73 resultados para Purity of Blood


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Lysozyme is a naturally occurring enzyme in egg white and has high commercial importance due to its antimicrobial properties. The main objective of this work was to study the growth rate of lysozyme crystals isolated from egg for the first 72 hours and verify the results with McCabe’s constant crystal growth theory. Hanging drop crystallization method was used to form high purity lysozyme crystals from the embryonic stage. To this end, this work differs from an earlier work of Forsythe et al., who used seed crystals in the size range of 10 µm - 40 µm for face growth measurements at different pH values. The maximum crystal size recorded in the present work was 392.86 µm, which is within the typical size range of 50 µm - 500 µm for which constant crystal growth is expected to hold according to McCabe’s ?L law. Electron micrographs (SEM) revealed the structure and dimensions of the crystals while SDS-Page was used to measure the purity of the crystals. The SEM results showed that that lysozyme growth rate was linear and agreed with McCabe’s constant growth theory, producing a growth rate of 1.77 x 10-3 µm .s-1


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Physiological secretion of bile acids has previously been linked to the regulation of blood glucose. GLP-1 is an intestinal peptide hormone with important glucose-lowering actions, such as stimulation of insulin secretion and inhibition of glucagon secretion. In this investigation, we assessed the ability of several bile acid compounds to secrete GLP-1 in vitro in STC-1 cells. Bile acids stimulated GLP-1 secretion from 3.3- to 6.2-fold but some were associated with cytolytic effects. Glycocholic and taurocholic acids were selected for in vivo studies in normal and GLP-1R(-/-) mice. Oral glucose tolerance tests revealed that glycocholic acid did not affect glucose excursions. However, taurocholic acid reduced glucose excursions by 40% in normal mice and by 27% in GLP-1R(-/-) mice, and plasma GLP-1 concentrations were significantly elevated 30 min post-gavage. Additional studies used incretin receptor antagonists to probe involvement of GLP-1 and GIP in taurocholic acid-induced glucose lowering. The findings suggest that bile acids partially aid glucose regulation by physiologically enhancing nutrient-induced GLP-1 secretion. However, GLP-1 secretion appears to be only part of the glucose-lowering mechanism and our studies indicate that the other major incretin GIP is not involved.


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The kinetics of dye reduction, in photocatalyst indicator ink films on self cleaning glass, is studied with respect to dye concentration. The water-based, photocatalyst indicator inks comprised a redox dye, D-ox, a sacrificial electron donor (glycerol) and a polymer, hydroxyethyl cellulose. The dyes used were: Resazurin (Rz), dichloroindo-phenol (DCIP) and methylene blue (MB), although the latter required acidification of the ink (0.01M HCl) to make it work effectively under ambient conditions. Under anaerobic conditions, the photoreduction of each of the dyes, in an otherwise identical ink formulation, on Activ (TM) self-cleaning glass is zero-order with respect to [D-ox]. Seven commercial samples of Rz, each in a typical ink formulation, were tested on the same piece of self-cleaning glass under aerobic conditions and produced a striking range (over 280%) of different apparent activities for the glass, when there should have been none. The underlying cause of this variation in assessed activity is shown to be due to the combination of a variation in the purity of the commercial samples and the zero-order nature of the kinetics of indicator dye reduction. The relevance of this work and the latter observation, in particular to future use of these films for the rapid assessment of the activities of new and established photocatalytic films, is briefly discussed.


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Ischaemia-related diseases such as peripheral artery disease and coronary heart disease constitute a major issue in medicine as they affect millions of individuals each year and represent a considerable economic burden to healthcare systems. If the underlying ischaemia is not sufficiently resolved it can lead to tissue damage, with subsequent cell death. Treating such diseases remains difficult and several strategies have been used to stimulate the growth of blood vessels and promote regeneration of ischaemic tissues, such as the use of recombinant proteins and gene therapy. Although these approaches remain promising, they have limitations and results from clinical trials using these methods have had limited success. Recently, there has been growing interest in the therapeutic potential of using a cell-based approach to treat vasodegenerative disorders. In vascular medicine, various stem cells and adult progenitors have been highlighted as having a vasoreparative role in ischaemic tissues. This review will examine the clinical potential of several stem and progenitor cells that may be utilised to regenerate defunct or damaged vasculature and restore blood flow to the ischaemic tissue. In particular, we focus on the therapeutic potential of endothelial progenitor cells as an exciting new option for the treatment of ischaemic diseases. © 2012 BioMed Central Ltd


