87 resultados para Probiotics, Lactobacillus, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Colon, Dextran Sulfate Sodium


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Atherosclerosis has an inflammatory basis, with cytokines, cellular adhesion molecules and pro-inflammatory cells having important roles in the initiation and progression of this process. Interleukin (IL) 6, IL-10 and transforming growth factor (TGF) β have been proposed as important modulators of the atherosclerotic process, with IL-6 having a pro-inflammatory, atherogenic effect and IL-10 and TGF-β having anti-inflammatory, protective roles. The possible role of functional polymorphisms in the promoter regions of the IL-6, IL-10 and TGF-β genes in the susceptibility to ischaemic heart disease (IHD) was investigated in a well-defined Irish population using two recently described family-based tests of association. We genotyped 1,012 individuals from 386 families with at least one member prematurely affected with IHD. Using the combined transmission disequilibrium test (TDT)/sib-TDT and the pedigree disequilibrium test, no association between any of the IL-6 -174G/C, IL-10 -1082G/A and TGF-β -509C/T polymorphisms and IHD was found. Our data demonstrate that, in an Irish population, these polymorphisms are not associated with IHD. © Springer-Verlag 2004.


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OBJECTIVE: Impaired flow-mediated dilation (FMD) occurs in disease states associated with atherosclerosis, including SLE. The primary hemodynamic determinant of FMD is wall shear stress, which is critically dependent on the forearm microcirculation. We explored the relationship between FMD, diastolic shear stress (DSS), and the forearm microcirculation in 32 patients with SLE and 19 controls. METHODS AND RESULTS: DSS was calculated using (mean diastolic velocity x 8 x blood viscosity)/baseline brachial artery diameter. Doppler velocity envelopes from the first 15 seconds of reactive hyperemia were analyzed for resistive index (RI), and interrogated in the frequency domain to assess forearm microvascular hemodynamics. FMD was significantly impaired in SLE patients (median, 2.4%; range, -2.1% to 10.7% versus median 5.8%; range, 1.9% to 14%; P


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AIMS/HYPOTHESIS: To investigate the effect of treatment with the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug Sulindac on the early vascular pathology of diabetic retinopathy in the dog, and it's effect on recognised biochemical indices of hyperglycaemia-related pathophysiology. METHODS: Experimental diabetes (streptozotocin/alloxan) was induced in 22 male beagle dogs and 12 of the animals were assigned at random to receive oral Sulindac (10 mg/kg daily). Age- and sex-matched control animals were maintained as non-diabetic controls. After 4 years, several morphological parameters were quantified in the retinal microvasculature of each animal group using an established stereological method. Also, the following diabetes-associated biochemical parameters were analysed: accumulation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs), red blood cell polyol levels and antioxidant status. RESULTS: Diabetes increased red blood cell sorbitol levels when compared to non-diabetic controls (p<or =0.05), however, there was no difference in sorbitol levels between the untreated and the treated diabetic animals. No significant differences were found in red blood cell myoinositol levels between the three groups of animals. Pentosidine and other AGEs were increased two- to three-fold in the diabetic animals (p<or =0.001) although treatment with Sulindac did not affect their accumulation in diabetic skin collagen or alter diabetes-induced rises in plasma malondialdehyde. Retinal capillary basement membrane volume was significantly increased in the untreated diabetic dogs compared to non-diabetic controls or Sulindac-treated diabetic animals (p<or =0.0001). CONCLUSION/INTERPRETATION: This study has confirmed the beneficial effect of a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug on the early vascular pathology of diabetic retinopathy. However the treatment benefit was not dependent on inhibition of polyol pathway activity, advanced glycation, or oxidative stress.


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The protein components of GCF can be separated by reverse-phase microbore HPLC on a C18 column with detection on the basis of 214 nm absorbance. A single major symmetrical protein peak eluting with a retention time of 26 min (50% acetonitrile) was evident in gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) from periodontitis patients but not in healthy GCF. This protein was identified as human MRP-8 by N-terminal amino acid sequencing and liquid chromatography quadropole mass spectrometry.


To quantify the amount of MRP-8 detectable in GCF from individual healthy, gingivitis and periodontitis affected sites and to study the relationship, if any, between the levels of this responsive protein and periodontal health and disease.


GCF was sampled (30 s) from healthy, gingivitis, and periodontitis sites in peridontitis subjects (n=15) and from controls (n=5) with clinically healthy gingiva and no periodontitis. Purified MRP-8 was sequenced by Edmann degradation and the phenylthiohydantoin (PTH) amino acid yield determined (by comparison of peak area with external PTH amino acid standards). This value was subsequently used to calculate the relative amount of protein in the peak eluting with a retention time of 26.0 min (MRP-8) in individual GCF chromatograms.


Higher levels of MRP-8 were detected in inflammatory sites: periodontitis 457.0 (281.0) ng; gingivitis 413.5 (394.5) ng compared with periodontally healthy sites in diseased subjects 14.6 (14.3) ng and in controls 18.6 (18.5) ng, p=0.003. There was at least 20-fold more MRP-8 in the inflammatory compared with the healthy sites studied.


