92 resultados para Output currents


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Public support for private R&D and innovation is part of most national and regional innovation support regimes. In this article, we estimate the effect of public innovation support on innovation outputs in Ireland and Northern Ireland. Three dimensions of output additionality are considered: extensive additionality, in which public support encourages a larger proportion of the population of firms to innovate; improved product additionality, in which there is an increase in the average importance of incremental innovation; new product additionality, in which there is an increase in the average importance of more radical innovation. Using an instrumental variable approach, our results are generally positive, with public support for innovation having positive, and generally significant, extensive, improved and new product additionality effects. These results hold both for all plants and indigenously owned plants, a specific target of policy in both jurisdictions. The suggestion is that grant aid to firms can be effective in both encouraging firms to initiate new innovation and improve the quality and sophistication of their innovation activity. Our results also emphasize the importance for innovation of in-house R&D, supply-chain linkages, skill levels and capital investment, all of which may be the focus of complementary policy initiatives.


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Schistosomes are amongst the most important and neglected pathogens in the world, and schistosomiasis control relies almost exclusively on a single drug. The neuromuscular system of schistosomes is fertile ground for therapeutic intervention, yet the details of physiological events involved in neuromuscular function remain largely unknown. Short amidated neuropeptides, FMRFamide-like peptides (FLPs), are distributed abundantly throughout the nervous system of every flatworm examined and they produce potent myoexcitation. Our goal here was to determine the mechanism by which FLPs elicit contractions of schistosome muscle fibers. Contraction studies showed that the FLP Tyr-Ile-Arg-Phe-amide (YIRFamide) contracts the muscle fibers through a mechanism that requires Ca2+ influx through sarcolemmal voltage operated Ca2+ channels (VOCCs), as the contractions are inhibited by classical VOCC blockers nicardipine, verapamil and methoxyverapamil. Whole-cell patch-clamp experiments revealed that inward currents through VOCCs are significantly and reversibly enhanced by the application of 1 µM YIRFamide; the sustained inward currents were increased to 190% of controls and the peak currents were increased to 180%. In order to examine the biochemical link between the FLP receptor and the VOCCs, PKC inhibitors calphostin C, RO 31–8220 and chelerythrine were tested and all produced concentration dependent block of the contractions elicited by 1 µM YIRFamide. Taken together, the data show that FLPs elicit contractions by enhancing Ca2+ influx through VOCC currents using a PKC-dependent pathway.


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The authors use a growth accounting framework to examine growth of the rapidly developing Chinese economy. Their findings support the view that, although feasible in the intermediate term, China's recent pattern of extensive growth is not sustainable in the long run. The authors believe that China will be able to sustain a growth rate of 8 to 9 percent for an extended period if it moves from extensive to intensive growth. They next compare potential growth in China with historical developments in the United States and the European Union. They discuss the differences in production structure and level of development across the three economies that may explain the countries' varied intermediate-term growth prospects. Finally, the authors provide an analysis of "green" gross domestic product and the role of natural resources in China's growth. © 2009, The Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.


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A significant part of the literature on input-output (IO) analysis is dedicated to the development and application of methodologies forecasting and updating technology coefficients and multipliers. Prominent among such techniques is the RAS method, while more information demanding econometric methods, as well as other less promising ones, have been proposed. However, there has been little interest expressed in the use of more modern and often more innovative methods, such as neural networks in IO analysis in general. This study constructs, proposes and applies a Backpropagation Neural Network (BPN) with the purpose of forecasting IO technology coefficients and subsequently multipliers. The RAS method is also applied on the same set of UK IO tables, and the discussion of results of both methods is accompanied by a comparative analysis. The results show that the BPN offers a valid alternative way of IO technology forecasting and many forecasts were more accurate using this method. Overall, however, the RAS method outperformed the BPN but the difference is rather small to be systematic and there are further ways to improve the performance of the BPN.


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Recent landmark experiments have demonstrated how quantum mechanical impurities can be created within strongly correlated quantum gases and used to probe the coherence properties of these systems. Here we present a theoretical model to simulate such an output coupler for a Tonks- Girardeau gas that shows excellent agreement with the experimental results for atom transport and output coupling. The solid theoretical basis our model provides allows us to explore non-equilibrium transport phenomena in ultra-cold quantum gases and leads us to predict a regime of atom blockade, where the impurity component becomes localised in the parent cloud despite the presence of gravity. We show that this provides a stable mixed-species quantum gas in the strongly correlated limit.


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The interaction of an ultraintense laser pulse with a conical target is studied by means of numerical particle-in-cell simulations in the context of fast ignition. The divergence of the fast electron beam generated at the tip of the cone has been shown to be a crucial parameter for the efficient coupling of the ignition laser pulse to the precompressed fusion pellet. In this paper, we demonstrate that a focused hot electron beam is produced at the cone tip, provided that electron currents flowing along the surfaces of the cone sidewalls are efficiently generated. The influence of various interaction parameters over the formation of these wall currents is investigated. It is found that the strength of the electron flows is enhanced for high laser intensities, low density targets, and steep density gradients inside the cone. The hot electron energy distribution obeys a power law for energies of up to a few MeV, with the addition of a high-energy Maxwellian tail.