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Students' attitudes to and knowledge and awareness of the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) was assessed by questionnaire. The recent information campaign reached a high proportion of the sample of 1063 students and television was the most memorable medium. Students were generally aware that AIDS was not associated with social contact but there was confusion about the risk of infection from donating or receiving blood, with 17.9% of blood donors now less willing to donate blood. Most of the students were aware that the condom reduces the risk of spread of AIDS sexually but there was no indication of widespread condom usage among the 399 students who admitted they were sexually active; 39.1% of this group used condoms alone or with other protection. Almost half the sample (47.6%) would like to have the opportunity to have their blood tested for the AIDS virus; 96 students would prefer this to be at a clinic and 59 of them would not wish their family doctor to know the result. A high proportion of the sample considered that AIDS victims should be cared for at home or in a special hospice.


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Many cardiovascular diseases are characterised by the restriction of blood flow through arteries. Stents can be expanded within arteries to remove such restrictions; however, tissue in-growth into the stent can lead to restenosis. In order to predict the long-term efficacy of stenting, a mechanobiological model of the arterial tissue reaction to stress is required. In this study, a computational model of arterial tissue response to stenting is applied to three clinically relevant stent designs. We ask the question whether such a mechanobiological model can differentiate between stents used clinically, and we compare these predictions to a purely mechanical analysis. In doing so, we are testing the hypothesis that a mechanobiological model of arterial tissue response to injury could predict the long-term outcomes of stent design. Finite element analysis of the expansion of three different stent types was performed in an idealised, 3D artery. Injury was calculated in the arterial tissue using a remaining-life damage mechanics approach. The inflammatory response to this initial injury was modelled using equations governing variables which represented tissue-degrading species and growth factors. Three levels of inflammation response were modelled to account for inter-patient variability. A lattice-based model of smooth muscle cell behaviour was implemented, treating cells as discrete agents governed by local rules. The simulations predicted differences between stent designs similar to those found in vivo. It showed that the volume of neointima produced could be quantified, providing a quantitative comparison of stents. In contrast, the differences between stents based on stress alone were highly dependent on the choice of comparison criteria. These results show that the choice of stress criteria for stent comparisons is critical. This study shows that mechanobiological modelling may provide a valuable tool in stent design, allowing predictions of their long-term efficacy. The level of inflammation was shown to affect the sensitivity of the model to stent design. If this finding was verified in patients, this could suggest that high-inflammation patients may require alternative treatments to stenting.


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The evaluation of exposure to aflatoxins (AF) by measurement of the level of contamination in food is hampered due to the heterogeneous distribution of AF in food. Therefore, an alternative is to estimate the exposure using specific biological markers (biomarkers) based on an understanding of the metabolism of the compound. For AF, these include aflatoxin-N-7-guanine in the urine, or AFB(1)-albumin (AF-alb) in the blood. This study assessed the level of exposure to AF in Brazilian individuals using a biomarker approach, i.e. the AF-alb adducts. Blood samples were collected from urban residents (n=50; aged 18-52) in June 1999, at the Blood Center of Antonio Carlos de Camargo Hospital, Sao Paulo, Brazil. AF-alb adduct levels were determined, by ELISA following serum albumin extraction and digestion. AF-alb adducts were detected in 31/50 (62%) samples [range 0-57.3 pg AFB(1)-lys adducts/mg of blood albumin (pg/mg)]. The mean level of positives was 14.9 pg/mg and males had the two highest levels measured (57.1 and 57.3 pg/mg). There was no correlation with age or profession. This is the first study of Brazilian, or indeed South American, individuals that has determined exposure to AF at the individual level using a biomarker approach. These levels are similar to those observed in the Philippines. These data warrant further investigation of both the sources and consequences of exposure to this potent toxin in Brazil.