The preliminary data indicate that MRP-8 is present in GCF, with significantly greater amounts present at diseased than healthy sites. A systematic study of the relationship of this protein to periodontal disease could prove useful in further clarifying whether MRP-8 could be a reliable GCF biomarker of gingivitis and periodontitis.


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BACKGROUND: Deposition of beta-amyloid in the brains of patients with Alzheimer's disease is thought to precede a chain of events that leads to an inflammatory response by the brain. We postulated that genetic variation in the regulatory region of the gene for the proinflammatory cytokine tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) leads to increased risk of Alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia. METHODS: A polymorphism in the regulatory region of the TNF-alpha gene was analysed in a case-control study. The polymorphism (C-850T) was typed in 242 patients with sporadic Alzheimer's disease, 81 patients with vascular dementia, 61 stroke patients without dementia, and 235 normal controls. These groups of individuals were also genotyped for the apolipoprotein E polymorphism, and the vascular dementia and stroke groups were typed at the HLA-DR locus. FINDINGS: The distribution of TNF-alpha genotypes in the vascular dementia group differed significantly from that in the stroke and normal control groups, giving an odds ratio of 2.51 (95% CI 1.49-4.21) for the development of vascular dementia for individuals with a CT or TT genotype. Logistic regression analysis indicated that the possession of the T allele significantly increased the risk of Alzheimer's disease associated with carriage of the apolipoprotein E epsilon4 allele (odds ratio 2.73 [1.68-4.44] for those with apolipoprotein E epsilon4 but no TNF-alpha T, vs 4.62 [2.38-8.96] for those with apolipoprotein E epsilon4 and TNF-alpha T; p=0.03). INTERPRETATION: Possession of the TNF-alpha T allele significantly increases the risk of vascular dementia, and increases the risk of Alzheimer's disease associated with apolipoprotein E. Although further research is needed, these findings suggest a potential role for anti-inflammatory therapy in vascular dementia and Alzheimer's disease, and perhaps especially in patients who have had a stroke.


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Purpose: To investigate the association of cardiovascular risk factors and inflammatory markers with neovascular age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Design: Cross-sectional case-control study. Participants: Of the 410 of the =65-year-old community sample invited to attend, 205 participated (50% response rate). Of the 215 clinic attendees who were invited to participate, 212 agreed to take part (98% response rate). A diagnosis of neovascular AMD in at least one eye was made in 193 clinic attendees and 2 of the community sample. Methods: Clinic and community participants underwent a detailed ophthalmic examination with fundus imaging, were interviewed for assessment of putative risk factors, and provided a blood sample. Analysis included levels of serum lipids, intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM), vascular cellular adhesion molecule (VCAM), and C-reactive protein (CRP). All participants were classified by fundus image grading on the basis of the eye with more severe AMD features. Main Outcome Measure: Neovascular AMD. Results: There were 195 participants with choroidal neovascularization in at least one eye, 97 nonneovascular AMD participants, and 115 controls (no drusen or pigmentary irregularities in either eye). In confounder-adjusted logistic regression, a history of cardiovascular disease was strongly associated with neovascular AMD (odds ratio [OR], 7.53; 95% confidence interval [CI], 2.78-20.41). Cigarette smoking (OR, 3.71; 95% CI, 1.25-11.06), being in the highest quartile of body mass index (OR, 3.82; 95% CI, 1.22-12.01), stage 2 hypertension (OR, 3.21; 95% CI, 1.14-8.98), and being in the highest quartile of serum cholesterol (OR, 4.66; 95% CI, 1.35-16.13) were positively associated with neovascular AMD. There was no association between AMD status and serum CRP, ICAM, or VCAM. Conclusions: Our results suggest that cardiovascular disease plays an etiological role in the development of choroidal neovascularization in a proportion of older adults and highlight the importance of control of blood pressure and cholesterol, avoidance of smoking, and maintenance of a normal body weight. © 2008 American Academy of Ophthalmology.


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Allergic asthma is a complex immunologically mediated disease associated with increased oxidative stress and altered antioxidant defenses. It was hypothesized that a-tocopherol (a-T) decreases oxidative stress and therefore its absence may influence allergic inflammatory process, a pathobiology known to be accompanied by oxidative stress. Therefore, selected parameters of allergic asthma sensitization and inflammation were evaluated following ovalbumin sensitization and re-challenge of a-T transfer protein (TTP) knock-out mice (TTP-/-) that have greatly reduced lung a-T levels (e.g.


