56 resultados para RADIATION PRESSURE


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The role of the radiation pressure of an intense laser beam in the formation of proton and carbon spectra from thin foils is discussed. The data presented suggests that, in competition with the Target Normal Sheath Acceleration mechanism, the onset of the Light Sail (LS) region of Radiation Pressure Acceleration can be obtained for suitably thin targets at currently available laser intensities,. The spectral features and their scaling with the laser and target parameters are consistent with the scenario of Light Sail (LS) acceleration.


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Multiple ion acceleration mechanisms can occur when an ultrathin foil is irradiated with an intense laser pulse, with the dominant mechanism changing over the course of the interaction. Measurement of the spatial-intensity distribution of the beam of energetic protons is used to investigate the transition from radiation pressure acceleration to transparency-driven processes. It is shown numerically that radiation pressure drives an increased expansion of the target ions within the spatial extent of the laser focal spot, which induces a radial deflection of relatively low energy sheath-accelerated protons to form an annular distribution. Through variation of the target foil thickness, the opening angle of the ring is shown to be correlated to the point in time transparency occurs during the interaction and is maximized when it occurs at the peak of the laser intensity profile. Corresponding experimental measurements of the ring size variation with target thickness exhibit the same trends and provide insight into the intra-pulse laser-plasma evolution.


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Control of the collective response of plasma particles to intense laser light is intrinsic to relativistic optics, the development of compact laser-driven particle and radiation sources, as well as investigations of some laboratory astrophysics phenomena. We recently demonstrated that a relativistic plasma aperture produced in an ultra-thin foil at the focus of intense laser radiation can induce diffraction, enabling polarization-based control of the collective motion of plasma electrons. Here we show that under these conditions the electron dynamics are mapped into the beam of protons accelerated via strong charge-separation-induced electrostatic fields. It is demonstrated experimentally and numerically via 3D particle-in-cell simulations that the degree of ellipticity of the laser polarization strongly influences the spatial-intensity distribution of the beam of multi-MeV protons. The influence on both sheath-accelerated and radiation pressure-accelerated protons is investigated. This approach opens up a potential new route to control laser-driven ion sources.


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The planar 13.56MHz RF-excited low temperature atmospheric pressure plasma jet (APPJ) investigated in this study is operated with helium feed gas and a small molecular oxygen admixture. The effluent leaving the discharge through the jet’s nozzle contains very few charged particles and a high reactive oxygen species’ density. As its main reactive radical, essential for numerous applications, the ground state atomic oxygen density in the APPJ’s effluent is measured spatially resolved with two-photon absorption laser induced fluorescence spectroscopy. The atomic oxygen density at the nozzle reaches a value of ~1016 cm-3. Even at several centimetres distance still 1% of this initial atomic oxygen density can be detected. Optical emission spectroscopy (OES) reveals the presence of short living excited oxygen atoms up to 10 cm distance from the jet’s nozzle. The measured high ground state atomic oxygen density and the unaccounted for presence of excited atomic oxygen require further investigations on a possible energy transfer from the APPJ’s discharge region into the effluent: energetic vacuum ultraviolet radiation, measured by OES down to 110 nm, reaches far into the effluent where it is presumed to be responsible for the generation of atomic oxygen.


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The complex dynamics of radio-frequency driven atmospheric pressure plasma jets is investigated using various optical diagnostic techniques and numerical simulations. Absolute number densities of ground state atomic oxygen radicals in the plasma effluent are measured by two-photon absorption laser induced fluorescence spectroscopy (TALIF). Spatial profiles are compared with (vacuum) ultra-violet radiation from excited states of atomic oxygen and molecular oxygen, respectively. The excitation and ionization dynamics in the plasma core are dominated by electron impact and observed by space and phase resolved optical emission spectroscopy (PROES). The electron dynamics is governed through the motion of the plasma boundary sheaths in front of the electrodes as illustrated in numerical simulations using a hybrid code based on fluid equations and kinetic treatment of electrons.


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Absolute atomic oxygen ground state densities in a radio-frequency driven atmospheric pressure plasma jet, operated in a helium-oxygen mixture, are determined using diagnostic based modeling. One-dimensional numerical simulations of the electron dynamics are combined with time integrated optical emission spectroscopy. The population dynamics of the upper O 3p 3P (l=844 nm) atomic oxygen state is governed by direct electron impact excitation, dissociative excitation, radiation losses, and collisional induced quenching. Absolute values for atomic oxygen densities are obtained through comparison with the upper Ar 2p1 (l=750.4 nm) state. Results for spatial profiles and power variations are presented and show excellent quantitative agreement with independent two-photon laser-induced fluorescence measurements.