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Recent cold winters and prolonged periods of low wind speeds have prompted concerns about the increasing penetration of wind generation in the Irish and other northern European power systems. On the combined Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland system there was in excess of 1.5 GW of installed wind power in January 2010. As the penetration of these variable, non-dispatchable generators increases, power systems are becoming more sensitive to weather events on the supply side as well as on the demand side. In the temperate climate of Ireland, sensitivity of supply to weather is mainly due to wind variability while demand sensitivity is driven by space heating or cooling loads. The interplay of these two weather-driven effects is of particular concern if demand spikes driven by low temperatures coincide with periods of low winds. In December 2009 and January 2010 Ireland experienced a prolonged spell of unusually cold conditions. During much of this time, wind generation output was low due to low wind speeds. The impacts of this event are presented as a case study of the effects of weather extremes on power systems with high penetrations of variable renewable generation.


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Voltage-sensitive ionic currents were identified and characterised in ventricular myocytes of the bivalve mollusc, Mytilus edulis, using the whole-cell patch-clamp technique. Two outward currents could be distinguished. A potassium A current (I-A) activated at - 30 mV from a holding potential of - 60 mV. This transient current was inactivated by holding the cells at a potential of - 40 mV and was also blocked by applying 4-aminopyridine (3 mM) to the external bath solution. A second current was identified as a delayed rectifier (I-K). This also activated at - 30 mV but exhibited a sustained time course and was still activated at a holding potential of - 40 mV. Both outward currents were reduced in the presence of tetraethylammonium ions (30 mM). A small number of heart cells also showed an inward sodium current (I-Na). This current appeared at potentials more positive than - 50 mV, reached a maximum at - 20 mV, and decreased with further depolarisation. I-Na was inactivated at a holding potential of - 40 mV and was blocked by tetrodotoxin (1 mu M). A second inward current had a sustained time course and was not inactivated by holding the cell at a potential of -40 mV, and was also not abolished by tetrodotoxin. This current peaked at 0 mV, decreasing with further depolarisation. Furthermore, it was enhanced by the addition of barium ions (3 mM) to the bath and was blocked by external cobalt (2 mM) or nifedipine (15 mu M) These findings are consistent with this being an L-type calcium current (I-Ca) The possible physiological roles of these currents in M. edulis heart are discussed. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.


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AND logic gate behaviour can be recognized in chemical-responsive luminescence phenomena concerning small molecules. Though initial developments concerned separate and distinguishable chemical species as inputs, consideration of other types of input sets allows substantial expansion of the sub-field. Dissection of these molecular devices into modules, where possible, enables analysis of their logic behaviour according to supramolecular photochemical mechanisms.


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We have studied the effect of prepulses in enhancing the efficiency of generating ASE beams in soft X-ray laser plasma amplifiers based on pumping Ne-like ions, Slab targets were irradiated with a weak prepulse followed by a main plasma heating pulse of nanosecond duration, Time-integrated; time and spectrally resolved and time and angularly resolved lasing emissions on the 3p-3s (J=0-1) XUV lasing lines of Ne-like Ni, Cu and Zn at wavelengths 232 Angstrom 221 Angstrom and 212 Angstrom respectively have been monitored. Measurements were made for pre-pulse/main-pulse intensity ratios from 10(-5)-10(-1) and for pump delay times of 2 ns and 4.5 ns. Zinc is shown to exhibit a peak in output intensity at similar to 2x10(-3) pre-pulse fraction for a 4.5 ns pump delay, with a main pulse pump intensity of similar to 1.3x10(13) W cm(-2) on a 20 mm target. The Zn lasing emission had a duration of similar to 240 ps and this was insensitive to prepulse fraction. The J=0-1 XUV laser output for nickel and copper increased monotonically with prepulse fraction, with copper targets showing least sensitivity to either prepulse level or prepulse to main pulse delay. Under the conditions of the study, the pre-pulse level was observed to haveno significant influence on the output intensity of the 3p-3s (J=2-1) lines of any of the elements investigated.


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We report on measurements of the saturated single frequency output of a Ge XXIII x-ray laser on the J=0-->1 transition at 19.6 nm from a refraction compensating double target driven by 150 J of energy from 75-ps Nd-glass laser pulses. The 19.6-nm line completely dominated the laser output. The output energy was measured to be 0.9 mJ in a beam of 6.6x30 mrad(2) divergence, corresponding to a conversion efficiency of 6 x 10(-6).


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Amplification of spontaneous emission at 23.6 nm has been studied in a Ge plasma heated by a 1 TW, 1.06 mum wavelength, laser pulse. The exponent of the axial gain reached 21 in a geometry with Fresnel number less-than-or-equal-to 1. Two plasma columns were produced by irradiation of slab targets up to a combined length of 3.6 cm. A narrow band XUV mirror allowed double pass amplification. Saturation of ASE output at 23.6 nm was observed as a change from exponential to linear growth of the output with plasma length. Further evidence of the effect was provided by a decline in the ratio of the output at 23.6 nm to that at 23.2 nm from approximately 1.6: 1 to approximately 0.5: 1, the latter being the theoretically predicted value for saturated operation. The onset of saturation at gL almost-equal-to 15 is consistent with model calculations. The beam divergence was about 8x diffraction limited with a brightness estimated at almost-equal-to 10(14) W/cm2/ster.