71 resultados para Progenitor cells


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On the basis of histamine release from rat peritoneal mast cells, an octadecapeptide was isolated from the skin extract of the Northern Leopard frog (Rana pipiens), This peptide was purified to homogeneity using reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography and found to have the following primary structure by Edman degradation and pyridylethylation: LVRGCWTKSYPPKPCFVR, in which Cys(5) and Cys(15) are disulfide bridged. The peptide was named peptide leucine-arginine (pLR), reflecting the N- and C-terminal residues. Molecular modeling predicted that pLR possessed a rigid tertiary loop structure with flexible end regions, pLR was synthesized and elicited rapid, noncytolytic histamine release that had a a-fold greater potency when compared with one of the most active histamine-liberating peptides, namely melittin, pLR was able to permeabilize negatively charged unilamellar lipid vesicles but not neutral vesicles, a finding that was consistent with its nonhemolytic action, pLR inhibited the early development of granulocyte macrophage colonies from bone marrow stem cells but did not induce apoptosis of the end stage granulocytes, i,e. mature neutrophils, pLR therefore displays biological activity with both granulopoietic progenitor cells and mast cells and thus represents a novel bioactive peptide from frog skin.


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Hemopoietic progenitor cells express clustered homeobox (Hox) genes in a pattern characteristic of their lineage and stage of differentiation. In general, HOX expression tends to be higher in more primitive and lower in lineage-committed cells. These trends have led to the hypothesis that self-renewal of hemopoietic stem/progenitor cells is HOX-dependent and that dysregulated HOX expression underlies maintenance of the leukemia-initiating cell. Gene expression profile studies support this hypothesis and specifically highlight the importance of the HOXA cluster in hemopoiesis and leukemogenesis. Within this cluster HOXA6 and HOXA9 are highly expressed in patients with acute myeloid leukemia and form part of the "Hox code" identified in murine models of this disease. We have examined endogenous expression of Hoxa6 and Hoxa9 in purified primary progenitors as well as four growth factor-dependent cell lines FDCP-Mix, EML, 32Dcl3, and Ba/F3, representative of early multipotential and later committed precursor cells respectively. Hoxa6 was consistently higher expressed than Hoxa9, preferentially expressed in primitive cells and was both growth-factor and cell-cycle regulated. Enforced overexpression of HOXA6 or HOXA9 in FDCP-Mix resulted in increased proliferation and colony formation but had negligible effect on differentiation. In both FDCP-Mix and the more committed Ba/F3 precursor cells overexpression of HOXA6 potentiated factor-independent proliferation. These findings demonstrate that Hoxa6 is directly involved in fundamental processes of hemopoietic progenitor cell development.


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Little is known about the origin of basal-like breast cancers, an aggressive disease that is highly similar to BRCA1-mutant breast cancers. p63 family proteins that are structurally related to the p53 suppressor protein are known to function in stem cell regulation and stratified epithelia development in multiple tissues, and p63 expression may be a marker of basal-like breast cancers. Here we report that Delta Np63 isoforms of p63 are transcriptional targets for positive regulation by BRCA1. Our analyses of breast cancer tissue microarrays and BRCA1-modulated breast cancer cell lines do not support earlier reports that p63 is a marker of basal-like or BRCA1 mutant cancers. Nevertheless, we found that BRCA1 interacts with the specific p63 isoform Delta Np63 gamma along with transcription factor isoforms AP-2 alpha and AP-2 gamma. BRCA1 required Delta Np63 gamma and AP-2 gamma to localize to an intronic enhancer region within the p63 gene to upregulate transcription of the Delta Np63 isoforms. In mammary stem/progenitor cells, siRNA- mediated knockdown of Delta Np63 expression resulted in genomic instability, increased cell proliferation, loss of DNA damage checkpoint control, and impaired growth control. Together, our findings establish that transcriptional upregulation of Delta Np63 proteins is critical for BRCA1 suppressor function and that defects in BRCA1-Delta Np63 signaling are key events in the pathogenesis of basal-like breast cancer. Cancer Res; 71( 5); 1933-44. (c) 2011 AACR.