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The human colonic microbiota imparts metabolic versatility on the colon, interacts at many levels in healthy intestinal and systemic metabolism, and plays protective roles in chronic disease and acute infection. Colonic bacterial metabolism is largely dependant on dietary residues from the upper gut. Carbohydrates, resistant to digestion, drive colonic bacterial fermentation and the resulting end products are considered beneficial. Many colonic species ferment proteins but the end products are not always beneficial and include toxic compounds, such as amines and phenols. Most components of a typical Western diet are heat processed. The Maillard reaction, involving food protein and sugar, is a complex network of reactions occurring during thermal processing. The resultant modified protein resists digestion in the small intestine but is available for colonic bacterial fermentation. Little is known about the fate of the modified protein but some Maillard reaction products (MRP) are biologically active by, e.g. altering bacterial population levels within the colon or, upon absorption, interacting with human disease mechanisms by induction of inflammatory responses. This review presents current understanding of the interactions between MRP and intestinal bacteria. Recent scientific advances offering the possibility of elucidating the consequences of microbe-MRP interactions within the gut are discussed.


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The retina is exposed to a lifetime of potentially damaging environmental and physiological factors that make the component cells exquisitely sensitive to age-related processes. Retinal ageing is complex and a raft of abnormalities can accumulate in all layers of the retina. Some of this pathology serves as a sinister preamble to serious conditions such as age-related macular degeneration (AMD) which remains the leading cause of irreversible blindness in the Western world.

The formation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs) is a natural function of ageing but accumulation of these adducts also represents a key pathophysiological event in a range of important human diseases. AGEs act as mediators of neurodegeneration, induce irreversible changes in the extracellular matrix, vascular dysfunction and pro-inflammatory signalling. Since many cells and tissues of the eye are profoundly influenced by such processes, it is fitting that advanced glycation is now receiving considerable attention as a possible pathogenic factor in visual disorders.

This review presents the current evidence for a pathogenic role for AGEs and activation of the receptor for AGEs (RAGE) in initiation and progression of retinal disease. It draws upon the clinical and experimental literature and highlights the opportunities for further research that would definitively establish these adducts as important instigators of retinal disease. The therapeutic potential for novel agents that can ameliorate AGE formation of attenuate RAGE signalling in the retina is also discussed.


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The heterodimeric cytokine IL-23 plays a non-redundant function in the development of cell-mediated, organspecific autoimmune diseases such as experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE). To further characterize the mechanisms of action of IL-23 in autoimmune inflammation, we administered IL-23 systemically at different time points during both relapsing and chronic EAE. Surprisingly, we found suppression of disease in all treatment protocols. We observed a reduction in the number of activated macrophages and microglia in the CNS, while T cell infiltration was not significantly affected. Disease suppression correlated with reduced expansion of myelin-reactive T cells, loss of T-bet expression, loss of lymphoid structures, and increased production of IL-6 and IL-4. Here we describe an unexpected function of exogenous IL-23 in limiting the scope and extent of organ-specific autoimmunity.


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Red meat is long established as an important dietary source of protein and essential nutrients including iron, zinc and vitamin B12, yet recent reports that its consumption may increase the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and colon cancer have led to a negative perception of the role of red meat in health. The aim of this paper is to review existing literature for both the risks and benefits of red meat consumption, focusing on case-control and prospective studies. Despite many studies reporting an association between red meat and the risk of CVD and colon cancer, several methodological limitations and inconsistencies were identified which may impact on the validity of their findings. Overall, there is no strong evidence to support the recent conclusion from the World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) report that red meat has a convincing role to play in colon cancer. A substantial amount of evidence supports the role of lean red meat as a positive moderator of lipid profiles with recent Studies identifying it as a dietary source of the anti-inflammatory long chain (LC) n-3 PUFAs and conjugated linoleic acid (CIA). In conclusion. moderate consumption of lean red meat as part of a balanced diet is unlikely to increase risk for CVD or colon cancer, but may positively influence nutrient intakes and fatty acid profiles, thereby impacting positively on long-term health. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved


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The ankle joint is frequently involved in juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA), but it is unclear whether this is predominantly due to synovitis, tenosynovitis, or both. We performed clinic-based ultrasound examination to assess the prevalence of synovitis and tenosynovitis in children with JIA felt clinically to have active inflammatory disease of the ankle.


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Purpose: Current prognostic factors are poor at identifying patients at risk of disease recurrence after surgery for stage II colon cancer. Here we describe a DNA microarray-based prognostic assay using clinically relevant formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) samples. Patients and Methods: A gene signature was developed from a balanced set of 73 patients with recurrent disease (high risk) and 142 patients with no recurrence (low risk) within 5 years of surgery. Results: The 634-probe set signature identified high-risk patients with a hazard ratio (HR) of 2.62 (P <.001) during cross validation of the training set. In an independent validation set of 144 samples, the signature identified high-risk patients with an HR of 2.53 (P <.001) for recurrence and an HR of 2.21 (P = .0084) for cancer-related death. Additionally, the signature was shown to perform independently from known prognostic factors (P <.001). Conclusion: This gene signature represents a novel prognostic biomarker for patients with stage II colon cancer that can be applied to FFPE tumor samples. © 2011 by American Society of Clinical Oncology.