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Diagnostic based modelling (DBM) actively combines complementary advantages of numerical plasma simulations and relatively simple optical emission spectroscopy (OES). DBM is employed to determine absolute atomic oxygen ground state densities in a helium–oxygen radio-frequency driven atmospheric pressure plasma jet. A comparatively simple one-dimensional simulation yields detailed information on electron properties governing the population dynamics of excited states. Important characteristics of the electron dynamics are found to be largely insensitive to details of the chemical composition and to be in very good agreement with space and phase-resolved OES. Benchmarking the time and space resolved simulation allows us to subsequently derive effective excitation rates as the basis for DBM with simple space and time integrated OES. The population dynamics of the upper O 3p 3P (? = 844 nm) atomic oxygen state is governed by direct electron impact excitation, dissociative excitation, radiation losses and collisional induced quenching. Absolute values for atomic oxygen densities are obtained through tracer comparison with the upper Ar 2p1 (? = 750.4 nm) state. The presented results for the atomic oxygen density show excellent quantitative agreement with independent two-photon laser-induced fluorescence measurements.


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Diagnostic-based modeling (DBM) actively combines complementary advantages of numerical plasma simulations and relatively simple optical emission spectroscopy (OES). DBM is applied to determine spatial absolute atomic oxygen ground-state density profiles in a micro atmospheric-pressure plasma jet operated in He–O2. A 1D fluid model with semi-kinetic treatment of the electrons yields detailed information on the electron dynamics and the corresponding spatio-temporal electron energy distribution function. Benchmarking this time- and space-resolved simulation with phase-resolved OES (PROES) allows subsequent derivation of effective excitation rates as the basis for DBM. The population dynamics of the upper O(3p3P) oxygen state (? = 844 nm) is governed by direct electron impact excitation, dissociative excitation, radiation losses, and collisional induced quenching. Absolute values for atomic oxygen densities are obtained through tracer comparison with the upper Ar(2p1) state (? = 750.4 nm). The resulting spatial profile for the absolute atomic oxygen density shows an excellent quantitative agreement to a density profile obtained by two-photon absorption laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy.


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We present results of experiments studying the efficiency of high harmonic generation from a gas target using the TITANIA krypton fluoride laser at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory. The variation of harmonic yield for the 7th to 13th harmonics (355-191 Angstrom) is studied as a function of the backing pressure of a solenoid valve gas jet and of the axial position of the laser focus relative to the centre of the gas jet nozzle. Harmonic energies up to 1 mu J were produced in helium and neon targets from laser energies of approximately 200 mJ. This corresponds to absolute conversion efficiencies of up to 5 x 10(-6).


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Recent progress in plasma science and technology has enabled the development of a new generation of stable cold non-equilibrium plasmas operating at ambient atmospheric pressure. This opens horizons for new plasma technologies, in particular in the emerging field of plasma medicine. These non-equilibrium plasmas are very efficient sources for energy transport through reactive neutral particles (radicals and metastables), charged particles (ions and electrons), UV radiation, and electro-magnetic fields. The effect of a cold radio frequency-driven atmospheric pressure plasma jet on plasmid DNA has been investigated. The formation of double strand breaks correlates well with the atomic oxygen density. Taken with other measurements, this indicates that neutral components in the jet are effective in inducing double strand breaks. Plasma manipulation techniques for controlled energy delivery are highly desirable. Numerical simulations are employed for detailed investigations of the electron dynamics, which determines the generation of reactive species. New concepts based on nonlinear power dissipation promise superior strategies to control energy transport for tailored technological exploitations. © 2012 American Institute of Physics.


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Radiative pressure exerted by line interactions is a prominent driver of outflows in astrophysical systems, being at work in the outflows emerging from hot stars or from the accretion discs of cataclysmic variables, massive young stars and active galactic nuclei. In this work, a new radiation hydrodynamical approach to model line-driven hot-star winds is presented. By coupling a Monte Carlo radiative transfer scheme with a finite volume fluid dynamical method, line-driven mass outflows may be modelled self-consistently, benefiting from the advantages of Monte Carlo techniques in treating multiline effects, such as multiple scatterings, and in dealing with arbitrary multidimensional configurations. In this work, we introduce our approach in detail by highlighting the key numerical techniques and verifying their operation in a number of simplified applications, specifically in a series of self-consistent, one-dimensional, Sobolev-type, hot-star wind calculations. The utility and accuracy of our approach are demonstrated by comparing the obtained results with the predictions of various formulations of the so-called CAK theory and by confronting the calculations with modern sophisticated techniques of predicting the wind structure. Using these calculations, we also point out some useful diagnostic capabilities our approach provides. Finally, we discuss some of the current limitations of our method, some possible extensions and potential future applications.