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Lymphocytes have long been established to play an important role in the regulation of hematopoiesis and produce many cytokines that act on hematopoietic progenitor cells. Previous studies by our group have shown that normal, unstimulated lymphocytes produce a protein that inhibits normal bone marrow GM colony formation. Adiponectin is an adipokine that has been demonstrated to act as a negative regulator of hematopoiesis and immune function. This study aimed to determine if the inhibitory molecule that we described previously was adiponectin. Here, we show transcription, translation, and secretion of adiponectin from lymphocytes and demonstrate that its receptors, AdipoR1 and AdipoR2, are expressed by bone marrow MNCs. We show that although the adiponectin expression is low in lymphocytes, it is sufficient to induce a significant inhibitory effect on GM precursors (CFU-GM) and activate the AMPK pathway in these cells. The regulation of adiponectin production by lymphocytes and its detailed function in suppressing GM colony formation need to be elucidated now. Our findings suggest a functional role for adiponectin as a negative regulator of granulopoiesis. J. Leukoc. Biol. 88: 807-811; 2010.


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CCN3, a founding member of the CCN family of growth regulators, was linked with hematology in 2003(1) when it was detected in human serum. CCN3 is expressed and secreted by hematopoietic progenitor cells in normal bone marrow. CCN3 acts through the core stem cell signalling pathways including Notch and Bone Morphogenic Protein, connecting CCN3 with the modulation of self-renewal and maturation of a number of cell lineages including hematopoietic, osteogenic and chondrogenic. CCN3 expression is disrupted in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia as a consequence of the BCR-ABL oncogene and allows the leukemic clone to evade growth regulation. In contrast, naive cord blood progenitors undergo enhanced clonal expansion in response to CCN3. Altered CCN3 expression is associated with numerous solid tumors including glioblastoma, melanoma. adrenocortical tumours, prostate cancer and bone malignancies including osteosarcoma. Mature CCN3 protein has five distinct modules and truncated protein variants with altered function are found in many cancers. Regulation by CCN3 is therefore cell type and isoform specific. CCN3 has emerged as a key player in stem cell regulation, hematopoiesis and a crucial component within the bone marrow microenvironment. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Although the potential role of Pim2 as a cooperative oncogene has been well described in lymphoma, its role in leukemia has remained largely unexplored. Here we show that high expression of Pim2 is observed in patients with acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL). To further characterize the cooperative role of Pim2 with promyelocytic leukemia/retinoic acid receptor alpha (PML/RAR alpha), we used a well-established PML-RAR alpha (PR alpha) mouse model. Pim2 coexpression in PR alpha-positive hematopoietic progenitor cells (HPCs) induces leukemia in recipient mice after a short latency. Pim2-PR alpha cells were able to repopulate mice in serial transplantations and to induce disease in all recipients. Neither Pim2 nor PR alpha alone was sufficient to induce leukemia upon transplantation in this model. The disease induced by Pim2 overexpression in PR alpha cells contained a slightly higher fraction of immature myeloid cells, compared with the previously described APL disease induced by PR alpha. However, it also clearly resembled an APL-like phenotype and showed signs of differentiation upon all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA) treatment in vitro. These results support the hypothesis that Pim2, which is also a known target of Flt3-ITD (another gene that cooperates with PML-RAR alpha), cooperates with PR alpha to induce APL-like disease. (Blood. 2010; 115(22): 4507-4516)


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During early neurodevelopment, asymmetric segregation of Numb in mitotic progenitor cells influences the fate of daughter cells, whereby one daughter retains the progenitor phenotype while the other proceeds along a differentiation pathway. Numb has also been reported to function as a tumor suppressor in breast cancers and medulloblastomas. Given its role in maintaining neural progenitor pools in animal models and its reported role as a tumor suppressor, Numb could potentially contribute to astrocytoma oncogenesis. We characterized Numb expression in both human astrocytoma tissue samples and glioblastoma cell lines. We found that Numb is expressed in all grades of astrocytomas, being predominantly cytoplasmic in higher-grade astrocytomas but nuclear in pilocytic astrocytomas. Numb is also present in normal neurons, but not in normal astrocytes. In cultured glioblastoma cells, Numb concentrates in the perinuclear region and process tips. Numb expression in astrocytomas recapitulates that of progenitor cells during neurodevelopment, and suggests a role for Numb in astrocytoma oncogenesis.


