47 resultados para Orthodontic mini-implants
Objectives: To determine the prevalence of untreated carious lesions in permanent teeth in patients (under the age of 18) referred for an orthodontic assessment in specialist practice. In addition, the figures shall be compared with national data for Northern Ireland (as outlined in the recent Child Dental Health Survey 2013)
The Gold standard would be that 100% of patients would be caries free upon presentation.
Methods: The clinical records and radiographs (OPT of quality grading 1 or 2) of 337 patients were reviewed. This encompassed patients who had an orthodontic assessment carried out in specialist practice over a 6 month period (following referral from their general dental practitioner)
Results: A total of 337 patient records were examined. Of these, 149 were male (44.2%) and 188 were female (55.8%), with an age range of 7-17 years at the time of new patient assessment. It was found that 36 patients (10.7%) had evidence (clinical and/or radiographic) of active and untreated dental caries. Of those affected, 14 were male and 22 were female.
Breaking the data down in terms of age, we can also get some indication as to how this cohort compares with national data for Northern Ireland :⃰
7-10 years (Mean = 9.3) = 14.3% caries (versus NI average of 6% for 8 year olds)
11-13 years (Mean = 12.1) = 10.1% caries, (versus NI average of 16% for 12 year olds)
14-17 years (Mean = 15.2) = 9.1% caries (versus NI average of 15% for 15 year olds)
⃰using the diagnostic threshold “Decay into dentine (visual dentine caries excluded)”
Conclusion: In this sample group, a total of 10.7% of patients (9.4% of males, 11.7% of females) presented with evidence of undiagnosed caries upon being assessed as a new patient in specialist orthodontic practice. Hence, the gold standard was not met.