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Accurate pain assessment in preterm infants in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) is complex. Infants who are born at early gestational ages (GA), and who have had greater early pain exposure, have dampened facial responses which may lead to under-treatment. Since behavioral and physiological responses to pain in infants are often dissociated, using multidimensional scales which combine these indicators into a single score may limit our ability to determine the effects of interventions on each system. Our aim was to design a unidimensional scale which would combine the relatively most specific, individual, behavioral indicators for assessing acute pain in this population. The Behavioral Indicators of Infant Pain (BIIP) combines sleep/wake states, 5 facial actions and 2 hand actions. Ninety-two infants born between 23 and 32 weeks GA were assessed during 3, 1 min Phases of blood collection. Outcome measures included changes in BIIP and in Neonatal Infant Pain Scale (NIPS) scores coded in real time from continuous bedside video recordings; changes in heart rate (HR) were obtained using custom physiological processing software. Scores on the BIIP changed significantly across Phases of blood collection (p


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The risk of diabetic retinopathy is associated with the presence of both oxidative stress and toxic eicosanoids. Whether oxidative stress actually causes diabetic retinopathy via the generation of toxic eicosanoids, however, remains unknown. The aim of the present study was to determine whether tyrosine nitration of prostacyclin synthase (PGIS) contributes to retinal cell death in vitro and in vivo. Exposure of human retinal pericytes to heavily oxidized and glycated LDL (HOG-LDL), but not native forms of LDL (N-LDL), for 24 hours significantly increased pericyte apoptosis, accompanied by increased tyrosine nitration of PGIS and decreased PGIS activity. Inhibition of the thromboxane receptor or cyclooxygenase-2 dramatically attenuated HOG-LDL-induced apoptosis without restoring PGIS activity. Administration of superoxide dismutase (to scavenge superoxide anions) or L-N(G)-nitroarginine methyl ester (L-NAME, a nonselective nitric oxide synthase inhibitor) restored PGIS activity and attenuated pericyte apoptosis. In Akita mouse retinas, diabetes increased intraretinal levels of oxidized LDL and glycated LDL, induced PGIS nitration, enhanced apoptotic cell death, and impaired blood-retinal barrier function. Chronic administration of tempol, a superoxide scavenger, reduced intraretinal oxidized LDL and glycated LDL levels, PGIS nitration, and retina cell apoptosis, thereby preserving the integrity of blood-retinal barriers. In conclusion, oxidized LDL-mediated PGIS nitration and associated thromboxane receptor stimulation might be important in the initiation and progression of diabetic retinopathy.


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A large body of research has highlighted practices and rituals that characterise injecting drug use and behavioural and environmental risks that can contribute to the transmission of blood-borne viruses. Compared with other injecting practices, considerably less is known about peer injecting, i.e. receiving or giving injections, particularly the social context in which it occurs. In this article, we explore peer injecting and injecting order at initiation into injecting drug user (IDU) and during subsequent injection episodes. Using data from semi-structured interviews, we highlight the experiences of 41 males and females who had received injections from other IDUs. Respondents were recruited through various strategies, largely chain referral. The results suggest gendered similarities as well as differences in terms of peer injecting, the order of injection and micro-risk contexts for blood-borne viruses. © 2013 Informa UK Ltd.


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Diabetes is responsible for a large proportion of chronic kidney disease and end-stage renal disease worldwide. Careful monitoring and balanced control of blood glucose for individuals with type 1 diabetes can delay or prevent the onset of micro- and macro-vascular complications, however hyperglycaemia does not explain all of the risk for these diabetic complications. Genetic risk factors for diabetic nephropathy are being identified through international collaborations. However despite these advances a significant proportion of susceptibility remains unexplained, the so-called ‘missing heritability’.