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Endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) have great clinical value because they can be used as diagnostic biomarkers and as a cellular therapy for promoting vascular repair of ischaemic tissues. However, EPCs also have an additional research value in vascular disease modelling to interrogate human disease mechanisms. The term EPC is used to describe a diverse variety of cells, and we have identified a specific EPC subtype called outgrowth endothelial cell (OEC) as the best candidate for vascular disease modelling because of its high-proliferative potential and unambiguous endothelial commitment. OECs are isolated from human blood and can be exposed to pathologic conditions (forward approach) or be isolated from patients (reverse approach) in order to study vascular human disease. The use of OECs for modelling vascular disease will contribute greatly to improving our understanding of endothelial pathogenesis, which will potentially lead to the discovery of novel therapeutic strategies for vascular diseases.


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Myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) is a group of hematopoietic disorders characterized by peripheral cytopenias in the presence of normo- or hypercellular dysplastic marrow. It has been suggested that premature intramedullary apoptosis may contribute to this phenomenon. We used terminal dUTP nick-end labeling (TUNEL) of bone marrow biopsy specimens and cytocentrifuge preparations from patients with MDS and a variety of other hematopoietic disorders to determine whether there is increased intramedullary apoptosis in MDS and whether any such effect is specific to MDS. TUNEL labeling of bone marrow from 24 patients with MDS revealed significant positivity in 10 of 11 patients with refractory anemia (RA), five of seven with RA and excess of blasts (RAEB), all three patients with RAEB in transformation (RAEB-t), and all three patients with RA with ring sideroblasts (RARS). The percent of positive cells ranged from 5 to 50% but showed no apparent correlation with morphological subtype. In a series of 29 patients with acute leukemia, 17 showed significant positivity (13 of 13 with myeloid disease: three M1, seven M2, one M3, two M4; four of 16 patients with lymphoid disease: one Burkitt-type lymphoma, two null acute leukemia, and one common acute lymphoid leukemia). Intramedullary apoptosis was associated with myeloid or early committed progenitor cells and was highest in secondary acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Normal bone marrow samples from 12 individuals showed no evidence of apoptosis. Our results suggest that an increased level of intramedullary apoptosis is apparent in both patients with MDS and those with AML; those with secondary AML have the highest levels. The relative absence of such findings in lymphoid malignancy suggests that the apoptotic pathways are different in this lineage.


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Erythropoietin (Epo), a glycoprotein hormone produced principally in the fetal kidney and in the adult liver in response to hypoxia, is the prime regulator of growth and differentiation in erythroid progenitor cells. The regulation of Epo gene expression is not fully understood, but two mechanisms have been proposed. One involves the participation of a heme protein capable of reversible oxygenation and the other depends on the intracellular concentration of reactive oxygen species (ROS), assumed to be a function of pO2. We have investigated the production of Epo in response to three stimuli, hypoxia, cobalt chloride, and the iron chelator desferrioxamine, in Hep3B cells. As expected, hypoxia caused a marked rise in Epo production. When the cells were exposed to the paired stimuli of hypoxia and cobalt no further increase was found. In contrast, chelation of iron under hypoxic conditions markedly enhanced Epo production, suggesting that the two stimuli act by separate pathways. The addition of carbon monoxide inhibited hypoxia-induced Epo production, independent of desferrioxamine concentration. Taken together these data support the concept that pO2 and ROS are sensed independently.


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Diabetic retinopathy remains the most common complication of diabetes mellitus and is a leading cause of visual loss in industrialized nations. The clinicopathology of the diabetic retina has been extensively studied, although the precise pathogenesis and cellular and molecular defects that lead to retinal vascular, neural and glial cell dysfunction remain somewhat elusive. This lack of understanding has seriously limited the therapeutic options available for the ophthalmologist and there is a need to identify the definitive pathways that initiate retinal cell damage and drive progression to overt retinopathy. The present review begins by outlining the natural history of diabetic retinopathy, the clinical features and risk factors. Reviewing the histopathological data from clinical specimens and animal models, the recent paradigm that neuroretinal dysfunction may play an important role in the early development of the disease is discussed. The review then focuses on the molecular pathogenesis of diabetic retinopathy with perspective provided on new advances that have furthered our understanding of the key mechanisms underlying early changes in the diabetic retina. Studies have also emerged in the past year suggesting that defective repair of injured retinal vessels by endothelial progenitor cells may contribute to the pathogenesis of diabetic retinopathy. We assess these findings and discuss how they could eventually lead to new therapeutic options for diabetic retinopathy.


