning [1], which drives adaptive behavior to previously encountered stimuli. Recently, it has been shown that even random noise, a type of sound devoid of acoustic structure, can trigger fast and robust perceptual learning after repeated exposure [2]. Here, by combining psychophysics, electroencephalography (EEG), and modeling, we show that the perceptual learning of noise is associated with evoked potentials, without any salient physical discontinuity or obvious acoustic landmark in the sound. Rather, the potentials appeared whenever a memory trace was observed behaviorally. Such memory-evoked potentials were characterized by early latencies and auditory topographies, consistent with a sensory origin. Furthermore, they were generated even on conditions of diverted attention. The EEG waveforms could be modeled as standard evoked responses to auditory events (N1-P2) [3], triggered by idiosyncratic perceptual features acquired through learning. Thus, we argue that the learning of noise is accompanied by the rapid formation of sharp neural selectivity to arbitrary and complex acoustic patterns, within sensory regions. Such a mechanism bridges the gap between the short-term and longer-term plasticity observed in the learning of noise [2, 4-6]. It could also be key to the processing of natural sounds within auditory cortices [7], suggesting that the neural code for sound source identification will be shaped by experience as well as by acoustics.