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Measles virus Edmonston strain was purified by ultrafiltration followed by two successive sedimentations through sucrose. Purified virus retained infectivity and, when used as an immunogen, elicited high titred antibody to measles antigens by conventional serology. The measles preparations were examined by SDS-PAGE followed by staining. In addition, following PAGE, the purity of these preparations was assessed immunochemically using antisera directed to measles and host cell antigens. The results of these studies demonstrate the utility of the purification method for the preparation of milligram quantities of relatively pure measles virus.


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The safe and successful performance of a central venous catheterization (CVC) requires a specific knowledge of anatomy in addition to a working knowledge. Misunderstanding the anatomy may result in failure or complications. This review aims to aid understanding of the anatomical framework, pitfalls, and complications of CVC of the subclavian (SCV). CVC is common practice amongst surgeons, anesthesiologists, and emergency room physicians during the preparations for major surgical procedures such as open-heart surgery, as well as, for intensive care monitoring and rapid restoration of blood volume. Associated with this technique are certain anatomical pitfalls and complications that can be successfully avoided if one possesses a thorough knowledge of the contraindications, regional anatomy, and rationale of the technique.


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The genetic contribution to the variation in human lifespan is approximately 25%.  Despite the large number of identified disease-susceptibility loci, it is not known which loci influence population mortality.  We performed a genome-wide association meta-analysis of 7729 long-lived individuals of European descent (≥ 85 years) and 16121 younger controls (< 65 years) followed by replication in an additional set of 13060 long-lived individuals and 61156 controls. In addition, we performed a subset analysis in cases ≥ 90 years. We observed genome-wide significant association with longevity, as reflected by survival to ages beyond 90 years, at a novel locus, rs2149954, on chromosome 5q33.3 (OR = 1.10, P =1.74 x 10-8). We also confirmed association of rs4420638 on chromosome 19q13.32 (OR = 0.72, P = 3.40 x 10-36), representing the TOMM40/APOE/APOC1 locus. In a prospective meta-analysis (n = 34103) the minor allele of rs2149954 (T) on chromosome 5q33.3 associates with increased survival (HR = 0.95, P = 0.003). This allele has previously been reported to associate with low blood pressure in middle age. Interestingly, the minor allele (T) associates with decreased cardiovascular mortality risk, independent of blood pressure. We report on the first GWAS-identified longevity locus on chromosome 5q33.3 influencing survival in the general European population. The minor allele of this locus associates with low blood pressure in middle age, although the contribution of this allele to survival may be less dependent on blood pressure. Hence, the pleiotropic mechanisms by which this intragenic variation contributes to lifespan regulation have to be elucidated.


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Objectives: To explore children's views on microneedle use for this population, particularly as an alternative approach to blood sampling, in monitoring applications, and so, examine the acceptability of this approach to children.

Methods: Focus groups were conducted with children (aged 10-14 years) in a range of schools across Northern Ireland. Convenience sampling was employed, i.e. children involved in a university-directed community-outreach project (Pharmacists in Schools) were recruited.

Key findings: A total of 86 children participated in 13 focus groups across seven schools in Northern Ireland. A widespread disapproval for blood sampling was evident, with pain, blood and traditional needle visualisation particularly unpopular aspects. In general, microneedles had greater visual acceptability and caused less fear. A patch-based design enabled minimal patient awareness of the monitoring procedure, with personalised designs, e.g. cartoon themes, favoured. Children's concerns included possible allergy and potential inaccuracies with this novel approach; however, many had confidence in the judgement of healthcare professionals if deeming this technique appropriate. They considered paediatric patient education critical for acceptance of this new approach and called for an alternative name, without any reference to 'needles'.

Conclusions: The findings presented here support the development of blood-free, minimally invasive techniques and provide an initial indication of microneedle acceptability in children, particularly for monitoring purposes. A proactive response to these unique insights should enable microneedle array design to better meet the needs of this end-user group. Further work in this area is recommended to ascertain the perspectives of a purposive sample of children with chronic conditions who require regular monitoring. © 2013 Royal Pharmaceutical Society.