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Osteosarcoma (OS) is a primary bone tumor that is most prevalent during adolescence. RUNX2, which stimulates differentiation and suppresses proliferation of osteoblasts, is deregulated in OS. Here, we define pathological roles of RUNX2 in the etiology of OS and mechanisms by which RUNX2 expression is stimulated. RUNX2 is often highly expressed in human OS biopsies and cell lines. Small interference RNA (siRNA)-mediated depletion of RUNX2 inhibits growth of U2OS OS cells. RUNX2 levels are inversely linked to loss of p53 (which predisposes to OS) in distinct OS cell lines and osteoblasts. RUNX2 protein levels decrease upon stabilization of p53 with the MDM2 inhibitor Nutlin-3. Elevated RUNX2 protein expression is post-transcriptionally regulated and directly linked to diminished expression of several validated RUNX2 targeting microRNAs (miRNAs) in human OS cells compared to mesenchymal progenitor cells. The p53-dependent miR-34c is the most significantly down-regulated RUNX2 targeting miRNA in OS. Exogenous supplementation of miR-34c markedly decreases RUNX2 protein levels, while 3UTR reporter assays establish RUNX2 as a direct target of miR-34c in OS cells. Importantly, Nutlin-3 mediated stabilization of p53 increases expression of miR-34c and decreases RUNX2. Thus, a novel RUNX2-p53-miR34 network controls cell growth of osseous cells and is compromised in OS.


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Squamous cell carcinoma accounts for 20% of all human lung cancers and is strongly linked to cigarette smoking. It develops through premalignant changes that are characterized by high levels of keratin 14 (K14) expression in the airway epithelium and evolve through basal cell hyperplasia, squamous metaplasia and dysplasia to carcinoma in situ and invasive carcinoma. In order to explore the impact of K14 in the pulmonary epithelium that normally lacks both squamous differentiation and K14 expression, human keratin 14 gene hK14 was constitutively expressed in mouse airway progenitor cells using a mouse Clara cell specific 10 kDa protein (CC10) promoter. While the lungs of CC10-hK14 transgenic mice developed normally, we detected increased expression of K14 and the molecular markers of squamous differentiation program such as involucrin, loricrin, small proline-rich protein 1A, transglutaminase 1 and cholesterol sulfotransferase 2B1. In contrast, wild-type lungs were negative. Aging CC10-hK14 mice revealed multifocal airway cell hyperplasia, occasional squamous metaplasia and their lung tumors displayed evidence for multidirectional differentiation. We conclude that constitutive expression of hK14 initiates squamous differentiation program in the mouse lung, but fails to promote squamous maturation. Our study provides a novel model for assessing the mechanisms of premalignant lesions in vivo by modifying differentiation and proliferation of airway progenitor cells. © The Author 2008. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved.


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The response of granulocyte-macrophage progenitor cells (in vitro colony-forming cells) and of colony-stimulating (CS) factor in serum were studied in mice infected intraperitoneally with 10(3) viable Salmonella typhimurium. Increases in the number of colony-forming cells in marrow and spleen and increases in the serum level of CS factor occurred during the infection. There was no evidence to suggest that progressive infection was associated with failure of macrophage production. Medium rich in CS factor increased the bactericidal activity of macrophages in vitro and it was suggested that CS factor could be involved in macrophage activation.


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Stem and progenitor cells have generated considerable scientific and commercial interest in recent years due to their potential for novel cell therapy for a variety of medical conditions. A highly active research area in the field of regenerative medicine is vascular biology. Blood vessel repair and angiogenesis are key processes with endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) playing a central role. Clinical trials for ischemic conditions, such as myocardial infarction and peripheral arterial disease, have suggested cell therapies to be feasible, safe, and potentially beneficial. Development of efficient methodologies to deliver EPC-based cytotherapies offers new hope for millions of patients with ischemic conditions. Evidence indicates that EPCs, depending on the subtype, mediate angiogenesis through different mechanisms. Differentiation into endothelium and complete integration into damaged vasculature was the first EPC mechanism to be proposed. However, many studies have demonstrated that vasoregulatory paracrine factor secretion by transplanted cells is also important. Many EPC subsets enhance angiogenesis and promote tissue repair by cytokine release without incorporating into the damaged vasculature. Whatever the mechanism, vascular repair and therapeutic angiogenesis using EPCs represent a realistic treatment option and also provides many commercialization opportunities. This review discusses recent advances in the EPC field whilst recounting relevant patents.